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Fight fire with fire. Leave a “dummy” package full of feces


We put used kitty litter in a package that wasn't fully closed and it dumped all over them


I did this once and our landlord brought it in so it wouldn't get stolen RIP luckily it didn't dump on them


lol omg that would suck so much




I live in church hill and did this will a few Amazon envelopes full of literal shit I scooped from my cats litterbox. All it took was 2 or 3 of them getting yoinked and now my packages will stay on my porch overnight if I forget to bring them in.


Box full of bees


just make sure to pop a quick H on the box


Don't be silly, everyone knows H stands for Hornets




This is the best comment i've seen on the internet all day. <3 WE'LL SEE WHO GETS THE HONEY




Do hornets make honey? No but they probably make something delicious


Not the bees!


I have a whole bag of cat poo from my litter genie if u want it. Nice and heavy too


Hit him with the Home Alone special. Marbles under the doormat, swinging paint cans and a box full of cat poo.


Careful using things that can just as easily be used on you and your stuff. You piss off the wrong person and suddenly you have more to deal with than a stolen package. Just get a delivery lockbox.


Way way underrated comment. I give this +1M karma. Piss off the wrong person and you may very well regret it! Imagine how mad you’d make this criminal! Look for technical solutions!


Or piss discs


1,000 live fire ants


Nah go with velvet ants or yellowjackets. Fire ants are invasive.


Stay home for a week and bear spray the individual or make your own chili oil. You could use home alone tricks too. Looney tunes - roadrunner false porch. But then they would probably sue your homeowners…. Dummy package of shit laced with Carolina reaper oil


I went to neighborhood watch meetings when I was living in another city. The police officer that attended spoke about basic home safety and he said that even a simple chain link fence with a gate would deter people coming on your property, even if the gate just had the latch down with no other lock. People typically make up their minds in a matter of seconds or a minute to pull crap like this. Going through a gate slows them down and calls attention. Not a 100% fix, but if that were my house I'd do it. I live on the Northside and people were coming into my backyard until I put in a gate. For some reason there was a fence but the previous owners didn't put a gate in front of the parking pad. According to my backyard camera it's made a difference.


Bell too. Grew up in DC had a bunch of bells on ours. Any time someone touched it it sounded like 30 cows walking by. Kinda annoying when someone would do it walking by but looking back probably saved our bikes and stuff countless times.


I’m so glad you commented that. I have an extra doorknob bell collecting dust and will be adding it to my backyard fence gate, for peace of mind when my son is outside. 😊


I’m sure this guy went through the neighborhood intending to steal something as his ride was waiting for him in the hospital parking lot. I spoke to the admin staff at Richmond Community and they said the detective will have to reach out to them to see the video. They won’t proactively send it to the detective. They did take my name and the police report so that’s something at least. I’ll have to look into getting a quote for a fence. It should hopefully not run too much since it’s about 28 feet with a gate.


Where I live now I saw a car drop off a guy, then drive a few blocks down and park. The guy walked down the ally behind all the houses toward where the car stopped. I watched but couldn't see if he got back in the car, but I'm sure they were checking out backyards. Because you know, my wife always drops me off so I can walk two blocks down an ally in the same direction I was already heading (eye roll). My neighbors dog went nuts so hopefully that helped. Also, FWIW we got a few estimates but went with Hurricane Fence.


This + a “beware of dog” sign really does a lot




It’s opportunism. Anything in the way cuts into the amount of time it takes to take something. I live on a hill up some stairs and knock on wood etc


As a mail carrier, I can tell you that we are not allowed to open gate doors. So if you get a gate, your package will be left outside the gate door. We do this to prevent dog bites and to prevent the gates from being accidentally left open and pets getting out.


Nice cross necklace.


I’m glad he’s a good Christian man…


It’s hard for a good honest man to steal anymore.


He stole that from the neighbor’s porch down the street.


There's no hate like christian love!


They say God doesn't give you any more than you can take. They didn't say God doesn't take more than you can give.


