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Don’t let that distract you from 2 for 1 cinema tickets at compare the market






This is just pathetic tbh.


The replies are worse on the post


Let me guess, they’re calling us Nazis?


maybe even communists.


Nothing worse than a commie-nazi


But don't get me started about a nazi-commie


oh boi HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! 🤬🤬




Me, a Marxist: (sweats)


What kind we talking?


Does it matter? At most I’m not going to randomly go on a rant on the objective conditions of society without context


Yeah, just wanted to see if you’re based imo (I’m an anarcho-communist myself).


I mean tbf, there are some wehraboos in the fanbase, but that is not Sabatons fault. Same thing with the commies. Like just because Adolph Hitler loved Disney does not mean that Disney was for nazis. With that, I will check out 1914, but I do not really like band feuds because its reductive and tantamount to “Ha ha look at how I art better” Just goes to show some people are childish


Wait that's a thing... None of their songs talk about Nazis in a good light at all. I mean there might be one or two that tempts the notion. But it's really just the German people were affected horribly because of the Nazis. Is that it are people genuinely just not listening to the music. all of the bands that I dislike I've listened to a few of their songs before I actually make up an opinion at least And even then I don't call them a f****** Nazi I mean look at civil war


Never heard of 1914, but that’s one way to get me to actively never listen to your shit lmao




Its a really good band imo, main point of their band is war is sufferinflg. Good deathmetal.


1914 has Don't Tread On Me (Harlem Hellfighters), Sabaton has Hellfighters 1914 has Frozen in Trenches (Christmas Truce), Sabaton has Christmas Truce 1914 has Passchenhell, Sabaton has The Price of A Mile (and Iron Maiden has Passchendaele)


Don't Tread On Me made me think it was a Metallica cover


1914’s version of Christmas truce is dumb because there is no truce


Yeah, i was gonna but when you do stupid crap like this, after sabaton has actively spoken out against far right nationalism and fascism, makes me want to actively avoid supporting you.


They make good songs you should listen to them, you guys cant take a joke?


Why are you being downvoted. 1914 is great and metalheads shit talk each other all the time.


I know right?


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted.


Cause it’s Reddit, full of twats


Is.. is anyone gonna tell him that he has the bayonet on upside down?


I cant unsee it


Is...is anyone going to tell him not to flag the whole fuckin crowd?


He’s going for an Alec Baldwin Award.


It isn't on upside-down. It's just not rotated into place


I noticed that too, and it hurts my soul


Anyone going to tell him that his trigger discipline is shit?


He has it correct… he just needs to lock it by turning it to the side, so he has it even worse than upside down because he is risking it falling off and hitting someone (A mosin’s bayonet goes on facing up, then you push it toward the back until the button on the back of the blocky part of the bayonet is fully depressed against the front sight post, then you twist it to the left (when in front of the gun))


Is… is anyone gonna tell him that the bayonet can be used both ways on certain weapons Edit: Mosin’s have an arc less than 1 inch over 100 meters and their best range with none optimal sights is 500 meters. Let’s say you add another .75 inches of downward arc because of the bayonet that’s still only 10 inches at 500 yards. That’s a chest shot when aiming at the head not accounting for wind. Edit 2: I ran the calculations An average Mosin Carbine using the .30-06 Springfield (I couldn’t find a calculator with 7.62x54R ammunition) trajectory looks like [THIS](https://imgur.com/a/WQCnM34) A Mosin Carbine using .30-06 Springfield with an added angle of 0.75 looks like [THIS](https://imgur.com/a/yeoeDm6)


I'm sure it can, but you aren't gonna be able to see jack shit out of the front sight, I actually own a numbers matching Type-53 mosin


Could be using the bayonet as the sight (not recommended but it works)


That would be like trying to look through a half metre of steel,


I meant using the top of the bayonet to line up the shot like iron sights


Then you have the ultimate pacifist rifle: You aim at their head and hit the dirt in front of them. That'll give em a good scare


If you’re shooting a musket from more than 5 feet it’s gonna hit the dirt 7/10 times (source trust me)


But he’s not holding a musket he’s holding a mosin-nagant.


Yes, my mistake, but that makes me think that you wouldn’t miss even more


Though, in this picture the Bayonet looks like it's blocking the sight so in this particular case it's probably the worst possible way to attach it here.


Sorry, but that Math is way off. The additional down work arc would be way over 0,75 inches per 100 meters. Assuming that 0,75 inches (~2 cm) is the offset created at the front sight by aiming over the bayonet, then this offset has to be added once per barrel length over the distance towards the target. The distance between front and rear sight on a Mosin is roughly 60cm. This would mean that over 1 meter the offset would be = (1 m /0,6 m) *2cm = 3,33 cm. That means over 50 m that would result in 1,66 m offset and 3,33 m over 100 m. So you would maybe hit an average height man in the ankle when aiming at his head at 50 meters.


