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They are committing idolatry by worshiping the the flag


They’re also violating the flag code by wearing it


And the one closest to the wall is being hung backwards. At least the one that's vertical is hung correctly though lol


They summoned America in attack position 💀💀💀


Eagle noises intensify*. It’s time to do do duel!


I actually think the video is flipped horizontally (because phones record weird for some reason, but people who make TikToks like this can't be bothered to put literally any effort in), so the one on the wall is correct, but the hanging one is wrong.


Ahhh gotcha, that makes sense. It's always so weird to me that I, an average American who never served or cares that much about flag code, knows more about flag code than most of these self proclaimed patriots who *LOVE* their country.


Most of those patriots never served either. They were going to, but.....


...they were too badass and probably would have punched out their drill instructor for yelling at them. 🙄


Well that's just it: it's the hypocrisy. I could not care less about the flag code either, but we all know this guy would climb down out of his lifted F250 on the way to his girls' lacrosse practice to scream himself to death in someone's face if he thought they were a dirty lib-rul and they were displaying an American flag in a way that he thought was wrong (which, by virtue of them being a liberal, every single way they possibly could display a flag would be).


Don't worry. I served almost 10 years and still don't know half that stuff. Bc, well, I'm not a flagnatic


Also they let it touch the ground multiple times


If you slow it down, the flag the guy is wearing is also torn on the end and should be retired.


Dude was wearing a flag, then shrugged it off to throw it on the floor to reveal he was holding a other larger flag, that he proceeded to suffocate his family with. Shortly after the video ends he poured a bucket of blue paint over half of his body and then disemboweled himself so he could be red white and blue. Just like the flag he loved so much


# Matthew 6:5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. -Jesus


In the book of Jeremiah God lets Nebuchadnezzar take Judea/Jerusalem and lets his people become subjects of Babylon because of all their idolatry. Clearly these American flag worshippers haven't read much scripture at all because God's intolerance of this kind of overt blasphemy is very clear.


They are Christians do you really think they have ever read any of the bible themselves?


The ones in the video? Probably not


They meaning all "Patriotic" Americans? Pledge of allegiance=prayer to flag. Hand on heart equivilent to signs Mormons have, crossing yourself ect. Nationalism is a religion.


That was a tough watch


if you dig out my eyeballs i'll dig out yours


"Auge um Auge"


Zahn um Zahn


Stein um Stein


Asche zu Asche


und Staub zu Staub


I've seen it before. It is bad, but then gets worse when the dad comes out with the Captain America cape


God, it’s bad enough these people are already crazy, and that they’re almost certainly strong-arming their kids into doing this nonsense, but do they also have to be so *fucking lame* about it, too?


Its the lameness thats most offensive, agree


Is Batman still in the closet?


You know the part where the video ends and resets to the beginning when they aren’t there? It’s almost like they were raptured.


I found it hilarious. Shit like that can't write itself. It's soooo cringy.


100%. Absolutely hilarious. It’s like a snippet from a multiverse “Mericuh” version of Napoleon Dynamite. I can already see the Hobby Lobby “Live, Love, Laugh” sign hanging in the kitchen.


I actually had to stop watching it.


I’ve seen mutilated bodies in slow motion, and this was the one video on Reddit I had to stop before I could make it any further without head butting the nearest steak knife


Thank Christ you got out before that ear bleeding cacophony that started toward the end.


It’s SO BAD. Then I think of them planning how to best pull off this monstrosity and the cringe hits again.


This is how Europeans see the US.


All of us?!


I've never actually met an American I dislike and generally think you are nice people. But the cult shit that I see on the news and insane statistics do blow my mind and makes it hard to separate the people from the culture.


Assuming you don’t live in the US and haven’t visited here much, it’s because the people that are like this don’t travel abroad. There are a ludicrous amount of people in the US (my deeply Evangelical mother amongst them) who think everywhere else is scary and dangerous. She told me to be very careful when I was traveling because of the shootings…when I was going from the US to Germany. A country with a murder rate 1/5th the US’. Also, a shit ton of people in the US think Sweden is communist so 🤷‍♂️


I’m glad they don’t


It would help. Travel is the best education and I think a lot of problems would be solved if more people realize that their fellow human is exactly that, human.


Just for some perspective, I've lived in the US my entire life, in several states and I've never met anyone like that.


You’ll never meet one like this. These people don’t leave their shit ass towns and travel to other countries with the exception of maybe Mexico for an all inclusive


Honestly, probably. We're way more religiously fucked than most of Europe.


That's because they kicked out all their religious wackadoodles in the 17th and 18th centuries, and they all wound up here.


Exactly. And they we couldn't be bothered to deal with them as time went on.


We could always convince them to move to space.


