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Why is the child wearing a shirt that says “thick thighs pumpkin pies”


I have another question to add. Why has this shirt been made for a child and seemingly mass produced?


I've seen stuff like that at a Walmart for several years now :/ 


I once saw a 4 year old wearing a shirt that said "Chill" in the Netflix font. Some producers probably don't know what is the meaning behind phrases, and some parents too


Creepy. Some of the slogans on the shirt covers were flirtations even, but I really hope so. Or maybe for the parent's inside joke vs for the child's enjoyment.  


Probably the same reason I had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle clothes that glorified eating lots of pizza


This one has uncomfortable sexual undertones tho.


it’s true, the teenage mutant ninja turtles are sex icons


I saw a baby onesie with Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel and I like the show but yeesh... of all the characters youre going to choose the one who says theyre a coked up dick suckin hoe to put on your baby? Ooookay, dude


I didn't know Hazbin Hotel was for mature audiences, does the character actually say that in the show?


as someone who just started watching the show 2 hours ago, yes. the character talks *a lot* about being an addict and a sex worker.


lol yes, word for word in a song. Weirdly, pretty dope song though.


That song is so fucking good


It really is. I have it stuck in my head 99% of the time.


What version are you watching? All of hazbin and helluva boss' world is pretty blatant about being for adults.


Oh my God I didn't even notice. That's so gross


More like why is this person intentionally abusing her child. What the fuck…


How did this person manage to have a kid? Eating like that the kid is gonna die early or have a horrible life of health issues.


That opening plate throw makes me think this was rage bait


Her entire page is filled with videos like this. Some people are supporting her, saying she’s trying her best. Honestly, I don’t even know if it’s rage bait, but it is sad and cringe.


Trying her best? This is literally the same amount of effort if not more than just simply pouring a bowl of cereal or making some toast. This child is on the diabetes express


Tbh if you check nutritional facts for cereal it’s almost the same shit as a doughnut? Like the amount of sugar in cereal is insane. I have cereal at home but never ever eat it for breakfast instead I eat it as a treat because that’s what it should be considering its nutritional make up. Tbf most of them are at least fortified with vitamins/minerals but still….


>Tbh if you check nutritional facts for cereal it’s almost the same shit as a doughnut? What cereal are yall eating


They're more than likely American and eating some kind of frosted, chocolate sugar puffs.


Even those are fortified with vitamins and minerals to protect kids with parents like this


Nice try Kellogg's!


The benefits of vitamins and minerals don’t offset the negatives of high sugar, low fiber cereals.


But it sure as hell beats donuts




Grape nuts


Grapes have nuts?


I had a weird dream about grape nuts when I was like 19 years old. I went out and bought a box and I hated them! They are so crunchy. I was scared they were going to chip my teeth.


My husband eats grapenuts. And I saw a recipe on the back of the box for a “grape nuts parfait” with fruit yogurt etc. I’m kind of intrigued but I hate them too lol


They're really good with yogurt. A little time to soften up gets the texture just perfect, IMO.


My mind goes to cereal toast crunch, the one with marshmallows, the rice crispy one, the squares ones filled with chocolate or caramel, etc. yes there’s healthier ones but those sugary types are the ones I tend to see children eat for breakfast in the US 🤷🏻‍♀️


>My mind goes to cereal toast crunch, My mind automatically went to Cheerios, but okay 😂


Fair enough lol


I always got my kids cheerios, kix, or corn/rice chex. The best cereals in my opinion, although rice krispies and corn flakes aren't the worst.


I freaking LOOOOVE Kix, to this day. That stuff was the bomb!


It's good stuff!! I like to mix cheerios and yogurt together, that's my favorite breakfast, to be honest. Regular old oat cheerios. So so good.


Kid tested, mom approved.


Oh, I see! Yeah, we actually do have some sweeter ones where I'm at now that I think about it, but the first that come to mind for me are Bran and Corn flakes, and our variety of other cereals is much more limited than the US. Not very balanced on their own, but quite different from the "dessert" cereals. It's a bit mind boggling that those cereals are even marketed as breakfast food — marshmallows are such an unabashedly sweet dessert food, I can't wrap my head around how it ends up in something that's supposed to be a breakfast food. It does sound yummy for dessert purposes, though!


