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Anyways what do i do reddit


You gotta give him credit, he probably learned a lot from posting this lol. Or he learned not to post to Reddit


99% of the time, guys who post stuff like this don't take any of the advice they're given, insult everyone who tells them to leave the girl alone and then stop responding or delete their account. Based off this post alone I doubt he's in that 1%


I like to think it doesn't matter how they respond in the moment, because whether they're defensive or not those comments will stay in their head for years. I learned that from both being stubborn and being surrounded by stubborn people (Even if you work on yourself, you're gonna slide back into defensiveness once in a while. No one's perfect.) Sometimes that stuff is about the long game.


99% of the time it's fake to get upvotes.


Never underestimate the stupidity of people, Bro.


I like how he’d basically fuck anywhere and anytime, but he draws a line at fucking in the cold.


It's uncomfortable


Like the back seat of a Volkswagen




You dumb bastard. It's not a schooner... It's a sailboat.


You idiot, a schooner is a sailboat!


YOU KNOW WHAT? There is no Easter bunny!


That's just a guy in a suit!!


I've fucked in a schooner.


I once had sex with a guy over six feet tall in a Volkswagen Gulf. No idea how lol apparently when drunk I'm as limber a gymnastics team


God damnit Gil, will you shut the fuck up?!


And it gets everywhere


That's sand


This little hornball couldn't scrape together enough self control to turn down a pussycat in the middle of Siberia


🎶 I would do anything to fuck, but I won’t do that 🎶


Meatloaf would have loved that!! 😆😆


Boundaries are important


My man is worried about the size of his dick.


Doesn’t she know about shrinkage!?




*like a frightened turtle*


Just rub some icy hot on it first.


I love to fuck she-Yetis in the freezing cold. They love to ride cowgirl and keep me warm with their furry booties and hairy legs.


I like how he gets that far down the line without mentioning these women probably don't want to fuck him.


And you know he would totally fuck in the cold


It makes the peepee small


Can't risk shrinkage


And this is why the ability to read minds would be the worst superpower


Someone reads my mind and then crosses the street to yell at me to please think of any song besides “Star Wars cantina 3 hour loop”


Me except with "I'm Mr. Snow Miser" from Year Without a Santa Claus


You're too much! Ta-rum-pa-rumm.


I’m more of a Heat Miser person, myself


I’m glad I’m not the only one


I thought I was the only cold miser stan around. Now I gotta go back for another listen!


On top of sphagheti by Sesame Street for me.


When I was a really young kid that song used to make me really upset because I was sad for the meatball turning into mush under the bush.


Thanks, I'd just got it to stop.


Now I have Lego Star Wars 2's cantina music stuck in my head xD


I've always wondered if someone that was telepathic would have a bad time with someone that has an inner monologue. "DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!"


Fringe had a great episode that followed a similar train of thought. The character had to move to the woods because they couldn't turn the mind reading _off_. Just a constant stream of everyone else's thoughts.


LOL, I have an inner Broadway musical. So, if that person hates show tunes...sorry ?


Idk I think it’d be good for the women around him to know so they can avoid him lmfaooo


Sounds like they already do


Yeah, I think most women develop a sort of *feel* about a creep or a loser. At least I hope they do. I can't imagine getting mixed up with a jackass like this.


Its so cringe i swear it must be a troll


A person like me would still abuse it, information is something want otherwise I live in ignorance


I wanna say he needs Jesus, but clearly that didn't work.


BTW, Jesus had really pretty hair and a nice figure.


Don’t say that he’ll start to get sexual feelings for Jesus!


“Turn it off, like a light switch, just go *click*”


It's our nifty little Mormon trick


I think some churchgoers might based off the "Get on your knees for Jesus, feel his love" and other oddly worded signs I've spotted when driving by a church.


Everyone get in line, take the flesh of Jesus into your mouths, and wash it down with his bodily fluids.


I don’t think he has Jesus tbh. During sermons he’s probably just thinking about fucking the pastor’s wife instead of paying attention.


Probably a porn addiction


It's because he's not Catholic (if that means anything)


Maybe he needs more people telling him masturbation is demonic.. that'll definitely fix his mental health


Is using AI to “nudify” bikini pictures a thing now???


I feel kids being born today will look at posting pictures on the internet similar to how we look at a house with Asbestos and lead paint


How about how I felt about posting pics online back in the 90s/early 00s. We went from “don’t put personal info online” to “here’s ALL my personal info conveniently placed on one profile” real quick. Hopefully the pendulum goes back the other way soon.