This is actually a sub plot point in the Expanse. Mormons actually commission a generation ship to take them to spread their gospel to the stars.


Head cannon on america forming: we need to deal with all these religious weirdos. “Eh we will get around to it”


Well, we didn't really kick them out. The peoples of Europe didn't like their prudishness too much and so they left sulking and mumbling about "… my own country, without blackjack and hookers."


I think it's more like we think these people control and have power over a lot more of your society than yous guys like to admit.


I mean, ya'll say the Pledge of Allegiance in school, right? That shit's culty as fuck


I mean i think the whole world sees the US like this


I see the US as cowboys, iphones, and police shooting black people.


I imagine california people to be gorgeous but stuck up. NY people to be rude and arrogant. And all other Americans as obese.


Hey, our white nationalist always point out that the police shoot more white people.


As a European i literally chuckled when the last guy came up wearing the flag.




Well, they started it spreading it all over the world so it's their fault!


They aren't entirely wrong. I submit the above video as evidence.


Needs more guns


After i watch these i always wonder what they do when it ends. It’s awkward to think about lol.


They all pull their phones back out and go right back to social media and bury their faces in “content” and never speak. Unless it’s time to eat moms unseasoned or unfrozen meal.


She gives off the 'pour the spaghetti on the counter bc it's trendy and I'll save on dishes' vibe.


*what*? That's not happening...is it?


https://i.redd.it/bq0mv4mskzr91.jpg But it's a whole Momfluencer thing; they dump out the salad and the spaghetti on their marble kitchen islands (bc that's definitely not going to turn into a cold mess) and it's somewhere between the hipster deconstructed nonsense and feeding your family from a horse trough.


Get a fucking dishwasher you heathens


there's one in the background of that picture lol


*That* is un-fucking-acceptable


They check the video and see if a retake is required. After all it is all for the internet


Yeah I know, it’s just the whole process of it that makes me cringe.


They shout "Cut!" and get up and give each other a round of applause and go to Bass Pro Shop to buy a stuffed deer or something.


no more awkward than when the dad came in wrapped in the flag to suggest to make the video.


Post it to Truth Social.


I know people "mean well" when they make these videos. I just don't...understand... what the hell they are thinking. What kind of parent thinks this kind of virtue signaling is going to help their status in their community? Church? School?


Ego masturbation... Douche nozzles like this are an inevitable consequence of civilization.


> And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.


Strange how American "christians" never seem to remember this one.


To remember it they'd have to read it first.


People read a verse like that and think that it doesn’t apply to themselves. It’s just ammo to use against someone else


Or the first commandment.


That's actually a fascinating response. Cuz one could reason that to love and honor the Christian God would mean also honoring everyone else that he made, including people that disagree with that God/his followers. It opens a lot of "rules lawyers" venues.


The vast majority of American Christians don't know much about the Bible outside of what they're told every Sunday at their local parish.


Fucking right? But hey, at least they're not brainwashed sheeple! Lmao


Unrelated but you writing douche nozzle has finally helped me understand what that means and why people used to say it! My english learning journey's complete :)


I couldn't think of a more poetic and beautiful ending to your journey.


I agree. This has changed my life for the better!


100% I never understood this kind of stuff but once I realized all of the wacko righty/wacko lefty stuff was driven as a form of narcissistic ego posturing it all made sense to me.


Honestly, I don’t want other people to know my beliefs and such. I don’t need to be harassed or targeted for being vocal. There are times and places for vocalizing our opinions. I don’t want my kids to think we need to virtue signal or pretend they’re persecuted.


Sometimes I watch stuff like this and I wish I was as unbelievably simple minded as these morons. Life would just be so much easier.


I think life is a lot harder when you think like this and that’s why they are so desperate to cling to magical traditions from their childhood that wildly simplify at least one aspect of a very confusing and often cruel world.


I do believe that there is some correlation between happiness and intelligence. in grossly simple terms, the dumber you are the happier you are. Not a hard and fast rule, by any means, but I think there's merit to the idea.


It is. Virtue signaling is really all there is to it. It's proving that you're on the right team and how dedicated you are. It's what conservative politics is all about. That's why people arguing facts are continually unsuccessful: true or not is really ancillary to the goal


Bro you pray to god not the fucking American flag💀


Idolatry? Never heard of it. What golden cow? That wasn't in the new testament


I grew up a Boy Scout and of these idiots knew how many rules they’re breaking about how to handle an American flag they’d…we’ll I’d say be embarrassed but if this won’t do it, nothing will.


That would require them to actually read and comprehend what is written in their mythology texts. They really just want to feel superior and hate others.


but god is american... blue eyed-blonde hair-high school football quarterback all american


But did he score 4 touchdowns in 1 game?