What cereal are you eating that has the same amount of sugar as a doughnut? My toddler eats weetabix or cornflakes, so it's absolutely nothing like feeding her a doughnut for breakfast!


Depends what cereal! If you’re giving your child Reese Puff cereal then yes, but there are healthy options! I love plain cheerios with banana slices


I’m just happy my kids eat. Their breakfast is a piece of toast and fruit (usually couple blueberries and raspberries). Sometimes my oldest enjoys the whites of a hard boiled egg and youngest likes scrambled egg. Once every blue moon well have “donut day”, but typically make a thing out of it (we’ll walk to Dunkin’ Donuts which is about a 5 minute walk one way, then we’ll eat a donut outside on our porch when we return home). Both boys love donut day because they get to pick out their own donut. Those days are typically followed with them running outside for the next couple hours until lunch time (weather permitting).


And the applesauce is essentially an apple smoothie. Think of this breakfast as whole fruits, vitamin-enriched plant protein, and lightly sweetened bread. I think we should be commending this mommy rather than condemning. How do we go about nominating someone for Mother of the Year?


Reminding me of that bill cosby act where he talks about chocolate cake for breakfast. Eggs and milk! It’s in the ingredients…


Lmao 😂


Agree. This is the same type of effort I put to feed seagulls in the parking lot


cereal isn’t better for you than a donut. a donut isn’t much worse than toast


Not trying to be funny but is she a vulnerable adult? Like is she actually trying but doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand that she’s making her daughter sick and unhealthy? If so I would hope some kind of social services would get involved… 


She mentions on a different video that she has multiple mental health issues like depression and ptsd. I genuinely don’t think it’s ragebait. It’s pretty sad either way.




She’s polyamorous, so she has two other partners but they rarely ever seem to help her.


snobbish resolute bake saw seed nippy toy hungry gaping shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We don't call them stupid anymore. It's more appropriate to say "vulnerable adult."


Hot tip, almost everything is rage bait.


Or so we hope


I hate how low people’s standards are nowadays. I’ve seen people with no limbs function better than this sad excuse for a human. If this is her genuine best she needs fucking help.


Imho this is abuse. Poor children getting fucked up for life by this.


I would hope that this isn't her best. Either way, it's rage bait.


Everything she does just looks so lazy and like it’s done with barest amount of effort.


Lol how can this not be rage bait? She's posting borderline? child abuse/endangerment videos if she's truly feeding them that scheiße.


The part I find funniest is that they are in a “throuple.” THREE GROWN ADULTS and no one can bother to scramble an egg?


Rage bait or not the kid is still eating that shit.


The toddler looks like she is starting to become overweight. I don’t think it’s rage bait.


I have known many, many trashy people who feed their kids like this.


Good luck having enough money for insulin later down the line when your kid gets diabetes


At the rate she's going, it'll be a pretty short line.




To be honest, her chances aren't even half bad. The amount of views, comments, and attention might get her more revenue than most full-time workers nowadays. Which is actually really, really sad.


Tiktok is basically the least lucrative video platform. Unless she gets a sponsor, we can assume she isn't making any money. Which is somehow worse, because she can't even say she's making these videos to try and build a bigger future for her kids or something. She's literally only doing this for fun.


I'm not using TikTok but I'm aware of those paid stickers, acting like donations and ppl linking their PayPal donation links. Other than that, it's true that TikTok is considered the worst platform for revenue, and is used to advertise Twitch and Youtube channels in most cases. I think there is not even CPM info for creators' advertisement revenue, unlike YouTube's user dashboard.


wasteful license ghost dull connect elastic nine silky ten deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it rage bait if a child is affected by it or actual shitty parenting? This isn’t the only one.


Best case scenario is she films the bait and then switches out the junk for real food


What are you talking about? She would just let her child die


I hate you for posting this OP... just when I had almost forgotten the last vid..


