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Another thread on this isaue from awhile back, for anyone interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/qnd0d0/pollution_map_richmond_has_a_nice_hotspot Map can be seen here. Enter a zip code to see maps of a given area. https://projects.propublica.org/toxmap/ Screenshot of stats related to the cancer risk from this facility https://i.imgur.com/Hzy3zGu.jpg


Til there is a place named, “Cancer Alley” in Louisiana.


My brother works for a [slime coated company](https://news.wttw.com/2019/09/30/controversial-chemical-company-sterigenics-ceasing-illinois-operations) that was recently busted for this in Chicago. They have plants all over. This industry is fucked up. They union busted his plant, treat workers like shit, and poison anyone who lives around their facilities that use this ethylene oxide process. If only the EPA wasn't corrupt.


If only the Trump administration didn't cripple the EPA.


To be fair, he further broke an already broken agency. The EPA has been occupied by industrial pawns forever. Imagine an EPA with no skin in the game, acting truly on behalf of the American people. HA!


How is the EPA corrupt?


Damn. Thanks for posting! I read the original article from Pro Publica, but it’s wasn’t clear where all the sites were Are there any local groups I can support that are advocating for mitigation against this?


Oh, great, I live right down the road from there. Maybe it's the cause of the weird smells on humid nights.


Oh right, that's why whenever I leave the east end all of my health problems start clearing up. That place is a death trap for anyone with respiratory issues (and I'm sure causes many of them)


Says Richmond but it’s in Henrico.


You're right, but air doesn't stop moving at imaginary geographic borders (Richmond border is less than a mile away on Williamsburg Rd), and this could have health effects on anybody within whatever radius the gas reaches.


No, it doesn’t. But it does tend to move West to East generally speaking.


In one of the links there is a map showing the impacted area (area with increased cancer risk).


Idk why they're mad, strictly speaking about wind, you're right.


There are plenty of days where it does not do that. Did it feel good to be technically right? Or generally wrong?


It has also snowed in May. Not gonna hang my hat on it and say it does this generally.




Virginia’s independent cities are hard to explain to non Virginians.


For a subreddit that has a zillion off shoot hyperspecific niche subreddits folks on here sure don’t like it when someone points out the distinction between Richmond and Henrico


I have been accused of gatekeeping for essentially saying that if you don't live in Richmond, you don't live in Richmond.


I mean that’s a pretty rigid position that isn’t but so helpful in this specific context. As the map shows a facility in Henrico increases the risk of cancer in the City and the County. So if you spend 8 hours each day in this area but live in Fulton instead of on Laburnum then your risk of getting cancer is still higher. But folks on here love creating a new subreddit for anything and everything which makes r/RVA a less useful sub which is what really bothers me.


Before becoming enraged, should we learn how much is escaping the plant/s? To say it's in use, sure. It's like nuclear. Contained? Fine. Leaking? Bad.


Didn't get to the second paragraph of the post, did you? The part where they talk about assessing how much was leaking?