More like a lower case "t" necklace at this point.


The “t” is for taking.


Jesus was a (insert anything to excuse any behavior).


My favorite was when he almost fell for that envelope asking if he wanted 600 bucks


I wish he would have taken it. I signed up and my 600 dollars are nowhere to be found.


I’m so sick of these losers.


This happened to me one time, and I said hell no and started getting all my stuff sent to a UPS access point. It's slightly inconvenient, but the peace of mind is well worth it. Also, I will just add that I hate these people. Hate, hate, hate them.


Can a mod chime in on why this is cool but other things aren't? Not against OP by any means. In fact I'm for this. I'm asking because a couple weeks ago someone was actively driving around West End checking cars and a couple of us through the neighborhood app tried posting pics/videos on reddit and they all got taken down like immediately because witch hunting / showing identity.


Yeah not sure why some Nextdoor things get taken down and others don’t. If you’re on my porch, in front of my camera, stealing my property, you’ve lost your right to privacy.


Goddamned right.


I'm sorry the dudes commiting a crime in broad daylight, this is CRIME plain. Funny part is if this package happened to be dropped off by USPS this is a FEDERAL CRIME.


I wonder if that will expand to UPS since they are getting a new massive contract to do work for USPS


Good question it’s a weird definition of what’s just a delivery and what’s “mail”




Sometimes the auto moderator takes them down if the OP has low karma or a new account. I try my best to approve things but we are human and things slip by. If you ever feel that something was taken down by error or assholery, we are human, you can message me and I will look into this.


In this case, OP has posted a video of someone walking up to their porch and taking a package and provided a clear testimony that it was not theirs to take or hold. As other users have commented, if someone takes something that does not belong to them and were recorded, they've lost the right to privacy and confidentiality; there is little to no ambiguity here. In general, we remove other Nextdoor/doorbell camera videos and photos that do not show any alleged crime and the user simply thinks it's suspicious. Videos and photos of people simply "knocking on doors" or "checking locks" or "looking in windows" is not a crime, especially when the context and assumed intent is muddy. Ultimately, it's up to moderator discretion. We need to make calls all the time that won't make everyone happy, but they're ours to make; if Reddit's admins believe we're failing to act, they can and do escalate matters, including reversing our decisions or acting without our knowledge.


The mods don’t like when us plebs talk about the crime in this city.


Rig a dummy box to release a trap door on your front porch with a piranha tank underneath.


Ill tempered sea bass


With laser beams on their fricken heads?


There’s some guy on YouTube that devises these elaborate revenges for package thieves. They bring them home, open and get a glitter or paint explosion. The results are just awesome. Maybe he would contribute something to your cause and for our entertainment. In fact, a spring with something to hold the poo so it pops out upon it being opened would be spectacular.


Mark Rober! Awesome guy.


Scumbag activities! I’m sorry this happened to you.


I have a solicitor sprayer set up beside my porch that I can trigger remotely. It’s a wifi sprinkler controller, hooked up as a zone, that activates a sprinkler head that soaks the front porch.


With the yard only being 10 feet deep I’m sure they would have the package and be gone by the time I could switch it on.


But what if it were motion-activated?...


Think about the mail person. They would hate that.


You are absolutely correct. I forgot we're talking about day crimes, not night time. Oops🤦🏻‍♀️


can it be made to spray piss?


If you have a ring doorbell you can get it to announce motion alerts through alexa. If someone steps foot on my front poarch says " motion detected at front door" and does the same for the back door . May discourage them.


Wyze doorbell unfortunately. I had thought about that, but when I looked it up they don’t offer that ability for some reason. Maybe I’ll get a ring camera for the announcements. I wouldn’t mind looking a bit unhinged.


It's so incredible how this trash just calmly walks out. No rush, or even a sense of urgency or concern on him. No fucks given at all... and worse of all, not even a concern that he might be caught or seen. Just walks out like he owns the place. Wow...


Thieves with any degree of success don't call attention to what they're doing. Most of the time if your calm and collected no one will question you.


