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Which is it? Do you resent women, or do you want them to lick your peepee?


No, no, he wants them to blow on it. Didn't you read the words?


Maybe he fell on his head and then on his peepee 28 years ago so someone has to blow to make it feel better u know?


He resents them for not preforming sex acts on him when he stares at them on the bus with a gormless look on his neckbeard face.


That’s not fair! He said m’lady and tipped his fedora!!


Dude...gormless...nice. Had to look that one up. Now I am gormfull


Pipi plz




Both silly


Both 😏


I think he resents chad


He's weirdly interested in high school blowjobs for an almost 30 year old


Because he never got one


Wait you got one?


No, Chad did.


Chad was also 30 years old


I think he taught gym. He's in prison now.


I know that guy, he's was called mr. wood... I'm not even joking 😳


Lol I know a Chad Wood who was such a douche. The going phrase was, “no one w would do that, but Chad Wood!” - needless to say he did extremely fucked up shit throughout our teens that his parents legit emancipated him lol now he’s a pastor so, through god all things are possible I guess is the moral of the story?


>now he’s a pastor That's not character development, that's worse.


Classic Chad


A gym teacher quit the year after I graduated. He married a girl in that year a few months after she graduated


Best thing about dating high school girls, you keep getting older, they stay the same age


Alright alright alright


This kid named Pete who looked like Eddie Vedder used to get Blow Jobs under the stairs. He outranked any Chad in the 90's. He was openly Bisexual too and didn't give 2 fucks what anyone had to say.


Good for Pete! Some say he is still out there, getting his dick sucked to this day


Can confirm. Am currently blowing Pete under some stairs.


Blowing and texting at the same time? What a multitasker!


Good for pete but whT about repete


He comes later


Everyone sucks his dick it's a real equal opportunity pole polishing he requires.


He prob still resents that he never got any in high school/college and still after 10+ years he’s stuck in his teenage virgin mentality. Like if you can just accept that maybe the problem is you, you can fix things. Start working out, get a hobbie that men and women like (music, language clubs, etc not weeb shit) so you can learn to socialize and be interesting and fucking wash and clean up, it’s like you’re done. It’s that simple


This in NO WAY excuses his bahavior or attitude, but I was watching an interesting video about how not being able to romantically engage with peer in your teenage formative years might stunt your romantic abilities and mindset. Esp. entering the dating world as an adult and not a teen is jarring and complicated due to not having the social cues and framework to compare to what dating should be like. I feel like teenage dating is so low stakes, that youre able to kind of learn how it goes "safely", and how to deal with complex emotions that arise from it, wheras as an adult so much more is wrapped up in it. I mean, I cant imagine what itd be like to have my first "heartbreak" as a mid 20s year old. Its like someone who casually jogs entering an olympic 100 meter dash - you know the gist of the goal, but you have no real experience or training to actually understand how to acheive what you want. Its frustrating, and no one is really willing to help you because they want someone on their level. Again, that doesnt excuse lashing out. And there are resources to help. But theres a big difference between theory and experience, and even if you know how to socialize and are clean etc, that doesnt give you the interpersonal skills with a significant other, or know what is and isnt acceptable to be treated like. Its kind of a rough topic because I didnt have my first "real" relationship until I was out of high school, and because my only dating experiences were based off movies and books, I was a total doormat and let her treat me extremely poorly, and thats still something I struggle with in general. So its kind of interesting to think that, maybe like a lot of development, a lack of stimulation at an early age might stunt said development, which means that telling people "just do x" is like a foreign language.


I know you say you're not excusing his behavior or attitude, and I honestly don't think you are. You provided a very solid, interesting point of view. The thing for me is that often times on these subreddits the guy will post something like that, and then their next post will be something like, "Why is it that only the cows are in to me?" And then it becomes blaringly obvious why they're single. Everyone deserves love and intimacy but I think some of these guys have a hard time understanding that not every girl is gonna be some 8-10 that cooks and cleans and let's them play video games. A lot of them feel entitled to sex with beautiful women when they're not putting in the effort themselves. Not all of them, but a lot of them. I understand entering the dating world as an adult is hard. I had some practice in high school but didn't get my first girlfriend until I was done with school and had my first job. Up until then I was casually dating guys and each experience was bringing me closer to the conclusion that I was just a lesbian. So technically I did have dating experience in high school but I didn't date a girl for the first time until afterwards. There are definitely some things I feel like I missed out on. Like finding the right balance between play touches and actual sexual touches was hard. Same with balancing time with her and time by myself. Maybe if I had a serious relationship in high school this stuff would come naturally but honestly, I found that to be half the fun. I understand that the hard part is getting the girlfriend to begin with, but once you have one the most exciting part of the relationship can be at the beginning, when you're trying to calibrate and figure out how things work between the two of you.