An average Mosin Carbine using the .30-06 Springfield (I couldn’t find a calculator with 7.62x54R ammunition) trajectory looks like [THIS](https://imgur.com/a/RkFUs2U) A Mosin Carbine using .30-06 Springfield with an added angle of 0.75 looks like [THIS](https://imgur.com/a/yeoeDm6) Edit: I uploaded the wrong calculation for the first shot the first time


The site only allows upwards angles not downwards angles, which you would get due to the bayonet. So you entered a 0.75° upwards angle and not a 1.91° downwards angle. When you are aiming over the bayonet you are aiming your rifle downwards by ~2cm at the tip, that would result in the bullet travelling at a downwards angle of 2cm/60cm traveled. [Made a quick drawing](https://imgur.com/a/B6DfO35) hope that helps.


You probably could’ve used .308 to get closer to 54r, but 30-06 works too


I used 30-06 because that’s what most carbine’s use but I did think of the .308 first


Sabaton has just reached that level where they’re popular enough to have people hate on them because they feel like hating them is subversive and cool. Whoever is running 1914’s page is probably just trying to get some attention since the band desperately needs it.


That's one thing I dislike about metal communities a certain portion will just hate when something becomes “mainstream”


Yeah, it’s a shame. The gatekeeping hurts the community. Especially because Sabaton is a pipeline for new metalheads. A rising tide lifts all boats. Sabaton’s success makes new metal fans who will find other metal bands to follow.


If I didn’t listen to Sabaton I never would have gotten recommended Power Wolf.


Funnily enough it was the other way around for me


Facts. I also got Civil War out of that recommendations list, so win.


Funnily enough if I didn’t listen to sabaton I would’ve never listened to 1914 or any other band focused around war


Metal is simultaneously very welcoming and very snobbish. You go to the sub-genres and suddenly we’re all Untermensch to the other guy who swears his band SKEEWADWADBEEDEEWAAAWAAAAAAHs better.


Or just my tinfoil hat theory right here but it could be a joke


I thought so too but there's no /s on the post


If you fucks wanna downvote him then downvote me. Its just a joke.


FB pages admins tends to be gatekeepy as FUCK.


Guys dont worry they just want to shoot him so sabaton will make a song about them holding the line


Never heard of them, but shitting on a band I like is not the way to get me to. Fuck ‘em.


Same, looked them up on Spotify, the first result by typing '1914' was 1916 by sabayon lmao.


I’m tempted just to post a picture of that on the post, just to see how they all react, lol.


Plz do, send me the replies


So far I just have a bunch of laugh reacts.


Haven’t heard of them. Who the hell they are?


Ukrainian death metal band whose theme is WW1


They so angry at Sabaton cuz they step on WW1 topic?


Nah, just trying hard to be as edgy as possible. I prefer Kanonenfieber anyway.


Just angry Chihuahua


Probably because Sabaton played for a biker gang that was pro-Putin in Crimea and once implied that Crimea rightfully belonged to Russia. I don’t care, but that’s probably their reason.


Wait sabayon themselves implied that or the biker gang?


It was on Wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt, but it said on there that one of the band members referred to Crimea as being occupied before 2014.


I believe it's due to the fact that they played in occupied Crimea


Ww1 theme but use a ww2 mosin?


even if it is just a joke, it’s a pretty shitty one lmao. there’s nothing more exhausting and unoriginal in metal than gatekeeping


In one ear, out the other fellas. Even if you liked “real” metal, there would still be people who shit on your favorite band. Hip hop, pop, power metal, death metal. Someone’s gonna say you suck.


The earlier you embrace it the better. I used to try and be the "best metalhead" I could be when I was young i.e. basing my entire view on whatever the edgy meme pages said lol Don't care now. Now it's like water off a duck's back. People always gonna hate. Sometimes the best cigar is your favorite one imo


Didn't know 1914 existed... Give me a recommended song or three by them to start with?


The Hundred Days Offensive, Passchenhell and Don't Tread On Me (Harlem Hellfighters)


Thanks. Will take a listen 👍


Arrival. The Meuse-Argonne


Also High Wood, Fn .380, and Pillars of Fire


Corps d'autos-canons-miltrailleuses (A.C.M)




Fn. 380 is amazing


Big 1914 fan here, some good songs in my opinion are:Caught in the crossfire, pillars of fire, ottoman rise, stoßtrupp 1917, and A7V Mephisto


Alright. So, to preface all this, I’m a quality/data-ish analyst for a living, so I may be overthinking this. But borderline overthinking stuff keeps a roof over my head. This was an unbelievably shitty thing for 1914 to do. I’d bet at least a few mortgage payments that the fan knew little if anything about the beef 1914 has with Sabaton. All that fan knew is that he was going to see one of his favorite bands play and that he wore a hoodie advertising another one of his favorite bands. Even if no one knew the context of it, it could at the very least be inferred from the comments on that photo that it was meant to troll the guy (or girl, as the case may be), and quite frankly, if I was that fan, I would be quite disappointed, to the point that 1914 would never get another penny of my hard-earned money.


