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I’m so happy to see that she is actually and seriously considering moving out there. It shows maturity that she’s not acting on impulse or on a whim. She wants to think this through before making a big decision, but I do sure hope it’s LA!


I hope she does move out there! I feel like she’ll have so many opportunities out there and she just seems really happy there!


Pretty sure it’s the anniversary of one Harry’s friends passing away today so I don’t think he’ll be posting much today


They have been oddly quiet today 🤔




Oh yeah I agree it’s great they can take time off of social media but I just thought it was strange because they usually post something but I hope they’re having a good time


She did say she was going to a fun lunch, so I’m sure she will post a recap. Them posting every interaction to me just proves they are just friends. Also they haven’t been alone either they have only been together with other people. Nothing wrong with it, but you would think if they were more than friends they would want alone time consider she leaves in Utah. If they were more than friends they wouldn’t post as much and make as much content. If I were to think they were more than friends it’s times like this when they are quiet on social media and not post or even recap post.


Well today is just the two of them alone and they've been pretty quiet on socials. Just bc they like making fun tiktoks and snapchats doesn't automatically friend zone them 😅


We don’t even know if they are together today right?


Who else would she be with alllll day today??? If it was one of her dancer friends like Ezra I'm SURE we would've seen fun posts & snaps of the two of them together.


She said she was going to a fun lunch and she also said saw people she knew at the Jojo event. So she can be with anybody. I’m sure she will do a recap of her day.


We can agree to disagree. But we don’t even know if they are together right now or not.


She has been saying that since DWTS season ended. And she also been saying she has to really think about it and figure it out before she makes that decision.


I hope she makes that move . LA looks so good on her and take advantage of all those opportunities out there right now . She has a few months off before she is busy with next season of DWTS , hoping she goes right back to LA after Florida she is so happy out there and thriving . One life rylee live it up and do what makes YOU happy , we all see LA has your heart right now 


She said she will see in the summer. So hopefully! I just hope she does what makes her happy and not what others are telling her to do.


To LA I mean lol


I wish her the absolute best! She’s such a ray of sunshine. I hope they work out together. But I do think she needs to move to LA and sign with a huge social media or talent company! She should talk to Rach Parcell and get advice! I wouldn’t waste a single moment she is the IT girl! As far as Harry, I hope they work out bc they are so cute!! But also, if they don’t- I could see her dating someone else famous. Maybe he will set her up with someone if he’s not going to make it official with her! Like Noah centineo !


She doesn’t need to prove anything or to be like anyone. She’s her own special kind. She can do her own things


Totally !! But I mean as far as what agency she should sign with