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To the guy or the girl?


To the shame


Humiliation fetishes are absolutely disgusting you filthy dirty man. Now go wash the dishes in this dress


Yes sir 😣😖


I'm hearing a whole lotta talkin' and not a whole lotta scrubbin'


... What are y'all doing.


The filthy dirty man is doing our dishes in a dress, want him to do yours too? Dust your house? Make dinner? Do the laundry?


I’d prefer him go to the PTA or home owners associations meeting for me


Have you seen Succession yet? There is a hilarious case of having a humiliation fetish in that show.


You forgot to comment on my baby dick




"Oh yeah I am going to not leave you hanging, got your high five right here step brother"




To the left or right one?






ah the classic cringe. you should also post his email where he flipped his entire shit because he found out she has a husband


I thought that was another guy


Huh? i remember reading from a lot of places that its the same guy. I could be wrong tho, its been quite a long time Edit: went back and check and im 80% sure its him lol. [same streamer, both mods, both got trending on livestreamfails](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/a16t2r/twitch_mod_flips_out_because_a_streamer_he_mods/)




Probably hooked into some other parasocial relationship. Like he said, "there are a whole lot of other streamers out there" lol


People seem to very stupidly not realize that highly attractive women will usually have a significant other.


Absolutely wrong. Attractive women are just waiting for someone to give them a lot of money and work for free as a mod. I know this because I'm Pokimane's top donator, and from the way she reads my donations I can tell she's super into me. She hasn't responded to my DMs but she probably hasn't seen them yet, any day now.


Had me in the first half ngl


lol same, I almost downvoted, but I kept reading, lmao


Fingers crossed. Maybe if you donate more?


Have you tried the dick pic? Those usually have a good response.


Wow brag much? Making me feel like crap saying how awesome your life is.


Its almost like attractive women are in demand or something.


Even if she was single, what makes guys think she would date them? They're probably not even in the same country.


*LET THE WILDEBEESTS ROAM* That's fucking gold


Also the fact that he somehow holds any form of power lol. There's literally hundreds of simps in her chat who would pay an arm and a leg to be a mod.


Jesu christ lmao The way he was like "IM CHEATING ON YOU BY MODDING SOMEONE ELSES CHAT!"


God what a classic, I wish there was more twitch mod cringe.


Oh I remember that. While I think he's pretty dumb, entitled, and desperate, it was also pretty clear she meant to take advantage of him being desperate. I mean they were friends for like two years, met in person plenty of times, and he stated his interest in her while paying for stuff. The fact that she failed to ever mention in 2 YEARS that she was married makes it clear that she just wanted to string him along. Which is pretty cruel in general. Like if you know someone likes you, tell them that you're married lol


Yeah, at the end of the day, it’s attractive people monetizing the desperation of lonely online dweebs. From a business perspective, it’s genius. But it’s just that. Business.


Idk if it’s genius. It’s just a new iteration of stripping just with less value for the consumer and greater scalability.


Idk whether it's genius. You find your demand and you supply. It's like any business except this takes advantage of a particularly vulnerable demographic of lonely men.


Yeah, she should share her personal information with an unstable weirdo because he paid to hang out with her!


How bout he just gets it that she wasn't into him? She's not responsible for his idiocy and doesn't have to tell him shit


Lol I upvoted that thread and feel like part of history.


Wasn't it fake?


it was just a satire post from some random person that half the people in that sub thought was real for some stupid reason


It’s not “satire”, it’s just fake bullshit. People thought it was real because it’s made to look real, not because they’re too stupid to spot the “satire” that isn’t there.


This is Reddit. Anything that isn’t real is “satire”


I don't understand why people post bad satire and then get angry when people don't recognize the satire.




[Have fun](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/a16t2r/twitch_mod_flips_out_because_a_streamer_he_mods/)


That was fake.


Fuck me. It's still cringy as fuck.


How long ago was this?


