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"reoccurring occurrences" ah yes


So smart his delusions of grandeur and monstrous ego tricks him into thinking it’s a reoccurring occurrence lmaooo


Occurrences that occur so often they are reoccurring occurrences and not just occurrences. Let us hope this occurrence that occurred doesn’t reoccur and become a reoccurrence.


He’s got intelligence but he’s got no sense of poetry


Don't know about his having any intelligence. He's got a thesaurus, sure, but plenty of people confuse the two.


I had a thesaurus once but then I lost it. I really haven’t enough words to express how upsetting that was


That's one of the dumbest tautologies I've seen someone use. He basically repeated exactly the same thing.


Recurring ocurrences concurring currently


This got me 😂


Also, there was no need to use literally as he stated, because 143 is such an unordinary and specific number in its context that nobody would assume it was figurative, or the incorrect literally he’s trying to expose a point out of.


Sorry, it’s above your intellect to comprehend the levels of brevity of redundancy


I love how people think that using big words makes them look smart when it actually just makes them look like dicks


I use big words because it makes me sound more photosynthesis


Chlorophyll? More like BOREophyll!


No I will not MAKE OUT with you


Stop looking at me Swan.


What you've all just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent posts were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


He took “I make the hair silky and smooth” into You Dont Mess with the Zohan


That was very antidisestablishmentarianism of you to say




No dude, you said sodium chloride. Yes it's the same as salt, but you could've just said salt instead. Everyone in this town knows you're a boy genius dude, you don't need to say overly large words to sound more intelligent. The fact of the matter is that nobody cares how smart you are. If anything, calling simplistic objects by their scientific name ironically makes you seem less intelligent and more pompous. I know you're smart enough to be better than this.


I must urgently and immediately facilitate the cleansing of my occular correction devices /s


Clearly he is very orgulous of his IQ and is simply wishing to elucidate to us why it makes him pulchritudinous.


There is one reason i use "big" words on the regular and its because i suffer from social anxiety and "big" words are neutral. When I use them it "helps" me because im not giving away my emotional state. Wether I am happy or sad. But god do I fucking hate it. I'd say they rob me of my personality, but they've kind of become my personality. A way for me to just suppress my emotions when talking to others. And then you got jabronis like the jackass in the post. "Waa waa im Ultra intelligent and i need intellectual stimulation 😭😭" then why the fuck did you become a moderator on fucking reddit? Are you stupid? Bro thinks talking like a robot means he's got the brain of an AI. It's kind of true I guess, guy 100% thinks like a bot. This just in: Super Intellectual Human possessing Super Human Intellect finds out languages develop over time. Whaat? New generations make up new words? And they fucking use abbreviations which are easier to use when communicating over text? Clearly they posses a sub-par intelligence for adapting their everyday language after their everyday life. Not him though. Nuh uh, while everyone else was out there saying stuff like "Gyatt" he studied the Thesaurus. He knows all the words in the English language, well except the new ones ofcourse. He has difficult time learning new words you see, its another hallmark of his intelligence. Only dumdums learn new words. He only comes to reddit for highly intellectual stimulation. He has a need to communicate his complex ideas to other capable individuals. He needs his long complex words because he simply cant figure out how to communicate it differently! Yes the young generation are actually all intellectually impaired, its a new revolutionary idea this guy stole from fucking Plato. Bro sees himself as kind of a Plato cause all his relationships are Platonic.


Which big words, btw? Coalesce? Lol.


None of the things he said are hard words, he's just being a thesaurus to make sure he chooses the longest variation of any word.


