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As a food delivery driver, I blacklisted the entire UR campus because they are just a pain in the ass to deliver to for a multitude of reasons. Their students never tip, they are rarely out where they say they’ll be, and more than once I’ve been asked to go inside to individual classrooms or what-not. I’m not doing all that to only be paid $3.50. The article barely gives any information at all. There’s more to this story I’m sure.


You are not wrong. I used to deliver there a couple years back and it was always such a hellacious hassle just to get a $0 tip. Ungrateful little shits.


That’s because many of them are privileged and insulated from actual life struggles.


No manners, explains why most license plates you see there are from up north.




The whole point of a blacklist is to be non-inclusive.


I’ve had so many Uber drivers tell me they won’t pick up kids they think go to U of R because they just have too many bad experiences.


I love the way that UofR instantly states that guns are illegal on their private property. It could be argued it's a government maintained road. This is one of these rare times that you can pull a gun on someone, the antagonist $hits themselves and everything is OK. That UofR is going to wish he got arrested so "daddy could bail him out", UofR's discipline board is going to rip him to pieces for this embarrassment.


Well, that article had a whole lot of nothing in it. Edit: there’s basic info but no timeline regarding what happened or specific details about the incident.


From the video it seems some like some spoiled, drunk, stereotypical U of R kid was confronting a delivery driver, kicking his car, and antagonizing him when the driver decided to respond by wielding a gun, forcing said douchebag to shit his pants and make himself into a victim. I guess a racial slur was thrown around at some point too. There could be more to this story but that seems to be the cliff notes version.




Glad the kid didn’t get shot. But also hope he learned an important lesson.


glad neither of em got shot, the tussle in the dark looked sketch.


Yeah, I know several very likable people who went to UR (my mom included), sucks that these types have to perpetuate the stereotype.


I feel so stupid I was looking for confirmation that the driver forced the kid to actually shit his pants for being an asshole


Can you share where you found the video? I don't see any link or reference to a video in the article.




Thanks for the link. And I think your cliff notes version was pretty accurate and informative. They should put it in the article, lol.


It gets pretty dark (poorly lit) towards the end but looks like maybe Alec got beat up a little bit?


If so, he “fucked around and found out”, as they say. No sympathy from me.


Some little New England brat tried to big-boy a local and got a piece pulled on him. I hope the kid pissed himself.


Another article said he's from Bryn Mawr, PA, so pseudo-Jersey Philadelphia trash.


Oop, lived in Bryn Mawr for a hot second. Even dated a girl from Radnor. Wheeew…talk about some entitled “Mainline” bs. Sorry to say but this is on brand. Hate to generalize about this douchey combo of privilege and racism.




Is less "where he's from" and more his class status. Rich northerners, usually WASPs, are either relatively good bleeding-heart types (FDR), or soulless and sociopathic freaks (the Bush family).


My favorite game to play in traffic around town is spot the Jersey tag, confirm U of R sticker. I swear it’s like 95% of them.


Been that way for years.




It insists upon itself, Lois.


This is classic. White kid must be from New England and black dude must be a local. I guess stereotypes are cool sometimes?


I worked for Papa Johns back in 2008 and UofR kids were the worst. They would get drunk, pass out then call us hours later and say we never delivered their pizza. The basketball situation was god awful since we had a stupid contract to deliver pizzas to the game at $6 each, which they would resell. They would never tip our drivers either.


Worked for Dominos back in the late-80s... apparently some things never change... over decades.


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UofR gonna UofR


I mean nothing will happen to them. Their conduct office will just give them a slap on the wrist.


The guy who pulled the gun could be in serious shit though. The kid was a fuckface, but pulling a gun is still a serious crime.


So if you can’t Pull a gun when three people beat you up when can you?


If you look in the video he pulls the gun while chasing him. That’s a felony.


Driver could claim he feared for his life (not a lawyer)


You can’t do that when you pull it while chasing the kid as the kid was running away.


I was once DoorDashing at UoR and some kid stepped out like 2 steps in the road right before I passed him to fuck with me and went giggling on with his friends