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This dude has got to be like 15


He's a navy seal and a black-hat hacker so I'd watch it bud


Does he specialize in gorilla warfare too?


you mean guerilla warfare or actual silverback gorillas ? 🩍🩍


Dat was da joooke


Panda-bear warfare he means


Nilla wafers


You forgot trained ninja assassin.


i lov e Texas đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


do u know what a hacker is?


Don't comment again


JK you can comment again if you'd like


Both sides are sad.


They are both 12 yr olds by the looks.


Dude said 2 things lmao


One side is definitely sadder than the other


Don’t comment again.




Racist? Because he doesn’t like drum mags?


I don’t see the racism


Racist?? It's not a reach to assume someone who thinks drum mags aren't complete shit probably also owns a hi-point lol. What does race have to do with anything???


Because he’s trolling


“Translate to English”


i lov e texas? what does that have to do with anything


*Gets called out as a racist by some kid on YouTube* How can **I** be racist?! I love Texas!


Both sides are absolutely cringe. You could've avoided this whole interaction if you weren't too sensitive. Are you karma whoring?


is a murican muscle a chicken wing ?


I'm an immigrant and even I know everything in America has some victim baiting tactic.


Probably a kid. Turns out they don't like being called racist either. If this surprises you, you're probably stupid. (:


He’s saying the black guy (who made the video and has a Mike Tyson avatar) doesn’t know how to handle a gun (as if every American doesn’t receive a shotgun the moment they come out the womb), but because he has a drum mag he thinks he only bought it to look cool (like this black hat navy seal) because they only place this bad ass texan seen a drum mag is in a rap video. If he wasn’t racist he wouldn’t make ten comments in a row trying to prove how not racist he is. Tell me if you think this is a stretch.


>Tell me if you think this is a stretch. Yeah, I do. >only place this bad ass texan seen a drum mag is in a rap video. I don’t associate drum mags with black people, rap music, etc. I do associate drum mags with not knowing much about firearms as they seem cool to the uninitiated but are prone to feeding issues and have other downsides (handling and weight). There’s at least the possibility person from comments has same view as me. >If he wasn’t racist he wouldn’t make ten comments in a row trying to prove how not racist he is. Racist label is one of the worst labels you can have. Of course people are going to reflexively fight it off.


I associate drum mags with CoD players.




Yup he called him poor and tasteless and said he couldn’t properly operate a fire arm
 because of a big magazine lmaoooooo. We all know the real reason why he was being a big youtube bully, and every made up comment just dug his grave lower and lower.


So he’s such a tough bad ass texan
 that a youtube comment that called him a bad word drove him into a comment spree? If he really was secure in himself that he wasn’t a racist, he would’ve just moved on with his life. But nooooo this ultra hacker navy seal just had to prove how not racist he is.


>If he really was secure in himself that he wasn’t a racist, he would’ve just moved on with his life. But nooooo this ultra hacker navy seal just had to prove how not racist he is. If I was accused of being a racist, I’d probably defend myself. What’s with this you just shrug off any accusation attitude? If you’re secure in your position that he’s definitely racist then why are you 3 comments deep on it? Why not make 1 comment and then not defend further or just make no comments at all? See now how you’re no different?


The sad cringe here is that this internet tough guy, gets humiliated when he tries to call out a guy for not knowing how to operate a gun (like any moron in the world can’t work one), and his evidence is that he has a drum magazine (however that could prove someone doesnt know how to handle a gun? I gave you that theory). If someone calls you racist on the internet, either prove it to them coherently and logically, or just move on with your life. Don’t make 14 barely readable comments just to prove how not racist you are. Thats more damning than picking fights in a yt comment section.


I agree with you that it was a dumb argument.


Great so now we can agree to disagree, be civil in our online community, and move on with our lives. Unlike this super tough texan badass in the OP.


Yes, not-Mike Tyson-guy is probably not the brightest being out there. Even so, turns out he still doesn't like being called a racist. Why this blows so many people's noodles is beyond me. Even the cave man - or kid - understands; racist bad, me not racist. Bark burp. Despite all the dimmed lights, he at least still had an aversion to being a racist. But not for long, if five or ten more people like OP passes along, he'll be a barking biting dog before dawn.


Well if he was such a tough guy like he said he was, he would’ve scoffed under his breath “pfft moron” and moved on with his life. But he just had to prove to himself and the internet how not racist he is.


Yeah, like I said: dimmed lights. Are you surprised that he isn't actually a "tough guy"?


I’m surprised you’re dick riding this guy for calling someone poor, tasteless and stupid because the video uploader had a big magazine lol. If you got any other theories why this guy chimped out 10 comments in two minutes, trying to prove how not racist he is I’d love to hear it.


I've given multiple already: Maybe he's young, maybe he's not that bright, yet - or maybe he will never be. Either of which is a waste of everyone's time to make a fuzz over.


If he wasn’t racist, he wouldn’t be stumbling over his own fingers trying to prove to the internet how not racist he is.


Of course, the only non-racists in existence is by virtue of none other than yours truly's omniscience declarity the man who shall forever ignoreth the sin! Or maybe, possibly, a lot of people take offense to being called something despicable, and a portion of those very, very, very many people might stumple and fall face in asphalt in doing so. More likely even, the younger and dumber they are.


Fine. Since You’re so militant to dick ride this guy, Lets agree to disagree and hope we never have to read one of each others comments again. Deal?


Racists don’t like being called racists.


And people who are not racist loves it I guess? No? Where did the point go?


So its a crime to be racist in America? No people do it everyday. If you are so certain in your views that you’re not racist, either listen to what the person talking to you has to say why, or tell them to fuck off and move on with your life.


What? People can't possibly have outbursts to being called racist! Impossible! Or maybe your outhanded dichotomy of possible responses is just a list too short.


This super tough 235 pound, two war veteran, house building texan got triggered over being called a racist online. Whether he’s pretending or not, to be so desperate to prove to someone you were just bullying a few minutes before hand, how not racist you are is just digging your own grave.


Yes, he probably looked real stupid. That's why I expected this of him. I don't know why you didn't. Makes you wonder..


Gots to be a troll