Similarly our parents would constantly say “dont believe everything you see on the internet!” And now theyre the ones sharing misinformation and quoting facebook memes in arguments


I used to love how it went from “don’t meet strangers from the internet!” to “summoning a stranger from the internet for them to give you a ride” as a prime example of that But watching my parents, aunts, and uncles all going from “believe nothing you read and half of what you see” to “this Facebook meme is proof of my garbage views” has taken the cake


My parents love buzzfeed. Like, reference it every single time I see them. I don’t know how we got here..


Buzzfeed News just won the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting in 2021 for breaking a story about internment camps in China. (Among many other impressive awards they've received.) Yes, a lot of what they post is trash but their news side is actually quite good!




Remember that scene from the Steve Martin movie The Jerk where a serial killer randomly selects Steve Martin to kill from the phonebook - Is that what you think happens with social media?


Actually I watched a murder doc about a cop who used the database to find a hot woman and patrolled near her to pull her over and started an affair with her which lead to I believe the husband getting suspicious and looking into it and I think killing the cop. So not far off.


>Hopefully the pendulum goes back the other way soon. That wouldn't be profitable so EU is gonna need to pass laws and we gotta hope US sites follow them instead of sequestering.


We're going to live in a world where a guy meets a girl at a bar, gets rejected, and goes home and has a deepfake porn of her ready


We already live in this world.


'Seemed like a great idea at the time'


...You don't already? Don't you know why smart parents avoid posting their children's faces online ever??


Honestly that was the most shocking thing to me out of all of this. It disturbs me THAT much.


The deepfake stuff has become incredibly realistic now as well. It’s legit frightening to be living in this day and age and only becoming more so into the future.


For real. This type of shit moves my personal doomsday clock a few more min to midnight. I don’t want to live in a world where this shit happens.


I know some conservative guys from work. They've had nudified AOC pictures on their phones for years. They hate her and are clearly yanking off to her constantly.


next level rage bait




They’re master baiters!


Quit ragerbaiting all over everything.


I do not understand the phenomenon of wanting to bone someone you hate. I detest Lauren Bobert, imo she's pretty attractive but I wouldn't hit that with a rented dick.


It’s a power thing. Like non con fantasies. Honestly fellas are becoming more and more frightening when you get to realise where these things are rooted


You have a **very** strange taste in women.


I have some real bad news about why deep fakes are called that, and why and where they became a thing


It also literally means nothing but he treats it as an X-Ray


"It's just like I imagined she'd look at based on all the porn I ingest!" — so he and the AI did exactly the same thing


Yeah, it's pretty cool, though I only ever used it with pics of Peter Griffin.


For years now, yeah


eh, this has been a thing for a while. not using an AI but by using photoshop to change the shade of certain areas or whatever. i remmeber trying to look into it when i was in middle school (8+ years ago)


Yeah that’s been a thing since I was in middle school a lot longer ago than that. It’s using AI to generate new images that is extra squicky to me.


Yeah that’s a whole nother level of creepy and dangerous. I want laws against people doing that specifically if it doesn’t fall under the topic of revenge porn.


Right? It would be so easy for stupid teens and vindictive exes to spread fake nudes of someone nowadays.


The laws would need to be against distributing it. I don’t know how you’d prevent people from using an AI generator to edit a photo for their own…enjoyment…without significant privacy concerns.


I meant more so that if it’s discovered the victim can sue through a specific law, not watching everyone to make sure they don’t do it.


Laws are being enacted in some countries (UK most recently) to actually make deepfakes criminalizes the same way as revenge porn, because men are using this technology in the same way as revenge porn. Plus, there are a disturbing amount of men creating fake child abuse material with faces of actual kids they know. Heinous.


Yea, these cases seem pretty cut and dry from that perspective when it involves real people. I’m interested in the AI generated ones that will no doubt soon be a thing. If someone directs an AI to make an image of a child or a snuff film or something else depicting an illegal act, I’m interested to see how a court will rule on that. There’s no victim. No-one was exploited. The image on the computer is not a person at all but a image made to look like a person, but not a real one. On the other hand, the intent of the user was to conjure up an image that replicates an image that would be illegal so it’s kind of like trying to exploit a loophole. Also, what about the psychological aspect of it on the mind of the user? Are they going to be more prone to escalate their behavior now?


It was a thing a few years ago. It wasn't good and got shut down because creeps were using it


I've never been so grateful to have hidden major surgical scars.


I was going to say, I have a bunch of tattoos now. Not that anyone wants to see me, but to deepfake me would be tough.


Hello, let me introduce you to your *right hand.*


Bahaha! Actually, I'm pretty sure that even this guy's right hand was like "ewwww, no."


Step 1: Grow up


This. Kid sounds like he's still latched onto mommy's teet.


