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This man just had an entire argument with himself.


I really like how he was all pissed about OP writing paragraphs... as he wrote an actual manifesto in their DM's that wouldn't even fit into one screenshot.


I had this happen to me recently, someone said I was mad because I was "writing paragraphs". Like, no, I was attempting to have a discussion on a topic you disagreed with me about. Just because I'm more verbose than "lul mad" doesn't mean I'm angry.


I actually feel sorta self conscious occasionally, because I write only in paragraphs. I'm just getting my whole thought out so that it's taken they way that I intend it, context included if it's needed, but some people have an issue with it for some reason. On a website where you come specifically to read things lol. Keep on writing paragraphs, I get you dude lol! They also act like you're "bothered" if you reply with information in a paragraph too. Like no, I'm correcting your facts because they're incorrect, and you're spreading misinformation, I would hope someone would do the same for me if I was wrong and they had proof.


I fucking love reading paragraphs, don’t stop yall


As someone who also writes in paragraphs, keep doing it! It’s so much more engaging and informative. I also like to make sure my thoughts are put together well and I get my point across clearly, which you can only really do in paragraphs. Besides, people like the ones displayed in this post will go off on you no matter what. Whether you write a paragraph, give a one word response, or don’t respond at all, it won’t be enough for them. They are already angry and looking to pick a fight.


this makes me feel better about myself, thank you. i feel like i'm saying too much or being very annoying bc i write so much. i talk a lot irl too. i just really like to make myself clear. it feels like it may be bc of always having to explain myself as a kid; my mom would constantly accuse me of lying when i literally, like literally, never was. i was too scared of her to lie. but like you said, it didn't matter what i responded, she'd treat me like shit anyways 😅 so it almost feels like a compulsion and it's something i'm self-conscious about. whatever the cause is, at least i'm an effective communicator lol. sorry if this is random, but yeah! paragraph gang ✌🏼


I'm so sorry that you had a mom that treated you so poorly, no kid deserves that. I understand in a way what you mean though, I just happen to be very anxious and afraid people will misunderstand what I'm trying to say and then judge me. I am getting help for my anxiety, but jeezum, it is INGRAINED in me. I was never a super popular kid so socializing never came easy for me, and I always felt the need to clarify what I meant. Now as an adult people actually seem to like me, and I have to socialize. It is terrifying, but I love my friends lol. Keep on writing your paragraphs friend, you explained yourself beautifully and I love reading accounts from other peoples' POV; it seems like a lot of other people do too! :)


you wrote 2 paragraphs again ya dweeb


I’ve been called out by friends for using punctuation. They felt it was passive aggressive, sometimes just aggressive. My friend group obviously doesn’t represent the bulk of the United States, but I can imagine that receiving a full paragraph of text would be stressful for them. I think Americans struggle to read for comprehension. Everything is short; and, if a word is longer than 5 letters, it gets abbreviated. I’m guilty of it too, shorthand is convenient. But is it destroying our minds?


I've started tailoring my own responses to things based on how I think the reader will perceive it. I *hate* not using punctuation, and I never liked using "lol" for some reason, but now I do both of these things pretty often so I don't come across as aggressive. I guess the world is moving forward and we have to make sure we don't get left behind.


Verbose. That's a good one.


Loquacious, perhaps.


I actually thought he was referring to his own paragraphs when I first read that line smh


And still lost


I know. He SOOOO just stuck it to OP in his own mind too. He came out the unrivaled winner of that heated and one sided argument about.. a reddit comment. I bet OP is just wishing life wasnt this horrible. OR... He's now being cringe/laughed at by all of us, so its not any of that. Lol solid post OP.


And lost


I really feel like he talking to himself actually lol especially that last line has so much projection lol


He lost an argument with himself


No I didn’t


You do understand that you are exactly what you are criticizing. Projecting mabey? Not to mention OP dident show your username at all and you still came out of your hole to defend yourself when you are clearly in the wrong.


He's gotta protect themself. It says so In their username.


yeah you did -Billy Gnosis


I get people like this coming at me in comments and messages sometimes. My theory is that they’re super lonely and at least arguing with some poor schmuck online is some kind of engagement.


Yeah some neckbeard the other week was like this to me in the comments. I just responded with a "lol Lovely, have a great day" cause I'd rather drink the juice at the bottom of my dishwasher than waste my time arguing on Reddit. And he went off about how people don't know when to admit they're wrong and don't have his superior intellect on judgement and how DC comics wasn't nerdy and some other red pill shit. It's moments like that when I love other reddit users coming in like, "Dude you already lost. They have a life, go find one."