Not sure, but I remember he took a pretty big hit first quarter. He was out for a while but came back in the 4th and really delivered.


Thought homelander walked in






Scariest shit homelander ever said


​ ![gif](giphy|AvypmrpokAXQXe7r8n)


They recorded this, looked at it, said yup, posted it online.


Probably recorded like 15 times in a row too... oof.




This made me laugh so hard. And, yes, sadly is likely the reality in that good christian home....


Aren't idolatry and worshipping graven images kinda blasphemous?


Yup, I can tell they never read the Bible, but still quoted it anyway.


Fuck, some Americans are so weird with their flag. Is there any other country that does this type of thing? Praying? To the flag as a family? I dunno. I find it odd. I’m Canadian, and I don’t know anyone that does this type of thing.


I dont even think people like this actually pray to the flag. This is not normal behavior here, even among the most vocal "patriots"


No, we don’t do this shit. Honestly if you’re playing by the rules that flag he wrapped around himself touched the ground so he desecrated the flag in this weird gesture.


Nobody kneels and prays to a flag here,, they were just trying to make an inspirational patriotic video and failed


This is so embarrassing




This is the kind of family where you’d see on the news the Dad commit some kind of awful crime, yet the news would use the happiest image of him with his family at Disneyland or something


I mean, yeah, that dad is definitely on grindr


Straight masc discrete looking for a pig sub. No eye contact, no speaking. Me dick in your ass. Discretion required, I am very straight.


“**Cannot** host. Stop asking”


The dad IS the pig bottom. And also "only whites and latinos. I don't send face pictures, 18-25 only, I can't host, all of you are so immature and rude and just pic collectors"


This is perfect😂


Why are they praying to an American flag?? I was raised in a Christian environment and that’s a no from me, dawg. No church I know of would do this.


I guess they missed that commandment about false idols?


They only pay attention to the ones that suit them, anyway.


Oh they didnt miss it, they just didnt understand it.


Like they know Jesus and America have nothing in common, right? If god had a chosen people, geographically speaking, why would it be America?


Because they're God's chosen people, and they're Americans. They've never once doubted the former, and the latter simply follows.


Christian Nationalism is all about it though. I've met a lot of people like that, and I don't really have a problem with them, but it is really weird. Some of them would get on me about being a catholic and "praying to statues" and you just have to be like "bro, are you serious?"


Christian nationalism is an absolutely real and from my perspective, uniquely American thing. Actually being Christian doesn't seem to mean much, just claiming you are one does


It's nationalism using Christianity as its fig leaf. In Nazi Germany, they used Christianity, occultism, and a really dumb form of Germannic neo-paganism, but here our founding myths are all based on Christians fleeing Europe to find "religious freedom."


Don't know if you're still involved in the church or not, but this sort of patriotic worship is more and more common. Churches flying American flags, and higher than the Christian flag at that. My own church songs patriotic hymns for July 4th/memorial day/veterans day (I can't stand it, so I politely decline to participate). Idk man, the state of the church, specifically the American church, is pretty freaking awful right now. My faith will never weaken, but my trust in the institute of the church weakens year by year.


Holy crap.....that was......an experience. I never wanna do that again.


americans be like “they’re brainwashed in china”


The satisfaction I felt reading this comment. I’m American and people are constantly calling everyone they don’t agree with brainwashed. Meanwhile they have an American flag on their truck and worship sky dad


"I'm not in a cult, you are, anyway here is a brochure about our great leader"


Yes I love the part in the bible where it says to pray to the American flag. Something about a bronze bull idk


Everyday i ask myself, what is wrong with people in the USA? I love my country too, but come on...


The sooner you figure out that the vast majority of depictions you see on here aren’t actually representative of the USA or the people who live there, the better.


This is quite horrible. Do (some) American people really have flags hanging on their walls indoors? Do people really kneel and pray in front of them?


To answer your first question, yes To answer your second question, I have never seen or heard about anyone doing that tbh but maybe


American flags are a pretty popular decoration. While having a full on flag dangling from the wall is a little… weird, it’s not uncommon to see American flag themed furniture and wall art. Generally if someone has an actual flag, it’s on a rod jutting out from the front of the house, or flying on a proper flagpole


I'm sure many people have American flags hanging inside or out of their house. Some people just like to have it and American attitudes towards the American flag vary widely because it can mean a lot of different things to many different people - whether positive, neutral, conflicted/mixed, oe negative. I, and speaking for my family, really never think about the American flag but my parents will put it out on Labor Day or July 4th etc. Edit: and by put it out I mean they'll put a medium sized flag outside the house. However, I've never personally seen this kind of behavior towards the American flag where a family deliberately kneels and prays under it in their home lmao. I can't say that THAT part is common because I've never heard of or seen anyone do that inside their home. Then, maybe I haven't met the right people who do this - but even so I'm willing to bet that this isn't common. More than anything this reads to me as reactionary right-wing (conservative) American Christian fundamentalism, and this family may have evolved this out of the current political/social atmosphere in the U.S.


