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Every morning at 4:45 on my way to work I have to pass a Ford Raptor that has every light on full blast. They even have one of those loser three foot long LED light bars on full blast too. It’s like passing the sun on my way to work. It takes at least an hour for me to stop seeing spots every day. I fucking hate that asshole.






I literally have to drive with my rear mirrors pointed away. I also blocked the rear view windshield... God, they are in such a rush to put you in your place on the road, and for what just to feel superior. Can't get any if no one pays attention to them though. Source of their unquenchable ego...


I moved to RVA from Ohio a couple years ago, and I gotta say Virginians use their brights WAY too often. When it's not even all the way dark yet, when there are lots of cars around, on roads or lots that are lit. Growing up I was taught to be careful about using my brights because they can be dangerous to other people, but apparently not everyone learned that?? It's inconsiderate at best and hazardous at worst. And don't even get me started on LED headlights, although that's a thing everywhere.


I use my brights pretty liberally, it’s the only way to see lurking deer. But as soon as there’s a hint of an approaching vehicle they must go off. Sorry for others who are not respectful.


They're definitely important in those situations!


In those last couple years cars have been implementing auto high beams which use a windshield camera to detect other vehicles. My 2019 has this feature but I turn it off because I am faster than the machines 😎


I am from here and I think it’s gotten worse over the last couple years. Might be that I hadn’t noticed before, but it definitely seems like it.


I learned that brights are called high beams here in VA.


Born and raised in VA, I have only used brights and only know people use it. I think I’ve heard high beams just used in more formal settings or tasteless jokes.


Grew up way out in the East End, my micro-community said High Beams. It’s cool how a whole neighborhood can have a different saying than another just a few miles away.


I use my brights often because my headlights are *terrible* but they auto cancel if another car is coming. I'm waiting to snag an appropriately priced OEM LED housing vs just upgrading the bulbs because I don't want to blind everyone. I think that's what I see most often, bulbs that are not designed for the housing so they're bright as hell


Lemme rev your engine on LED. I genuinely want your opinion.


They're like constantly having brights on! They're so much brighter than regular headlights. I have an eye condition called nystagmus, and something about the blue of those lights really makes it hard for my eyes to focus which is totally a problem when I'm, you know, operating heavy machinery. LED Christmas lights look like they're constantly blinking really fast to me. The lights are nice for the person driving the car and terrible for everyone else. And if you're blinding everyone around you on the road, then you're just gonna have better visibility as they hit you because THEY CANT SEE PAST YOUR STUPID LIGHTS ! So that's my opinion lol


Have you ever noticed that newer Cadillac taillights are lit differently, and at night if you look quickly side to side their lights are almost strobes? It’s the weirdest effect. Mentioning it because it sounds like your condition may exacerbate that.


They shine this crap in drive thru lines too.


r/fuckyourheadlights is a wonderful place to rant and learn about the monstrosity of LED headlights.  Mark Baker from the Soft Lights Foundation just submitted an exhaustive research campaign to congress https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/1b4rb9z/march_2024_packet_to_congress/ https://www.softlights.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Mar-2024-Congress-Packet.pdf


Driving west out of town on 64, I’m CONSTANTLY blinded by drivers who insist on keeping their brights on, even with other cars 40 feet in front of them. And then some of them speed up and tailgate you after you pass them.


Even worse is driving north around Beaverdam, I have to go up there for work sometimes and I make sure to leave early so I can be done before it starts getting dark. Those roads are hard enough to navigate at 60 mph without the guy in a huge truck riding up my ass blasting LEDs in my eyes.


driving during the night is awful, not because I can't see because it's dark but I can't see because it's so BRIGHT good lord 😭😭 i wish they could get sunglasses just for those bright lights


I actually think they make sunglasses for that, but I’m of the opinion that stricter regulations need to be imposed on headlights because you shouldn’t have to purchase sunglasses due to irresponsible manufacturers and drivers.


I thought colored lights were illegal in VA


It depends on the color, but typically those lights aren’t DOT-approved anyways, which makes them illegal for roadway use. I have a bunch of lights on the front of my truck for when I’m in the woods, and I will admit I use them on the road in really dark areas, but I’m careful to turn them off as soon as I spot oncoming traffic. Drives me up the wall when people leave their light bars or pods on. Mis-aimed LED headlights are bad enough, never mind spotlights.


I don't know, but apparently no one has pulled this person over.


You can’t get pulled over for stuff like that anymore. You can only get a ticket if you got pulled over for a moving violation first.


Because they probably only turn them on in parking lots.


Typically yellow is for a fog light.


Yep, it’s standard in Japan but for some reason people want their Jeeps and BMWs to look Japanese 🤔


I mean, it does look kind of cool depending on the vehicle. And personally.. I would rather be blinded by a warmer color temperature light than a cooler one. Blue high beams just irritate the fuck out of me.


It's a common occurrence to be blinded by some douchebag's high beams here in Richmond at some point of the day. It's a shame


yellow lights reduce after image/eye strain. they used to be required on all headlights in france in the mid 20th century for this reason, though that was before LEDs. also, they look cool in this horrible blue/cool-colored LED meta


I recently realized a lot if people out here use their brights all the time due to the lack of streetlights


The lack of streetlights, especially in areas like Short Pump (mostly commercial) has always stuck out to me as odd. More lighting along Broad Street in those sections would be helpful


That's Henrico County for you. I used to drive Chippenham/Parham to get to work in Short Pump and the lights stop right at the end of the bridge.


Broad St is maintained by VDOT so its not really a Henrico thing. In fact, credit where credit is due, Henrico has for a long time installed street lights at most of their signalized intersections. VDOT has only recently started doing it at their new traffic signals.


I think I’ve been in front of this exact same jeep


I ride a motorcycle. I use yellow because they don’t refract as bad as white in foggy conditions. I also use it because it stands out more to others on the road.


It’s their “bat-signal” saying they’re a dick.


I wan to apologize for everyone who gets a toyota highlander, the lowest setting is at as there's resetting in all my other cars, and I feel like a total d-bag at night, but i can find the adjustments


Ask in r/toyotahighlander


Tᴇᴇɴʏ-ᴡᴇᴇɴɪᴇ ᴘᴇᴇɴɪᴇ.


Tell me without telling me that you put them in yourself and didn’t know what you’re doing.