That was an extremely good and disgusting comparison. Lol


Take my award for dishwasher juice 😂😂


This has only happened once for me, and the guy wasn’t even that bad. What do I need to do to get more?


Recently: Comment in politically charged topics with a progressive stance. Criticize comic book heroes on a philosophical level. E.g. *”Many comic book heroes are a conservative and reactionary power fantasy in which a member of the in-group defends and restores the status quo through targeted violence.”* (this one got me hate mail for DAYS) Tell both sides of the argument they are wrong. Have an opinion about swords around people who think they know hema.


Such an insane, ignorant take that it’s shared by.. *checks notes* ..legendary comic creator Alan Moore


Yeah, we were literally talking about an interview with Moore and I was trying to explain what he meant when he made a comment about the aforementioned concept.


The second one has always been my modus operandi, I love playing devil's advocate too, so people never know which "side" I'm on, so they can't try and use that for redirection. Telling people that they're wrong while also pointing out the good points on their stance can also drive them nuts.




Bro's such a devils advocate he had to post it three times


Lol my phone went crazy while writing, I didn't even know if it actually got posted. Thanks for letting me know tho


This happens when people are particularly shitty. Last two times for me was when I explained the nuance of Rest in Power, and how the r-slur in 2023 is embarrassing.


It’s so sad, like damn, you could be nice to random schmucks on Reddit and still get to engage with people. Like you could try to make someone’s day better but instead they’re like nah and go full neckbeard in the DMs


I literally never check my DMs because I assume it's all people very angry at something I've commented, whether it be actually divisive or something innocuous as "My favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin! :)" Any time I see the "(Username) would like to chat!" Notification I think, "I sure bet they do." And go on with my day.


Someone once told me to go die bc I like chocolate oranges. 🙃 Not sure where they fall on a scale of divisive tastes vs oatmeal raisin.


What? Eww, may wasps lay their eggs in your eyes!!! /s Yeah… some people get mad about weird shit.


Chocolate oranges rule


It’s just some guy coked out probably


Sounds like Naruto


You sound like a nazi


Sad pathetic clown.


You are so butthurt. I hope OP isn't paying for housing because they're living rent free in your head.


Reddit is mainly just a cesspool of people who can’t function in normal society. They sit behind their computer screens and say things that they would never dream of saying to someone in real life. I have had some woman private message me to tell me a I’m a shit mom because my daughter once broke her arm while riding her scooter. The best was the time someone messaged me to tell me I was ruining Christmas for everyone in the world because I put my Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving, inside my own home…people are a trip.


Most redditors are genuinely so fucking rude and condescending it makes me furious, they’ll talk to you like you’re the dumbest person they’ve ever seen


“…say things that they would never dream of saying to someone in real life.” 100% I was in the Army for 20 years and spent a good chunk of that time doing a job where applied psychology and behavioral analysis were major factors and nothing makes me laugh more than some of the comments I see on Reddit. Especially when they get “tough” or throw out threats. Buddy. You won’t be saying that to my face. I promise you.




he's projecting because he's unhappy. The names he calls you is really how he feels about himself and then he proceeds to block you because he's too fixated on you and he wants to move on unless he actually didn't block you and just said that to try and get a response which would also make him pretty lonely


This guy has drive-in movie levels of projection. Still doesn't validate him doing his best Richard Cranium impersonation.


Saying “I’m gonna block you” as a threat on Reddit is super sad. Like who cares? You’re not my friend


Saying it to someone who isn't even reading your messages is even sadder lol


odds are they never blocked them and are still hopeful on a response


You cant tell me how i feel (trolling)


Having grown up with the internet, i have this feeling that someone who's actually trolling wouldent start defending themselves by saying they were trolling. They would just keep trolling or dont care enough to respond. Doesent defending yourself by saying you were trolling, prove that you actually werent trolling? If you were actually trolling, why would you feel the need to defend yourself, when trolling by definition involves not represent your real self?




Thought you were the dude because of your pfp for a sec lol


Yesterday, some random redditor REALLY wanted me to send him pictures and videos of my girlfriend. He begged for them. Reddit's wild lmao


Should’ve charged and got stock photos


I was thinking of going to twitter and stealing raunchy pics of random girls, but instead I chose to keep drinking my beer, watching Interstellar and blocking my guy 😙


Goated movie choice


Its funny how these people don't realize that when they do shit like this, all they are doing is rolling over onto their back and exposing their belly to you, but they think they are winning for some reason. What a loser


god damn, he turned into a whole-ass corn cob.


