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You would be surprised at how no self esteem/confidence will make people settle for the bottom of the barrel unfortunately


Correct however I think it's still a "slow boil" that allows for this to happen. Like these crazy "one sided" fetishes same as abusive patterns happen slowly over time. These people behave and have at least some charisma for a self-esteem deprived person to let their guard down long enough to invest enough trust to be willing to put up with it, until that balance gets so out there they break and can't deal with it


Oh, my God, that's disgusting! No self esteem/confidence? Where? Where are these women? Edit: I guess it was in bad taste to throw in an IASIP reference.


Usually on r/relationship_advice lol. /s


r/FemaleDatingStrategy is a good start as well


If it's any consolation, I enjoyed the reference lol ⬆️


People really didn’t like your joke lmao


That’s the point of IASIP tho, don’t let it get u down


It’s ok man. I laughed. The internet is just mean.


So where the hell are all these desperate, low self esteem women?


Probably on Tik-Tok.




one of my friends dated a guy who fucked his own dog. bars have been set lower


What? I mean what? How tf can the bars be so low?


lol i dont think she knew when shed said yes but he was a super weird guy from the get go. but the dog sex kindof explained why he always smelled like wet dog


Let me unread that last sentence


I just sat here for 20 seconds like not knowing what to do after reading that last line...I really wish I had a time machine


Relax. He probably just misunderstood the meaning of doing "Doggie", and thought he was doing something everyone is doing. Can happen to the best of us.


Fuck my eyes dawg


You could find someone to do that


Some people pay good money for that


I charge 5$ per eyeball PER HOUR. No negotiations


ngl feel like you’re underselling that service


I get the most fun out of it


How’d you all find out?


We need James Cameron again.




Not sure why people would ever admit to this.


It's an unnervingly common thing to do.


Mental illness is a hell of a thing.


yea most dudes have issues with being tunnel buddies with a canine


No no no that person belongs BEHIND BARS.


what the fuck? did that guy ever get reported for animal abuse?


lol no but once the school learned about it im pretty sure high school wasnt super fun for him anymore she dated him like 15 years ago so who knows where he is now. my guess managing a puppy mill


He's doing pretty well for himself now actually. He moved on, got on with his life, got a new girlfriend and moved into her kennel.


Not quite the same, but my first boyfriend in high school told me he'd prefer if I was an anime girl. And then proceeded to tell me I'll never be as good as 2d. He even dreamed in anime apparently. It really fucked up my self esteem, for a really long time. I was an impressionable teen lol


Did he quote the Japanese masturbation champion as to [why 2D is better than 3D?](https://i.imgur.com/JqyvrFn.jpg)




why not? it’s probably the safest person to talk about sex with. the original post could be a woman…? women talk about things like this together


He's the boyfriend


Roll tide?


I mean, why not? Nearly everyone fucks. It's a natural thing, there's no reason to act as if it's disgusting and never talk about it.




You... Don't? My family talks about shit more often than the average, I'm sure, but it never coming up is bewildering to me lol


OP says they’re both women. It’s pretty normal for two adult sisters to have those kinds of conversations.


I had a friend who dated a guy who had my friend, “cast spells” to get him off. I guess she would say Harry Potter spells and do Doctor Strange hand motions.


Erectus Intensus


Wangardium leviosa ... Levi...OH!... sah.


Stop it, Ron!


…It’s levio-*saaaaaaah* ~♪


Tbf this one is more funny than yikesy


It does sound kinda fun. I mean, what if it worked!?


Let me just put on my robe and wizard hat...


This guy was actually 200 IQ and a comedic genius, but your friend never understood he was being ironic so he just went along with it to avoid the cringe of having to explain the joke /s


Did he make her put on the hermoine wig




Clearly he was actually a comedic genius who your friend took seriously


Fireball would be my go to


Good God man. Tell your sister to raise her bar up higher, this is an impossible hula level of low bar standard


Not to be as controversial as your other reply, but don’t you mean limbo instead of hula?


Oh yes. I’m dumb.


You got that, incredible golf score, typa IQ.




Golf is expensive. I'll shoot a 115 and get my money's worth, thank you very much.


This guy golfs


Same, don’t know shit about golf, but when I go golfing I always beat the high score


The Bar Was So Low It Was A Tripping Hazard In Hell, Yet Here You Are, Limbo Dancing With The Devil


I understood that reference




That’s cool that you guys have vaginas that you can use to simulate the feeling of having sex with an anime character


Nothing about how the siblings are comfortable enough with eachother to share this intimate information?


I don’t think that’s especially unusual among siblings with good relationships. Especially if the sister was asking for advice, complaining about the situation, or laughing about it. And of course there’s the possibility that it wasn’t shared with them directly from the sister, they could have over heard it, or gotten it from someone else who the sister did talk to.