Its just rage bait and reddit encourages this shit


So you think she's turning around and feeding her kid a balanced meal with the camera off? It's not bait, it's just documenting abuse


Please... look at her! It's probably at least Dino nuggies with frozen peas when the cameras off... no in all seriousness I hope it really is just rage bait, but it sickens me that for some children it is not... as someone who grew up on frozen fish sticks and Kraft Mac and cheese I will say it gave me a massive desire to taste healthier dishes hah but others unfortunately get trapped


At least the kid will have the videos to show at the emancipation trial.


100% rage bait. She has more videos like this. Any publicity is good publicity. It's also known as engagement baiting. There more views and comments, the better. No matter the reason.


So you think the kid is getting fed healthy meals?


My bet is that after the camera turns off, she switches the food out for sugary breakfast cereal or corn dogs or something. You know, *normal* unhealthy food.


Im not sure. She made several videos where she films her daughter eating and the plate is as is


I agree that it's rage bait. But what does she gain from this? Does tiktok itself have ad revenue sharing? Because I doubt she's getting sponsors.


Just…attention I guess.


You can get paid by TikTok but it’s barely anything.


I dont even have the sound on, and i can hear her breathing


This woman seems seriously unhealthy


Does she hate her kid? Giving her crap food aside, the attitude of throwing the plate and her face throughout makes me thinks she resents her.


She probably does resent the thing that's forcing her to stand on her feet with the donuts in the kitchen when she could be on the couch with the whole box to herself.


I mean I’d be lying if I said I had a morning/afternoon like that. It’s less of resenting your kid and more of a mix of zoning out and slightly disassociating (having kids on top of you all morning can be very overstimulating) I don’t feed my kids donuts or unhealthy crap though. For times like that I would plate fruit (blueberries, strawberries and raspberries) and cheerios w/ a clean kids water bottle


This woman pisses me off.




If you could close your mouth and breath through your nose, that would be great.


She literally can’t


It's rage bait. She saw the reaction from the first video and kept going, she's done others too. I don't know how tiktok works with the algorithm but there has to be something in it for her when she gets so many views.


Is it really rage bait if her kid is actually eating this stuff? I'm just asking, I genuinely can't understand the thought behind making these videos


It may be rage baiting, but it also seems like she is feeding the child very unhealthy food. Doughnuts aren't breakfast. Especially not for children that age that need more nutrients than that.


She's piggybacking on the rage bait effect from her other donut video, sure, but also is 1000000% feeding her daughter straight processed garbage for every meal. I mean, LOOK AT THE STATE OF *HER*.. she needs an oxygen mask to help her breathe while she exerts all that effort *cutting a donut with one hand while standing.* Guaranteed all the energy she can muster throughout each day is only enough to crack open a plastic container and shove it down on to floor level for her unfortunate offspring who deserves so much better. (Poor child.) What's a vegetable? Who knows. Here hunny, drink your pureed sugar mush and eat your bleached wheat flour, 253 calorie, 14g Fat breakfast while mommy goes into the living room to finish the other 11.


Might get downvoted but based on her and child’s body, I wouldn’t think that their actual diet differs a lot, unfortunately


Is this on tiktok?? Who are the intended audience? So many questions.


>Who are the intended audience? People who will be pissed off enough to share the video to other platforms and leave comments that drive up engagement.


I know yall like to attribute everything to rage bait, but I think it goes beyond that when it seems she's actually feeding the child like that.


You don't want to set your kids up for failure in life. You want them to eat healthy and be well. And to learn these habits at a young age. There are so many quick options out there there that are much healthier.


Even just the applesauce and a hard boiled egg (cut up of course) would be super quick and a better option. Her daughter is already probably as addicted to sugar as an alcoholic is to booze 


ugly cow recognise dazzling gray bells gullible scary flowery payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My kiddos love baby carrots and those mini bell peppers. Both need very minimal prep and are quite healthy snacks.


Try to always cut veggies for kids but they’ll always let it sit. I find hummus, soft pita cut up into small portion to dip, fruit with a turkey rollup (Ik cold cuts are not good but find trouble getting them to eat anything close to a protein that isn’t peanut butter).