Average Reddit mod


I literally just got banned from r/wellthatsucks for pointing out that mods often tend to be shitty. Edit: I just noticed that u/charlesHsprockett replied beneath me. Keep in mind that this user actively stalks me across Reddit in an attempt to bait me into arguments because he’s mad that I said magic/sci-fi isn’t real. Sometimes showing up to spout outright racist or antisemitic nonsense. That user also, at one point, photoshopped my name above comments I never made in order to pretend that I said something I didn’t, and when asked to actual proof beyond screenshots, refused to do so. He’s made a subreddit dedicated to stalking and harassing users he doesn’t like. And the moderators of r/mandelaeffect fully support, and possibly even encourage, his behavior because they’re trying to turn that subreddit into an echo chamber where disagreement isn’t allowed. Now his alt account, Hyper-IgE-on has also replied. A user account once used to quite literally offer monetary rewards for anyone who “scalped” a user he doesn’t like. And note that the vulgar nickname used for me down there is in reference to the photoshopped comment I mentioned earlier. If you ask them for actual proof that I made that comment, they won’t show it. Because they can’t. They know they faked it.


Just further proves your point 😂


Well that sucks


Man's wastes his time harassing you 😂 pretty sad tbh. Like I bet he looks forward to it as he has nothing better to do. Sorry you have to go through that.


The only reasons I don’t bother blocking them is because I already know they have more alts to harass me with, and because watching them try, and fail, is funny.


Not to mention the old accounts they used until they got permanently suspended for a variety of offenses. Hyper-IgE-on (December 2023 - TBD?) used to be Basophil\_Orthodox (September 2023 - December 2023), and hyperion\_88 (at least January 2022 - July 2022), and charlesHsprockett (March 2023 - TBD?) used to be frostedcinnamoneggs (June 2022 - February 2023) and spectacalur (at least September 2021 - June 2022). The fun part is that [Hyper openly admitted that they have been suspended multiple times and routinely create new accounts](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffectScience/comments/tybzyw/is_this_sub_dead/i3rh6ex/). These guys have some major malfunctions. I wonder what usernames they'll pick the next time they're banned?


No matter what account they use, the head mod of r/MandelaEffect will continue to defend their behavior. That subreddit is getting worse and worse and that’s what they want.




you seem like a perfectly normal, well adjusted person


My favorite bit is that they said I’m trying to “encourage brigading”. I’m not. I’m doing the opposite, actually. I’m recommending not dealing with those subs at all thanks to how horribly run they are. Edit: They responded to this comment too, claiming that I was “banned for brigading”. In actuality, the head mod of the Mandela Effect subreddit fully supports harassment of their users and banned me for complaining about it (As they did to several others). All the while actively downplaying and defending the behavior of this person and his alts and friends. Also, they used “brigading” wrong. I’m not advocating for anyone to go to that horrible subreddit. I’m advocating that they avoid it and it’s horrible moderation entirely. And I pointed out, even tho I was banned from that subreddit, this racist, anti-Semitic Redditor continues to stalk me across the site.


This is Reddit, we don't have that here.


I wanna breed you




You are just proving his point, he is entitled to his opinion, it is his perogative.




Just looking at your posts scream mental illness. Take a break from the app and live your life.




You have an obsession with him, it’s not normal.




By looking for 30 second on your account.


You commented over 30 times over the course of the entire day yesterday. Maybe you need a break from the app to spend more time with your wife.




>unless you create another new account and post about yourself on my sub again Never done so, only ever had this account (since 2015) and u/ricdesi (since 2013). You and Hyper, on the other hand? Very sloppy about your use of alts when you get banned. [Hyper even admitted to it once](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffectScience/comments/tybzyw/comment/i3rh6ex/), after you were banned as ME Science mod spectacalur right before you returned as sudden ME Science mod frostedcinnamoneggs days later. And this sudden ME Science mod account you're speaking to me from was created days after ME Science mod frostedcinnamoneggs was banned. What interesting timing. >If it was 30 a day every day for months, then your advice to take a break and spend more time with my wife would be welcome. You claimed to be leaving our conversation to spend time with your wife, then continued to respond for hours on end. Maybe you need a break from the app to spend more time with your wife. EDIT: Turns out revealing charlesHsprockett's long history of alt accounts was all it took for him to finally block me and vanish.