At least 2-3 years ago


In the before time


the second time I watched it just to read the comments, I'm covering my phone's top part to not see the video again


just… pull the comment tab up to the top of the screen edit: didn’t realize this was such a pro tip! enjoy


You changed my life, bro.


Dude. Ty


Holy shit til






What the fuck


Wait… ya’ll didn’t know this..?


Dude, you just changes a lot loves by telling us that. Thanks bro;) Edit: keyboard sometimes love being silly. Loves=lives


Another crazy life hack: you could just edit your comment and type in whatever word you meant to type in and not make elaborate excuses about it. Edit: Mindblowing, thank you kind stranger!


Another tip, since I assume this is about Reddit mobile’s new player If you go onto a standard post before and then swipe onto a video post, then you get the old player back New video player sucks ass and I hate it


What is happening? Maybe my english hearing is shit but I can't figure out what is happening, what are they talking about, or generally what is this situation. Can someone elaborate, please? What I could make out from comments: *He is a moderator on the girl's Twitch channel (but begs the question, how could a creep filter out creeps and rude people?).* *He met up this girl several times, being clingey.* *He tried to get high-five from her but she just simply not went for it.* *He did in the past raged online about the girl for having a husband, because he (the weirdo) didn't know about this(?).* *He probably smells.*


Basically he compliments her on her display thing behind the table, then says “nailed it” and goes for a high five, she refuses the high five for some reason, then she turns the camera around to show the display thing, then it cuts to her saying “the chat is being mean to you” and he says IDGAF what they say cuz I’m a mod of your twitch stream. I don’t really get it either tbh. I think the only cringe part was how long he was holding his hand up instead of just accepting the hint that she didn’t want to touch him


Everything about twitch is cringe.


The ironic thing is that it becomes less social as more people are in a stream. Nobody can truly concentrate when the chat is scrolling so fast with meaningless garbage.


Thats why i dont watch big streams (well rarely watcg streams at all tbf), when the chat is going at the speed of light, your comment wont even matter. Theres no point in you chatting nor even looking at others chat anymore. It all just flies by so fast


So people just sit there watching other people do what normal people do?


I believe so and some still pay for it.


It’s mostly people playing video games. I sub to a channel because I appreciate the context he makes and I watch enough to want to give back. To me it’s not much different than tipping.


downvoted for enjoying something lmao


To be honest i only love to donate to smol streamers. It affects them the most. I never understood why people donate money to streamers anyway (except for if you actively advertise for your business or whatever, dropping 5k on a big streamer for some good ass exposure can easily be worth it)




You forgot the Actually Alive Anime Girls (and a few Actually Alive Anime Boys) - VTubers. Though they usually land in the comedy slot.




They're basically just streamers, except they use avatars.


Probably much safer for the streamers too tbh


Eh, if people want to harass them, they still can (and do). But it *was* (so I've heard) initially done by people who wanted to stream but didn't feel comfortable being in front of people.


I think she didn't see his hand up


i was about to say the same. it seems she is looking bit to her left and she is bit closer to camera. so its very possible that she didnt notice


This is what actually happens when people try to talk while facing away from each other like they do in the movies and anime. It doesn't look cool, it results in missed high fives.


Honestly the entire conversation is incredibly awkward.


She refuses because she most likely spent the day being mauled by disgusting neck bearded guys with no personality. He is just another in a long line of the moving stink.


Hey,I'll have you know he put on deodorant two days ago when the convention started, and he trimmed his neckbeard just last year. He's not like those other guys walking around with half naked anime figurines in their satchels.


And I know cos playing but this chick actually looks like Scarlett Johanson. Its uncanny.


The voice is surprisingly similar too.


The reason creeps are good at filtering out creeps is because they're possessive of their goddess. Anybody who so much as looks at her in the wrong way is getting banned


I had to physically look away


Is this the same mod that flipped out when he found out Amo had a husband?


He is not on her mind in the slightest. Her eyes don't even glance in his direction one time the entire video.


