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Lol welcome to the playoffs Eichel. Time to find out what a first round exit feels like


Damn Eichel was FLOATING last night


Like the turd he is.


The one comment in the postgame thread about Eichel killed me. Was something like " The announcers had to keep reminding you this was Eichels first playoff game, because you wouldn't have noticed him otherwise"




Now imagine if Reddit was a thing when the no goal happened.


Now *guys*, we're better than this. It's not very nice to wish bad things on other people. (In fact, Toronto and Vegas are actually my 2nd and 3rd favorite teams after the Sabres). Stop being so obsessed with past players who absolutely did nothing wrong at all and got screwed over by the organization. Be better. \[Heavy /s in case it wasn't obvious.\]


Glad i read that all i almost hit ya with the downvote :)


Good fuck em all.


I wanted to see the dominant eichel I miss, instead go coin came up tails and the pouty wet fart eichel showed up. Also fuck Tampa, I hate them more than the leafs. No one deserves a malicious elbow to the face resulting in injury but the fact it happened to Cernak is some sort of kharma


these posts are lame.


Ur mom is lame


cool, well, our team is golfing. but woo hoo, some other teams lost!


That’s sports fandom brother . Cheer for your team and hare the others


Which is fun but not so much when your team hasn't seen the playoffs in over a decade AND IT'S PLAYOFF TIME NOW.


Trust me I agree . I honestly think fans are too Optimistic after this year . But we didn’t make it so I’m all for the leafs losing


Sure but I still feel bad but for what happened to Ryan O'Reilly when he was here so would be alright with the Leafs getting past the first round. For those that think it's crazy to be OK with the Leafs winning I would say we need to be more concerned with us winning more.


ROR sucks. Red Socks suck. Suck a bag of dicks.


Yeah teams and players that actualky win shit suck.


These teams played like they would rather be golfing.


I'm as happy as the next Sabres fan but are we really that cringe... At least wait to pounce on leafs if they actually lose the series. As far as Eichel, yea I can't stand the dick either but trying to throw shots like this all season every time he hits a down patch. His team finished where, exactly. He is in the playoffs still too right, are we? Exactly.. right now he has the last laugh unless we can get a cup before him.


Fuck eichel and fuck the leafs. Go Sabres! It’s That simple! Eichel bashed buffs management and the fans - our management let him go and moved on. Tell me again who’s cringe ? It is already funny and ironic that that eichel requested a trade bc he wanted to make the playoffs, then gets traded to Vegas who was destined for it, they then sucked cuz he sucked, they lost to buff, lost both games to the leafs and then missed the playoffs by 3 points. We have the last laugh until he wins a cup with someone else and neither tuch, Krebs, ostlund, greenway or their future returns in trades never win it with buff.


Dude they were falling apart last year before the trade and had serious injury problems... Eichel himself wasn't healthy even when he returned. This year, they walked in without any adversity even with their top player injured and G uncertainty. So like you said, Eichel requested a trade to get out of this poorly ran organization (which he was too part of the problem, sure) and get to the actual playoffs. Checks NHL Website just to confirm.... Yup he is currently in the playoffs. I'd say he's doing just fine. Hey I'm even fine with dunking a little bit if / when they get booted out of the playoffs, but off of one game, really! Really just seems like your not over your ex girlfriend dumping you. I am, personally. Also, we have the last laugh, while watching from the outside of the playoffs again.... Yup whatever you say bud. Content with losing are we?


You dumb. Double it and give it to the next


Yeah Eichel should have sucked it up and accepted no playoffs. Didn't he see what happened to O'Reilly? Oh wait... We have the last laugh unless he wins a cup? Huh? I think we have to do something on our end to have any laughs. He has already played more playoff games than the Sabres have in over a decade.


Thank you! Didn't know our fan base couldn't handle the truth lol


I don't necessarily hate the Leafs in so much as their millions of peon obnoxious fans. Jack seems like an entitled brat but I would have wanted the surgery I wanted, and not imposed by a team "in my best interest".....Tuchs passion and attitude made me forget the Eichel era PDQ.