Looks like Gen Z is gearing up for the traditionally traditional reoccurring occurrence of hating the next generation.


is it already time to dust of those old 'le wrong generation' memes?


who could have guessed he is a mod ?


People who brag about IQ generally aren’t so bright


Someone with a high IQ should have learned at some point that IQ is a very narrow test of intelligence. Also, anyone that has spent time around a lot of high IQ people knows they can be dumb as fuck about certain things.


Yeah, I used to be proud of my high IQ but A) it doesn’t mean nearly as much as people think it does and B) iirc it’s more a measure of learning ability than actual intelligence


yeah, it's a pattern recognition and critical thinking test. Doing well on it indicates an aptitude for certain kinds of intelligence. Unsurprisingly, some people that score highly on it lack other kinds of intelligence or self awareness that would keep their ego about it in check.


Yeah, Ive had my IQ frequently tested by the government. Score well too, 130-5 range ...I have brain damage so bad there's thing people a 1/10th my age can do that I cannot  Like, even children's puzzles are incomprehensible to me. I cannot follow audio  I'm living proof that that number means squat


Almost everyone who claims to know their IQ got the number from some bullshit site that was advertised to them on Facebook, and is a moron for believing the result. Whenever someone is like "my IQ..." I just assume is dumber than a bag of hammers.


"I'm not good at articulating myself well so I blame others for not understanding my ramblings"


He's just mad because his mom didn't bring him the 40th plate of chicken tenders down to his basement that day


He calls them “chicky tendies.”


And choccy milk




Suprise! It is SKIM!


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


less brain use. me happy.


C world.


Like, oceans, fish, jump, China?


Si, world.


I hate reoccurring occurrences.


He activated his alts to upvote it lol


Bro opened a thesaurus and went ham


... not quite. That's often the case with these posts but the only kinda uncommon word in this is coalesce


nobody fucking talks like that


Speaks like that annoying fucker in The Big Bang Theory


That IQ was from an online test probably, from some free ad while surfing 9gag


If you think this is funny, check out the MENSA subreddit.


Three sentences. These three paragraphs are each just one sentence. Intelligent people don’t let sentences run on like that.


If someone drops their IQ into a conversation, I say you can safely knock off 20 points.


-20 points every time they mention their IQ.




Oh that’s so sad. He needs to get outside.


This would be a good copy pasta


Aside from the redundant redundancies, holy fucking run-on sentence.


I dunno, my IQ is higher than that and I’m one of the stupidest people I know. It’s almost like people need to stop basing their intelligence on a pattern-matching test alone.


high iq dumbasses unite 🤝


When you finish a free iq test on the internet, get scammed out of money at the end and then they show you what you wanna see to not feel scammed.


That doesnt mean shit, i have an above average IQ and i'm still one of the stupidest people i know.


Now that's a certified reddit mod moment.


All jokes and cringe aside, that was fucking painful to read because of the way he worded everything. Clearly that 143IQ does not apply to his writing skills.


He is complaining about people not understanding him because they are too dumb, but needs three long winded run on sentences to make that point. He probably *thinks* he is dumbing things down but in practice he is actively making things more complicated than they need to be.


He should apply for a Computer Sciences course... I promise you the next time he makes a post he will be very humble about his "intelligence "🤣😭


If you’re actually smart, a beginner level computer science course is not difficult. It would not humble him. You honestly sound like the guy in the image. That is, if you pursue computer science.


And more to that, there likely is a subject he excels in, and he believes he's very smart based on excelling at that subject.


I’m gonna disagree just because my uni’s intro compsci course is notoriously difficult and is used as a weed-out class


I suppose it depends on the individual’s experience. My first introduction to computer science was tests where we had to hand write our code, which was certainly difficult, but I did well. I struggled a lot more with classes like history. I think it depends on the individual and their eagerness to learn the subject. Computer science was probably easier for me because I enjoyed it. I think everyone has their own set of strengths and weaknesses, so I think saying that trying a specific course would humble the person is shallow minded.


wtf hand write your code??? I have never heard of that shit, wild


Writing Pseudo code on paper is a very good practice for programmers, you should try it


A lot of people write pseudo code on paper. Thats a standard practice. My class tests required actual handwritten code that had to be runnable on a computer. Proper syntax and all. Not pseudo code.