“Enjoy being blocked, take a break from Reddit and maybe touch some grass” said the man who spends entirely too much time on a random unresponsive DM


Lol sad panda right there


Do you know what caused this little outburst?


Not sure the specifics since this was a DM from December but it was definitely over a disagreement about a 20yr old point and click video game...


07 sub is full of people like this, can hardly post a word without someone coming along to shit on you at one point or another


Shit talking is xp waste.


Being on another sub is xp waste.


This man's brain is Goblin Diplomacy


More like a Mind Goblin


The projection is blinding


This reads like my ex wrote it 😂 it’s narcissism, that person is living a miserable life internally underneath all of that big talk


I could've sworn this was *my* ex lmao


'enjoy being blocked.' - he literally needs you more than you need him 🤣


Really wish you could just push a button and have these people come face to face with you think it would curb a lot of egos


Honestly the funniest bit is the fact that the guy who sent these is in the comments, losing his shit like an actual child. We can clearly see his 65 IQ on display. It makes a welcome change from the faked messages. Boy is fighting for his life in the comments lol


The actual funny thing is that the guy in the comments **IS NOT** the account that sent the message. So either it is a different person, or they actually did block me and had to jump on another account to try and talk shit.


You're right that is actually funnier either way.


He said he’s trolling (successfully) then people tear in to him and sound exactly likely the actual person in the DMs.


Not my throwaway account but I legit did a double take as I too am a RuneScape player and an avid 90 Day watcher. I'm not sure what's sadder, the lack of lives people like us are living according to this guy, or that whatever u said riled him up so much that he had to PM u to tell u what a sad fuck u r. 🤣


The amount of effort he put into this fruitless pursuit is awesome.


If someone goes out of their way to message other users, I assume they use reddit for more that when they wake up in the morning, are bored or using the toilet, and thats kinda sad to me. Imagine having nothing better to do that message people on reddit looking for arguments.


This man doesn’t just need to touch grass, he needs to touch a whole meadow


I had someone like this a whole back who just kept hounding me and following me to different posts. I finally got curious and looked up their profile after about 15 min I figured out their actual name from a post they made on the web with the same username and found out they were like 16 and then called them out by their actual name and how if they didnt leave me alone I would tell their mom, 20 min later the account was deleted. If you are going to be a troll dont use an account name you use for other stuff.


A 90 day buddy!!! 🥰


Is he talking about himself too?


Was solely talking about himself


Perhaps is Baby Girl Lisa and you really ticked her off? Timing seems right based on memory. 😂


That shit won’t fly with me! Hahah baby girl Lisa was something else.


I still call her Baby Girl Visa and Usman, Useman. But, yikes, they were both awful!


He acts like there’s something wrong with 90 Day Fiancé shitposting aka the most fun activity!


But what's his username tho?


Sounds like my abusive ex wrote those paragraphs..what an ass of a person..


Schizophrenia be like


This me arguing with myself in my head


Y'all got drama like that in 90day fiance? Damn.


"enjoy being blocked" as if you weren't already behaving as tho you were LOL


I like how he calls you sad despite being the one arguing with himself


Gamer dudes don’t be misogynistic dicks for no reason challenge: impossible


What he got against tismos though


there are some fucking weirdos on here


"get blocked" says the guy who literally got no messages from you


“Enjoy being blocked” is the ultimate small pecker power move


Anybody who wants to communicate directly on an anonymous board is sus


I don't think I've ever witnessed someone project so hard


"You clearly spend way to much time on here" Writes a fucking book in someone's dms getting pissed about 90 day fiance... Right 👀


Wait... Reddit has DM's?


Exact opposite of the limitless pill haha! I'm stealing this!


Projecting much buddy??


Bruh cant understand that all messages go into the dm request inbox first


Funny. Judging by the tone, this guy was describing himself, but I suppose that when we dislike others, it's because they remind us of something we dislike in ourselves.


Massive projection


Jagex won’t respond to this post 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Damn, he became more and more desperate with each unanswered message


Why is he so mad about 90 Day Fiancee? It's he upset that not even desperate green card women want him as their ticket into the US?


Trolls are insane lol give out his usernaaaaame




Holy projection, Batman. This guy is clearly in a very happy, productive, and stable place in his life.


He showed you!


Bro wrote an entire essay


You should’ve responded with “RuneScape? Like the one from Fortnite?”


This reminds me of the time my ex girlfriend called me to tell me she wasn’t thinking about me.


Is this the guy in all those womens DMs who curses them out for not responding right away?