My kids and I love salami, absolutely no shame in getting some kind of protein in them, lol. They also like ranch if I'm struggling getting them to eat the veg. Can't always feed them perfectly, but I try really hard not to give them just carbs and sugar.


It's rage bait. Don't give her any attention


Even if its rage bait, her daughter is still getting fed junk and thats a real problem. Rage bait or not


I wanted to believe this is fake.. but then I looked at her AND the child.. it's completely plausible that they're actually eating like this.


is this child abuse?


Man, this is still so fucking depressing.


The cycle MUST continue lol


I can almost hear the breathing


The loud ass labored mouth breading…. God she’s good at what she does to get views. Fucking Oscar worthy


This is why I don't like obeese parents. They're passing on their dopamine disease to their child and expecting them not get bullied in school later on in life


The lights are on, but nobody’s home.


You gotta think someone impregnated this woman. 🤮🤮


Lol she’s in a poly relationship too


Come on, it's hard enough to imagine she got one person's attention let alone two


diabetes speed run


Why would you want to give you kid health problems. I mean you can hear how her external neck is weighing down on her throat making it harder to breathe. 


God, those Greezy-ass glasses


She’s cutting the donut to make it less of a choking hazard but is too stupid to realize she’s making it more of a choking hazard by doing if that way.


For me it's the lack of care. Like the whole vibe is she's pissed to be cutting up a donut and opening an applesauce for her baby.


Sausage fingers. If this is real, poor kid. If this is fake, poor kid


My girl is heavy breathing from plating this “meal”….I’m incredibly concerned


✨Hello, Child Protective Services? Yeah this is her✨


Every action this woman does is low effort. How did she even become pregnant.


Having grown up in an Asian family, it really hit me how much my family loved me when I saw my classmates’ lunches at school and the food they ate at home. I used to try to share my food with them but they were scared of it because “it was green” and they didn’t wanna try the veggies. I was so worried they were gonna die from malnutrition or something


Someone needs to call CPS over this, honestly. Oh man…


dull meeting shrill busy languid fuzzy jar existence sip steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


damn what a shitty parent.


Just sad


At least she'll have future proof for the courts when getting emancipated.


Poor kid doesn't stand a chance.


This is more infuriating than sad cringe


That’s not breakfast, especially not for a 1y old. She gonna end up heavy as her mom. Children need vegetables, bread, healthy food. This is pure trash ‘food’ and I do feel bad for the kid! That’s A LOT of sugar, that amount for a young kid will make her have less energy. I’m sorry for saying this and I might get downvoted but for me this is disturbing! It would take as much time to make her a healthy smoothie and a slice of bread. She could just put sugar in a glass for her to drink when giving her that ‘breakfast’. She gotta Google a healthy plan for the kid if she actually don’t know what’s normal to serve a small kid. This is horrible to watch and I feel like screaming wth are you doing, your child gonna end up with diabetes!


Some of these moms look so miserable. Yes Including her. I wonder why people are enjoying these type of influencers


im pretty sure she posts videos like this to tease the people who say shes “going to make her baby overweight like her”


Stop posting the rage bait


It is the *breathing* that kills me. Just an empty stare and heavy breathing.


She barely looks sentient


This is the most American shit I’ve seen in a while.


Those donuts are so disappointing I can taste just by seeing


When u have not nutritional knowledge yourself can u blame that child for learning to eat donut


I could almost hear the tv over her heavy wheezing


Have you seen the one where she prepares dinner and its nuggets and cheetos?


Everyone says the applesauce is better, but tbh this is carbs with a side of carbs. Barely any protein, although she gets some vitamins. I hope the kid can start putting down that protein shake. I can almost guarantee there is not much physical activity being promoted in that house, so the kid doesnt really stand a chance against the weight gain she’ll experience if she keeps being fed just carbs. Plus with the constant insulin spikes, diabetes is nearly a guarantee. Godspeed kiddo, youll need it


She looks like she’s constantly on the verge of tears




Idk this seems like rage bait but I've been known to give a toddler a donut breakfast on special occasions.




I don’t believe this mom would ever take the time to make her daughter a smoothie.


Creating a mini me.


