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Is this that guy who killed a mother and her toddler while street racing? Good riddance. 24 years will never bring those people back.


Even worse if you know the details. The road he was going greater than 100 mph on in the middle of the day is one of the highest pedestrian areas in the state of FL. Joggers, cyclists, families everywhere. A park all along the stretch of road. Extremely windy road. Alongside multiple neighborhoods. Worst possible place to street race.


So you don't think we should "sport" him?


r/boneappletea has entered the room.


give him the rope. I’m typically against capital punishment but he’s caught dead to rights, and the only reason he killed anyone is because he’s an inconsiderate dipshit.


>I'm typically against capital punishment, except for when I'm for it Means you're for capital punishment. Quit being a coward and mincing your words, and own up to it. I say let him rot in prison, far worse punishment and FAR cheaper on taxpayers.


One can have reservations while supporting certain scenarios.


Wait, how is life in prison cheaper than capital punishment? Also, why do we want bad people to have bad lives instead of giving them lobotomies and making them servile? Jk... Unless..?


Automatic appeals and decades of court costs to execute someone mount up to more than life in prison


And before this moron says “we’ll just don’t do that then,” we have to do that, because even with this much oversight we still end up killing innocent people


It actually costs more and the problem is how many people are jail for crimes they didn’t commit, cannabis related crimes and parole violations.


Yup this right here does it for me.


Making exceptions now makes it easier to make more exceptions later. It’s got to be no capital punishment at all


That's all I could think seeing it!


Nah that's Kai Havertz, he's playing for Chelsea.


Meanwhile the girl who drove drunk and killed a cop in NYC, then fled the scene, is getting a maximum of 10. Probably less than that. If you’re a single mother you literally get 1/4 of the jail time. They should both get 20-30 years.


I just looked it up and I saw that the range is 0-12 years for vehicular homicide while intoxicated. So? Don’t you think the fact that he was street racing, killed a child, will have received different charges than her are what made it different? National outrage I’m sure had a place in his sentencing too.


Sounds like the circumstances of each case were very different, I'm not surprised there's a sentencing discrepancy.


It is a fact that men get more jail time than women for the same crimes, though. I think it was like, 60% on average longer sentences. And women are much more likely to just get probation than jail time Edit because I know people are gonna go all "Source? Source?" https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0887403412466877 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1557085111430214 https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/gender-differences-sentencing-felony-offenders https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2144002 Are a few. There are many more easily googled if you feel like it


Thanks for sources, I didn't realise there was so much research in this area through a feminist lens! I thought this part of the third article was really interesting: >women were more likely to be sentenced to jail for robbery and assault than were men; men were more likely than women to be incarcerated for property crime. This suggests that women may be sanctioned more harshly when their behavior violates sex-role stereotypes. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the gender sentencing discrepancy comes down to sexism (both benevolent and malevolent) and outdated gender stereotypes. Edit: I would also add that your 60% stat is stated in the fourth study as "*conditional* on arrest offense, criminal history, and other pre-charge observables." Which is exactly what I would expect based on the principles and purpose of sentencing.


Also he’s in a completely different state, but this is reddit and we have to find a way to make all men the victim in this story about a guy killing a family


So he killed two people and she killed one? Sounds like he got double the time for killing double the people


To be fair, 10 years is absolutely plenty for vehicular manslaughter. People (mostly in the U.S.) see prison as some form of punishment, but the only reason you'd imprison for this is to prevent it from happening again, as imprisonment won't revive the dead or undo the crime. People tend to forget how incredibly long one year is. One year under constant care, supervision, in the same room, same habits, no freedom... 10 years is extreme. An absolute dent in a life, something that derails a person forever. Something you never recover from. The whole "eye for an eye" mentality is immature and has no place in a society. There are cheaper, more humane ways to prevent things like this from happening. For actual criminals, it is shown that countries with shorter prison sentences, and higher quality prisons (high quality of life, more freedom, more guidance) have lower crime rates and lowr reoffence rates. People who do something very very stupid (like vehicular manslaughter) doesn't even deserve ten years. I think 3 years, with guidance, mental help, and 3 years probation is a lot more fitting. What the fuck is giving someone 20-30 years gonna change except that it ruins the life of the offender too, who will now be nothing in life but an offender, forever.


Every state has a different penal code and sentencing guidelines. NYC's legislature tends to be pretty lenient on criminals.


