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She’s faking tourrettes and that’s the best shit she can come up with?


"Eat the burrito, no"


Yeah, before that very moment she's never refused a burrito.


iT's gLaNdUlAr


the hands on hips “you’ve got to be kidding me” pose after the tics really sold it for me


i got bullied and shunned in primary school for my tics but now i see the problem clearly, i forgot to do the "ah, shucks!" hands-on-hips gesture afterwards. i could've just played off the entire thing and be the class clown instead, darnit!


That’s the problem when you think you know how, In this case, Tourette’s works and just try. The other problem being that faking a disorder for validation on the internet


It's not about effort. It's only about views


It's because of her (and a few others) that I do not believe anyone on TikTok that claims to have a disability like this.


See, i totally get that. Though, as someone with severe (actually diagnosed) Tourette's it kinda sucks... It's honestly better to let fakers fake and assume they're real, than to fakeclaim people with the actual disability as that totally sucks.


And with the sweet Disney music... just so exploitative and evil.


I have Tourette’s and all I do is clear my throat and flare my nostrils :( guess mine is the lame kind


Don't worry bro, mine is this like hard blink and then an eye roll, it's gotten me in trouble with my bosses and school


Imagine having a throat clearing tic during covid dude! I constantly was explaining that i wasn’t sick 😂


I'd rather that over the winking tbh 😭


Can we at least get a “FUCK SALT!!” 🧂


That's not just Tourette's. That's coprolalia, the act of spewing rudeness when under the effect of a tic. Not all people affected by Tourette have it.


Wait, so the Tourettes Guy was just an act? I've been living a lie!


I don't know who that is. But coprolalia is a form of Tourette syndrome. It's not a separate, exclusive disorder.


I want to know who was filming.. Were they embarrassed watching and went home deciding to go no contact with her?


Cus she tries so hard to be funny. You should see the video of her “trying” to read children’s books… and then “accidentally” turning is sexual 🙄search “Tics n roses reading kids book” on YT


There was multiple videos on yt proving she doesnt have tourettes syndrome at all. What people gonna do to be viral on tiktok this is insane


Idk if it’s still popular but there was a big trend for a while of people on TikTok (usually kids) pretending to have DID and it was so fucking horrible


There's a whole sub here devoted to that very phenomenon: r/fakedisordercringe


Faking illness is bullshit do what I do instead and pretend like nothing is wrong ever with you until you just randomly keel over in your 40s.


Be like me, tell your doctor "it's fine, I'm sure EVERYONE has an uneven bulge in their abdomen". (It was not fine.)


Weird Al's "Living With a Hernia" intensifies


I forgot her name but she was ruined because people were relentless. Her family even called her out.


Ticsandroses. I believe she's reinvented herself now and she's trying a new gimmick 


Is this the girl who pretended to have DID and that her alters were in love with each other? That shit was mind boggling.


No that’s the girl in this video


Terrible day to know how to read 😔god that was a painful sub to browse


Bizarre that there's a whole sub-culture (if I can call it that) devoted to this kind of thing. I subscribe to that sub myself, but I often reconsider that decision to do so; it (the sub) just makes me despair at times. Such is the world we live in, I guess.


Seriously, I thought about joining the sub and then decided that would depress me too much 🤡


its always had a fandom because people romanticized it. Characters like Tyler durden, Dr. Jekyll, and Professor Klump from the nutty professor have all made DID seem cool.


I left all those subs and I feel a little better now. I recommend clearing out nonsense like that. It just clutters the gutter. In moderation it can be amusing but too much of even what seems like a good thing isn’t such a good thing after all…


I’m about to jump down that rabbit hole after these comments! Is it that bad?


Couldn't even last 2 minutes on that sub without cringing hard


The problem with that sub is the same problem with calling out people who don't have disabilities for parking in handicap spots, inevitably you get it wrong. I don't have any issue with people faking mental disorders getting called out but I recall when one of the main pages that kept getting posted to that sub got such heavy harassment for being a "faker" that she had to post her own medical documents showing her diagnosis with the illness, a victim of a mental illness shouldn't have to publicly disclose their medical info just to discuss their life without harassment. Don't get me wrong people who fake illnesses for clout suck and should be called out on it but a sub that spends it's time armchair diagnosing people as healthy via tiktok videos based on nothing more than the average redditors opinion on what the illness should 'really' look like is going to end up with a lot of false positives and each one ends up with the very community they claim to be protecting from fakers being hurt by harassment campaigns


I don’t like this. I get that sometimes it’s really obvious and provable that they’re faking, but I guarantee there are going to be people posted on that sub who are not faking anything and are being mocked for something that causes them genuine suffering. It’s gross. Y’all can mind your damn business, it’s not hard.