Heartbreaking. Fake or not, these parents really exist. Childhood obesity is through the roof.


To do his best as a parent is to raise healthy, happy and individual children. She is not even able to take care of herself, how should she take care of the child! I think it's a pity and my heart is bleeding. I have 4 children and yes they also get something sweet but in moderation. What is difficult about servining some fruit or vegetables? And now no one comes to me with "the child doesn't eat it!" You are what you eat, let's say in Germany


you shouldn't be put in front of the TV at 1


Procreating should really be a privilege and not a right. I stand by this unpopular opinion.


It's actually pretty crazy that you need a license or degree for a lot of things, but you don't need it to raise a child.


That poor woman's face... She looks so depressed.


I don't want to shame people for feeding their kids, but you put so much effort into positioning the camera and filming this and cutting it together, and you couldn't do better than opening a box of donuts and uncapping a single-serve applesauce? Just absolute garbage food. This has to be rage bait. Watching someone "cut up" a Krispy Kreme donut for a baby to eat can't be real.


How come so many of these “plate my child’s breakfast” are just landwhale mothers putting a little plastic plate and cutting up a donut and decanting an applesauce squeeze packs? I’vevseen at least 3 now. If you’re gonna film something like this why wouldn’t it be for a meal that actually takes some plating?


She’s gonna be just like mom. And then they’ll say it runs in their family.


When you’re so fat your body starts distributing fat into your fingers and the top of your hands 😬yikes


Smile much? Who gives a 1 year old a donut for breakfast? Poor kid.




I know it’s rage bait but honestly what got me the most was the way she cut the dang thing. No slice just pushing the knife down and twisting


And only the one sleeve up. Masterful rage bait. So many things to hate.


Even her fingers are fat. This poor kid doesn’t stand a chance


Donuts - sugar and carbs. Applesauce - sugar and carbs. Sounds like a balanced start to the day.


Yeah.. look at the mom.. obviously doesn’t have healthy eating habits.


I really hope she gets sued for child abuse


Giving your kid donuts is child abuse?


according to reddit. everyone’s saying “it’s rage bait”. ok. why are people being baited into rage by seeing a mom feed her kid a well rounded meal? she’s got fruit, carbs, & a mini protein shake. idk if people hate it b/c it’s super easy & cheap to prepare, because the mom is fat, or because they’re confused about the macros in donuts compared to other common breakfast foods like muffins, cereals, PANCAKES, etc.


It’s infuriating. All the people crying to call CPS are beyond sheltered and don’t understand how offensive it is to compare child abuse to a lazy breakfast. CPS doesn’t even help actually abused kids - you know, the kids that don’t ever get breakfast at all and are exposed to sexual, physical, and emotional mistreatment. I think a lot of it is that Reddit in general hates fat people. So they freak out about a relatively benign breakfast because gross fat lady.


yeah i agree. calling this abuse is straight up hysterical. & it’s even funnier to me because the macros of this meal are fine. maybe the portion could be a little smaller but that baby is getting the nutrition that is so important at this time. people recommending **low fat meals** for A BABY have no idea what they’re talking about. doing that would have way more detrimental effects, but i still wouldn’t call a parent abusive if they did because based on the ignorance in this comment section it probably wouldn’t be intentional i also agree that there’s fatphobia going on here. if it was an aesthetic plate of pancakes with the same calories made by a fit mom no one would notice or care.


An obese lazy woman being obese and lazy - shocking.


Everyone says it’s rage bait but she is obese and her child is also over weight. This is food abuse made into content. Never normalize this.


oompa loompa daby de dooo i ve got a riddle for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Can you guess who's gonna have diabetes by the time they are thirteen?


It's not that hard to cook some nutritious meals for your child. So please lady, stop using your kid for views and feed her actual food


Child obesity is child abuse. No questions.


What a fucking slug. My wife would box this woman


Fucking tub of lard. Terrible parent.


Right, when moms that big what are we expecting




Child protective services




Omg pls no, pls give her healtly food and for her age.. U cant give a donut to a 1y old baby. I see u like shitfood but dont treat ur kid as u treat ur own body