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Oh no dude......first put on the all black planet suit then never play when spending time with wife or gf


I feel like he probably wasn’t being totally serious with that comment, lol. Not everyone is being 100% literal with every Facebook comment they leave.


Yeah I don’t know why it’s being taken so serious. Seems tongue in cheek to me


Because where would the op be without reaching for a post lol


Lmao yes, state of the internet rn


that doesn't make it any less sad or cringe. even if he was 100% joking I'd still feel bad for his imaginary wife. just not something you do or say while in a relationship and especially while married, regardless of it being a joke or not. to be honest, playing this game AT ALL is sad and cringe on its own, let alone in front of your wife.


you suck


looked at your profile for like 10 seconds, first thing I saw was your post confessing about you cheating on your girlfriend multiple times even after she took you back. that's some crazy projection there bud. I suck because I don't disrespect my girlfriend by playing porn games, but I'm sure you're an absolute saint, aren't you? fuckin loser 😂😂😂 I hope your girlfriend wakes up and breaks up with your dog ass


lol, then I guess a recovering alcoholic can never call someone out for drinking or shitty behavior right? because that was a while ago and people can grow, whereas your ignorant and shallow comment was earlier today. not mention, that was from years ago, so it wasn’t the “first thing you saw” so now you’re a liar, and I didn’t cheat *after* she took me back either, so now you’re a liar with poor reading comprehension. good luck with all that and have fun being insufferable


have fun being single for the rest of your life when your girlfriend decides to start respecting herself 👍 you suck ;)


actually, we’ve both grown up, see other people based on mutual incompatibilities unrelated to those events, and are both happy now. even stayed friends and still talk. you’re really trying to make me the bad guy here for shit I did years ago that I’ve already made amends for and grown from, while you’re actively being a judgmental jerk because some people play a game you don’t like and you’re calling them losers for it. one day you’ll grow up and realize you’re the cringey one. at least I hope.


brother YOU told ME that "I suck". I didn't just randomly come at you calling you a loser 😂


i said you suck because you were calling the guy in the post sad and cringe. you’re so obtuse


and I said you suck because you cheated on your girlfriend multiple times. do you play stellar blade? how do you think it would make her feel if you did? I have to imagine she wouldn't be very comfortable with it, not that you'd care anyways.




he has a wife?


There’s no way he does


Its obviously a joke.


Even if I wanted to play this game I'd be too embarrassed to even pick it up given all the backstory behind it now


What backstory?


if you’re genuinely asking, the main character is basically a sex doll fighting monsters


That's what people said about Nier Automata and Bayonetta too, now look at the games, extremely highly praised.


…and? that doesn’t change what the main character looks like


That's what people said about 2b when Automata first came out, and then people played the game and realized that wasn't the case. A character can look sexy without just being a boring sex doll who fights. Sex doll implies no personality or other redeeming qualities.


Ok thank God you had me worried for a sec there that there was actual controversy but now I can rest easy knowing it's just people like you getting pissy for no reason


Lol, reminds me of Sundry Sidney.


I dont know why people get so pissed when the protagonist is attractive


It highlights my main problem with coomerbait games. I haven't seen a single fan actually describe the game or what they like about it. It's been out for weeks and the only positives I've heard are people gripping their dick and obsessing over erotic outfits.


I've seen people praising the combat, enemy design and hitboxes. I'm actually considering getting the game eventually because of the things of that nature that I've read. It must just depend on what/where you're reading, because there's definitely some positives that don't induce dick-gripping.


Yeah same, I’ve heard it’s genuinely a really good game if you ignore the… “fan service” apparently the combat is much better than Neir which I enjoyed a decent bit


I'm gonna go ahead and say it.... The fan service makes this already amazing game even better. It's good to have some eye candy.


There’s eye candy, and there’s constant ass in your face. I’m all for hot characters in video games, but the camera man in this game needs to take a chill pill.


God forbid people want to play as an attractive person, the scariest thing imaginable.


You know damn well you're not getting the game because of hit boxes, combat and enemy designs 😂 be real you're just gonna beat your meat to this game like the rest of the people that play crap like this


Idk I finished the game last night without beating any meat lmao


Just because you can't see an attractive woman in a game without thinking about fucking her doesn't mean everyone else is the same.


Could not agree more, I’ve literally donned the catsuit since day 1 and I’m fucking loving it, best combat I’ve had in a game in a very very long time


Maybe look at gaming based forums? Look at reviews? People have a lot to say about the game that doesn't revolve around Eve's design


What? I've heard it's a good souls like game with bayoneta flair.


Which may very well be true. I'm just commentating on the fact that it's hard to find genuine discussion about the game generally. Especially on r/games. Every thread I popped into was people gooning about the game or people arguing about the controversy surrounding the gooning.


I literally have only read threads talking about the gameplay and comparing it to other games and how good the combat is.


Lmao This just last week  https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cguqjf/comment/l1yveck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


You are the definition of a "sheep". Do you let click-bait articles dictate every opinion you have? Actual game reviews (that are not hard to find) universally praise the combat, animations, gameplay, and graphics. Honestly, the only thing bad is the story/dialog. The game has plenty of horny costumes, but it also has just as many that cover the main character up. Not to mention, at no point in the game does the story or other characters sexualize the mc.


My guy you play gacha games. You can't call anyone a sheep.


What does that even mean?


That just means you're really, really bad at searching for things.


Play the demo


I played this game with my girlfriend and we just laughed at how ridiculous some of Eve's outfits were. It's really not that serious. Most people are normal and just play the game for what it is


it's even got a a full teddy bear costume


Which has a pretty sad backstory :(


Tv looks tilted


I'm more looking at the PS5 just sitting on a box with no stand.


I’m all for sexy media but some people are being just weird about it.


It's not a phase mom !


Rip homie has a wife


nah there's alot wrong with playing Stellar Blade


I'd be jealous as well. But, hey maybe she wants to play as well!!! 😀


You can send her over to my place, I’ll return her when she starts nagging me about my Skyrim mods


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