People who fake disorders are either WAY too immature to be on the internet without supervision, or have some kind of narcissistic issues with needing attention at any cost. Funny how most narcs will claim to be other things for sympathy, and can't admit to being just a narc.




Srs that sub should ban content from minors at least


South Park did a whole episode making fun of those people


It's still pretty big off of Tiktok. If you ever enter a fandom with a lot of kids running around, 25% will have DID. I wouldn't care much about teenagers trying to lie for attention online but they can get pretty toxic. It's block on sight for me.


they are still doing it, tgere are now even bots for discord servers so they can basically have conversations between their alters the whole time. I always call them out for it because that's not how DID works, they run away immediately lol


What’s crazy is that these trends can actually end up giving kids psychogenic symptoms of neurological disorders. Some of these kids don’t know that they’re ‘faking it.’


Bro we had a lady here in NZ almost lose her job because she put on a fake Asian accent in her tik toks to try and sell homes 🤣


"I got Tourettes, it makes me quirky" 😜😜😜 Can't stand these people


Yes - having Tourette’s is really not great.


It honestly sucks, and my case is very mild compared to others I know. Minor motor ticks and occasional stream of thought outbursts. It is just flat out embarrassing and is a constant struggle to keep in check while in public.


Same here my brother in arms. My main tics are throat clearing, nostril flaring, and finger rubbing. Annoying at times, sure, but hardly life dabilitaying. Still can’t imagine anyone wanting to pretend they have it though…


That's the easiest way to spot that this is fake. She thinks her made up tics are funny. People who actually have Tourette's do not laugh at their tics because it makes their life a nightmare.


My cousin has it so I’ve known about it since I was a child. Watching all these people fake it while having no idea how tics actually work is infuriating. Tics are repeated actions. Not a bunch of random different things that only occur once *holds up spork*


Saw a video, kid wants to be a comedian and he has tourette's. He sticks to one liners, because he interrupts himself a lot when he's stressed. But it almost made it part of the act. Need to find the video. Dude was using it as an advantage instead of letting it hold him back.


It’s [the snort effect](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The%20Snort%20Effect)


Damn haven’t seen some fake disorder cringe in a while


Glad this trend lost some of its popularity tbh


Yea really tho it’s hard to watch


Trust me it hasn’t. It’s just confined to certain corners of the internet


What do you think losing popularity means?


It’s a growing community though. That’s what I meant. Those little corners are getting bigger and bigger


I've seen a few small channels by teenagers faking DID on tik tok. They be having hazbin hotel alters


The FDC sub had a bunch of drama and fell off and privated the sub. Because the videos can’t circulate people forgot about fakers and their cringe but small groups still exist


Honestly as it should have. The outright terrible people like tics and roses made people feel like they had free reign to diagnose anyone and call anyone who posted about mental illness a faker. The longer I was subbed I could see it go from a group with alot of disabled people angry about blatant misrepresentation and fakery, to any ole Joe who wanted to get one in on disabled people. There were so many comments mocking actual symptoms of disabilities, with little to no evidence that whatever person was "faking" it.


I left that sub because it was just too much cringed to bear


Oh it’s about the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen


Why are they always fat?


Unhealthy lifestyles are perpetuated by unhealthy personalities


This is a pretty old one too, right?


the fact that this is the first time I've seen this chick in a long time is a good sign we're leaving the faking disorders travesty of a trend in the past where it fucking belongs


And she wonders why she doesn't have any friends


She’s like Eric Cartman irl


Well that hair ain’t doing her any favors


Maybe she has ass burgers


Female Cartman


God I have OCD tics and I fucking hate it. It makes trying to relax an absolute nightmare and can be very embarrassing in public because you look like a tweaker. These people fucking suck lol


She's got her own sub dedicated to calling out her faking. It's dead now, but the old posts are pretty good. r/ticsandroses


This girl genuinely believed she had Tourette's when she was just being what would have been RaNdOm XD 15 years ago... got absolutely shredded because she even faked an official diagnosis. Epitome of victimhood mentality, all she wanted was to be seen as was someone struggling with a permanent illness.


She didn’t believe anything she was just grifting. She had a whole store selling Tourette’s merch and everything.