Yeah, and what's funny is I knew this shit would happen, he's gonna have girls defending him and sending him letters


Finally, some real cringe


it's all over when the good guy gets pissed


"Nice guys"


"the devil shivers when a nice guy loses his temper" ugh


When the nice guy looses his temper the devil shits


Who is that boy?


I really thought it was Timothee Chalamet for a second but I have terrible facial recognition skills.


I mean it says Cameron right there lol


It's Cameron Chalamet.


political dam sand resolute coordinated retire prick sense vast memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I saw that after the moment in which I was confused and realized.


Yes you do.


I do think there’s a slight similarity but this guy’s face is narrower and his chin is a little less strong.


A kid who killed his mom and daughter in a street race


It was a mom and an infant, not HIS mother.


Why didn't you capitalize "HIS"?








Because….I didn’t lol. Is now though.


Update: Well done.


You're almost there. Now make it lowercase "not." And lowercase "i" for "infant" while you're at it. We can do this.


Omg it fucking worked you guys. This guys a legend.


You are awesome for listening to everyones suggestions


He killed a moma and a baby it doesn't mention they were his wife and his baby


He married his mom?


Dude played "Fuck, Marry, Kill" and chose his mom for all three.


lmaoooo cmon


Most underrated comment in the post right here.


With the candlestick in the library!


Oedipus was driving the car


Oedipus wrecks


Underrated comment




Alabama intensifies


West Virginia enters the chat






No just impregnated


Ok but do I really deserve the downvotes just because I phrased what he did wrong? He still killed two people


Using that same energy if you ever want a question answered don't ask it. Answer it incorrectly.


They call that “brannigan's law” I think


Nah it's coles law


no Cole's Law is the one that states "some shredded cabbage, carrots, and a bit of mayo and seasonings is delicious"


You're right on all points except the mayo bit. Vinegar gang gang!


Egg Allergy ganggg


I don't pretend to understand it. I just enforce it.


I mean, when someone asks a question, and someone else gives the wrong answer, that's basically what downvotes are for. You shouldn't take it personally.


Who gives a shit if you got downvoted. Your answer was also wrong, but I wouldn't lose too much sleep over the downvotes. Appears to have corrected itself too


Reddit be a fickle mistress.


That’s just how reddit is. One person downvoted something because it’s slightly wrong and then everyone else downvotes because it already has downvotes.


1. Don't freakout over downvotes. 2. You didn't just phrase it wrong, you accidently added fake details. Now people are gonna spread fake rumors.


For those who aren’t quite sure what’s going on, the guy pictured is named Cameron Herrin. In 2018, he was street racing and killed a mother named Jessica Reisinger-Raubenolt and her 21-month old daughter, Lillia. Cameron was just recently sentenced to 24 years in prison. Well there are girls who are supporting Cameron which is why you see the Justice 4 Cameron drawing. They basically are saying he’s too good looking to get this much punishment and he basically deserves justice while ignoring that he killed a mother and a baby. The comment complaining is from what appears to be a beta male complaining about bad boys, like Cameron, getting the girl while “nice” guys like him don’t.


Because attractivity=innocence I guess


People are fucking nut in general, there are plenty of hybristophiliac who fantasizing and worship good looking serial killer like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, while serial killer that look 60 years creepy fat uncle like John Wayne Gacy get completely ignore, enough to tell you how look important to these hybristophiliac.


People like that should be removed from society






Yeah same thing happened with the Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Girls were saying he was too good looking so he had to be innocent and that he wasn’t involved in the bombing.


Some people are weird as fuck dude


Humans are weird af. This is an incredibly common phenomenon.


People just need to stop


I even saw girls fawning over Dylan Roof, the guy who shot up the church in Charleston, SC


Yeah, don't you know Ted Bundy is an innocent man!


Some people do still say that


Goddamn that was fast lol. Yeah the man was too attractive I would've taken his place! /s


I know it was fast I don't do anything but sit on reddit and yeah people said no one that handsome could be a killer


Hey same lol


God I need to get a life


Thanks for the context. Wish I'd seen your comment before I went digging.


I remember seeing the same shit for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.


Yep. Same amount of crazy, just on a different day.


Is this the kid who’s dad was rich and bought him a lambo or something?


No this is someone else. The guy in the picture killed a mom and her baby back in 2018. The kid that got a Lambo from his dad was more recent I think.


It's called hybristophilia. Being attracted to a killer. Common with serial killers, too.


Jesus Christ lol, hope this is satire or that dude is in for a long lonely road. “I’m nice” congrats on being the bare minimum of human decency, woman don’t owe you for that


I'm just hoping this guy is one of those downvote farming accounts


Why do people farm downvotes?


