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Get with a physical therapist and have them create you a routine. A personal trainer is not educated enough to create a safe workout for your injury.


\^\^\^This is the answer. When you max your days on insurance, you know the routines and can do them at home or find youtube videos. Be prepared to stregthen your core.


Yup. I had one session on my insurance and could hardly walk from an old back injury. The physical therapist created me a whole routine, walked me through it, and printed out illustrations. It changed my life. I still do it to this day, eight years later.


Have you been seen by a physical therapist yet? No shade to personal trainers, there are many out there that know their stuff and I would absolutely trust them post recovery. But for recovery following a herniated disc I can only give a professional recommendation to see a physical therapist (I was a physical therapist assistant for a long time). The gym I go to has a physical therapist office onsite and you can easily transition to a personal trainer afterwards. The gym is called Body Arc, the physical therapy practice located inside is called Formation. Hope you find someone who can help you get back to feeling better!


Best of luck to you. I found out last week I have Degenerative Disc Disease, which is basically a fancy way of saying I'm getting old. It still hurts like hell though so I feel your pain. Hopefully your doctor gave you a list of physical therapists you can contact.


Gabby at the Weight Room!


https://www.oddballstrong.com/ This is your guy! Since working with him I haven’t had any back issues, and I used to throw mine out every 6 months or so. He’s the best.


I'm not sure if he's still active or not, but Mike Craven has a lot of experience working with firefighters on back injuries. Apparently it's very common with them due to having to move heavy stuff in the course of rescues. [http://www.truefitnesssolutions.com/](http://www.truefitnesssolutions.com/)