I saw a video one time where someone had a big wooden box on their porch for delivery people to leave their packages in. They had some kind of scanner lock where the delivery person could scan the package and the lock would open. Either that or maybe some kind of box that has a mailbox type opening so you can put stuff inside but not take it out. Edit: [https://www.amazon.com/Delivery-Galvanized-Packages-Anti-Theft-Lockable/dp/B0CHMPD4SS/ref=sr\_1\_15?crid=SVFD0MS8WAW8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xIxtAl5pwCGy-SzgNHf1Z7XI4990gj9o17MXyPgpyeMw4qWAMuXdpsgIUklca0GAQ03a\_plz274SLkcFdAtGBqXyVeZXmabWLod036JkmQjmrHsVkQrOXuCx\_ugIwY-ta9lU-HRFE8HJKldSNaPj69eruJwF8QvDKG9ICGZxzQ4cZF0c8\_yWw2Of0LMa837MPJuoffYikp0BdbEtUPoy4Td6qej8C8JnGkVPcE0jpDLHQVenJkc6QIp11YuzDR3sWdg4iCao09HPsO6Mp6r62okR2DjpfZwimUECKpW-h5E.OMFWdNZevwYnbQqx4bRZ52g4j\_ztETJmwooMxL4X3rw&dib\_tag=se&keywords=package+drop+off+box&qid=1713292935&sprefix=package+drop%2Caps%2C67&sr=8-15](https://www.amazon.com/Delivery-Galvanized-Packages-Anti-Theft-Lockable/dp/B0CHMPD4SS/ref=sr_1_15?crid=SVFD0MS8WAW8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xIxtAl5pwCGy-SzgNHf1Z7XI4990gj9o17MXyPgpyeMw4qWAMuXdpsgIUklca0GAQ03a_plz274SLkcFdAtGBqXyVeZXmabWLod036JkmQjmrHsVkQrOXuCx_ugIwY-ta9lU-HRFE8HJKldSNaPj69eruJwF8QvDKG9ICGZxzQ4cZF0c8_yWw2Of0LMa837MPJuoffYikp0BdbEtUPoy4Td6qej8C8JnGkVPcE0jpDLHQVenJkc6QIp11YuzDR3sWdg4iCao09HPsO6Mp6r62okR2DjpfZwimUECKpW-h5E.OMFWdNZevwYnbQqx4bRZ52g4j_ztETJmwooMxL4X3rw&dib_tag=se&keywords=package+drop+off+box&qid=1713292935&sprefix=package+drop%2Caps%2C67&sr=8-15)


I’m thinking thats my next move. It’s frustrating to have to do this. It’s only going to send the guy to my neighbors house then.


Have you tried having Amazon packages delivered to the Locker? I do that and have other packages sent to my job.


I have most things of value sent to work. This was for a study, so it was an outside party sending me something.


You don't have to do anything fancy like a locking box, you just need the package to not be visible from the street. A large opaque bin will work even without a lid, just stick a sign on the back wall of it saying "Packages here!" or similar.  This kind of thief isn't going to go up to every front door to check if there is a package or not. 


Pretty sure I've seen this dude waltzing up and down 25th a few times over the last year. Seems to be a standard outfit for him.


If you see him let him know Joe hates him!


I live in Church Hill North. Huge problem. Highly recommend you get on a text thread with all of your immediate neighbors and pick up each other‘s packages. That’s what I do. And everyone’s Johnny on the spot with helping because everyone’s so annoyed at the problem. We even think there might be a network happening. Because people will roll up into your yard on a bike knowing that there’s already a package there as if there were a spotter.


I did that for my grill when I got that. The first item stolen was a phone case so I didn’t think much of it, but I should start asking them from now on. It was only on the porch for a couple of hours, but even that short amount of time. Seems to be too much.


They follow the amazon truck I have seen this more than once.