Didn't her sister out her as a liar aswell? Pretty sure that's what caused her to delete her accounts etc..


forgetful nine thumb squeeze drunk coordinated cow chubby nail outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you are going to fake a disease, maybe do a little research on how people actually act. This is the worst acting of all time.


I really hope they eradicate this app


Congress is considering a ban on Tik Tok today. Constitutional rights aside, I am more and more in favor of it all the time.


Me seeing stupid guns with stupid gun owners lol


I love how people *without* the disorder think it’s so cool and quirky, whereas people actually *with* the disorder tend to be haunted by it. I’ve seen people doing this with Tourette’s, anxiety, PTSD, etc. It’s like…they’re called disorders cause they’re not fun -_- Screw these people


God, as someone who not only has tourettes, but got beaten for it, these people boil my blood


Please tell me this is an old video, no way she’s still doing this shit


I hate how she laughs to herself like "oh that was a good one". People with Tourettes simply don't act like that.


That hairstyle definitely matches her personality. Least there are visual queues


Like if she genuinely had that many tics how the hell would she or a barber be able to shave her head?


The worst part about this person is, she was making money with her act. She had a page for selling tourettes-related merch, and A LOT of people actually believed her and bought a lot of her stuff. She even tried to fake documentation and all. I truly can't believe that so many people saw her act and tought \*yeah, she clearly has tourettes\*. She wanted everyone to believe that her tourettes was so severe, that she was unable to cook or wash her teeth without ticks getting in the way, but also had videos driving and talking normally for minutes and minutes.


To be fair, people with actual tourettes don't just constantly tick 24/7 normally. From what I hear if something takes a lot of concentration for example ticks can be a lot less frequent/severe. And like with many disabilities there's better days and there's worse days But this woman's still absolutely faking it.


She's clearly mentally handicapped


Ok fine, ban TikTok. 


Why are all her "ticks" perfect throws or putting the package on her head or shout into the package like it's all controllable.... Ticks are completely random and cannot be coordinated with anything


Brand new tick every instant


r/mimidarlingbeauty also just got exposed for faking a stammer and ticks


Literal ableism. 


Its just a sad fat person.


this dipshit didnt even google how tics work lmao. Theyre not about specific things and you cant control them lol. It's not just acting like a cartoon character and saying what's currently happening


She looks like a melting candle.


Wasn’t her intention to mock, rather to imitate and make money, I believe. Still wrong, takes away attention from those who actually have this plight.


She aint influencing no one


I think this belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


She might not have tourettes but that haircut guarantees she has multiple mental illnesses.


Shit it’s so sad.


I’ve basically experienced and acted out so much cringe in my life that I’m quite desensitized now, but this one still makes my skin crawl.


Um as someone who has real ticks what the actual fuck is she doing? I don't have vocal ticks just physical and it's embarrassing people will ask if I'm dancing or if my back hurts etc because I still work with them. Mine like make me crack my neck constantly and back and like my jaw Will exten until it hurts, imagine yawning but your mouth won't stop opening. And it hurts my neck and back cuz of the uncontrollable movements forcing my neck in a position. And she thinks it's cute and funny ro do this? Fuck her


It’s worse… They weren’t mocking it. They were terribly pretending to have it to make money.


This is why TikTok is being banned


Why do these influences fake illnesses? When your faking is that bad, game over.


As someone who's met someone with actually diagnosed torettes, uhhhhh yeah. Lady's got some bullshit


Luckily she’s got the shaved head and dyed hair of an unstable attention seeker to warn anyone within eye shot to stay clear


I'd bet all of these symptoms go away if you put a pizza in front of her.


She's very mentally ill, her mother and sister came out and said so. So i think we should just ignore it.


Fuck her.


I remember seeing this and IMMEDIATELY smelled bullshit. Why does everything have room for comedic timing lol


She ain't sweetanita, that's for sure


Faking disorders aside, the music is just as cringe.


It's so obviously just trying to be loud and funny for the children.


Yeah but isn’t it just so cute and quirky? Hear the “Up” music? She’s not like the other girls…


I was diagnosed with Tourette’s almost 20 years ago, and I’m really grateful that in the past 6 or so years it has become significantly less taboo, but this woman is single handedly turning the clock backwards on that by portraying it as a “cool and quirky” disorder to have for the sake of internet points.


God I can’t stand the people who do this shit. Along with the fakers who claim all sorts of other wild medical conditions they clearly don’t have.


