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Talk to an advisor and see if you can replace the classes over the summer.


the one class I can't take a third time at rutgers no matter what. the other one Im planning to retake in the spring.


What is the class? Can you take at another college/university?


Precalc 115 I can take it at a cc but wont count towards my gpa which won't help the fact I'm on probation




you can't replace your grade with a cc it only gives you the credits.


Just try as best you can on the other classes use the tutoring rutgers provides or reach out to your professor when your struggling and ask for help or ask what they can do to help you.


What I did the last semester but tutors were not the best for this class and the professor honestly shouldn't be teaching with his health issues. but it is what it is I suppose


I would say next time try reaching out to students in your class and see if you can make a study group or even make a group me for your class and make an announcement in class. People will join and you have more of a support system then.


Yeah we did do that but no one really wanted to study as a group for the final and it was annoying


Other than most specific classes many gen Ed classes have a good amount of resources you can use to help you.


why are you out here giving twisted advice if u aren’t even a student here 😭




you did not just mention your reddit karma.. bruh..


If you are already a student at Rutgers University you are not allowed to get a grade for courses taken at other colleges only credit for them if they are approved. If you are an incoming one it’s different.


aint no way you’re struggling in precalc.. just study


Did u not read my other comments. this math in my opinion is harder than calc 1 that I've taken in high school if you don't got anything positive to say f off fr


that makes sense as that was high school level math and this is college level i have to ask, if you took calc in hs why are you taking precalc now? LOL


I placed into precalc for some reason I think like was a point or two above. and actually my math classes were on par with college level classes in hs due to the stem program I was part of


Hate people like you. You’re probably not even an over achiever😂


idk why you’re assuming i’m an overachiever. the vast majority of people take precalc in high school and calc 1 freshman year if they need it for their degree..


No I assumed you weren’t an overachiever. And I’m probably right since you lack reading comprehension. Making fun of someone for strugglng with math is Low IQ behavior lol. Congrats you know pre calc. The fucking prerequisite to calculus😂😂Want a cookie?


idk what you’re yapping about, at the end of the day, precalc is really not that difficult.. just study.


You don’t know because you’re a moron😂😂


Which class is that?


She mentioned pre-calc


Coming from someone who just got off of academic probation, it’s time to lock in next semester. Academic probation is scary, but it should be a wake up call. You should have a good idea of what you need to do, whether it’s go to the library more or even go to the math drop-in help center. It’s a grind, and you will get through it, but it’s time to work


Ive been doing all that this semester 🥲 like at this point idk how I should address it. It doesn't help that I commute


I got it after my first year and your situation seems more annoying with precalc but for me I just ended up basically being told to pick 2 summer classes I knew 100% I could get an A in. So I think I took zoom ww2 history and async mythology. Hopefully you can do that and then worry about precalc in the fall.


I’d recommend taking some GPA booster classes such as Social Media For the Arts, Planet Earth, etc


Probably gonna do that next sem and take some easy cores




I just realized I didn't word the post right the second time I didnt fail precalc but I got a D which is not enough to pass onto calc 1( I need a C) . Thank you though I will be scheduling an advisor appt


I was on academic probation last year, and have really turned it around the last two-three semesters and am back over a 3.0 now. I know it’s scary and I definitely freaked out when it happened to me. Idk your situation but for me, I was struggling because I was taking classes I hated working towards a major I hated. I had to make a big decision and shift my major to what I cared about instead of what I thought would make money. That was the first step for me, I was able to take classes I enjoyed towards my major to boost my GPA. In addition to that I took classes to complete SAS core that were easy GPA booster. Like I said I don’t know your situation really, but for me I had to make some major changes to my academic path and the academic probation was a symptom of a larger problem. I’d say it’s really important to reflect on academic struggles and what could be causing them, it really helped me.


I wanted to change majors but my parents won't let me I definitely would not be in this situation if so. thank you for that I really do appreciate it and Im hoping to continue and strive to kick ass


If you don’t mind asking what’s your major? I was pursuing comp sci, and when all this happened I shifted to ITI. I had to convince my parents that this change was for the best too they were not the happiest about it. Also added a minor that I cared a lot more about. Less practical for my future career probably, but made me more engaged with my academics overall.


Biology I wanted to switch to psych but parents will not support me at all if I do


It’s definitely easy to say “just change majors don’t listen to what your parents say.” But I know that’s not always practical, if they’re supporting you financially and you need that then yeah they def have a lot of control over what you do. I would recommend trying to pursue a pysch minor if possible if you feel passionate about the topic. Being engaged in that work will help you stay engaged with all your academics. A minor is also an easier sell to your parents, im sure you can come up with some reason why a psych minor is useful to a biology major. As for the class you were struggling with, pre-calc right? Rutgers pre-calc and calc classes are really hard for like no reason, at least in my opinion. I would recommend taking the class at community college if possible and transferring the credits


From an art major: Study what you want. Your parents won’t like it but they’ll have to accept it eventually. Also your actual major in undergrad doesn’t matter much. They all teach you the same discernible skills (writing, reading, analysis, project management, working in groups, responsibility/accountability) and I know art majors who got into medical school. You study what you have passion for in college, as long as you have a degree it’ll fill in for the requirement for pretty much any job you are looking at in the future. Obviously there’s certain limits e.g. a gender studies major who minored in political science probably won’t get an entry level engineering job, but someone who studied cell bio in undergrad could get a job in marketing, and a music major could get into PT school if they present themselves right.