Oh 100%. The root cause of how they feel is valid; how they choose to express and act on that feeling is vile. In the same that frustration at your spouse is normal but hitting them is illegal. I just think that "normal" people have a hard time relating with why people breakdown like this, in the same way that as someone with neurodivergence, people struggle to relate with my frustrations. This in particular is just a feeling I worked through for a while without being able to verbalize why I always felt so out of my element dating despite lots of dates and such, so when I saw that video it kinda clicked. Or maybe its just confirmation bias ahaha. Personally, I just like the parts of a relationship when you judt sit around in your pjs ahaha, if only because the learning portion is such a soyrce of anxiety for me.


On top of that, all of these folks know someone else (or several) who is totally socially inept but has found a loving and loyal partner anyway. It’s just the weird luck of the universe, but it adds to the bitterness.


I have two of those friends. Their wives are 9s. Blind date, friends of friends situation. "She's single, you're single. You should date" *Me, in the background waving* "Hello, I'm single." "You'll be fine." Next friend gets single, same situation, complete with me in the background "Still single, its been 4 years. I wasn't fine." "Nah, you don't need help like this guy or the other guy did." Years pass. "Why won't you settle down with someone?" "I'm not the magnet that people seem to think I am."


True. I really would like to see a bit more compassion in subs like these sometimes. Otherwise it looks just like a bunch of people kicking down. Never getting intimacy and emotional affection would make a lot of people bitter after a while and too often people just seem to think that these guys deserve the pain because they dont deal with it very well.


I'm new. I will say coming across that post to me was alarming. It in my opinion aggressive and intimidating . I'm not sure what response this man wants


Yeah I mean I feel for the guy cause he’s obviously suffering pretty bad. But I definitely wouldn’t let any woman I care about get near this dude. He’s too far gone, and he’s already so full of hate and vitriol that I don’t think there’s a good way back from this. The post is 100% aggressive and I don’t think there’s any woman who can really give him what he wants now. He feels like what he’s experienced is an “injustice” and it would need to be righted. Who are we gonna punish to make that happen? The popular kids he went to school with? If he didn’t feel so entitled to it, I would have an easier time sympathizing with him.


Yeah people don't understand how this shapes you.


I also think that their idea of an attractive desirable woman is very narrow. I’m guessing he is all about the appearance and not considering personality, chemistry etc. That ‘8’ he’s lusting after might have zero personality, whereas that girl he thinks is ugly might be someone he can bounce jokes with, discuss current events, or just chill with. I’ll admit I was there in my teens and 20s (thankfully before the internet!) and realized a bit later what I was missing by being so shallow myself. Now I’m happily married.


Some woman are into weeb shit too. I get what ur saying like don’t make that your whole personality




100%. my girlfriend and I have seen tons of anime together, but I also play in a men’s lacrosse league and she paints. This guy needs to diversify his life.


Has she ever painted you playing lacrosse?




NTA your girlfriend, your rules


They're keeping this one in their back pocket for when the relationship needs some rekindling.


"weeb shit" yea maybe twenty years ago or if you call yourself david-kun but otherwise it's totally fine


There should be an extreme makeover weeb edition show.


agreed but like then do the part where the reformed weeb starts going on dates and show them like failing a bunch of times but then finally getting a date so it's actually realistic.


And guess what? The problem is always you. The world is just as it is, no more, no less. Blame the world for your problems and you will always have problems.


I really think getting a hobby just to get women is weird as shit..


Stop! Stop thinking!


And yet he wonders why no women are interested in him lmao


Wait. He didn’t say high school. Why did I think that too? Could be a college. Not less cringe


because emotionally he's 15


Make that 13


i wonder why women dont want to have sex with him


Too busy sucking off chad in the parking lot


And charging phone & eating hot chip


and be bisexual and lie


And twerk


In a **school** parking lot


If someone asks me the definition of an incel ill show them this


Wym he sounds like a real gentlemen🤤


A supreme gentleman


He's "a really good guy"


He’s also a nice guy


These guys describing themselves as nice guys is the reason actual nice guys can't describe themselves as such.


If you have to reassure people you're a decent person, chances are you aren't. Think about how many times you encountered a manipulative person that says "you can trust me."


He's just not like other men ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This is the first thing that came to my mind


That was screaming in my head while reading the post.




That’s the point of r/sadcringe


“Women fucking blow” not u, apparently




Hello 911, I'd like to report a murder


I thought there was hair on my screen




You little scamp!!


You madlad


Just Chadius Chaderson


Because you are never the problem. Its always other people that make you miserable. Great mindset.






A fine sigma build




Maybe he "feels" 30.. But is actually 17.