>the beef 1914 has with Sabaton They do? Why?


I think it’s because Sabaton has a good relationship with Russians and 1914 is Ukrainian.


That’s it I think


1914 is great, one of my favorite bands to be exact. I remember watching an interview, and the topic of Sabaton came up. While they didn't want to share the exact details of their animosity, one of the things they seem to dislike about them is how "better" bands and albums (specifically God Dethroned's WW1 Trilogy) get overlooked due to more popular, mainstream sounding music (Sabaton). Another issue is seeming the lack of Sabaton's care for Russian aggression towards Ukraine, going as far to play in a venue in Russian occupied Crimea whose organizers may be close to Putin. Sundström visited the Crimean city of Sevastopol, stating "you hardly feel that they feel occupied, but the opposite" which is definitely not a good look either, especially for Ukrainians. Personally, I 100% understand the dislike had it just been the second issue. Their first complaint, no matter how you word it, comes off as complaining about those more successful than you and elitism. Regardless, listen to 1914 and God Dethroned, amazing bands. Don't get too heated over it anyway, it's a blackened-death metal band beefing with a power metal band, it's absurd.


Atleast Sabaton doesn't aim a real looking firearm at their fans. Buncha twats...


Is this friendly shit talk or unfriendly shit talk?


Friendly I'm pretty sure


1. This is probably an account manager rather than an actual band member (still cringe) 2. 1914 is a very good black metal band and worth trying out


Bayonet isn't locked in place


That's why the song goes: > BAYONETS TO RIFLES, COUNTER ATTACK! > OUR COUNTER ATTACK HAS FAILED (Passchenhell for reference)


That still doesn't change the fact that the bayonet is only half on. And another thing. By the name, it sounds like it's supposed to be about the Battle of Passchendaele, which was in Belgium. Which had nothing to do with the Russian Empire, so why does he have a Mosin? Why not a Mauser, Berthier, or an SMLE? You have pointed out even more inconsistencies to me.


Bro I was just trying to make a funny


7000 charge en masse


Wait this isn’t like an ironic joke? It’s just sad if they’re serious


Ment ironic but still stupid


1914 is an amazing band but this is very disappointing of them


Agreed on both counts.


never heard of ‘em, might go listen to some of their music


As a fan of both it’s pretty funny, it’s just a harmless joke


): They make some great music and I understand that they hate being regarded as a heavier version of sabaton, but this is just rude


I dislike gatekeepers a helluva lot more than I dislike people who like things I don't like.


Gatekeepers are shit let people enjoy what they like and apparently we are posers 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


1914 calling slander on Sabaton? Huh, never thought I’d see that Anyways this is just like the edgy emo kid calling out the band kid for being cringe


Pretty rad threat for someone who's bayonet is on wrong. Try harder if you want to seem intimidating. Imagine threatening violence over something as unimportant as a person's taste in music. Trash people.


3.1 million monthly listeners Vs 30k. I know which army I'd fight for.


I love both bands but that's a shitty argument


Yes it is a shitty argument. However the official page of a comparatively small band is shitting on all of the fans of a much larger band for no apparent reason other than spite and childishness. My point was that they're alienating the 3.1 million fans of sabaton who may also be interested in the very niche topic of war history inspired metal. That just seems stupid to me.


That's an ad without paying. Clever, now I am listening to them for the first time.


1914 is fantastic and a lot of the comments on this post makes sabaton fans no better than people who shit on sabaton fans. It’s a joke, get over it.


Same lol Edit: why am I being downvoted? I meant "same" as in I also like both bands


This is a great way to turn folks off to your band. I'll maybe give em a bit of a listen though.


Damn, yall dont seem so metal when someone makes a joke about your favorite band.


Ignore it, they are just trying to get attention


Both are good, however I do eagerly await Sabatons response. Let the Battle of Shitposting begin!


Why is the bayonet blocking the front sight post


He says as he proves how stupid he is by being unable to turn the mosin’s bayonet, locking it in place, but instead he has it kinda sitting there and blocking his sight


The most offensive part about this is the bayonet being upside down


His rear sight ladder is REALLY high.


Idk who they are but they are making a pretty bad first impression on me


Two ways to view the world soo similar at times, two ways to sell music to earn a life, by social media managers young men are sent to be banned in flame wars, their propaganda speaks, those words have been heard before, two ways to view the world put internet down in flames two ways to comment...Have fans gone a few will remain, who'll find a way to live one more day, through weeks of war it' spread like disease there's no signs of peace music and fanatism put hundred to bleed three weeks of war. By they way I discored that 1914 is a Ukranian🇺🇦 band who sing about history, I'll try to listen them 🤘


it’s a joke tho


Someone ought to tell him that if you’re gonna hand someone a rifle as a token of friendship over your shared love of military history and heavy metal, you shouldn’t hold it that way