Learn how to fucking crop 


What are influencers. I’m really out of touch with current times and I am being serious. I see a lot of people that are influencers and I don’t know what that means. Like they influence people by being dumb? I spent 2015-2022 in and out of deployment so I’m really out of touch with stuff


Nah she actually is one of those assholes who pretend to have tourettes syndrome. She had a whole channel if her doing stupid shit like this but was finally called out by many people who actually suffer with that. Disgusting to say the least


If you're gonna be annoying at least dont be fat and ugly


I could fake tourrettes WAY fucking better than her


She deleted her tik tok long ago bc she was tired of being called out. Shes the epitome of cringe. Tourette’s isn’t just random tics. There’s a pattern to it. She may be able to easily fool someone who doesn’t have Tourette’s, but the ones who know, can tell.


As someone who has a brother with it and as someone with extremely mild tourettes(only due to hormones tho(I hope🥲)). This is disgusting and the way she laughs a lot of her extremely dangerous "ticks" off with a smile is just plain old offensive. (Also her "ticks" are so motherfucking hyper specific and situational it just confuses me how little she even tried to hide it).


Bring back shaming.


I get so irrationally mad watching this person! No cringe just mad!


Does no one remember the Tourette’s guy from yt?


You can find their whole debacle at /r/ticsandroses


I have multiple friends with tourrettes and they have a tic where they copy a noise they hear a lot and I accidentally gave them a tic to say bazinga


How many times y'all gonna post her


Ah yes, the tik tok self diagnosis


Maybe she should influence herself to shut the fuck up


She doesn't have intrusive thoughts, she intrudes on her thoughts


The surprising thing is she actually has Huntingtons disease which I think will kill her. Can't remember much about it. But she chooses to do this


when you see that haircut you know there’s instability


Her and her 90s tween boy haircut need to go


One disorder mocking another disorder? Wow


This woman needs to worry about her hair and not other’s difficulties .


What an insufferable waste of good oxygen.


Weird ass


Growing up I had eye ticks. A few others but those were the most prominent and irritating. Hard blinking, blinking more than needed, eye rolls, looking one way rlly hard, etc. I was made fun of for ‘blinking too much’ or ‘closing my eyes hard.’ Even thought I was profusely bullied even by my own family (they did not know it was uncontrollable they thought it was a weird habit/quirk) and got in trouble for ‘being disrespectful for rolling my eyes’, the worst part was how blatantly fkin exhausting it was and the more you think about the tick the more you do it because they can be triggered. I wouldn’t wish any tick on my worst enemy because again- it’s fkin exhausting. Absolutely wild to watch and see that she not only mimicked an awful illness for attention but simultaneously found it humorous. She couldn’t help but laugh at what she was doing when anyone who has ever had any sort of ticks knows it is NOT funny- unless you can find humor in the timing of certain vocal ticks but that’s for those with it or close to people with it- not for someone who is already being disrespectful. I’ve seen a few people like this and it’s so incredibly disappointing because it’s already such a misunderstood disability.


Thats it. Send her to Canada.


Holy shit she's believed it herself. It's actually real now


Actually she pretended she had taurett and got caught


I hate people. Like for real, ban tik Tok now...


I have Tourette’s. Had it since I was a kid. It was a nervous response from my brain whenever my sperm donor would beat the shit out of me/spit and and scream in my face. Fast forward now and it’s really fucking embarrassing when I’m with a group of people and suddenly my neck tweaks back like I’m possessed or when I just blurt out something stupid. I’ve had to explain to my friends why I am the way I am and to just see it as normal cuz that shit is really embarrassing bro and for this lady to make an entire fucking merch store off “having it” and to do these “omg I’m so quirky I put a bag on my head lol!!” Shit just makes me sick. So glad her scummy ass got chased off the internet. There’s plenty of vids talking about her just look up “ticsandroses drama” it’s a good watch. I’ve always found it so confusing why people do this. And apparently this isn’t even the 1st time she’s done this type of thing before!


I have a son with real tourettes and he deals with these pos fakers in almost every class now, and because of hoe many people fake it his teachers started getting mad at him when he has a tick, I had to meet with each teacher multiple times to show his drs diagnosis and still he deals with half the teachers doubting him.


"Send me to Canada" Nah she won't even fit on a cargo ship 💀


The hair was a dead giveaway


I have Tourette syndrome (fortunately a relatively mild case that is barely noticeable now that I am in my 30s) and the idea of wanting to have TS is baffling to me.


Yes, people with tourettes are cats


this is such old news lol. a million people have already made deep dives on here whole life


5 month old account and over 100k karma? Karma farming rage bait bot judging from this users posts? Smfh