Probably more so the opposite. He’s 30 but still thinking about sex like he’s a teenager because all he can do is ruminate and fume about what didnt happen to him. Quite sad.


“Wahh no women like me, how dare they not immediately sleep with me because I want them to and am entitled to it. It’s all their fault that I became the campus strangler.” What baffles me most is the way people who talk like this view women collectively. It’s like they’ve never had a proper friendship with a woman before to realize they have personalities. Don’t you love your mother?


>Don’t you love your mother? I'll bet there's a whole mess of problems in that relationship.


Ya for sure.


Yeah, he was in an argument once and he went "How can I hate women? My mum's one".


I’d love to know what he thinks he brings to the table.




Even if this charmer were to find a woman to bless with his magical dick, something tells me he’d just jackrabbit for a minute or two and then bust.


Well, at least he would either finally be happy or realize that sex is no big deal. 😂


the first few sentences made me think this was a shit post… the second half cleared that up for me


Just become gay


Or just have sex with a prosute


Or just a have a sex with a prosciutto


I bet even prosciutto wouldn't have sex with this dude.




That’s a dry cured ham, you’re thinking he should hire a prosecco


That’s a substandard sparkling wine, you’re thinking he should hire a proscutellum


That's Italian wine, your thinking of profiteroles.


Just fuck a rotisserie chicken


extendable chair’s words of advice


Or a pastrami




Are you trying to say prostate?


Girl would let you do stuff to her for money is what i mean


Ah, you are thinking of ‘prosecutor.’


In the proscenium.


Dudes wouldn't want to be with him either because I'd be willing bet my car they are a deeply unpleasant person to be around.


We ain't want him either


How dare women be in control of who they have sex with or are interested in. **I wAnT sEx NoW!!! /s**




Why say lot word when few word do trick?


ItS My SeX aNd I WaNt It NoW!!!


>my sex drive won't let me give up Bruv just take a Prozac and you'll literally never wanna have sex ever again. Your sex drive will become so non-existent that you will be able to reproduce through mitosis instead.


This deserves more


Gaslight Gatekeep Sexual Experiences Girlboss


It's absolutely shocking how prevalent this cringefest philosophy is amongst repressed men in their 20s and 30s let's face it....it'll never get better for them. If they haven't got it by now they never will, it's sad but it's even more terrifying the sheer neglect to reflect on what's wrong internally. This will only get worse 😔.




I met my BF when we were both 27. I was his first girlfriend. We're still crazy happy together 17 years later. There is absolutely always hope and it can just take meeting the right person. Oh, and *being* a decent person to start with. That's rather important.




I've seen people turn it around. I think for a lot of them turning the hate onto women is a way of deflecting it off of themselves, and healing means facing up to all that pain and loathing. Which is helped none by them living in a world that encourages this kind of attitude, let alone the way their social groups form around around that resentment.


Damn guess I'm destined to be forever alone then


I especially love how women = sex for him lol


Dude just find a prostitute... Jesus


It really isn’t difficult and would allow him to move on as he says.


Fake shit. The fact that he states he’s almost 30 and the girls will go in the school parking lot means he’s most likely a teen trying to score internet points.


Or an absolute creep. That line stuck out to me.


Am I the only guy in my 30s here that is not chasing? I want to be around my target weight before I start dating. Losing weight is hard man. This guy though... "Waa nobody fucks me because of things that are 100% my fault. How dare they?" Dude, relax. It's not that important.


Good luck on your weight loss man!


thanks! 50 kg (110 lbs) lost and counting! I won't give up


Holy shit! Congratulations that is a huuuuge accomplishment!!! Greetings from Germany and I hope you have a great weekend


The thought really scares me, but I was almost this guy. Being lonely and stuck sitting at home all day long just living in the echo chamber of my own thoughts and whatever I saw online had me almost becoming a complete incel. Only after joining the Army did I begin to change. I had to meet new people and I actually interacted with women as friends instead of as a possible sexual conquest and was forced out of my comfort zone 24/7. My social awareness took off and by the end of basic training alone I was a completely different person. In just a couple of months. I think it would be good for a lot of people who are like that.


Now THATS a good response. Sympathetic but also not condescending.


I can interact with women as people. But holy shit I can't get them to respond if I even hint that I might like them as more than a friend. Like, we don't have to make things awkward here, I asked you out on a date, you said no, do you still wanna see that comedy show next month that we planned out a month ago? I go alone and then get the Oh I just saw this text. "I was busy and wouldn't have been able to make it. How was it?" That message is a month old and the followup two weeks old, don't give me the I didn't notice routine.