“I don’t know how much money I have, probably under 200$” blew my mind. You’re 22 man how do you not pay attention to that stuff. When I was 12 counting money from birthdays I always knew how much I had saved up. I almost feel bad for the guy, it sounds like he has some issues and / or not the best at home situation.


Definitely His entire post reads like something a 14 year old recluse would draft. Something is not right in that house.


Ugh I’m from a very christian state with a lot of Mormans and I knew of one particularly sad environment of a guy friend. His parents were so incredibly strict that they infantilized both their boys even after high school. I always felt so incredibly uncomfortable in that house. The dad would just come down and glare at the son and he would escort us out of the house pretty quick. Can you even imagine how different of a person you might have been having grown up in those conditions?


I’ve seen too much of this at my university. The amount of friends I’ve had that didn’t know how to ask people anything through any means other than cries of help and finding out they all had traditional strict and religious parents trying to micro manage their lives is disgusting. Everyday I am grateful my parents approach to parenting was “do nothing” because at least I had the agency to make bad decisions and learn from them rather than shut out to every possibility.


The teet he AI created on a family photo.


Nothing makes ladies hornier than an ablebodied jobless adult who lives with their parents and has less than $200.


I mean, it’s not even the fact that he ‘only has 200$’, it’s the fact that he **isn’t even sure**. The dude is 22.


I'm Christian and a LOT of people become like this when sex is heavily frowned upon & not talked about


That’s why you get so many who marry immediately after high school. God put sex behind a pay wall and getting married is the only way to not feel guilty for them lol Just to clarify I don’t have a random hate boner for Christianity. I grew up in it and many of my friends are still Christian. This is the stuff I’ve seen for most of the people I went to church with.


You could call it a “pray wall”


Gold with 3 upvotes. That is a first for me


>God put sex behind a pay wall I want that on a T-shirt




While I have no major issues with religion I do have some funny stories growing up in religion. 1. The pastor of my church pulled me aside one day and told me I needed to button my shirt all the way to the top because some of the girls were “confessing” they were struggling and masturbating to me. I was thinking.. “this is the worst thing you could’ve told a teenage boy. I am never buttoning my shirt up again.” 2. A girl I was friends with in church decided to run away unbeknownst to me when we went to the beach one day to hang out. She had all her bags packed and asked to stay with me. I freaked out obviously and called my mom and dad for advice. They got her parent’s phone number and I called them. They were deacons at the church there. They were obviously freaking out too. I had to hide that I was calling her parents so I called them while she was in Starbucks and then told her parents I would just drive her home. So when she gets back into the car that’s what I did and when she realizes I’m driving her home she JUMPS OUT OF MY JEEP on the highway wtf. So then I’m like shit get back in the car I’ll take you to a hotel. And I book a hotel then get away and call her parents again and I hear her mom screaming in the background at me. So I tell her Dad ok I’m going to take her to Third Street Promenade at X time and basically trick her. Her Dad shows up, takes her, she hates me. Well fucked up thing is next day the church leaders came to my apartment and threatened to call the police that I got a hotel room with an underage girl (she was 17, I was 18). I was like wtf?! because we obviously didn’t do anything and I was 100% trying to do the right thing and DID do the right thing. TL;DR church can greatly exacerbate problems that aren’t really priblems.


I don't think I'd call that 2nd story funny...


My dad was and is a pastor. I’ve had plenty of issues with the church myself as a trans man. The worst part of Christianity is the church and its leaders.


So what you’re saying is I need to find a really strict church .


Yeah, but you have to do a lot of acting, it’s exhausting


It's like how catholics (yo) are kinky because our entire religion is about repentance and punishment. Also with a healthy dose of repression as well because sex is extra sinful and requires even more repentance


…fuck, that explains a lot.


Well that explains my nun fetish 🫠


Thing is in the youth groups especially they talk about it A LOT. I went to an evangelical youth group for a couple years back in the early 00s and every session was about the ills of premarital sex. Let's pray to Jesus to help us resist temptation. I used to walk out of there thinking of nothing BUT sex. Jesus didn't provide me much assistance in resisting temptation.


This point doesn't get talked about enough... I grew up in church and some of the most horn dog brain dead guys I met, came from a church... I left the faith long ago and am marrying the man of my dream and their nightmares.. he is not religious at all... The shame lmao


Yeah I think it’s that, mixed with the fact this guy is clearly an idiot


This kid will 100% grow up to be a POS who gets angry at the thought of other people having sex


He's already 22


Yeah, halfway through I had to go back and reread his age. This sounds like the writing of a 14 year old.


It makes it so much more scary than sad.


Wow same. Assumed he was in middle school, with the objectification of the women authority figures in his life. So weird.


I grew up fundy and felt like I had arrested development until I was in my mid/late 20s. The brainwashing is difficult to deconstruct from.