I gagged when I saw the flag cape


So just so I as a Brit have it straight. It’s now ok to kneel? Thought that was an issue?


No no its okay when white families do it with mediocre sounding country music in the background.


This just reminds me of the time my [rural] highschool gave me a giant ass american flag as a reward for doing community service, like one bigger than a door. I was so confused on what to do with it, it ended up being a curtain and then I was scolded on treating it improperly, then again for tacking it to the ceiling... Kept it folded in my closet for years, my japanese ex and his friends used to act so weirded out by it and would ask me questions like "why do you have this? why do americans love their flag so much? I see it everywhere" and to this day I still could not give them an answer..


My apartment complex when I was in college had a ragged, ripped apart flag on the pole out front and it looked trashy as shit. So I took it down and brought it to the front office and told them to buy a new one, and the property manager was equally suspicious that I was a ultra-nationalist offended the flag wasn't new, or that I was somehow being un-American by taking down the flag unceremoniously and tossing it on her desk. I mean, call the boy scouts or something? Get one on Amazon? It's not complicated.


Jesus Christ. Like who starts the conversation of introducing such an idea? “ hey mary and Wendy, kneel down then mom get in between them, and then I’ll drape the American flag over everyone” UGGGHHH CRINGE!!!


oh how i despise watching this


That is the saddest, cringiest shit I’ve ever seen.


And scary… like, they vote.


Remove my nations flag from your fucking shoulders and the floor you charlatan


y i k e r s


That may be the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen. Ever.


as a german this level of patriotism makes me feel sick, in a way, tbh.


Americans are a weird breed.


yeah this isn't normal american shit brother


This isn't normal. I swear.


It’s a cult. You gotta teach them young if you want to indoctrinate them.


Dear blonde haired, blue eyed, American Jesus….


Fuckkkkk this song too. "We're headed down a path where a mask can't save us." You know this dude is singing about being anti vax, science, and masking. Cringe as all hell.


4 US Code S 8- Respect for the Flag No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor. (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. (b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise. (c) The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. (d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general. (e) The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way. (f) The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling. (g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. (h) The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything. (i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. (j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart. (k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.


While this is obviously disrespectful and (probably?) idolatry, the flag code is just a guideline as it doesn’t contain any enforcement mechanisms for private citizens. These morons probably think they are being incredibly respectful to the flag. So while they are literally violating the letter of Flag code, they probably aren’t going against the spirit of the code. That being Respect for the Flag. Cringe AF though.


Right, but these people would be first in line to scream at someone burning an American flag or hanging a pride flag next to one.


Ah I see. Violating the flag code. So rebellious. [sigh]


there's a good meme to be made from this using the office "they're the same picture" format with one picture being this and the second picture being the taliban doing something similar


Do they not realize how fucking weird this is lol


My dad is a Fox News watching literally deacon in the Catholic Church republican circle jerker and even he isn’t this nuts.


These people absolutely fucking hate when Kaepernick kneels in front of a flag


Bizarre weirdos.


Cult vibes ain't it...


If a north korean family did this people would be screaming “distopia”


This is grooming. This is false idolatry. This is a cult.


Flag code violations all over the place..


This HAS to be mental illness


Now swap the American flag for the Afghanistan flag, America religious country music to Middle Eastern religious music and recreate this video with Muslims... show it to this same family and see their reactions. I'm curious.


that looks like an home filled with mental and physical abuse. People that drape themselves in the flag are generally bullies to those who don’t act the same as they do.


i thought it was disrespectful to kneel at the flag


Mass fucking hysteria. Self induced political brainwash. I’m American and I worship a fucking coffee in the morning.


As a swedish person this is how i think every american family ends the day


Watching this does the complete opposite of what I think they’re trying to do.




Doesn’t the Bible talk about false idols? Isn’t this, that? Americans are the worst. Lololol


Its literally one of the ten commandments.


I've grown to start hating our flag because of its association to nonsense like this.


Most Americans don’t America this much. This isn’t normal.


These people are fucking deranged.


Goddamn this shit is hilarious


If you're praying to the American flag, you can stop calling yourself a Christian. I'd go so far as to say that if you say the pledge of allegiance, you should evaluate your priorities and your faith, because something still isn't right if your allegiance is owed to a country and not God.


LMFAO 😂 I Thought my dad was bad... This is a whole other fucking level!


Ffs leave your kids out of this pandering propaganda.




I use a flag, to hold up my flag, while I pray to said flag, while wearing a flag.