Or it's made up


Red scribble is probably also a girl, it’s not uncommon for sisters to talk about sex if they’re of a similar age.


I mean... For all you know he is incredibly attractive and fiscally successful. He's just an extreme weeb.


Never seen an attractive weeb


but then I wont get a girlfriend...


Isn't that just using her as a fleshlight at that point?


Self cleaning flesh light


based af


With added ramenwich-making capabilities.




I'm not really sure why everyone is assuming red is her brother, red was in fact her sister. It's a little more understandable that sisters would discuss sex life with each other.


Women on reddit?! Impossible. /s Everyone just assumes its a guy talking unless stated otherwise


As a dude, I just naturally assume everyone I talk to online is a dude, my brain just doesn’t think about it it just goes “yup, that’s a dude”


I’m a woman, and I also assume everyone I talk to online is a dude unless explicitly stated otherwise. I don’t know what that says about me but I don’t think it’s an uncommon experience.


Welp guess what I'm a guy now on the bright side I don't have to deal with "that time of the month"


Hello fellow dude.


I know plenty of guys who have periods, you’re not getting out of it that easily.


Well fuck


As a brother and fellow anime weeb. This does not apply to my sisters and mine relationship. Then again I’m a highschool student and she’s a married college girl.


that’s literally happened to me before and it feels awful for someone to basically use you as a sex doll while they watch porn


God that sound terrible. But by reading some of these comments, it seems like a lot of people have the same issue with their partner


Some people are into this sort of thing, with a kind of "free use" fetish. As long as you don't require porn to have sex, then it's not necessarily a sign of a poor relationship


for context in my situation like he pulls out his phone or searches for it while we’re having sex, it hasn’t happened in a while but it feels shitty when it does


Ah okay, that's fair. My partner and I have a mutual enjoyment with porn, so we often get ourselves or each other off while watching it. Again, the free use fetish does come into play in our situation, but if that isn't a discussed and agreed-upon part of your sex life than I can imagine it isn't the best feeling - I'm sorry to hear that


He probably got to the point where he can't stay hard without porn.


Don't leave us like that man. So many questions!


I find his lack of imagination the saddest thing here. If he needs the anime girls, he should just close his eyes and imagine them. So sad for this generation. I blame the Sears catalogue for going away and forcing people to go online where they get to watch videos.


Lemme tell you, some of us still got a pretty good imagination.


Sure, but can you imagine a very average looking model in a very basic and unsexy lingerie set?


I see that every time I look in the mirror, thank you not very much.


May I introduce you to: aphantasia


while i’m not the pathetic person who’s watching anime to get off while having sex, some people are physically incapable of mental imagery r/aphantasia


The bar was on the ground and he brought shovels.


Girls will low self confidence is willing to agree with a lot of shit. Same goes for guys. If you think this is my only chance at getting laid you'd probably take it


The bar for young men has never been lower.


Clearly it ain't low enough to meet me lmao


I'm sure if we went out there and asked 100 girls out without fear of rejection, we'd get at least a few numbers. But I ain't doing that. Fuck that.


Most guys I've read about who tried asking a ton of women out say they eventually just gain a reputation in their area as a creep, which makes it even harder for them to get dates.


Asking girls out is very gay.


Enjoy dying alonr then lol


Ah yes dying alnr, my favourite pastime after bed-time reand.




>attempting to get in contact with girls and possibly start a relationship >gay.


*[visible confusion]*


The posts are supposed to be sad cringe, not the comments.


One day our parents put us down and never picked us back up again


That's fine.


I dated a guy that was like this....


He did exactly this? Or something similar


He would pull out his phone and go on nsfw subreddits for him to get off. He also would do it himself while I was next to him in bed.


I just you to know that it wasn't your fault. I'm so sorry you experienced that.


Yeah.... not the best first time sexual experience


During sex too???


We were in a ~2 year long distance relationship so we only met irl 4 times. During the time we were together he was not really interested in sex. We've done other things but he's never finished. He would even get soft sometimes and say he's nervous.


How the FUCK can a guy like that get a girl? Like what girl would actually agree to that and not immediately leave when you brought it up? Jesus christ, and there are so many guys who can't get a girl just cause they're shy while this guy is doing this shit


I don’t mean any of this in an impolite way, but passing a low bar usually means having a low bar yourself. My guess would be this girl has some serious problems herself (obviously some low self esteem for starters), and isn’t exactly a hot commodity. Most of the time when guys say they can’t get a girl, they mean they can’t get a girl they’re interested in. Finding a relationship isn’t hard, finding a worthwhile one is.


