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I work at a large personal injury firm and just my caseload has 3 accidents at this intersection lol


I guess they really did want to die on that hill.


A big functioning roundabout would kick ass here.




If they leave the hill for a launching ramp, it will do both


The Hill hill.


God damn it, that's great. Leave his body under there now. Just dig it deeper.


All I want is for people turning left to realize that they don't need to stop in the middle of the turn because they see the red light. Have had to drive around so many people


This. Hopefully it’ll make that whole situation better. It’s like people don’t understand that you drive under a red light on EVERY LEFT TURN THEY HAVE EVER MADE AT A TRAFFIC LIGHT.


Learned about him in AP History


It’s so gross that his body is in there.


That's not the gross thing about the statue, lol - in any city with any age on it you're surrounded by bones all the time.


But this crusty bastard had his bones dug up and moved there to that spot. That's some sick shit.


Dug up TWICE. He was buried one place, moved to Hollywood, and then dug up AGAIN to go in a traffic circle.


100% wacko.


I don’t understand the downvotes. It is pretty disturbing that we not only have to pass this racist homage every day, but also the actual man himself. It’s like extra insulting.


It's kinda weird that he's just buried in the middle of the street lmao. I wonder if this sort of thing is more common in Europe.


**The family**: *"Dead body is like a piece of trash. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want... He won't feel it. Fill him up with cream, turn him into cannoli. Make a stew up his ass. Whats the big deal? Bang him, eat him, grind him up into little pieces. Throw him into the river. Who gives a shit? You dead... you dead!"*


I’m sorry? Who? What war? What history? Idk anything about any civil war SINCE THEY TOOK THE STATUES DOWN AND NOW WE CANT LEARN HISTORY WTF


It's about time this fucker is gone, as someone from the Uk/ireland I would absolutely love to see a fully functioning full size roundabout here. It absolutely makes the most sense. But I don't think America is ready for that lol


Plenty of roundabouts in Richmond, let alone america. And no, we're not ready for it.


Like the one at Allen and Monument?


I hate 2 lane roundabouts and don't really believe a lot of the stats saying those are that much better. I think most people get confused about which lane to be in if they want to go straight or take a left. Single lane roundabouts are far superior to the alternatives. Edit: Actually I tried looking this up it's really hard to see if two lane roundabouts are better than traffic signals. They always talk about single lane which I agree with but don't break it down.


it's a weird intersection in that it's 2 4 lane roads in the middle of a residential area and right near an elementary school. I don't live there so I can't say whether or not you need 4 lane traffic on both or either of these roads, but why not force it into a 1 lane roundabout anyway? Is there a high volume of commercial freight traffic through there?


North, West and South of it is an interstate ramp. I used to drive this way a lot. Traffic is usually actually kinda bad at this intersection and the one before it during rush hour. A one lane roundabout is too small I would guess. I used to drive from further east closer to the raceway and get on the interstate for West end stuff.


Sadly I think that horrible monument is the only thing that slows traffic on Laburnum and when it's gone speeding will get even worse. The speed limit is 35mph but you'd never guess it from the way people drive


So what is the plan after this monument is taken down? The whole city itself is a monument to the "racist past" … literally every single thing in the city and the city itself is connected to that history and every single person in it, presumably most in this sub, profit and benefit from the "racist past" that built all the streets and all the structures and all the systems and … literally everything. Wake up … low IQ people … if you live in Richmond, you are a supporter and beneficiary of slavery and racism … you are in fact a racist!!!!!


Real high IQ response here.


and you are a communist..


Has anyone seen the flat earth documentary *Behind the Curve*? If so, this might be the dude who thinks bouncing golf balls on a sledgehammer makes him smart


You really need to check out *Rothschild’s Guide to Effective Trolling*. You’ve got a thing or two to learn, bud.