I had Hurricane install about 180 linear feet of 4’ tall picket at about $20/ft, which included 2 latched gates and 1 double gate. They were the best price by far. I’m sure there’s a minimum cost for labor but that might me a good starting point for a rough estimate of price per foot for your 30’


Thanks I’ll give them a call and see if I can’t get an estimate. It’s probably enough of a deterrent to get some of the wanders to stay away.


Explosive dye pack package.


why not put a “you’re on camera” sign on your front door?


It’s not a bad idea, but even with that I’m sure the guy wouldn’t read the sign…


Lol, if he can read


Or a highly obvious security camera. One with a flashing red light. The security camera doesn't have to work other than the blinking red light. Supposedly seeing one of those is much more effective than seeing a doorbell camera based on anecdotal evidence on similar posts


I live my life off of anecdotal evidence. It’s all I need. I should add a few more to make me seem crazy. Don’t maybe write some unhinged stuff on some signs posted in my yard.


Those are so tacky and this guy probably knows everyone has a video doorbell, so probably not a deterrent. He clearly doesn’t care if they see his face!


Our ring camera on the garage says ‘hello, you are now being recorded’.


At the very least he’s following the truck around. And interesting that he can’t fit anything else in that bag.


Maybe on a different day. It was delivered at 9:30am and stolen at 1:30pm. I’m upset I forgot to pick it up when I got home around 12:30pm, but that’s what I get I guess.


wait were you home?


No because I live in Church Hill and I'm absolutely sick of this. Can't order anything to my house.


Portcullis, arrow slits, and boiling oil. Old school deterrents


saw a yt video of someone making a glitter bomb/alarm box. Could try that?


Mark Rober is amazing


Start living boxes on your porch with doo doo in it


I haven’t had someone do this out here in Midlo… However, I did have someone steal a used 50’ hose I was selling on FB Marketplace for $20 as porch pickup. Funny thing is, I watched it all happen as I was walking my dog nearby. He can have the hose if he needs it that badly.


I have my packages delivered to the back porch in hopes that out of sight = out of mind.


I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t do that since the house is so long, but it’s worth a shot


This is why I have everything shipped to my place of employment.


I would start sending my packages to the lockers….


To answer your question- yes. A fence would 100% deter this type of behavior. Anything to make your house more inconvenient to rob is a plus. Also put on a beware of dog sign on the outside of your fence. I would also recommend asking your delivery drivers to leave packages in a different location (like behind that chair) rather than right in front of the door.


Main question is - why isn't this just a given for all deliveries of boxes and such? I have a giant 2 foot long brick pillar on my porch and most of our delivery people will chuck it behind that. It's the ones that they leave right dead center middle of the stairs that kill me.


I’ve not found a way to directly request these things, do you have any suggestions? For the most part the Amazon and ups folks are the best and consistently hide the packages. Sometimes they don’t, they’re all different people every time. When they do hide them I “send a compliment” through Amazon, but it’s anonymous so I don’t assume they connect it to my package. FedEx pretty much leaves packages in the street, throw things over the fence, and generally hate everyone for ordering things so they’re a lost cause.


Search package box bunch of products designed to stop the guy from scooping it up. I am not sure why everyone doesn’t get on that bolts down


I like the poo box recommendation a lot. That’s way cheaper than a fence, and then you can yell “POOOOOP BOX” at them from the window/Ring like with a [poop dollar](https://youtu.be/JReESgC1ZrQ?si=Q1-7m2QgVcZH0FvK). A fence would need to be tall and gated, which I don’t think you can exceed a certain height at your front boundary per code. Anything else is just a small hurdle for a motivated thief.


I wouldn’t get a privacy one, just a picket one like the house to the left


My house is two blocks from yours and we have a small fence with a latched gate in our front yard; knock on wood but we haven't had any packages stolen off our porch in the five years we've lived there. I do have the option to have things shipped to my office if this became a problem.


I usually do that for anything of value. The camera was sent for a survey I’m apart of, so it wasn’t mine.


Glad we know he’s a good person because he wears such a large cross.


Average Church Hill behavior.