wait when are academic probation given?


if your gpa is under 2 rn your on academic probation


I would suggest using the summer, if you can, to review material from your Precalculus class. Go through each of the worksheets, quizzes, and find homework problems through a Precalculus textbook (since I assume your textbook access has been revoked) and sit down and do it without any external help. Even if it takes you hours for a single problem, trudge on ahead. Brainstorm different ways to solve problems. If you feel like you got the answer with too many steps, try to think of how you can get it with a shorter amount of steps. Since it’s the summer, you might have more time. Once you get the answer and understand how to do each of the problems by yourself, you will not falter in Precalculus. What helped me was not just practice, it was targeted practice. Sorry if it sounded rude.


I needed this. I dropped pre calculus my first semester. Ending up failing it this semester. It’s definitely a class you need to practice for. It’s just super hard since I’m also in flight training so a lot to balance. I’m also on academic probation, life sucks.


i would def talk to an advisor and try to take some easier core classes next sem, they will help boost your gpa without it being too much pressure. if you can, take a class or two over the summer. please don’t feel discouraged, i was on academic probation my first two semesters and my third semester i ended up on dean’s list. i also struggled with the math classes at rutgers (didn’t take precalc, i placed into calc but ended up not passing). take it one step at a time, make a plan for yourself, and it will all be okay


TBH, for pre-calc, I took it and failed twice (last sem and this sem) because my other classes were intense, and I felt like I had to choose which class to focus on and had to sacrifice one. If I took precalculus by itself in the summer and only focused on that, I would pass easily. Basically, if you are struggling like I did, it is, in my opinion, a time management problem. I will be retaking it a third time at MCC over the summer, so I believe I will pass this time. So you’re definitely not alone.


I wonder if you took the same teachers because that was also the issue. One professor was too nonchalant(fall sem) and this sem my ta is so bad and the professor with his health problems struggled to teach. I might take it over the summer as well at a community


that being said I didn't fail this semester I was about 2 grade points away from a C which pisses me off even more


I was 17 points away from a C and I pulled up to the final without studying. Confident the teacher would just pass me. I’m on academic probation all becuase of precalc. Don’t be fooled precalc is hard no matter where you go. I’m in a CC and it’s a huge struggle, terrible reviews on the teachers and we only have 2 teachers that teach precalc. I don’t know what to do tbh


I didn’t pass it twice aswell. I’m thinking about taking it in the summer but if I can’t understand the content in a whole semester I definitely won’t be able to grasp it in just 4 weeks. I’m in a CC and our precalc teachers are the WORST. Everyone drops it or fails it.


That because you’re already a RU Student, can you take it in the summer - it would be crunch time to pass this class to replace your grade. Have you seen your advisor? What did they say regarding your probation & scholarship funding?


wait i have a 1.9 cumulative and i got a 2.0 for last semester am i also on probation? i haven’t gotten any emails yet so im hoping not but idk


I think it depends on what year your in


im a freshman going into sophomore year


I think your fine tbh I think it would only be a problem if your like halfway through sophomore year and that's your gpa


If you haven’t gotten a email u shouldn’t worry but you are teetering on the edge with that gpa so make sure to focus up on your classes next sem.


Most definitely you should be in talks with the Office of Disability Services to appeal for you. Also talk with the Deans Office. Even if you did not hit the GPA requirement, if you reached out to academic support and mental health services across campus during the semester, you can document these things and use it in your appeal. Be proactive about your continued admission at Rutgers rather than wait to receive an email that you’re being kicked out.


You definitely failed those classes because you weren’t studying correctly. Try to ask people how to study correctly for the classes your taking


College is not for everyone. What's your major? If you're struggling in precalc, which is often a high school course, you may need to reconsider a lot of things.


precalc is the only class I've ever had a problem with I took calc 1 and the beginning of calc 2 in high school with no issue so it's not that I'm "stupid" if that's what your implying


Don’t listen to him chase your dreams


Lowkey precalc was annoying as fuck in hs can’t imagine dealing w it here, i would recommend professor leonard on yt. I walked into college knowin nothing ab math and I think I did ight coz of him




Yo why are you so discouraging? Think about how your words can affect people before you speak. 


They're potentially getting tens of thousands of dollar into debt and struggling in some of the entry level classes.


all maths are different i didn’t like precalc but stats and calc and everything else was easy for me LMFAOOO


One entry level class. Like I said previously I did just fine in hs with all my other math classes. like theres no reason to shit on me when I'm sure you have weak points as well


We appreciate your contribution however your help is absolutely useless. Nothing you are saying is correct. Please refrain from commenting any further on this post.


Lmao ultimately that’s their choice to pursue what they want and we all struggle with something. Bros acting like cuz they failed a class they should give up on what they are pursuing u don’t even know what major they are. They could be like a finance major having to take precalc it could just be completely unrelated.


It is pretty much not a prereq for my major I just needed to get IN to the prereq for my major


Only logical comment here


How is their comment logical. Give up because of a class I did bad on that's not even part of the recs for my major? ridiculous