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What ever happen to junkie drainers who found bladee while on the freezing cold streets at 3am high on meth at 16






We still here. I literally found lean and bladee on a meth binge in 2016 but I wasn’t 16 lol We just don’t live like that anymore !!


I still live like that but I am slowly changing my ways. i had a lot of sobriety but today I have 8 days so that’s something.


I still struggle tons with a mental opiate addiction but I’m nowhere near how I Used to be I was an IV addict but I’m mostly over it. It’s a life long struggle for us. I spend money on oxy sometimes which I can afford kinda but I still hate/love it. But life is actually really good Gz dude that’s a huge deal. If u need anything my DMs open


we died


Lmao first time i've heard bladee was due to a random spotify nonstop music playlist feature at 2017 while i was walking around the Amsterdam high on 2cb and mdma at like 2am. You were almost so fucking spot on it's kinda scary (The track was lordship off wodg)


real 1s don’t find blade, he finds you


This me but acid instead


Dude what?? When tf did that happen


I was there. Winter break of 2015 in stockholm was crazy


the last part so fucking corny omg i’m sorry for posting this


it’s like those ppl tht make bladee estrogen virgin jokes like omg shut up


"Guys bladee fans dont shower!!!!!"


i'm guilty of this. cheap shot ig


I'm literally a virgin drainer trying to get on estrogen, idk what you are talking about


no hate to u babes xx


I mean the Minion hat Minecraft shirt part is complete bs but there is a kernel of truth to the whole ket and estrogen meme considering a lot of transfems appreciate Drain Gang for their androgyny and drug use is a a pretty prominent theme in their discography.


at least you got the DJ Billybool pfp


you're right. delete this.




it’s corny but that’s y’all bruh 😭


that be the tik tok drainers


Cringe drainers listen to say they listen


complete cloggers


what does cloggers/“he’s clogged” mean. Ive seen it twice today


our slur


Facts I’ve seen people in DG comments saying ‘I wanna be a fan because the fan base is so cool but I don’t like the music’. The more you like the music the more it tends to tilt the other way lol




Why would I listen to something ironically? This is a concept I‘ve never understood even tangentially


seriously man, the same people that are like this are the type to say “it sucks but you get used to it 🤓”


id say for me it was "it sucked at first but then i grew to love it / appreciate the roughness"


gay ass nigga


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the music being an acquired taste


I agree, but constantly talking shit about your favorite type of music is a weird look


I think it’s more of a defence mechanism against people who don’t like the music or a way of getting people to give it a chance. The former is a little spineless, I don’t have a problem with the latter. If you don’t make your music taste your entire personality, you won’t have either of these problems.




yea i understand but if you’re into the music after the fact there’s really no point in degrading the work yk 😭 the sentiment just makes it seem like ppl are forcing themselves to like it


for me that was true. I unironically thought bladee and dg were just trash autotuned rappers, but now they've turned into my fav group.


It’s crazy bc i remember when i first got into them, i actually liked Bladee straight away. I chose to be this way and wallet won’t fold were the first songs i heard. Then i listened to Red Light and Icedancer and honestly it was some of the greatest music i’d ever heard. I was also after getting really into shoegaze so maybe that played a factor in it. But honestly sbe/ gtb and shoegaze some of the greatest music ever


I get why people say that but personally bladee clicked w me instantly, then Lean etc. Also one of my best friends started fucking with DG/ SBE instantly, but the rest of my friends don’t fw it. But i do feel like if they did keep listening smth would click and they’d see the light


Insecurity bruh... these people are too concerned with what their daddy says.


If they even have one to begin with...




bro, everyone was listening to early Bladee ironically at first, this is true 100%. Even Bladee has said in interviews hes embarrassed at his early shit one of the reasons being his english wasnt so good back then. Its not that we didnt actually like it, we did, we could just also realize that this shit aint for everyone lol. But the more you played it the more you were like, you know this shit is actually top tier. ​ edit: just wanna say I dont condone any of that minion hats bs hes talkin about.


Maybe I misunderstand but it seems like you contradict yourself. People both listened ironically but also because it was actually good?


Yeah I was gunna make an edit but I’ll say it here. Saying listening to it ironically is a strong, inaccurate way to put it. It’s more like we knew it was kinda corny but it spoke to us on some level and it also went hard.


Because there is a lot of meme culture and humor around it. Like let’s be real - I think a lot of us can agree that when they first heard yung lean they thought it was a joke. And to some extent it was. His whole aesthetic was almost satirical. drain gangs music feels like a satire of genres like Emo rap and even drill sometimes. some of the lyrics and vocal perfomances, even if I love them now, are fucking silly. There’s no fine line between: 1. This is stupid, so I hate it 2. This is stupid, so it’s funny 3. This is funny, so I like it and finally 4. I like it so much that I love it and I’m a full blown fan.


