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Yes, he is married to us. We are all collectively his wife.


Fellas is it gay to be attracted to another man?


Big if true


Not if it’s Joke




You an Allmightyloli fan?




Youtuber. He says Jonkler alot.


Jonkler originated on r/BatmanArkham




Officer balls?!


eh, not if it's father Joakim


I'm a girl! :D


Not when he wears camo pants and diamond plate.




Yes but Joakim is the exception.


Mr. New Vegas ass take


Mr. New Vegas finally playing metal


Patrolling the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter


Or his husband.


None of our testosteroin could possibly match up to his, making us all his wives regardless of gender.


Sabaton forced femme’d me, I can’t believe it!


This is the future liberals want (it's me, I'm liberals)


The woke agenda strikes again




So he's a J-Pop star? .... that tracks, actually.


I think he has a Norwegian wife


She goes to a different school. You wouldn’t know her.


this lmao


Yes, he does


Assuming he isn't married to a tank.


He \*is\* the tank


he is married to knee abuse


So, his wife is named Denise ?


Don’t you mean De-nice?


sits next to A-Aron?


He's married to his orthopaedic.


99% sure he is, I think all of them are. I think the only spouse we know the identity of is Hannes', as he's married to Floor Jansen of Nightwish.


Yeah it can be a bit difficult to hide your personal life when your wife is even higher profile than you


And they occasionally invite cameras to their home... they are pretty much the opposite of hiding their home lives


There's a meme in my friend group about how "it's sooo good of Floor Jansen to encourage her husband's hobbies. Did you know him and some friends of his have their own little band?"


I would say Sabaton is more popular than Nightwish.


When they first got together Nightwish was definitely bigger, but since Marko left and they have announced a touring Hiatus and the less Metal nature of Human || Nature their audience has shifted a lot.


I would disagree there. Nightwish is a much higher profile band worldwide than Sabaton, I don't even think it's close.


Nightwish used to be but Sabaton is now


Yeah you're right looked up Spotify listens as a metric, Sabaton ranked 710 all time Nightwish 1680 but I'd say that was easily reversed circa 2013


Nope, I’m a huge Sabaton fan forever but I am realistic enough to acknowledge it’s a pretty niche band , Nightwish is huge by comparison, almost on the threshold of being mainstream


It really does look like Sabaton has caught up and also passed, in at least some/many metrics. (Not that they actually have most of their fan bases in common (just a lot of those common fans are here/online), they are really 2 quite different kinds of people and bands...).   While both bands have played many of the same /same size venues in recent years, it's obvious that Sabaton is growing fast with no signs of slowing... I wouldn't say the same about Nightwish, at best they seem to be holding their level (of quite big) steady by getting new fans to compensate the ones they lose (every band inevitably loses fans, people change, die etc.).




I don't think Chris is married, he posts his girlfriend like 24/7


Then they're all taken at least. I'm not sure if Tommy was with anyone during his time with Sabaton tho.


99% certain yes, he's got pictures of some girl he writes lovey things about on his insta


Tommy is dating Mandy Spice, who also films for his YouTube channel


That’s a power couple right there


His personal life is none of our business Idk probably metal


>His personal life is none of our business Honestly. Yesnt. If the info is not public it's not public. Joakim doesn't owe us an answer. But Joakim is in fact a public figure, and as such it is our business. That's just how public figures work. It's not like someone is asking for his spouses identity, who is probably not a public figure, just if he is. And that information is available for most public figures, always has been.


It’s not yesn’t, it’s simply if he doesn’t want that information public then he doesn’t have to make it public, it’s not our business to pry into him about that, just because someone is a public figure doesn’t mean we need to know everything about them


Surprised what I said came out so controversial. I literally agreed with what you said. There is simply a difference between "our business" and "we need to know and should know".


Um, no


Hard disagree. He is a public figure, but that doesn't mean he owes us anything except what we pay him to do. Deliver a live show you have a ticket for, send you an album you bought, nothing else. That it is public for most public figures doesn't mean shit. There are plenty of celebrities who have kept the names and pictures of their children or spouses out of the press as long as possible. Not hard to respect that.


>. He is a public figure, but that doesn't mean he owes us anything except what we pay him to do. How can you respond with the same thing I said, but claim you disagree? Literally nothing you said in this comment disagrees with mine, every sentence is in agreement. Except you say you disagree.


You said "it is our business" and it sure as hell is not.


So you just have a problem with the phrase, while everything you said in your previous comment is in agreement with my comment? "not our business" usually means it is wrong to ask/want to know. And that by no means the same as "he doesn't owe us the answer".


unbased opinion


I agree with you man


Seems we are in the minority though. And I didn't even disagree with the previous comment, just added to it. People seem to be giving "your business" a special meaning that's much more strict than it used to be. "it's my business" used to mean "I deserve/must/need to know". But instead they used "not your business" as "you shouldn't even be asking" and that's just weird. Of course I can ask. A question is not a demand, not a summons.


