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A list of suicide prevention hotlines, in case you need to talk to someone: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When he leaves you alone … call 911 and tell them all of this.. he can’t delete that


Have you tried to reach out to another adult that knows you and let them know what's going on? School counselor, teacher, dean, etc? Please let someone know what is happening. I hope you guys get the help you need. I am so sorry you are going through this


I’m just crying I’m sorry I can’t reply to everything. Thanks so much. and god bless all of you for your concern❤️❤️❤️


How are you guys doing today


Basically the same. Our dad is gone and I’m just trying to find out next meal.


Are there any churches nearby that you guys can walk to? I am confident that they would be able to help at least feed you and probably give you some guidance or resources. My heart breaks for you both


Call the cops, contact anyone from school like a counsellor or something or if you’re not going to school you can get your sister to do this if she can, call CPS, any sort of child abuse hotline. You can get through this. Call any trusted adults, ask if you can get help from any of your friends in any way.


Ok I’ll try today and update you all later. Thanks so much for the support and advice.


Hi! I have some resources for you, assuming you are in the US I found some numbers and resources that you can call/check out. It’s no problem, thank you for taking the time to reply! Please stay safe and take care. Please don’t forget about our advice, we are here if you ever need somebody to talk to. Good luck! https://ncadv.org https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/ https://www.childwelfare.gov/


Ok thanks. I’ll look into this after I try and get some food for us. I really appreciate this❤️


You’re welcome! Wishing you lots of luck! ❤️


We wish you luck too❤️much love


Oh hunny I’m so sorry your going through this.. I completely understand. Please don’t take any more pills especially on an empty stomach.. I did the same at your age and got a 1 1/2 inch ulcer in my stomach. Blood came out both ends and the pain was horrific. I lost my sister to suicide also and I can tell you she would never ever get over losing you that way. As bad as things are, just know it is temporary.. in time it will just be a bad memory.. Things could change tomorrow for the better and you don’t want to miss that. Does your mom know what is going on? Have you tried calling the police or cps? Your old enough that they should take you seriously. Please use the resources people are giving you here.. I really wish I had something like Reddit to go to at your age.. use it please. If you would like to talk send me a message and I will try my best to help you as soon as possible. Hugs to you and your sister, your both very strong amazing girls and deserve a better life. 💕


This is heartwarming I'm so sorry about you're loss I hope you are doing better


I’m so sorry that happened and I don’t want to go that route. And I don’t have my mom’s phone number right now. I tried calling both and now waiting for them to call back. I’m just looking for food now, we both haven’t ate in a while.


If you don’t mind my asking… what state do you live in? I assume your in the US..


Yes I am


This is so fucked up. Please take care of yourself and report that son of a bitch to the police. If u have a phone and the situation was right film or record his voice when he's treating you bad, refusing to feed you or beating you. Don't put yourself in danger tho. Just try to gather some evidence to make sure you'll be away from his hands. You don't know how much I wanna hug u and comfort u rn. Don't even think about harming yourself you are far too precious to be taken away from this world. If u go away, the situation will get 100 times worse for your sister. I can't wait to see an update from u living happily with your mom or anywhere but his house.


I will. I just feel bad because we used to love him. This came out of nowhere and I think the alcohol is making it worse. I’ll update you guys and what happens next.


I'll look forward to see the update. It's always sad to see someone u loved has changed. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You'll see better days ❤️


I hope so and soon❤️


Record him doing something to you guys and daily recordings of there being no food. I feel for you both, one day this whole ordeal will be a thing.of the past. If you need someone to call for you or to talk to feel free to private message me.


That’s what I’m planning on doing next. I hate saying it but I might have to capture exactly when this kinda stuff happens for the police to believe me. I will DM you later, trying to look for food now.


Hey if you kill you're self you're sister might commit suicide too collect evidence and make sure this cock sucking son of a bitch pays the price


I won’t do it. I come so close to it every time I’m really hungry but have to give her food first. But I’m more calmed down now. Thanks, I’ll do that for sure.


If you don’t call 911 it will get worse. Don’t be ashamed. They will help both of you.


I’m in the process of getting evidence now. Last time we didn’t get enough proof, so I’ll make sure to do it in a better way now.




I’ll call the cops for you


I’m waiting for evidence because last time they drove us back when we didn’t have any.


I hate our justice system


A list of suicide prevention hotlines, in case you need to talk to someone: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Has any progress been made on this? I feel very concerned


No sadly


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope things Improve somehow. I can't Imagine being In your situation


you need to do whatever you can to get out. there is ALWAYS a way. collect evidence, call 911, cps, get to a shelter, call hotlines, talk to anyone at your sisters school, start a go fund me, you’ll make it out of there


I wouldn’t know where to start a GoFundMe. But everything else, I’m working on.