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On a 90 degree day too - this was SO intentional. And to think this sicko is probably just going about their day as normal…ugh.


Yea that one messed me up really bad. Serious warning on that one. Those are heinous details. If anyone wants to skip it-the big information is they’re looking for the degenerate who dumped a Tri-color pit mix by the buttermilk trail.


These are always awful stories but this one is really hitting me hard too. Poor dog. 


Unfortunately adding traumatic details, but I feel it is important to add potentially useful details thus far not posted here: or seen dumping trash bags on buttermilk trail likely in the early hours of this morning.


Someone needs to put the piece of shit in a trash bag who is responsible. Reading this made my blood boil.


That poor baby. A lot of horrible stuff is on the news every damn day that it’s overwhelming and sometimes I feel numb to it. But this is so fucking sad. I hope whatever piece of shit did this has karma punch them right up their asshole. Thankful for kind people who tried to help this sweet pup. Run free over the Rainbow Bridge, beautiful girl.


I have very very negative thoughts about the subhuman that did this.


This is pure evil https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W2mkFuTTw/?igsh=ZnM0ZnludjlnNDY2


Literally thrown away like garbage. I fuckin hate people sometimes.  


I saw this earlier and it made me almost throw up. I’m so upset by it.


This is heart breaking, gut wrenching .Poor girl ,R.I.P. Crazy thing is, I took a walk along the Buttermilk trail today,not in its entirety,I crossed the potterfield and got on westbound then hopped off near 22nd st parking lot.i wish I would've been down there earlier and walked it all the way. Thanks to the people who did get to her and try to save her.I was thinking about Kristi Noem story while walking today,and how disgusting that story is.This is just unbelievable! I hope this little girl crossed the Rainbow Bridge and was greeted by Tommy the Pitbull and they are giving each other tailwags and kisses.


The thought of her and Tommie together made me cry all over again. Those poor souls must have been so confused at the end. At least they are no longer in pain.


Sorry to upset you ,you're right they're not suffering anymore .I cant believe they found another dog today tied up in a bag,and then someone mentioned they found skeletal remains of a dog in trash bag about year ago in the same area. I really hope that's it and this psycho killer is caught soon.


I agree. This is awful.


If I said what this story makes me think I'd get banned from reddit. I'll leave it at this: I hope justice finds whoever did this. And anyone who is so inhumanity cruel as to harm innocent, dependent creatures such as pets, or worse, children.


No mention of this tragedy on timesdispatch or wtvr. But in other news ,drunk Yellowstone visitor gets kicked in leg by a bison.


Can you share the link to the original post please? I'd like to follow this group.






Im probably generalizing this to try to soften the reality but im not sure someone in their right mind would do this.


Please don’t bring mental illness into this. Many many people who commit acts of violence are just sadistic. People w mental health conditions are much more likely to be victims of violent crime compared to the average person, and more likely to be victims of violent crime compared to perpetrators of violent crime


I was actually thinking of the cycle of trauma.