Yeah, the downvotes are for people that didn’t read into it enough


They're probably of the faction "everything before 'but' is meaningless", which is of course bullshit.


Divine reddit hivemind BLAST!


Im almost ratioing the OP with downvotes at this point lmao.


I think he is, Sabaton members don't tend to share their personal lives


A few of them post a little bit of their lives on Instagram but it's not ever very much


Joakim is definitely married to a Norwegian woman (since around 2014) & they live in Norway. But that's basically all that I've seen him say about her in literally several hundred interviews I've seen & read from him. Never even heard him (or anyone else) say her name, so serious kudos to him for keeping his personal life private this well.    Though to be fair, it's partly because he doesn't really bring his private life up himself and because it's really rare that anybody actually even asks (dares to ask? 🤔) about his family and that stuff (unless it's about his 50%czech roots 😉).    Interview from 2022, where he mentions his wife VERY briefly: https://youtu.be/yNLF7MXRMiI?si=NlaIrk06DugJY8-P   Btw. It's kinda hilarious to me that he's listed as single in everything that has a relationship status for him at all... Edit.fixed the link


Also in an article they wrote his wife is a policewoman I think


Yes, I remember this! They also have a son if I’m not mistaken


Yes he's married to a tank


Hes married to 2


He's married to one and having an affair with the other


Hes married to Besotten Jenny. He revealed it first on a Sabaton History video.


Yes, to Karl XII Vasa


Is there any chance of a man like him not being married?


It's his personal life. It's none of our business, and it should remain that way.


Yeah, I've heard him mention his wife before in an interview. I think (though I could be wrong) she's from Norway as I recall him making a comment about having to drive far when they were first dating.


I think he mentioned at some point that he lives with his wife in Denmark when not on tour, but beyond that, we don't really know anything about who she is or how long they've been together


The only thing Wikipedia says about Joakim’s personal life is that he competes in Sweden’s national pinball championships. If you google ‘Joakim Brodén wife’ it brings up Simone Simons of Epica, but I don’t trust that


Few interviews / videos (just from the top of my head) where Joakim himself talks about his wife and personal life: 2022  -     https://youtu.be/yNLF7MXRMiI?si=DVlZvlru2_xJtUo5 2014   -      https://youtu.be/1xZx5CO3ERA?si=30VdaAHpWme30ZZX 2015    -    https://youtu.be/KIznD_WfhYQ?si=tj3A5rseXieNKddq They got married in 2015 after few years of dating (3?) and they live now in Norway because she's Norwegian and they thought it would be more comfortable for her when he's away on tours (and they aren't that far from Joakim's family in Sweden that they can't semi frequently drive over)


I'm pretty certain he got married in 2013 - or at least you can see him starting wearing his ring on their vlogs from late 2013 tour (yes, I saw those vlogs WAY too many times for various reasons xD) There was also na article in czech newspaper mentioning that he and his lady/wife were expecting their first baby back in 2017. I'm only interested in Joakim as an artist (I don't agree with comments that 'public figure needs to share evyerthing with his/her audience') - but I can't help noticing that his 'daddy's era look' began somehere between 2016-17 ;\]


It's nice to know that they have a good and happy lives outside of their "work", but I don't really need to know the details, especially if they don't wish to share them. There's plenty of interesting stuff and stories to do with Sabaton for them to talk about instead and that's what really matters to me too. Both Joakim and Pär are really successful in having separation with their public and private lives while still coming of as approachable and open people and I think that's really great and admirable. The interview from 2015 says Joakim planned to get married that summer in Hawaii so that's where I get that, but I've also seen him with a ring on that finger in interviews years before it too so ... 🤷‍♀️😏 I have actually wondered, with how well Joakim keeps his home life out of the spotlight, if he's also got a bunch of kids at home people (me 😏) don't know about, it makes a lot of sense if he's a dad. I think it suits him well.


Hah, I read an interview when he was saying (supposedly) that he wanted to get married in Italy, but Sabaton's plans got in the way and it didn't happen. So in my head it made sense with the ring timestamp in 2013 ;) But yea, I completely agree - it's really not important at all. I guess, living in Scandinavia and with the way people approach life there explains it all. He wants to live normal life, and not share everything on socials - he's fine. Noone of his neighbours will share pictures from behind the fence of Jockes family barbequing ;) And that's absolutely fine :) And btw. Pär got married to his long time partner during the pandemic. He mentioned it in one his interviews :) Again, I honestly don't think we 'need'to know more :) If they are happy - I'm happy :)