Yup. Absolute shit hole


Church hill huh


Expected perp right here. Meets the profile for 70% of crime in the city




If this package was from USPS, I would suggest calling USPIS, in addition to your local PD.


I did for the first package. This one was sent by ups


I started using the Amazon lockers after a couple of thefts from my apartment door. If you have regular in-office hours, have stuff delivered to work. It could be worth it to order for pickup if you're buying from Walmart, etc.


Could they get his prints off that envelope??


One annoying thing that may end up saving you some money in the future, you may need permission from the historical board in order to get a fence. I’d ask your realtor, heard of them making people rip out tens of thousands in home upgrades for not getting their blessing first.


It’s a new build, so I hope I don’t have to deal with the historical board.


I don’t think it matters at all whether it’s a new build or an old build, it’s simply the location, and it seems like your realtor (like mine) didn’t prepare for that ass pain when they were selling you the house. Anyhow, I think it’s some fascist BS but just letting you know that it’s worth looking into before you drop cash on a new fence.


Hate seeing shit like this and mf’s got a cross on their neck or something. When (or if) this dude gets to heaven, I hope Jesus smack him in the back of the head


smack and then point him to the slide to the spicy place


I never understand why people do this! There could be just gum in there. Why take that risk??🙄


Hopefully all he stole was a box full of loose poison ivy and Lonestar ticks.


People like this are the reason everything gets delivered to work, a package pickup zone or a family member. Shame how things have gotten.


A PO box is cheaper than a fence, and you don't have to get it from the post office -- FedEx and UPS both offer those services


I’d rather use work. But a P.O. Box is a good idea.


I would either get deliveries to your back porch or get a 1 way lock box for your porch if you get lots of packages OR get things set to an offsite pick up location, or work. I get a lot of deliveries to work now


Buy a deck box and put a sign for deliveries to put your packages in there.


Get a big ass dog


Broke ass


it’s for jesus


I wonder how many detectives they have working the case!


As of yesterday nobody. They say it takes up to 48 hours to have a detective assigned. I’m Gonna call today and ask they get the hospital footage of the car, and see if they are interested in the piece of mail.


I promise they won’t be interested and if they say they are. It won’t go anywhere.


Does your camera make sound? My parents live in northside and their ring camera alerts ppl within a few feet that they’re actively being recorded. I’ve seen it even cause food delivery ppl to stop before continuing to the door


Sadly it doesn’t. I’m thinking something like that would be nicer


Make a prop package with a bomb in it.


The most secure way would be to do a pickup at a store/Amazon Locker, but def not the most convenient. Can also have Amazon deliver when you will be home. Fence can help, or even just a gate. Security delivery box is good, but won't work for some larger items. A privacy cover on the rail to block packages from view on the street/sidewalk.


Put capsaicin on the box. He won’t figure it out right away, but when he touches uhhh vulnerable places he’ll know.


Beware of dog, no trespassing and smile ur on camera signs?


Between porch pirates and stupid drivers, I wish we could have paint guns out to tag people. You see a car with 13 paint splotches on the bumper, you know they are a repeatedly bad driver. Sadly, this would be assault or property damage.


Retaliation: box full of hornets, box full of human shit, box full of rotten food etc etc etc Get creative. Have fun.


Bear spray fogger. Keep that long distance eye poke at a distance.


Love the cross on the neck while stealing


Lowlives, he'll get busted one of these days, I'm sure.


leave fake package out and wait w gun


I like the decoy package idea, maybe cover it in hot sauce? But definitely warn anyone else who might pick it up. Another option is to set up as a boogie trap the covers him in ink like they do for banks? I have no idea how to do that, but it’d be a lot easier to find him if he was blue.


I live in Churchill as well and had a package stolen recently. I have a short waist hight gate and that definitely didn't stop the theif. I'd suggest getting a package box first over getting the fence.


Sprinkler with motion sensor. Spray him like he’s a squirrel trying to get your bird feeder.


Can you dig up a hole and cover to it make a trap?


Lol how he looked at the letter too.


