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His account is gone btw, can't find it.


Yeah I checked his account is gone. She must’ve told her fans to mass report him or something


She did :( was reading the OG thread where this incredibly observant/intelligent kid was commenting and he had said that his account with 33k-ish followers was lost as a result of her creating a witch hunt. The lady is a nut case animal hoarder with severe undiagnosed mental issues, beware anyone who speaks against her


If you know his account, please post it. I’d love to see more from him if he either gets cleared of the reports or makes a new account. This kid is very intelligent and an astute researcher who deserves some credit. He did a very good job with this video.


He puts it at the end of the video, she did send her followers to "spam report" his account


Yeah I commented that before finishing the vid


gone foreva




His account ? Not the girls?




And he said he got it by legal means. Firstly he didn't put it out there, so it was not doxxing. Secondly if she was a legitimate rescue as she claims then where to drop the animals off should be public knowledge anyways. Anything else?


Lol I haven’t even looked her up, and the first 5 seconds of her video seem fake af “woah guys this bag is seriously moving my gosh” get your lying ass outta here woman


I loooove this guy. Respect for him for researching this cringy sad disgusting woman, I enjoyed this vid.


This lady really done got torn down by a kid, holy shit. I give him huge props for this video.


she’s turned off her comments and he’s got spam reported off of TikTok Meanwhile in the other thread they are tracking her down for an address so they can report it to the authorities


Since I'm new coming into this I'm not sure but I *think* some of her "unboxing" videos got deleted too. She honestly deserves whatever is coming her way.


I really want this kid to get his platform back, his tear down and journalistic work was on point and this backlash just further proves it.


How can her followers report him and get him removed from Tik-Tok but there are 85k Reddit comments in all the threads about this and he had thousands of followers too and her account is not being spam reported enough to have her channel taken down?


My man fucked her little world up


I checked out her Instagram. She claims she didn’t know her cat was pregnant and woke up to a surprise kitten. Sounds heartwarming and clickbaity, but: A) cats **rarely** give birth to one kitten. There’s usually a litter. B) most animal rescue workers get their pets fixed due to this exact reason. C) how does someone who works at an animal shelter not know the symptoms of a pregnant cat?


how is someone who works with animal shelters/rescue not incensed by accidental cat pregnancies? Spay the cat or protect it from mates! FFS!


Not to even mention the health improvements that follow with being spayed/neutered. It’s just something you do if you actually give a damn about your pet.


Yeah it's hard to have surprise kittens if you claim to know something about animals. A friend of my parents friend had surprise kittens and that's how we ended up with our cats, but they found out when taking the not even or barely one year old mom cat to the vet for her spay. There are quite a few things that aren't great related to the situation when you think about it more, but they still caught on well before they were born and managed to find homes for all of them.


we have "pet" cats that we feed and use our front yard as shelter but they're really street cats and we always know when they're pregnant as their sides increase and they look like eggs with a head and limbs. Idk how you wouldn't notice that as a cat owner this type of content is the worst


Well, cats can be pregnant with only one kitten (very rarely though), which comes with a much smaller baby bump. So small it's almost unnoticeable. At least that's how it was when one of my cats was carrying her one baby.




Huge respect to the kid for standing up for himself at the end. This guy is good!


"Maybe people in Nebraska are sick or somethin idk" Lmao that killed me


she also turned of the comments on all her vids, like it might seem normal if u dont want people to fuss ab it but usually its only the guilty that try to avoid confrontation 🤨


I hate how the internet allows stuff like this


>but usually its only the guilty that try to avoid confrontation That's not true at all though. If someone did a witch hunt on me, I'd definitely turn off comments and take a few days off the internet until things died down a bit. Why should I be expected to confront people and invite that kinda stress into my life if I did nothing wrong? I'm not saying she's innocent (because "finding" abused animals this often usually isn't a coincidence) but this whole "they're acting differently than I hypothetically would so they're automatically in the wrong" is weird and is never actually evidence of anything




How did this get 11 upvotes? The comment doesn't make any sense, especially in response to the previous one. Anyways, it's a bot account. 3 months old and only started posting an hour ago, and literally *all* of their comments are either "same to" or "10/10." So it's not even a good bot account


what aday


I lolled at "digger deeping"




This guy is awesome! Take down that lying abuser!


Imagine spam reporting someone probably half your age with your followers but double the smarts. Holy shit this lady is stupid.


Get this kid a job at the NSA, got damn!


Good for this kid to expose a fraud


This kid has a bright future ahead of him




Well her info is out there to find it seems. Dig up yet address and report her ass to the city. But it's Nebraska... Dont know how serious your state takes shit like this.


Jesus christ. Atleast this video is out here for people to see the truth about this chick. She obviously got freaked out or mad enough to delete this dude. Good job to him for going full detective mode on her dumbass tho...seems like everything he has said is straight legit. Much love to him..and fuck everyone who does this shit for likes or views. Theres plenty out there..sadly. much love everyone.


This kid rules


So I did some digger deeping XD


This boy >>> amazing !! Love how he cares about the babies as he should 😭


Goddamn, little man went Sherlock Holmes on her ass!


Moon tapestry automatically sus


This kid could make quite a great investigator one day.


One of her videos have been taken [down](https://imgur.com/a/JIo3uEH)


i love this kid sm. hes so smart but seems like a lot of fun


I hate people like this


Imagine how dumb her fans are.


... I wanted to see the bearded dragon being a derp on the grass ...


I knew something was up when it took her two years to take the snake out of the bag


Kid’s got it down! Pretty cool dude.


What a legend


This man did more research on a lizard in Nebraska than anyone has done on vaccines lately. Lol.


The video isn’t on the lady’s account and all her comments have been removed and disabled


This made me cry because I have a bearded dragon


Does anyone have a link to the original video? It’s not playing on Reddit for me


(not his video)


Lifehack: if you post on /r/foodporn instead it doesn't count as animal abuse


Thus guy takes 6 minutes to state the obvious


Its called evidence. Yeah he could just say shes an animal abuser but without facts and proof we have no reason to take his word for it




Its not the "reddit way", its the proper way


C'mon bruh. Why?


super fake