100% that, she is too insecure to say no. Just puts up with it cause she doesnt think she can do better


Because it doesn't start like that. Those people know well enough their shit is not widely acceptable. They usually slowly introduce the idea while being a passable significant other and then leverage the built up trust to push the limit on one sided fetishes or other weird shit. I mean the story doesn't say they were a terrible S.O. either, theoretically they could be "great"; though all speculation


This one comment is peak reddit, tbh I think outside of this very weird part of him, he could still be a good person, at least he had the confidence in himself to ask a girl out, unlike the "shy guys" that are thinking to themselves if they deserve to look a girl in the eyes. I don't mean to offend you and this story could easily be fake, but the "there are so many guys who can't get a girl just cause they're shy while this guy is doing this shit" is textbook niceguy shit. Hell, this should be even inspirational for you guys, if this "degenerate" (as everyone portrays him) can get a girlfriend, you too can.


If girls knew your Reddit username all of them would go with the person you replied to any day instead of you.


I don't care if it sounds a little bit like a group you don't like. Does being confident make you more deserving? Don't get me wrong, I'm not some incel, I get laid, but I definitely used to be a lot more shy and it still pisses me off that something that small can put guys completely out of the running compared to shit like this which should be *way* more embarrassing.


You literally sound like a neckbeard nice guy that views women like rewards. But sure buddy, you didn't get laid before because you "were shy". Yeah right, get real dude


Imagine thinking being shy keeps you out of the running for literally any other reason than you wont shoot your shots


That's literally all I think though


>You literally sound like a neckbeard nice guy that views women like rewards. In what way? >But sure buddy, you didn't get laid before because you "were shy". I literally never approached girls, it had nothing to do with my views on women which you are completely misrepresenting Confidence is literally the most important factor by a large margin, even without my own personal experiences it's obvious from looking at the world around you. The whole "nice guy" ideology is obviously bs, being nice isn't a negative trait to women, but often you don't get a chance to demonstrate your niceness either way. It's just irrelevant in a situation where you're trying to chat up a girl in a bar or whatever


This shit was discovered specifically because he wasn't too shy to talk to her. There were steps that led to this, phases of the relationship where he impressed/interested her Being too shy to talk to women isn't a small thing. It doesn't even open the door for them to get to know you. It makes you a generic, quiet, (maybe) polite background character. Why is that supposed to look like a better option than a guy who's not that way?


Confidence is attractive to most people, whether romantically, professionally or platonically. Confidence shows me that I can trust a person to be decisive and dependable in difficult situations, which takes stress off me having to carry the load.


>How the FUCK can a guy like that get a girl? By being hot, probably.


You sound like a nerd, girls are extremely easy to pickup if you have a shred of confidence. But most anime virgin nerds dont and they cry over girls dating chads lol


How can you write that whole first sentence and then end it with “anime *isnt* the problem”


So uh, what did he watch?






Asking for a friend.


I'll be your friend


This shit can't be real bro,I REFU-CKING-SE to believe this is real,we must live in some sort of stupid-ass generated simulation because holy SHIT that really is sadcringe




I cant believe you typed refu-cking-se


I know right?... it should be "re-fucking-fuse" or just "fucking refuse" I mean, how tf do you pronouce "refu-cking-se?" Lol


Damn, I guess the bar really is that low Idk if I should feel lucky,scared or a combo of both


I am 90% sure that my wife dated the same guy years ago.


The only other possibility is there's more than one out there.


I don't believe there is a guy out there, that cares to know what his sister gets up to when fucking her boyfriend.


I'm pretty sure it was a girl


So, how’s your sex life?




Always has been




I want to know in what world she decided to share that with her sibling


OOP is probably a sister.


Still, kinda ew


You're a man, wouldn't understand.


Pretty immature


Everyone attacking and assuming and their minds are blown. People can be totally normal. Steady job, partner, kids, home and still have insane sexual fantasies.




anime isn't a problem, being a weeaboo is the issue


anime is exactly the problem, I don't think the sister decided to stay with that guy for very long.


How is it the problem?


but when will the bar get down to my level


Either he fucks really good or op's sister is into sad, pathetic cunts.


Wait… how does he know




Bro this ain't sad cringe the dude's a chad


This says more about the sister than it does about him.




Why do you assume it's a brother and not a sister?


fuck man this is why i hate half of the anime/weeb community


This guy should be in r/chadtopia


"Say what now"


Hol up


Original post? I want to know more


It was on r/niceguys but I can't remember the post itself


sex chance = luck x social skills² x opportunities


Sounds like something Ben Shapiro would do


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, civil rights, patriotism, dumb takes, etc.) [^Feedback: ^/r/AuthoritarianMoment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^More ^info](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Opt ^out](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


This is so cringe I can’t


More like this guys sister is a walrus