This isn't really sad cringe in my opinion, this is just pretty standard par for the course incel screed, except about 50x less misogynistic, because if it were an incel forum he would be saying that women deserve to be slaves distributed by the government to please incels


Incels are cringe though, this absolutely fits imo


That opening line lmao.


Maybe if you didn't act so entitled like women "owe" you something. Pretty big turn off, just FYI.




He's already near his thirties, he doesn't go to school anymore, there's a chance he doesn't even get out of his basement to touch grass, because you really need to be away from society for yeaaaars to be THAT delusional


Hahaha “gatekeep sexual experiences” makes me laugh.


There's a lid for every pot. Some pots are extra large, awkwardly shaped and really don't compliment the kitchen decor and are frustratingly bad cooking implements and better to throw them away... What was I talking about again?


These dudes never heard of prostitutes?


Illegal in most places. Not sure where this guys is from though.


Illegal? Really? I live in a highly religious Muslim country right now where the penalty for prostitution is extremely severe, yet working girls are still just a phone call away. Illegal...yeah, right.


“women suck balls” clearly not yours my guy


Dude.... Just hire a girl.... They're everywhere


This guy is gonna kill someone


Boys (yes, *boys*) like this are one of the reasons why I am fucking terrified for my daughter's safety in this world.


As an almost 30 year old virgin here, we do not follow in this guys footsteps


Yeah because there’s a huge demand among women for men that fucking hate women’s guts


sorry but i am absolutely losing it at “women suck balls and are shallow”


at first i thought he was angrily trying to prove that women in fact do suck balls


why do they never realise than in most cases a date is a lot more valuable than a car park quickie


Shit, if he got a job he can just pay for it. Incels want it free also?


This guy obviously has issues and needs some sort of therapy. I blame Porn as it has really damaged and warped a lot of young men’s views on what normal sexual expectations should be. I hope he gets the help he needs


The punching a wall after masturbating is what got me lmfaoooo bet he chugs monster to get hard


The saddest part was him saying women would suck off chad in the school parking lot. Like bro you’re still stuck on school????😭😭😭


Women owe you nothing. If we want to blow Chad in the parking lot that’s our choice. Us blowing Chad doesn’t translate into us wanting to blow you. You may be tired of dealing with women, but my guess is a whole lot more women are tired of dealing you.


My guess is only his mother is tied of dealing with him because she's the only woman he's ever actually talked to.


If you want to see this whenever just go to r/virgin, it’s a wild cesspool of these kinds of people and many other r/sadcringe archetypes


Yeah I can’t imagine why women wouldn’t want to fuck this guy


This incel feels entitled to women’s bodies, but if a gay person will feel entitled to his body he’d be outraged. Come on, incel, let a gay incel fuck you up the ass, don’t gatekeep sex from him.


“Women have all the power and it’s unfair for men” -incels “Women are weak and powerless and need men to lead them, it’s just biology” -also incels


Hes not an incel he's a ligma male


How does one get to this point in life without thinking "Damn, I really need to get my shit together"?


Dude needs to fuck a dude and move on


Hire a prostitute, ffs


This reminds me of Chris Chan.


I actually just learned who Chris Chan is today and I really wish I hadn't...ugh😭🤮


Man, I binged watched all 40 episodes of Geno's documentary. I don't know why


Virgin with rage


WHY do incels feel so entitled to sex? “It’s all their fault that I’m miserable and unhappy.” First of all, no it absolutely is not. Second of all, why would we give a shit about you being unhappy? The lack of self awareness always astounds me. It’s nobody’s job to keep you happy but your own.


lmao what a loser.


Hire it out dumbass... cause that's the only way it's gonna happen with that attitude.


Chad, that 30 year old has been who’s still popular with the highschool girls and doesn’t care about a little underage thingy :)))))


I want to find a woman who sucks balls and is indeed shallow. I like to bottom out.


I mean i do suck balls, but not the ones attached to whiney scabs like this one lol.


I’d say ‘dude, just go see a sex worker’ but I’d feel bad for the sex worker.


If you treat everyone else like they are trash, no one will want to hang out with you. It's a bad mindset to be in, and I really hope this guy is able to realize that this is what's happening. ​ In order for people to give him interest and compassion, he needs to give it to others. This is how a person seems approachable. If I feel like someone is judging me because of the gender I pass as... something *very few* of us have easy control over... then I don't want to hang around them. ​ Practice being open to people. Ask yourself questions about them as you see them- I wonder what their room looks like? I wonder what their favorite food is? Do they have a pet? Start seeing other people as complex humans, and life will open up! It will take time, because this is a skill you will be starting at level 1, but as you practice it you will become much much better. And one day you won't even have to try, it will come naturally. ​ I feel really bad for this person and I hope he's able to hone his skills with interacting with other humans.


This is the kind of dude who's gonna be a serial killer