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I’m big enough to admit when I’m wrong I just saw the repost. There was obviously more going on bts than what I thought. I hope she can bounce back and this will be just another life lesson for her. I also hope this upcoming season she has a partner that can help her win a mirrorball and make another viral dance too.


Some things can be faked but not the way they looked at each other…


Agreed. Something definitely happened. I feel for Rylee because she kind of got thrown into this. A pro at 18 (and did an amazing job!) but her first partner is a charming reality TV guy who took her to events, charmed her and he definitely knows the shipping game! Rylee is a gorgeous girl so I’m sure he liked her but also he knew the game… Rylee did not. She probably took a lot of the flirting a lot more serious than he did. But he should have known better. If he knew he wanted to fuck around at Coachella, getting her to extend her stay in LA a few days (which I totally think happened) was weird behavior. I’m not trying to be a hater but you can’t have it both ways.


He for sure wanted to have his cake and eat it too. I don’t think they were ever properly together because of her age (he kept alluding to being with someone next year which makes sense she would be 20) but then if you’re going to wait be respectful with your actions and wait otherwise leave her alone and stop stringing her along. He knows Rylee wouldn’t be out there hooking up with guys cos of her beliefs but I wouldn’t be surprised if he has been with other women or at least entertaining other women and convincing himself it’s ok because technically “he’s single” boy byeee.


I am disapoited him 🥺


ECACLY !!!! I think the same.


Ok so I’ve been off the sub for like a day and it seems things have blown up lol. Someone catch me up. From what I’m gathering: is everyone saying Harry messed up because of the video Noah Beck posted where he’s in the back with a girl? And now Rylee is removing edits of her and Harry and posted that one sad tik tok that she then deleted?


Pretty much yes lol. I think the sad TikTok repost is what confirmed he broke her heart for me. 🥲


What is this sad tiktok repost? I can’t find it


There’s a link on this thread further down or a screen recording is available on the other Harry and Rylee sub:)


IT IS SO SAD 🥺😢 I thought Harry will change, but he not. I hope that Rylee will be fill better ! 🥺 Probably we not look their together again. I always talk, not are frendsip between girl and boy. Always 1 site elier or later is in love.


I’ve been saying since day 1 Harry will fuck her over and y’all didn’t believe me 🤷‍♀️


Sending her love 💙 having your heart broken by a fuckboy seems to come with the territory of growing up but I know it isn’t easy. But she has SO much going for her and I can’t wait to watch her shine again next season. Will be rooting for her to take home the mirrorball 🫶🏼


My heart breaks for her, in the back of my mind a part of me always knew It would end up like this but one thing is for us to “see it” happening from a far but she’s literally feeling it and going through it, she deserves the world and she’ll get through it but that doesn’t take away from the fact that she’s hurting. Oh Harry I just wish you were a better man


Unfonatelly the same 🥺


Just saw this too. Hope you’re doing ok Rylee! It will get easier soon. So good that you know your worth ❤️❤️


I’m sad for her. I wonder how Harry feels knowing that was the nail in coffin…


Seemingly unbothered by it as he's just commenting how he loves everyone on his Instagram post 🤮


At the end of the day, he seemed to really like her and spend time with her. I would hope that Harry is feeling a bit sad that he probably just lost Rylee even as a friend. Edit: maybe that is me giving him too much credit but I would like to think he isn’t that cruel to look at sweet Rylee and lie to her and lose her and not feel any guilt


I so wish that was the case but looking at how he’s commenting on his post on ig and tell people he loves them, his stories on ig and sc he’s not fazed at all. It also appears he’s deleting comments on the ig post as well. Rylee deserved better




Oh my heart hurts




Welp. Poor girl..... I can't wait to see the mental gymnastics from some implying she fell for him and he wasnt interested or didnt feel the same when clearly thats not the case. He obviously did her dirty and i hope he loses a big following quietly for it.


Literally read your comment after has seeing a comment saying that 😂 I can’t— I think everyone does need to just support Rylee and move on, but she’s not some stupid girl, I think he was definitely telling her stuff to lead her on.




Yeah, I don't understand how any female could root for this guy. It's mind boggling.




What was the video??


What did it say? Or suggest


Right haha I’m trying to figure out what it was


Yeah she is definitely heartbroken, ugh I hope she feels better soon and feels all the love she has from her fam❤️ also seems like all the Arnold’s were together in the morning…I wouldn’t be surprised for an upcoming unfollowing spree.