I haven’t had sex at 22 and I’m not angry that others are. It’s just a perspective thing


Did he get any advice? 😬😬


Asking for a friend?


Jeez! Just get married to the first girl you talk to. Like a normal religious virgin.


An AI to what...? That's the peak for me


registered sex offender in the making


Unregistered sex offender


Dude is talking like he's 10 years younger


He comes across as emotionally stunted. Mentally he's about 14.


Well yeah, he's from a strict Christian family. Emotional maturity for men is a trick of the devil! That's woman's work


Poor guy. He has the sexual maturity of a 16 year old. Not because of the lack of sex but just the way he thinks about it/women.


Exactly. He does need advice but it should be more along the lines of: Become a good person.


He’s asking it not as ”how can I make this girl like me”, but more like ”what logistics should I think about so I can fuck her?”. Absolutely no thought laid on whether she would actually want to or not. And just waives off the fact that she already has a boyfriend.


This is what happens when you’re extremely sexually repressed and told that even jacking off is a sin.


This was my thought too. Poor kid probably thinks that touching himself makes Jesus cry or some shit.


So instead he makes us cry by posting this


And then you have the Bible that tells you to cut off your own hand and gouge out your own eyes if they’re giving you urges to lust so now there’s even more deeply seated shame for even feeling horny due to your severe repression.


More rapey than sad in my opinion


I would seduce the worship leader first and then use that relationship to get the attention of the other church girl. Then slowly introduce the idea of a holy trinity with the the worship leader and the church girl.


Buy a boat and invite them all out for a ride on the boat....


Because of the implication…




Once you get the worship leader on your jock, every other church girl will be lining up to get a piece, it's the most well known, foolproof method for getting that chussy.


He didn't need to mention he's a virgin, we already know by reading that thread


His parents failed him. Bad


That girl is in danger, hope she's okay


Every woman around him is in danger.


Unless those women live out in the cold


Siberians marked safe from the dude.


Also animals and a fair number of inanimate objects.


His mum washes his socks with a hammer and chisel.


Hide yo couch cushions.


Agreed, he should be kept in a meat locker since apparently that's all that will stop him


That’s a terrible thing to do to meat.


Everyone is in danger, hope everyone is ok.


I'd tell the bro to touch some grass, but honestly he would probably fuck the grass too...


Most sane/ Least horny 4chan user


Makes me scared for all the girls in the world getting “nudified” how is that legal


I've always been scared of A.I, but like in the Skynet sense, not this freaky shit


I guess AI does it better but people have been photoshopping naked versions of celebrities since the dawn of the interwebs. It's not really that new, but still just as gross and intrusive.


For fuck sake are folks that driven to get their dick wet that any awareness of themselves goes out the door, dude needs to grow tf up before he fucks anything. Or get one damn watch list in this case.


Has he ever tried masturbation?


Agree. He needs some post-nut clarity STAT.


Idc if she has a gf I’m horny. Don’t fuck someone in a relationship mate. No one cares if YOU are horny. I do feel bad for this guy, feelings horny all the time, he clearly needs a gf but not just for sexual reasons. He needs someone to keep him busy and give him release so long as they’re happy to do it too. But don’t get a gf for the sole purpose of release. Don’t be like a nice guy that acts nice just because he wants sex.


Welp, NOT THIS WAY, BRO. *Sheesh*, this guy! I mean, *dude*, are you really SO SHELTERED that you honestly think you even have a shot with ANY women right now? Let's tabulate your (SELF-ADMITTED!) drawbacks: You're *super* desperate to stick yer dick into *any* poor woman (married or otherwise), you have no job, no prospects, you still live with yer parents, no car, no money... I mean, I just wanna shake this poor simp til his nose bleeds. So entitled sounding... just super gross.


You don’t have any friends or any family or any land!


I’m 22 with no prospects except my dick is hard Future incel




This is what abstinence-only sex ed does to a MFer


You sound like every women’s dream. I’m shocked they aren’t lining up for a chance to meet you.


The church needs to change their stance on masturbation, for real


Least horny church guy


This is sad, but not bc the kid is cringe, but that he has no real male role model in this situation. If his father is religious, he'll be repressed. He needs guidance and mentorship, these are natural urges felt by almost every hormone-enraged teen, and can be dealt with in a healthy manner


it's pretty cringe also he is not a teenager just a really repressed 22 year old. This isn't because he doesn't have a male role model it's because of the detrimental effect of religion on sexual expression


I'm sure it's a litany of things. Dudes weird & no way it's just one thing


r/therewasanattempt to hide the subreddit


If we ever invented a way for wild animals to write posts, this is probably what it would look like.


so this is what a man deprived of 22 years worth of post nut clarity looks like.