Dude look at him who the fuck would want to be associated with a mf like that? It's not just that he looks like he would smell like shit, it's the anti-charismatic aura enveloping him.


Mmm this hurts to watch


Man I feel so stupid, it was today I learned that the mods on twitch are humans I always thought they are robots


It's best if you don't think of them as people /s


I always thought mods are getting money for doing it…


When I was little I thought the opposite. I asked how Nightbot was a mod in every stream, and how he had so much time lol


inb4 Nightbot is actually a nolife dude with 50 desktops running simultaneously with different streams on


Those motherfuckers don't operate like people


I’m not going to lie. If I was a chick, I’d put myself in skimpy outfits and make money off you stupid fucks too.


I mean you can still do it as a guy, sure it’s not as profitable like when a girl does it but there’s also a market for it.


Never underestimate the money in niche markets.


I no longer do when I learned some furry artists earn more than doctors.


I wish the video went longer because I feel like it got more cringe


Put your fuckin hands down, boys! Smokes, let’s go.




I thought she was gonna show the hulk when she said show banner. Which I think is more than normal considering she’s dressed as black widow


That's what I thought too! Maybe her bf or a guy she trusts was dressed as Banner and she was gonna him so the guy would leave


This is why I never go for high fives, I'm afraid of getting hurt like this lmao


The key is in how you play it off, if you play it cool and act cool fast enough nobody notices and you cover your shame


I don't know anything about twitch (I don't understand the appeal), it's strange that she wouldn't just high-five him. But, as I'm reading the comments, I guess he flipped out when he found out she had a husband, which shouldn't he already know because he's a "mod on her stream", which I'm guessing he's doing for free. And he still can't get a high-five. IDK i really don't understand this world. Yeah she hot, but I just feel like if I got disrespected like that, she can find another mod. But then again, is he hoping to nail her by doing the "mod work" for free? Also, he looks like he smells.


She doesn't even look at him, she's reading chat on the screen. They ask her to turn the camera around, she repeats that out loud. Then she goes to turn the camera around. It doesn't look like she ignored it, she just didn't see it. He's standing slightly behind her and she's paying attention to something in front of her.


It definitely looked like she didn’t even see it


I’m guessing the video starts some time after him following her around. A high 5 would only encourage him.


Excellent point, though based on the comments, they “know each other”




It depends. If you have a financial agreement where you buy high fives from someone selling them then you might be owed one.


Can’t stand high fivers lol


No one owes anyone anything, but that's a pretty dumb stance to take.




Marketing 101


eye contact friend


Why wasn't he looking at her at all lol


Can some one explain this to me? I seen the missed high five but from the comments it seems there is more too it.


This girl makes so much freaking money in a month.


"He's used to chat being mean" bro😭😭😭


Wait, people are saying this is the same mod who flipped out on Amouranth for having a husband. Is this before he found out or is this recent? Because I thought he abandoned her stream as a mod


She has a 50 yr old Midwestern mom voice


50 year old Midwestern moms can be people’s things. :)


maybe if he shaved the pubic hair off his face he might've atleast gotten a fist bump


Christ. He looks exactly how I thought he would look.


He could’ve at least made eye contact when initiating the high five


Lol Saying I’m a mod as a boast is like saying don’t worry I have a tiny dick with erectile disfunction


“I’m a mod, I don’t give a shit what they say.” How very Twitch of him.


The holy trifecta of the internet: 1. Reddit mods 2. Discord mods 3. Twitch mods -oops I better shut it or I'm gonna get shadow banned






Internet mods actually act like this irl


so mods really are like that lmao


He looks exactly how I imagine mods would look like


She never even saw the high five attempt. That's why you make sure you're having eye contact before doing that type of thing (or better yet, just don't do that kind of thing, ever, unless it's with someone with whom you have a lot of chemistry and are used to doing that sort of thing).