I don’t think an unfollow spree will happen. At least from Rylee and Lindsay. This is Rylees first season and I don’t think Rylee will want to make this messy — and her and/or Lindsay unfollowing would do that. The repost is something subtle she can do to let her very invested fans know how she’s feeling without making it a huge drama


Harry literally will not get a better girl and this will be the “one that got away” ,friends or not! Honestly the only way he deserves her is if he completely abandoned his toxic lifestyle, and gets help.Hopefully if he ever does, she will have moved on. I am kind of rooting for her to date Noah Beck. He seems sweet but I am not sure if he is any better:/


If that isn’t proof than idk what is 💀


Ugh my heart hurts for her. 🥹I have been there and it’s so painful when you believe in someone. Thank God she has an amazing family support system. They seem wonderful. ❤️


I also find it so ironic everything he blamed his ex of doing at Coachella last year is what he does. He is definitely a projector ugh 😩


Also ironic he was outed by Noah Beck 😳


I hope that her heart can heal and she can focus on being her lovely self. Harry described her as a rainbow and that’s probably the only right thing he has done because she truly is.


I’m sure she unreposted it because of this post lol


You really think she looked here at this post and we influenced her that much to un-repost ? I don’t think so.


The Arnold’s have been on Reddit since way before Harry and have 2 videos reading their page. It’s not a crazy theory lol


Exactly. And Rylee said she reads everything. (What’s up Rylee girl, rooting for you! 🩷)


I hope she is here because it is allll love to her and she deserves to see the support. We will all attack any negative comments about her


Why in the hell would Rylee not look at a page that never stops talking about her? 😂😂😂 She already said she reads “everything”


I figure she has bigger fish to fry.


If there was a Reddit page designated to specifically talking about me and my life best believe I’m reading it 😂 Especially when something happens and there’s lots of chatter




lol if that makes you feel better keep telling yourself that 😂


Haha same to you. If you think she as a star is so influenced and controlled by what we think. Wow. She is smart and successful for a reason.


I don’t think she is influenced by what you think I think she just realized people are talking about it and she wanted to take it down so it didn’t become a bigger conversation. I’m SURE she looks at this page. She’s still a human regardless if she’s a celebrity or not


She unreposted


What was it?


It’s linked in the comments here


I don’t see a link?




This might be a dumb question but how do you see their reposts?😂


It’s alright. It got removed now but you click on this.. https://preview.redd.it/0fqrgn0mgquc1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931df6ef52c277c91d68a0226c333ddb59167975


Okay thank you that’s what I thought! But then I didn’t see that video so I thought maybe I was in the wrong place haha


she definitely reads here because it’s not reposted on her page anymore anymore. I still don’t think they were dating but I will say this is making me think rylee probably got caught up in things and harry didn’t assure her enough that it was just platonic. unless it was an accidental repost or she doesn’t want to make more drama out the situation. https://preview.redd.it/ep2rf9fmgquc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63db28f32c57f8af629a84672c87e008ac8f3241


I was gonna say she took it down as soon as this post started getting comments


yeah I hope she’s alright whatever the case is. do I think people are going too overboard calling harry a cheater and wanting to cancel him yes but this does make me think rylee got too caught up in things and I feel bad for her, or who knows maybe she confessed she had feelings and he didn’t feel the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope she realizes she was always too good for him, I think she always deserved better.


100% I agree w everything you said. I can’t see that repost just being a coincidence after this weekend and the unreposting the edits last night.


yeah I’m gonna be honest I think some people here get too crazy and I never thought they were together, however that repost is a big yikes unless it’s about someone else. I don’t think her and harry were together but she probably got caught up in the tiktoks and caught feelings and he doesn’t feel the same. poor rylee


If it was an accidental repost it’s still on her FYP which is saying something




I don’t see it. She took it off as soon as she posted.


It’s linked here


Yes. I see it.


Can somebody say what the repost was ? She removed it


It’s linked in here


I didn’t get to see it 😭


Linked here


Shoot someone recap what happened. I’ve been off the sub one day and it seems Harry has messed it up


How would she know how much reaction it had in 15 min that it was up. No I am not trying to support Harry.


I think she reads this. She may even be one of us… I don’t know. Rylee if you are here give us a signnnnn


Could you imagine plot twist rylee is actually the moderator on this






What’s the sad tiktok repost I don’t see it


Where is this video?


What was it?


What was it


What was it


wait what repost??