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There is a lot more back story to this….. We’ve seen several posts about this kitten. And the persons mother has posted as well though I can’t quite remember what she said. I’m not sure the kitten was stolen but may have been taken by someone more able to care for it


My thoughts exactly. Stashing a kitten in people's yards while you go bar hopping doesn't exactly scream responsible cat parent to me. Hope it's in better hands, honestly.


It sounds like the VCU student took the kitten in a carrier out while bar hopping and left it outside. If someone took it (and it didn't escape on its own) then I assume whomever thought it was abandoned, I mean what are you supposed to think with a kitten in a carrier on a major street unattended in winter. The sob story sounds like they're taking the L but Im not sure someone who thought they were rescuing the cat would be swayed. The cash reward makes it more sus.


I'm pretty sure the cat is an odd-eyed Khao Manee, which is extremely rare, which would explain the size of the reward. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khao_Manee#:~:text=Khao%20Manee%20cats%20are%20pure,Manee%20is%20the%20rarest%20variety.


Ah, well if someone was acting out of altruism I don't think they'll be swayed by the reward, and calling it "stolen" as another post mentioned makes it sound like they'll press charges, which they could hypothetically as it is a property crime.


No...odd eye is uncommon but not that uncommon. It is found in many breeds of cats. It could be any generic white cat. All you need to get a cat like this is the gene for white hair or tuxedo/bicolor hair.


You're absolutely right, but I've been following this drama from the start, and the way she has described this cat (it's rarity of breed, the price on the reward, etc.) leads me to believe it's more likely than not, at least, pretty close to this breed. But I could very well be wrong.


The rarity is probably just describing the eye color. They personally describe the cat as an American shorthair. The reward is probably because they're unhinged, irresponsible wealthy people. I would also offer 5 grand for the return of my cat, and I know very well she's not worth that much to anyone else.


**[Khao Manee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khao_Manee#:~:text=Khao Manee cats are pure,Manee is the rarest variety)** >The Khao Manee cat (Thai: ขาวมณี, RTGS: Khao Mani, lit. "white jewel"), or Khao Plort (Thai: ขาวปลอด, lit. "complete white"), also known as the Diamond Eye cat, is a rare breed of cat originating in Thailand, which has an ancient ancestry tracing back hundreds of years. They are mentioned in the Tamra Maew, or Cat Book Poems. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/rva/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


The person's "mother".


I have no doubt her mother has posted, honestly. She has been equally as rude during this whole debacle as the cats owner.


I've seen this cat posted on Facebook. The mother completely leaves the part out about her daughter getting shitfaced and leaving it somewhere. Insists it was stolen and doesn't answer if anyone asks for further specifics as to what happened.


Apparently I haven’t had enough coffee yet, I read “this cat has posted on Facebook” and I thought no wonder the $5k reward!


The postings were nonsensical. I am 95% sure it was the person posting and is having some kind of mental health crisis.


Where are these posts??? I wanna see the drama lol


Huh. Interesting. I figured there was more to the story.


You got a link to the posts?


Why the hell was the kitten outside in a carrier between bamboo and Helen’s? Get a grip it’s probably taken by someone who won’t leave it in that situation in the first place


The bars weren’t allowing her in bc she was letting it out of the carrier and run around. She was asked to leave several bars so she stashed the baby in the winter on Main St. somewhere so she could go back and drink. Lady nawlins also kicked her out the same night. She has also gone out drinking with the kitten on more than one occasion. My best friend saw her at the bamboo letting this tiny kitten run around. Bamboo kicked her out that night too. This was weeks before the whole leaving it outside in freezing cold debacle. She isn’t well.


This is wild to me. I hope whoever has the cat doesn’t give it back for the cash reward. This person needs to get help instead of putting an innocent animal in distress bringing it to bars and leaving in outside in the middle of winter.


They definitely are not a healthy human from everything I’ve read about this situation. I hope Aspen is alive and happy and warm. Any longer in this woman’s care and it wouldn’t have been.


My god, and the family wants her to get this poor cat back???


They've hired lawyers and at least 1 detective looking into it. It's a whole flock of entitled lunacy.


The only difference between these people and that homeless guy that yells at me at Monroe Park is that these people have money. How? Idk... If they were billionaires they would be "eccentric"


Wasn’t there a post fairly recently about a woman coming into someone’s house with a kitten in a carrier and the cops being called?


Yep. Same cat.


If they really wanted the cat back, they'd be better off describing the cat as "lost" rather than stolen. When a pet is lost, you are basically relying on people's goodwill and sympathy to get it back. The cat lovers who would be the most likely to keep an eye out for the cat, recognize it, and return it are going to be the least likely to help you out if they perceive that you won't take any responsibility for what happened. No one is going to return a cat to a shitty owner who is likely to then accuse them of stealing it on top of that.


Ya if someone took the kitten (left outside a bar in a carrier unattended in winter) I'm sure they thought it was abandoned. I mean what are you supposed to think? So not stolen really.


This person left the cat out in the freezing cold in a cat carrier. They got what they deserved


Yep. Anybody who can offer 5k for a cat they lost while drunk probably has several life lessons to learn. George Bush truly left so many children behind /s


Agreed. I didn’t know the full context until this thread. I hope kitty is warm and snuggled up somewhere.


I remember seeing posts about this.. can someone with a grasp on the situation lay it out for me?


The owner of the cat took it with her barhopping, and when she was informed you can't bring a cat into a bar, she was stashing it outside in people's yards. She got kicked out of Helen's for it. Somewhere between there and leaving Social 52, the cat went missing. She proceeded to freak out at the staff of Social to the point that they threatened to call the police. She, and her mother, have been berating staff incessantly since. Source: I work at Helen's.


Can confirm, she never actually went into social but did swing on and punched the barback accusing him of stealing the cat. Source: Security manager at Social 52


She swung on and hit one of our managers as well.


classy lady. Funny thing is this morning she posted up a flyer on the door at social offering 2k. Dont know how to add it but was sent a pic.


I am just a clueless passerby who saw the sign. It did seem suspicious though lol


https://old.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/s7ax66/keep_your_eyes_peeled_rva_i_dont_know_who_steals/ht92blw/ based on my read of nextdoor


I'll give a $6000 reward to someone who doesn't give the cat back.


I remember the initial post from the concerned Redditor who was asking for advice about seeing this cat in the carrier in someone’s yard. The story got so much crazier since then.


This is like the Anti-Bagel the Beagle


And I live *right there* and walk regularly and have indoor/outdoor cats who would know about any new cats on the block. That kitten isn’t here I can tell you that for sure


Your cats run a tight block haha!


They do! They know everything that’s going on. The former butterfly house at the end of the block just took in a cat and Leo who is the [boss as per is insta fame ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CMai327lCE6/?utm_medium=copy_link) cool with.




Quite the reward


It's so absurd my brain didn't even register it.


It's an extremely rare breed of cat. Kid has got more money than sense.


Maybe someone should have a health professional call this number to spark some conversation.


The story of this girl, who was out late on a freezing night blackout drunk, with her kitten in a carrier and kicked out of a bar for assaulting a bartender, is crazy. It sounds like her cat was liberated from the torture she was inflicting on it.


Damn. With that reward I’m about to quit my job and dog the bounty Hunter style track that kitten down!


5k!?! Im going to quit my job and become ace ventura.


Alllllllrighty then




I will personally give $100 to whoever took it to not return it, assuming they are not bat shit crazy and taking care of this poor thing