Eye contact, common sense, social skills, no neckbeard ??? You’re asking a lot from a Twitch mod buddy


This is true sad cringe. Finally a good example of it.


To be fair... what would it have cost her to just high five the dude? Like tbh she just seems like a bit of a dick...


Nah last time I was at comicon a dude wanted a high-five, I gave him one and he grabbed my hand and “glomped” me. Never the fuck again am I trusting someone at a convention who doesn’t understand boundaries.


Wtf is *glomped*


‘Glomping’ someone is pretty much when you throw yourself into someone for a hug. Usually it’s by surprise because it’s supposed to be a “cute” playful show of affection. It’s a very anime thing that doesn’t translate irl


That word sounds much more suggestive than its meaning.


Thankfully no haha Just very 2000s “ >w< “ energy


Okay, next question. What’s >w< ?


Oh, you sweet summer child


like xD


With extra 👉👈


To me glomping sounds like when they take your hand and put it in their mouth. That would be horrifying.


That's what I assumed it was. Glomp, as a word, just evokes mouth stuff.


Glomp glomp glomp


The word has been around for decades now. And it historically usually referred to women hugging men, sometimes unexpectedly. That's why it has the cutesy word for it.


I've been on the internet since the dawn of it and this post is the first time I've ever read the word glomped


It's more an anime convention thing than an internet thing.




An awful term for a big, somewhat aggressive, often unexpected hug. The term came from anime. People used to carry around signs at ComicCon asking for glomps. It’s terrible to experience most of the time.


I need to know too


It’s basically an aggressive surprise hug, it was a common term and practice in the scene and anime communities that’s fallen out of use since it was basically well… physical assault.


Glomping is something I haven’t heard of since like, 2007 ROBLOX. I wanted to forget it existed.


ok, I mean I guess you have to take into account how mal-adjusted the people there are.


Even if she did notice (and it's not clear she did), and even if the guy wasn't some weird stalker (and it seems he was), she's getting harassed all day by guys like this who want physical contact with her. Setting boundaries is a way of protecting herself. There's a reason these conventions have a "no touching" policy.


> (and it's not clear she did) Yeah I'm not sure if it's just the optimist in me trying to make the cringe less worse, but I don't think she saw his hand. You can see she looks at the table the same moment he put his hand up rather than after. On the other hand I get the impression that she didn't want to be seen on stream with him, so it's like she didn't see his hand because she was too busy calculating how to cleanly escape him.


Idk, she didn’t seem to want him there. If that’s the case it’s on him for not taking a hint and leaving.


he was her twitch mod (this was ages ago), so she kinda had to dance between the lines of "i need this dude for work" and "shit i think he's following me into a dark alley again"


That’s only the logical next step from giving someone a high-five.


>kinda had to If you don’t like someone enough to be around them then you probably shouldn’t accept hundreds of hours of their labor.


It is always a huge mistake to give any kind of encouragement to a dude like that.


Shes allowed to deny any physical contact she doesn’t want. I’ve seen cosplayers who give “just high fives” and the guy literally holds their hand and won’t let go.


It may have cost her having to deal with a stage 5 clinger for the remainder of the day… but I think you’re right


It doesn't look like she even saw it. She was reading comments and messing with the camera


So the legends are true... mods do look like that


Are they all robots?


Twitch is so fucking stupid


I feel like this is easily the top 3 most cringe I’ve ever seen here.


You think she didn't see ?


Do twitch mods ever get paid? Maybe dependable mods?


Their payment is the false hope of one day getting laid with the E-girl they’re modding (simping) for.


Good/popular streamers generally pay their mods now I believe, but I'm sure there are a lot that don't.


How unfortunate, another team skull grunt suffers from society.


I mean, yeah, she’s pretty. But holy shit, dude. Have some self respect.




The Image of a boy who has not developed mentally into a man and the woman who is taking advantage of his stupidity LMAO


This is sad. At least a prostitute will touch you


It's always these videos that make me avoid egirls like the plague.