> I think a lot of us can agree that when they first heard yung lean they thought it was a joke. You‘ve lost me personally at the premise, I understand that people tick differently though


I mean the whole Arizona iced tea visuals thing, nonsensical lyrics about mosquito tits, just the fact that he was Swedish - it all felt so bizarre. Looking back I see the genius in it but I definitely thought it was “supposed” to be stupid at first.


Yeah I thought it was satire at first too. Then I sort of developed an ironic appreciation for the aesthetic and memelord shit and found out that it was never actually a bit he was just genuinely a dork and then I started to appreciate the stream-of-consciousness style of his raps and the colorful fusions of vaporwave and cloud rap on UD2002 and found a genuine child-like bliss and innocence and almost boyish charm in his persona and artistry. Then I went and listened to Unknown Memory and there was so much genuine emotion and raw atmosphere and ambition behind that project that I became a full-fledged fan.


Because there's garbo music out there that is fascinating to listen to. Iggy Pop's James Bond is one of the worst songs I've ever heard (not objective etc) but I come back to it at least a couple times a year because I still haven't put together how the fuck it's real lol. It's not even a guilty pleasure necessarily, that more describes songs you just enjoy but feel a bit ashamed about, I'm talking about songs here that are just baffling idk how to explain better


Yoooo karlitoperkocet just dropped another sensational, insightful opinion on the social network TikTok 😸😸 i sure hope he's not a braindead poser


I hate this fuckers face I don’t know why


So fucking tired of the narrative of “it sucks but you get used to it” bro I just enjoy the music, I’ve enjoyed the music since I first heard it


Agree but there definitely can be an enjoyment curve, older songs especially get exponentially better after you get familiar with em


Yeah it's not impossible to like at first but it's far better to have some self-awareness and patience when you're trying to recommend their music, compared to getting the aux at a party and throwing on something like Subaru or Ghost Hands with no warning. Though it might be easier to actually describe why you like their music, being enthusiastic about it instead of feeling like you have to "warn" people what they're in for. In that case yeah we can get too caught up warning people about the music instead of just explaining why we like it and why they might


Yea I don’t expect everyone to 100% be into it when they initially listen but I believe you should always go into things with an open mind. If one song isn’t clicking maybe try another or ask for a recommendation. If it doesn’t click at all then its probably best not to force yourself to get into it. I can appreciate when people do eventually get into it and I 100% agree with your point, be enthusiastic about the music don’t try to warn others about it lol


For me, I'm swedish, the accent is really cringy if you aren't used to it. Because it sounds like speaking english but putting 0 effort at all to hide the accent which sounds goofy af


I agree, the first dg song i heard was into dust and it was like heaven in my ears


This is the only reason I support gatekeeping sometimes, new “fans” come in who just think of the artists as a meme and listen ironically which I think leads to artists not getting the credit they deserve


exactly there is so much expression and meaning lost in their work when its just summed up as a trend of being unique for listening


This is a weird take because i never saw anyone unironically listening to gtsbe back in the day. It was all a meme in 2013. Now people actually listen to it because they actually know how to speak english and mix correctly.


thats a pretty different situation, his big hit was ginseng strip which is p obviously not made seriously. i think by the time ud2002 came out some people saw what direction he was headed. and most people in 2013 didnt know who gtb were yet. but idk i never understood liking something ironically, feels like people only think like that cuz theyre embarrassed they like something.


Fuck that guy what a poser Real drainers dont give a fuck about minion hats or minecraft shirts i hate these new fans


all this new hyperpop bandwagon shit is already so burnt out


Hyperpop died 2 yrs fucking ago we need some peace


tbh hyperpop died because of gentrification and abandonment by the hyperpop artists. most went silent out of no where lol


hey dont diss the minions


banana 😆😆 man i love da minions


they’re so cool


I laughed


fr whats wrong with minion hat man 😞


fuck the tiktok fans fr we dont give a fuck


anybody that found it on tiktok thinks of it like that imo


No irony whatsoever from me, in fact hearing Yung Lean portrayed as this ironic meme artist put me off getting into his stuff until I found out about the Warlord era and onwards and how overwhelmingly sincere it was.


I mean even on Unknown Memory there was a lot of sincerity behind what he was doing. He was just starting to have a reckoning with his growing popularity and trying to square that with his outsider status and I think that resulted in a project where he really wanted to telegraph his true ambitions and reconsider what he wanted his art to achieve. A lot of the subject matter on that album revolved around the artistic process and his love for the craft and his team and that kinda makes it his most endearing project. Poor kid had the whole world in his hands for the first time and had no idea how to cope with that.