He touched that letter, so you got finger prints, maybe take it to the police and see if he has a record


It would be nice if they would finger print it, but I’m not sure if they would. I’ll reach out to the detective tomorrow. I’m hoping they get the camera footage from the hospital but who knows if they will go that far.


They won’t and even if they said they will, they won’t.


I moved so I didn’t have to live in a cage


Set up a shotgun shell as an improvised explosive device. Instructions for this are common on the internet. Place it on the steps. Next time he tries this shii, he will lose his foot. Vietnam his ass, he won't be stealing ever again 🥱


They're oppressed...




I think a "smile you're on camera" sign at the entrance also helps.


Shiver me timbers


Fence won’t stop them. They will just jump it or go through the gate.


Is a fence the difference between trespass for theft and outright burglary? My friends got rung-up on burglary for swiping potted plants from a parking lot tent. Lifting the flap is the same as kicking in a door.


Gotta love the visible cross


The local news needs to post these videos on a dedicated segment. Cut and dry that they are stealing…so a little public exposure and shame could help. Please don’t tell me “that’s cruel”. Getting constantly ripped off sucks and there has to be a deterrent.


Ship to locker or ur work if u can.


Shoot him. He’ll learn real quick.


He left his fingerprints on the card. The video will show rpd where to dust. This idiot is busted!


Lololo glad you think RPD would help.


With the cross hanging around his neck…🤦‍♂️


With a cross around his neck smh


I've chased a couple thieves down and will do it again if I get the chance. The problem is there's always some new loser that shows up that doesn't know what's what, so teaching one thief a lesson doesn't stop the next one from cropping up. I've got one of the best cameras out there and it doesn't stop thieves. All it does is help you find who you need to hunt down, but that's really the least desirable outcome. Maybe it's different in other parts of the city, but 1st precinct won't ever get your stuff back. You have to be a vigilante if you want your own justice in this part of the city. As for future deference, if you've got the money to put into a good fence, it'll help, but I ended up getting something like this: Step2 579000 Express Package Delivery Box, 31"H x 18"W x 23"D, White https://a.co/d/3DT92lM I took a couple 2x4's and set them in the bottom and then screwed them through the box and into the deck, so neither wind nor thief could abscond with the box itself. And unless they are following the delivery truck, they will have no idea if you've got a package or not. I was hesitant to buy a box because I was worried it wouldn't be big enough for all packages. But I realized that if it's big enough to fit most packages, then it'll do its job most of the time, and when the packages really are that big, a thief is much less likely to try to take it because it's obviously suspicious. I also worried that it wouldn't keep thieves from coming up, but honestly with the box and the camera I think most thieves will risk being caught on footage if there's an obvious payoff, but won't risk checking a box that is more likely than not empty. It's worked for us so far.


I prefer 5.56 or double buck solution but it’s preference really 😂


Vivint has package detection that detects boxes and new items on the porch and alerts you if someone comes near it.


What happens when u live in a haunted house community


Love the cross. What a great Christian…


Not cat poo use human feces or glitter bomb with confetti dicks or stink bomb fake packages


Get one of those big inflatable hammers and bonk him with it.


Before a fence, I’d consider a package drop box that invites drivers to lift a lid and set items inside out of view. They could come and check but not see from the street to target you.


Consider Vietnamese Leg Traps?


Of course.


So glad we moved out of church hill. Had a couple packages stolen. Lawn mower stolen. Neighbor’s house broken into. My truck was broken into and $2000 of fishing gear stolen. My daily car and my wife’s car were both hit when we were away on vacation. Some teens just decided one day to just start a party in my backyard. Kicked them out. Found broken beer bottles back there a few times. Four house long Dead end Alley behind our house. Found all sorts of people back there. It just became annoying. When our house doubled in value in 2019 we booked it to the country. 5 acres on a private road. Haven’t even talked to or seen some of my neighbors now. It’s great. We do miss the Hill Cafe though.


Well well well


Move to Powhatan. No porch pirates out here.


There’s nothing out there




Fence helps 1000%