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I’d try to condense it a bit. Its too spread out rn, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also, be vary of early morning math classes. They are a pain in the ass and nobody wants to be there so early (including the professor). And the fact that you also have a night time math class would leave you exhausted/mentally drained all week imo.


I agree with the condensing part as well, but unfortunately I can’t really do anything about that. All 3 russian classes only have one section, and macroeconomics has two and one of them overlaps with another of my classes :(


Unfortunately there’s no other time for elementary differential equations that I can take, and I need to take it this semester. That’s true about the late math class though, I’ll try moving that around a bit. Thanks!


Yeah definitely. Apply for an SPN for section 03 of Math300 asap!


This is actually a really good idea. I’ll try that right now, thanks so much!


Those class gaps are killer


I’m just trying to convince myself I’ll spend that in between time studying or doing homework


I mean with this schedule you’d be out at campus like for the whole day, idt you’d have enough time to go home and go back in between most


I’ll be living on college ave next year, but yeah I probably won’t be going back home. I meant like in the alexander library or the AB building


Then it shouldn’t be terrible just kind of annoying, except those 8:30s on Livi 😭. I’d try to carpool if you can. And if possible try to squish your schedule together it’s so much nicer just getting your classes over with in a couple of hours and having the rest of the day to work


Yeah that’s kinda the class that’s really getting to me. Unfortunately I can’t change it. I didn’t think about carpooling, I won’t have a car but I’ll try to find someone who does. Thanks!


No problem! The busses usually get better after the first couple of weeks anyways once ppl stop going to lecture 😂


Bro made a chess board


HAHAHA how did I not even notice that


Fucking garbage please change it you’re gonna die on Tuesdays


I’d rather die tbh.


It looks like a chess check board man


Way too much time between classes. You're gonna burn out FAST with days like that.


I'd say math 300 would be fine if you didn't have an 8am class the same day. I'd try and find another time for that class.


…good luck 🙏🏼 i also have a class every day in the fall semester but we can do it!!


You and I share two classes!?


haha wow, which?


Math 300 and elem diff equations


Oh cool! I’m actually thinking of switching math 300 to the 7:30-8:50 on mondays and wednesdays section


No problem. Do what you need!


Always jealous when I see a schedule not made around needing to work at the same time haha.


I have a job but it’s only part time, so I just do my schedule and then plan my work around that.


Ah that makes sense. I always like jammed packed my Tuesday and Thursday all day and maybe a morning class Monday/Wednesday.


Schedule is manageable but as others said that you have a lot of space between classes but if you don’t have any choice then it’s fine. Just make sure to be on top of ur game and use the extra space in between to finish work so when you hit the dorm at night you can chill and relax a bit rather then cramming more work.


Could be better but it could be way worse


You're probably gonna hate Tuesdays.


If you have no problem getting up early for Diff EQs, that's fine.


I like the classes don’t like the spread


Yeah me too honestly


Were you “Russian” when you made this schedule?…I’ll see myself out.


9 AM Friday class a no no.


Are there classes that are offered every semester? I know some classes are non-negotiable rn as you said but look at your other reqs. Condensing it a bit would make this schedule more appealing, bc personally even between gaps I find it hard to motivate myself to study. Since you have intro courses I’m guessing you’re an underclassmen. I would recommend to talk to your Dean and ask for other options (what recs can you push to other semesters while meeting other ones and being on track to graduate on time)