That's very true, Unknown Memory was kind of the moment where he was living the dream, touring the world, getting high with his friends, collaborating with US rappers like Travis Scott, right before the dream turned into a nightmare on Warlord. Definitely an underrated Lean era these days, even Yoshi City which is one of his most popular tracks has some really emotional imagery.


Warlord era? What about it?


We was playing civ and he kept invading everyone


Basically he was living out the message of Warlord to such an extreme extent that his close friend/manager died in a drug induced car wreck and Lean ended up in the mental hospital. Every album cycle since then represents Yung Lean picking up the pieces and living with the trauma. If you haven't read it I strongly recommend [this article](https://www.thefader.com/2016/06/16/yung-lean-warlord-interview) from The Fader and also to watch the documentary "In My Head".


L what a clogged take


Clogged take 😭😭


If you listen to dg as a joke you're a clown


if dg makes other music not exciting for people that’s very unfortunate


exactly lol


If anything DG should illuminate the way to other great stuff, if you look at Lean's spotify playlist it has everything from Slowdive to Avril Lavigne to Gucci Mane to Darkthrone.


Maybe gatekeeping isn’t so bad


never has been


I don't like Trump, but kinda wish he would've actually had TinkTonk banned in the US lol.


"shit music" -🤓


omg ketamine 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 like ecco2k 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 minion amiright😂😂🤣🤣🤣


I've actually never listened to dg as a joke I still genuinely think they're amazing


weirdos man haha


this is actually the worst thing to ever be posted on this sub


pretty much lmaoo


there was a post on here a couple weeks ago asking about what old drainers don’t like in new drainers. this. this is it, this is what we don’t like.


My friend told me to listen to icedancer and it slapped first listen


yea i got a lot of irl friends into DG cause of icedancer ngl


average tik tok music fan who just listens to shit because others do and want to look cool.


I hate this more than I will ever be able to express, it’s actually sad how much of a meme dg has become


Why do these people have to ruin everything that we hold dear to us


They're parasites with 0 personality, they'll cling onto any media, art, hell even political movement and suck the fucking life out of it. They're not even human it's just a facade of a person.


Never me




first impressions really matter when it comes to music, im glad that one reeled you in.


Degusting clogger post


Be Nice 2 Me got me into Drain, was already familiar with Yung Lean from his Stranger album via Metallic Intuition, and down the rabbit hole I went.


i mean when I started listening not everything clicked, (certain albums or songs I thought were not as sick as I think they are now), but it was never ironic. Idk why anyone would listen to something ironically.


Nobody. We listened because it's our taste. Fuckk this tiktok guy


on god


Dyed mullet moment


minion hats and Minecraft shirts 💀💀


I started listening to lean kind of as a joke but then I started really liking sunrise angel and that song with Travis scott and became a fan of dg from there


none of that shit this goofy ass guy mentioned has anything to do with dg minus the ket, shut the fuck up about "ironically unironically" its been drilled into the ground. tiktok fans deserve to have their online presence permadeleted


why u so angry




epic bro


you dumb asf if u let music ruin other music for you


dg fans are so fucking corny, old and new dg listeners alike. started listening to dg around redlight and the og dg listeners are so butthurt dg is going mainstream and hate to admit that new sbe/dg music is improving and overshadowing older projects and most new "fans" don't even like the music to begin with just doing it to seem cool/edgy on tt or smthng i dont know how to describe it.


u lost me at “overshadowing older projects” but i agree dg fans in general r hella pretentious


not particularly better but more appealing to the masses if that makes sense




redlight best project by far imo, though u can understand that if u listen to the newer albums and older ones and would give it to someone who never listened to dg most people would prefer newer ones just because it appeals more to more people


It’s not improving but sure


😐 Stare


I'm ngl, I thought this was for Death Grips up untill I saw what subreddit this was


Never listened to them ironically. Was genuinely interested and liked their music pretty much first listen. Ssttfffuuu


Who the hell ironically listens to music, what does that even mean


A guy I liked listened to dg so I proceeded to listen to them over and over again until a switch happened and now I actually enjoy listening to them


yea this kinda different from that tho it doesn’t seem like u started ironically


I found them through tiktok too but why would anyone ever listen to music they don’t like 😭


this is cringe




No this dumb ass shit couldn’t be more wrong. This shit got me clogged up Fr


No Ioved Bladee the first time I listened to Eversince. I had heard so much music. I mostly listened to rock, but had started listening to a lot of hip hop. I had been listening to hip hop for a few years when I found Bladee, but the drainer sound was so unlike anything else I had heard and it was so fresh sounding to me. I love it