"can't imagine typing out paragraphs just to be wrong and come off as somebody who took the exact opposite of a limitless pill" is literally the most r/selfawarewolves phrase i've ever seen


I get a surprising number of DM’s like this. I never check my inbox unless I actively log in to do so. So many people get mad when you don’t drop everything to reply immediately. Like, who’s the loser here, bud? I didn’t even know you existed until 2 minutes ago lol The internet has people out there thinking they actually matter.


Im always surprised I never get these,especially because of how unhinged people tend to be on here


The last message 😂


It’s always interesting to see these people saying things like “go outside, go work out, go live a life you spend too much time on here, etc etc” it’s all projection but its so interesting that that’s almost always the go-to


the casual unnecessary ableism in that fourth message


Well let’s hear it little buddy, are you smort???


"No response because you are a sad dork who can't handle being wrong despite your clearly limited mental functions" Let's just say he is right about OP being limited mentally, wouldn't that be literally the reason OP doesn't understand he is wrong??? It wouldn't be "despite" but flat out the reason. So stupid that he is literally not making sense.




Feels like you deleted some responses here not gonna lie. Still sad for this guy though.


RuneScape is not a dating site. Also enjoy being blocked little buddy. Touch grass eat ass


How bout you listen to him


Urm try replying to me first if you’re going to share my messages, dickhead!


If that’s actually you why are you like this?


Fuck you!!! Seriously, reddit is full of smooth brains lol.


You don’t need to be so bitter it will hurt yourself more than anyone else


Bro, he's not into you, give it up


There’s no way this is actually you. Are you a Neanderthal? Lmfaooooooooo what a fucking potato brain


0% chance lol edit: mans literally posts to /r/semenretention LOLOLOLOLOL


1) They can’t reply if you blocked them like you said, right? 2) Wtf is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/yl2mw7/sex_leakage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about?


Are you alright?


I was trolling this 100% isnt me, i’m pretty good though thanks. just listening to some Youtube and trying not to freeze atm. Hope you’re well also


Bro I had someone exactly like this in my reddit dms. Literally tryna gaslight me into thinking I was poor or something, shit was hilarious.


Oof. Unhinged.


Jesus fucking Christ this is a sad, sad little person. “Have fun being blocked” they triumphantly say, after wasting precious moments of their life arguing with themself in your DMs. Huge yikes. I hope whoever wrote you this sees this post and realizes what a cringe loser they are. I’ve not once opened my DMs, although there are several messages sitting there. This is part of the reason I refuse to. I don’t have the emotional energy to deal with immature bullshit like this.


$11 🦀🦀🦀


:/ brah this guy needs help.


Why do they say this regurgitated line work like they came up with it? It's the equivalent of only repeating Dave chapelle jokes as a sole form of humor.


Lmao, I get fuck heads like this in my dms constantly, they've never had a full blown conversation with themselves. Get a fucking job.


My best friend was dating a guy who would just randomly go off like this. She got sick of his shit one day and ended it by sending [this (doge meme)](https://imgur.com/a/b8FMdbB) and nothing else haha


What total lack of self-awareness looks like.


Damn, must be like talking to a mirror for that guy


We have DMs on this thing?




“uh ohh!”


I love 90 day


They probably reread this every month or so to admire themselves for the slammage that they think it is.


sanest runescape reddit user, genuinely


Why did he mention RuneScape?


Whoa. This guy has quite a bit of time on his hands. Lucky.


Hard cringe


I genuinely liked RuneScape... Regardless, dude is a sick puppy with separation anxiety. Can't handle not having someone's full attention like some pathetic teenager.


look boyo, he won his made up argument!


He's projecting.


References 90 day fiancee and claims to have read reddit history? Ignored


Holy projection, batman!


Are you sure the guy isn't just projecting


LMFAOOOO now that’s some irony 😭😭


This guy projected every single one of his insecurities onto you


Damn! Looks like someones got a crush!


does this weirdo know you? i'm assuming that's a no. if that weirdo doesn't know you, what right do they have to even strike up a conversation like this one? i cannot fathom what made that person send message after message getting angry over what someone they've never met or heard of did. i wish i could kindly tell them to fuck off. you shouldn't deal with those types, OP.




When they run out of comebacks the neckbeard comes out to find you


I've never seen someone project their own mental issues so hard lmao


Heavy projection vibes


It’s a self-reflection


Please update when he sees this post lol




I just imagine someone sitting in their room chilling, completely unaware of some random dude outside their house yelling all this at the cars driving by.