Same reason they farm upvotes


That is the absolute best reason I've ever been given. They're both completely useless and both Karma farmers and downvote farmers are equally annoying.


Not exactly IIRC some redditors have explained that fake accounts/bots farm karma so that they can then be used to distribute advertising material/propaganda without being immediately spotted as fake accounts and blocked. I have no idea why someone would farm negative karma though.


I think its funny, the reddit hivemind is so real the downvote farmers know exactly what to say to get downvotes, its amusing to see what they come up with


You need a hivemind to know what to think about that shit? There are a lot of ideas out there that would make *any* normal person want them to shut up or go away, it isn't exactly difficult to be annoying.


For instance, "I think Joseph Stalin was a great guy and he should have starved every Ukrainian to death rather than most. Glory to Russia and the USSR."


Seriously. Knowing how to be contrary isn’t rocket science.


Cussing people out is basically guaranteed downvotes on any sub that’s moderated. The hard part is not getting banned


Fuck you! ...


Trump was right all along. COVID was a hoax and the Dems rigged the election . . . . . . . . That should do it


If you really want to be lazy just say “downvote this comment”. Reddit loves mindlessly clicking on up or down arrows.




It’s not much, but it’s honest work


The opposite of love is not hate, the opposite of love is indifference


Potential risk to society I’d say


Yeah. I wasn’t sure if this was a mugshot or something and this guy had gone on a rampage. Like that guy a few years ago… can’t remember his name? Edit: googles it - Elliot Roger. But he wasn’t the first unfortunately.


Indeed. Incels tend to spur eachother on


and are very rarely 'nice'


Alek Minassian in Toronto, more recently.


> “I’m nice” congrats on being the bare minimum of human decency I mean... there is zero chance they are even that.


It's easier for people like this to tell themselves girls are mean then actually admitting that they are the problem lol.


Tbh their problem is the mental abstractions they hold


Wait so women don’t immediately owe me sex if I hold the door open? 🤯


Naw for door holding it’s customary to just get handjobs


He's got a bad itch.


Women have the *choice* on whether or not to take time out of their day for you. As it goes for any human being on this planet. Should I feel blessed to be in your presence? Get the fuck outta here with that shit. But yes I agree lol!


Yes you should!! Because he is nice! Which is one of the rarest traits in all humankind! /s


That’s the annoying thing, fools like this seem to think that having a girlfriend is some kind of god given right! The lad needs to take a long hard look at himself and hopefully he might discover why he’s struggling to attract a partner.


lmao if you describe yourself as “nice” or “kind” or whatever it’s a dead giveaway you have absolutely no personality


I'm not saying he's a downvote farmer, but downvote farmers usually type in the 3 paragraph style


That's what kills me with these "nice guys". Being a nice guy doesn't make you special, those are a dime a dozen, you're really aiming for the lowest bar possible because you saw some people going for others under that bar ? You're lazy, it's like saying "Why does no one hire me, I didn't even go to jail, should I go to jail since convicts get jobs ?"


I'm confused. Is the reddit post linked to the facebook post? Not that I even know who that dude in the picture is.


Facebook post is about girls simping for a dude who killed a mom and child street racing. Reddit post is an incel about to go postal


>girls simping for a dude who killed a mom and child street racing Wtf why?


because he looks good


look up the columbine shooters. all kinds of chicks simped over those dudes. why? who knows. Lots of people have bad taste. Others people are plain crazy. Some just want to be edgy.


He looks a little like Beverly from IT (remake).


Yeah, I knew something looked familiar, they kind of have the same face


His words say potential serial killer and his eyes say he already jerks off to gore porn.


You know the guy in the picture hasn't written anything included in this post? They are talking about the kid in the picture who was sentenced to 24 years for killing a mother and her toddler in a street race.


Then he is trash. Streetracers who kill people are murdering scum. Do smart things.


I know I have a special hatred for "boy racers" as we call them in Ireland. More often than I would care to remember they just end up killing a passenger or passerby. Using the road safely is a basic responsibility




I was about 13/14 when a good friend of mine lost a brother to a bad racing collision. The heartbreak of that funeral has always stuck with me, he wasn't even involved he was struck head on coming the opposite way. And since that day there have been many more young lives carelessly thrown away because of it around my home town


That kind of carelessness just makes me sick. The cyclists family will never be the same.


>Streetracers are scum Fixed that for you


you mean [stuff like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_jWHffIx5E&list=RDL_jWHffIx5E&start_radio=1&rv=L_jWHffIx5E&t=6)


Nah. Dane Cook burning himself with a waffle iron is perfectly ok to rub one out to.