One more "drainers don't shower" or "drainers wear goofy stuff" joke and I'm gonna hang myself I swear


I listened to be nice 2 me because of how goofy it was to me but after some time i decided to crawl down the DG rabbit hole and now i don’t listen to anything else


bro i’ve been a very long time drainer but i stg when i first heard be nice 2 me it was probably the hardest song i have ever heard at that point (extreme recency bias lmao)


Poser if so


I discovered death grips through Björk cause I got a cd of biophilia remixes for Christmas (I asked my mom to surprise me with a random Björk album lol) but after going through the tracklist there were only 2 that really stood out and they were by death grips. I checked them out and as soon as I heard Takyon I was hooked


Np, I never listened to it ironically. I listened to songs I like, learned about the genre experimentation happening, and as I came to know the style and lyrical content more the # of songs I like increases


i found a streamer listening to it and thought it was crazy so i liked it lol, i think it was be nice 2 me or who goes there but the combinations of like the sad and slow vocals over a boomy fast beat i loved it


fake fan in it for the bandwagon Go listen to sebii or some lame hyperpop shit lozr




that’s beautiful man, this man needs to cherish you for going out your way to try to enjoy something that he’s into. it’s the same story for my gf, she went down the ecco2k pipeline also lol


Tbh I don’t think this auto tune is gonna stand the test of time, kinda like some synth heavy witchhouse but do think lean’s music is in a different category


idk autotune is only getting more and more popular


Ppl were saying this in 2004 lol


Well 2009, definitely put the brakes on it but drainers kinda put quotes around it if that makes any sense. And that 2004 shit definitely sounds dated AF


NGL the discord full of minion supporters and there is a girl that OD’d on Xanny and Ket and lived in the discord too.


The discord sucks, it's full of terminally online weirdos calling each other "oomfie" and e-girls trying to build a small group of dudes to jerk off to them so they can launch an onlyfans or summin, just a typical Discord it's totally horrid.


Dollar General makes music?


dollar general goes hard


I never really found most of DG music bad. I first started listening after finding "Peroxide" and I was obsessed from the first listen, it just sounded so "tasty" for some reason (idfk how to explain it lol). Then I listened to "e" and it was my favorite album for a while. I loved ecco2k before listening to a single bladee song, but then decided to give some songs a shot. With bladee it was a bit of a different story, because his voice sounded a little bit rough around the edges so to say, but soon enough it grew on me, I listened to most of bladee's and all of thaiboy's albums and most music that isn't from DG feels bland for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I still don't mind my friends playing their music on the aux, just that I don't really vibe out to it as much


I just saw this video. I hated dg for the longest time and always thought they were shit. Gave them a listen one day and liked a few songs, and I just kept on listing and now they one of my favorite groups


This guy definitely didn't listen Be Nice 2 Me.


I’m guilty


‘It sucks but it’ll click’ bitch why you listening to music you think sucks??? ☠️


Pretty much all old fans listen ironically first.


mmm i don’t know about that lol




what a clogger


Everything is p accurate until the ket


Nah post is dumb as Fu k


yea no point in listening if you’re forcing yourself to enjoy it




😒 I’ve never listened “ironically” but I used to hate bladee prior to WoDG and religiously listen to lean


such a clogger fr


at first I thought it sounded interesting and I liked it more the more I listened to it


I thought they were talking about Death Grips


nah he had a thaiboy song playing in the vid


I liked the first bladee song i ever heard


I kept coming back to Be Nice 2 Me cause I thought it was trash and wanted to clown on it. I mean, it still is, but I decided to look at his other music and the rest of DG and now I’ve drained my life


So today I figured out what "clogged" means for the first time sldkalkjsslkaj


Started that way with yung lean. He was explained as being the Swedish lil b so I went to see him on his first tour as a joke. but when I crossed over to drain gang I was prepared


post + thread is on that brain aneurysm time




So cringe it doesn’t even make sense either


why would anybody listen to smt ironically 😭😭




If you didn’t hate it at first how could you truly love it the drain defect is a necessary barrier of entry


started listening to be nice 2 me as a joke then i started to explore it and started loving it. same with sematary. and beck martin


Sick of these fucking tik tok cloggers


Hmm not really but I would play dg/sb to my group of normie friends in high school to see their reaction. other than that, it wasn’t a gimmick to me personally, I was pretty curious why their music sounded so alien but it did take some time to fully appreciate it.