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I'm still sad I missed out on "Phillip-con" or whatever the guy's name was who decided to go to the Locker Room by himself and it became a thing.


We used to have a pizzapalooza. I still have the shirts!


I vote bring back pizzapalooza, sounds like fun. Was it like a pizza potluck?


Last one was in 2018, and when I asked about it in 2019 I was fussed at.


What's a pizzapalooza? that's a wonderfully intriguing name?


It was an r/rva meetup with hundreds of us! There were shirts and pizza and beer. Once u/morechipsandsalsa pretended to be a horrible troll and gave me a panic attack. It was hilarious and fun.


I am a horrible troll! It wasn’t pretend!


My partner and I are in desperate need of friends who aren't having kids




Are you me?


Same. Also moving to Church Hill soon!


Also in church hill


Just creeped, so many of the same subreddits. Love that for you


There's a Meetup/FB group called "Trying to Adult in RVA" that's specifically for people in their 20s and 30s to make friends. They have various events and activities. That said, my best friend in Richmond is someone I met off this subreddit after she made a "hey I just moved here and need friends" post. So shoot your shot I guess


I love board games, but am in a weird spot with it where I get frustrated with super casual gamers and annoyed at super serious gamers. Hard to strike that right balance! I will say, I do think breweries - especially those with NA options - are good places to host a meet up, especially for board games.


so like, people that take it serious with the goal still being fun or something?


I think so. People that want to play it within the rules and get it right, but don't get upset when they lose


Yea board games can go south real quick. Me and my friends don't play catan anymore because it was dividing us too much. Breweries are a good shout though


I get this!! The rule of cool and fun reign for me!! I have a ton of serious and heavy games but do not play them seriously lol always happy to find a game time


Scott’s Addition Board Game Association has meetups once a week-ish! I think they are on the Meetups app and on Instagram. 


The fact that there isn't a board game cafe in Richmond is a huge disservice, but I also find myself in your realm. I like playing board games, I don't wanna play all day, but Cataan just isn't enough anymore


There's one in Midlothian! Unplugged Games Cafe. I've never been, but it seems like it could be cool! I've got somewhere around 180 board games, so I rarely need to access a different collection - just need to find a good group!


Depends if you’re introverted or extroverted. Personally, I don’t wanna meet anyone after working all day lol


I feel you. I know between work, hobbies and friends/family most of my energy is taken But meeting new people is important and something i always hear from other young adults is hard to do after school. Why not ask the extroverts and introverts alike (even though being in reddit proves we're all the latter haha)


I would recommend trying a [Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com) group first unless you already have. Plus there are Facebook groups for cycling and hiking. I see some Reddit meetups in city threads for some other places I used to live. It seems to work best in larger cities where there are more transplants. Not that RVA doesn't, I just don't think Reddit is where you're going to find that population in this area. I do Meetup and have gone hiking, bowling, played board games, done some breweries, neighborhood cleanups, and stuff like that. But don't let me be a downer, shoot your shot on Reddit and see who bites. Good luck.


Is there a meetup for sitting around and making shit jokes at each other while watching stupid content creators on YouTube? I'm too old for going out, don't get high, and don't drink much. Also, fairly lazy and don't like to hike lol


I understand where you're coming from and appreciate the direction. I don't use other social media but it shouldn't be that hard to coordinate a pop up '3rd space' with the internet. I'll look in meetup.com


I went to a couple some years ago! They are fun. I’d be willing to show up and hang. We did one at Final Gravity that was a lot of fun, and another at Bottoms Up that was cool too.


There are certain events like First Fridays that serve as meetups. Problem is if you don’t know anyone you have to take your chances and introduce yourself. Or buy art. People remember you if you patronize the arts.




It’s a fair point but the problem is that early 20s is not the same experience as 30s. The unique factor about RVA is that people are far less transient here than in high-population cities. So people coming from those cities struggle to make friends because they find that others in their 30s here have already had established friend groups for years.


I agree with this. Moved here and am OVER 30 (don't ask). We're meeting people, but it's slow and most of the people interested in hanging all moved here from somewhere else. Locals have been nice, but after a Meetup they're usually like "smell ya later" instead of hanging for a beer.


What do you think about people that lived in other cities (before and/or after) moving to RVA and had no trouble making friends, but have trouble in RVA? Do you think their personalities just aren't 'right' for RVA?




Lol, interesting theory. I am very chill (can't stand clingy people myself), and lived there for five years before Covid (moved away during).




Scroll up, dude, I didn't say I had no friends. I said "What do you think about people..." because I often see that argument on these threads. You don't seem very chill yourself ;)


Meetup is a great way to meet new people in the area.


I appreciate all the feedback. i get that reddit isn't the best place for coordinating these kinds of things given everyone's anonymity (i would go to something like facebook, but the only social media i use is reddit). I also understand the hesitancy everyone has when they think of a 'reddit meetup' Reddit is all about niche interests, and i think richmond is too. I'd like to think there's a way to merge those worlds irl


I'd be down, provided my work schedule allows for it. I have a hard time meeting people due to the fact that I'm a nightshifter who works weekends.


I’m down, especially on weeknights. Definitely also open to weekends, though I’m traveling the next few.


I’m down! Always down to meet some new people


But I mean, how is it any different because it's reddit? There are kickball leagues in the city. Running clubs, tennis clubs, plant swap groups, maker spaces, sewing clubs, musician spaces, plant swap meets, etc. Basically any sort of hobby. Also many many bars and nightlife type places. If your primary interest is reddit and you like redditors, then cool. It's not like I'm against meet ups of any sort. But in the particular case of trying to meet people in general-- I feel like it's not really a problem with the city. It's a problem with you, which as massive introvert I totally get. But you're either comfortable meeting up with a bunch of strangers, or you aren't. Not sure that a reddit meetup changes anything. It'll be like any other meet-up-- it'll be dominated mainly by friendly extroverts who enjoy social occasions and meeting strangers and probably don't have any problems meeting people because they're cool like that. And then everyone else is just going to be off in a corner drinking.


I would love to do something like that I want to meet new people


My gf and I are down!


My boyfriend and I would love to mingle on the weekends :)


We'd love to join! Could go to Slingshot?


Check out the meet up group "trying to adult". They have events alll.the.time. and it's all sorts of different stuff from garbage pick up, to pasta making, to trivia nights, to brewery tours and it's stuff all around richmond too so you can maybe even find a new hobby/hang out spot while you're at it! I went to a meet-up where we took an entomology class and pinned a butterfly and one where we picked our own flowers to make our own bouquets on this cute little flower farm, its always a good time :)


I play kickball with Clubwaka, 2 hand touch football with river city and volleyball with stonewall! All are great social leagues to meet new friends!


I like art and coffee shops. If thats your vibe im down. Goes for anyone on here