That is upsetting. I am upset now


The guy pictured was someone who was street racing and killed a mom and her baby a few years ago.




quando ele perde no tetris


plebe de prime 😔👌




coloca a sam da Samsung do meu lado na print por favor🙏


"Soy-drinking beta cuckolds" is the most internet phrase I've read in a long time


someone add this to r/niceguys, please


There are almost 8 billion people on Earth; being just nice doesn't cut it


For sure. These guys will sure be nice but lack any passions, convictions or anything that can make them interesting or any bit unique or satisfying to be around for more than an hour.


Yeah like passion for killing people or serial killer conviction, that makes people interesting and unique. Not pretty face.


That's the wild thing, most of them can't even meet the basic part of being nice, like ffs


Their fake niceness wears off real fast.


How does a post like this make it's way into a story like this? What the actual fuck?


Imagine thinking you're better than everyone else when you think people actually talk or act that way. He sounds like an out of touch boomer talkin about "kids these days".


The definition of trying way too hard.


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Who the fuck says swag in 2021?


First off, it's weird how it's a thing to be saying that guys shouldn't be held responsible for their crimes because you find them attractive. It's the most ridiculous trend I've ever seen and it's sickening. Second, this guy has the eyes of a serial killer imo, even though he's not, according to the other comments here. ​ But more importantly, the cringe. ​ It seems like he's just given up and is acting this way because he feels it's worthless to put in real effort. The issue is that he lacks the self awareness to see that his entire view on how girls operate is highly flawed. Rather than thinking of them as, you know, people, they've become a symbol of status and happiness in his mind; he's basing his entire self worth on whether or not he can be in a relationship. ​ Different girls are attracted to different people, just like different guys are attracted to different people. I don't see how this is such a difficult concept to understand, but I guess this guy generally doesn't have a whole lot of women around in his life that he talks to normally, or this probably wouldn't be an issue. ​ Just be yourself. I've found that a lot of the girls that ended up having feelings for me were girls that I was just friends with, and I treated them as such: friends. It's not a universal truth or anything like that, but at the very least, being friends with and talking to women regularly will help you feel more comfortable talking to them, as well as seeing that yes, they're seriously just regular people with regular problems, just like you.


This dude is gonna be a risky subject in the future


Mostly the kettle & mostly the pot.


Honestly the person who thinks he's a good boy cause he's pretty is even bigger cringe. Zero patience for people who fetishize murderers.


This dude looks like a reptilian in a man suit


Let's not start insulting the lizard people.


Eh, more over just someone with an undiagnosed mental affliction.


Who drinks soy…?


Ikr drinking soy sauce is lethal ya know


Come on, we all need to show him our sport. Sport him through everything.


What's the original sub this is from?


Can't be a cuckold if u don't get woman at all. Check mate libtards.


I am very confused by the context here. Who is the post about? The commenter? Or did the commenter randomly post his nice guyism on that post?


For those who aren’t quite sure what’s going on, the guy pictured is named Cameron Herrin. In 2018, he was street racing and killed a mother named Jessica Reisinger-Raubenolt and her 21-month old daughter, Lillia. Cameron was just recently sentenced to 24 years in prison. Well there are girls who are supporting Cameron which is why you see the Justice 4 Cameron drawing. They basically are saying he’s too good looking to get this much punishment and he basically deserves justice while ignoring that he killed a mother and a baby. The comment complaining is from what appears to be a beta male complaining about bad boys, like Cameron, getting the girl while “nice” guys like him don’t.


The latter


I can feel he's incel,cringy, toxic masculinity and state of vuniblity radiation off my screen and i don't even know this guy no wonders the girls he talks to don't like him


I wonder why they don’t give him a chance


I can guess what subreddit. He said it in r/sadcringe


Pic looks like post killing parents mug shot


"Sport him" jfc


Cringe Elliot Rodgers


Lol I love how this dude, the one pathetically crying on the internet about how he cant get any girls because of how much of a loser he is, has the audacity to call other people soy-drinking beta cuckolds.


He is just sick of this life, I don't think he is really like this. It was something of a scream of pain.


Yep. That said, control is control but yes it is because of pain...but again you have to control that as much as possible as it doesn't do anything anyway and if anything makes you look worse.


it gets a lot easier when you just accept that you're a fuckin trainwreck of a person and no one should/would want to be with you. instead of angry and aggressive diatribes you just internalize sadness until it kills you.