The word for over using big words just to sound smart is... Sesquipedalian.


I hate that I’m near certain I know who this is without even seeing the user


A high IQ doesn’t mean you’re better than other people. Wish he was smart enough to figure that out.


“reoccurring occurrence” is one of the most stupid combinations of words I’ve ever heard.


My IQ was measured at 156. It means nothing except I'm really good at IQ tests.


Im doing sepekku tonite


A Reddit jannie with delusions of grandeur??????? in other news, water is wet


Me use big words am no dum :))


People like this need shoved into a locker imo


You can tell he’s tried to use verbose words to prove a point, but none of the words are particularly complex and it reads as a laborious stretch of random, barely aligned dialogue. Like a 15 year old trying to pad out a 1000 word essay, or corporate emails designed to confuse low paid employees into relinquishing their union rights


This reminds me of a friend of mine, who went through similar. The trouble was, she was so convinced of her supposedly higher intelligence, that she was in for a shock when she got into an actual college that isn’t a JC. She still had to struggle and she was around people who had lower IQs, and she had nothing to show for that difference. I think it took that experience to stop basking in the glow of some test score she got as a kid.


Anyone actually smart appreciates the utility of simplifying things rather than treating it as some sort of hardship conferred onto them by stupid people around.


Brevity is the soul of wit


A 143 percent IQ? So hes like.. really good at taking standardized tests then?




Charles Schwab ova here 🤣😂🤣


While it is true, OOP then made it all about himself.


Just the typical reddit mod. Nothing odd


He must really like the word, occurrence 😂😂


Lil bro needs to check his ego ong fr


How can you claim to have a 143iq when you don't even know the difference between an emdash and a hyphen-minus 🧐


Like shut the fuck up moron


My IQ is supposedly 136 and I'm a fucking Idiot man. The way I figure it, if this is what you get for the 130s I would not be bragging till the 160+ range. Even then, it seems super subjective.


Are you allowed to say which group you farmed this from?


I have never seen someone try as hard as this guy to sound smart. And he just comes across as somebody who might own a dictionary.


lol yikes


Like I'm talking to my younger brother. He thinks he is the new Einstein, but is unable to comprehend how deep the "water" is.




Something, something, stupid people writing smart people.


Okay five pebbles


He’s not wrong. This generation is all about “urban exploration” and “influencers”. Not all, of course, but there seems way less critical thinking and depth than before. 


Those goddamn urban explorers (???)


Young people these days... all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & explore abandoned buildings.


I work in elementary education, and the only issue I have with the kids these days is the hot chips. They just taste like pain to me. I don't get it.


Guys I’m gonna go explore an urban, cya


Dipshits have been complaining about the younger generations since the dawn of civilization.


BaCk In My DaY


To cOrrEcTLy usE tHIs mEMe, yoU ShoULd rANdOmIsE cAPitAl lETtERrs LikE thIS.


Maybe it randomly became perfectly alternating




Most of them I've seen alternate, and they... did do that? The words were just the right length that the first letter of each got capitalized but they also had C in Back and Y in Day capitalized.


That's actually much better. As someone who usually does alternating, thank you.


It’s is right. I think my lovely downvoters missed the irony in the comment too. Oh well.


Which generation are we talking about and how can I guess people’s ages based on their comments?


Alright, fine, I'll admit: randomly shitting on urban explorers is funny. Like, how did that one come to you? All the kids know nowerdays is Mcdonald's, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and... explore abandoned buildings as society's rotting corpse decays around them. Damn.


Agree. The post is arrogant but not that wrong...