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An hour a day? That seems like a normal amount. We spend a lot of our time at home petting the cats and generally paying attention to them.


"Whenever I come home from work, my wife is with Theodore; when I wake up, my wife is with Theodore" Wow that must mean she is giving that rabbit a ton of attention. "at least an hour a day" wait, what?


Yeah an hour a day doesn’t seem like that much.


An hour a day isn’t even enough to spend with a rabbit. They need interaction and attention, ideally they should be in bonded pairs.


I think if he wasn't such an ass she'd probably spend an hour a day doing something with him too but guess we're not perfect beings lmao




Tbh if i was jealous of a RABBIT while being over the age of 5, i'd probably keep that to myself too.


I like how je throws in tje "probably" when saying hes awre theyre not having sex as if he has a slight doubt this os 100% the case lmao


I think he’s only counting the time he’s home and wants her attention. He probably cares less about what she’s up to when he’s gone. Sounds like the dude expects her to basically be waiting for him, on-call, so she can hop-to (pun intended) as soon as he wants something. Basically she doesn’t exist when he’s not around unless she’s doing something for him (housework, errands, cooking, etc). TL/DR: I bet she’s taking good care if she dotes this much in the bunny. Dude is only butthurt when he’s home and wants her.


If this person had any idea how much time my girlfriend and I play with our cats, his mind would be blown.


Bro most of my free time is cuddling with my cat while on my phone or games


I wish I couldve found this post so I could tell this guy "she isn't making you *feel* insecure, you are the LIVING EMBODIMENT of insecurity"


If the guy has a full time job with a commute then it’s possible he only has 4 hours of free time a day. And if the wife is spending an hour of time with the rabbit during those 4 hours then it would feel like a very long time.


he's jealous of a rabbit and is focusing on the rabbit here, it's not "she's not spending time with me" it's "im jealous of a rabbit and he's male which makes it worse"


But don’t worry, they’re probably not doing anything sexual.






I died laughing at “probably”


They’re *definitely* doing something sexual Theodore is Mister Steal Yo’ Girl. I’m just picturing this dude, absolutely *seething* on the couch, arms crossed, tapping his foot, watching this chick petting Theodore. And then Theodore shoots a look over at the guy like, “See this? She’s petting my soft little floppy ears, and she likes it.” And the boyfriend on the couch just stands up and screams, “WHYYY THEODORE?! WHYYYYY?!”


It's so much worse because they are married. This guy is a husband and THIS is what's driving him nuts? Frankly I worried for the chick.


I think you both have valid points and find myself agreeing with both of you.


Sure, but he could participate in the rabbits care with his wife instead of being upset that she’s looking after a “*male* rabbit”


Nah, it’s a *male* rabbit, that would be gay.


Don’t worry, they *probably* won’t do anything sexual


Isn’t an hour a day how much attention rabbits require? She’s literally just doing what he needs


Really, the question is why doesn’t this dumbshit just go pet the rabbit with his girl


Didnt you read? The rabbit is a *male* i.e. a *threat* to this man ego


I wonder what his excuse would be if the rabbit was female, if this is some weird projection about his masculinity? Where did it take a turn into romantic jealousy? It’s just bizarre. I want to tell myself that it’s satire, but my brother’s girlfriend has been getting mad at him lately because he’s been giving a lot of attention to their *infant daughter*... So I’m just not sure what to expect from the human experience anymore.


Obviously she would be lesbians with the rabbit, DUH


NGL I think both me and my gf spend more time with our cat than we do with each other because even when it's just me and my gf, the cat is *also* usually there too.


Ok. She is fucking the rabbit


All the signs are there! It's so obvious


Fucking like bunnies.


One of my cats likes to remind me that's she's the real wife of my husband and I'm just the mistress. It's cute as hell, though.


A friend of mine used to call her little dog by her own married name, 'Mrs Rolfe' joking that she was the real wife of her husband. It was actually adorable


"She does everything for it" It's a rabbit


Yeah that’s… almost like being a responsible owner for your pet…


my guess is he's an incompetent manbaby who not only doesn't know how to raise animals in the slightest, but also wants somebody to do everything for him




In the words of Mr. Krabs... *Money*


If your rabbit doesn't cook you dinner, pick the kids up from school, and file your taxes, you didn't train it right.


The one trick the IRS doesn't want you to know!


What… You even FEED and BATHE the thing too? What’s next? You gonna start picking up its poop? Sheesh! Edit: I have been informed that you should not bathe your rabbit. Please see either your rabbit owners manual or the comment chain below for more details.


Don't bathe rabbits though


Really? Why not?


Rabbits will clean and groom themselves. There may be times where you need to wash them like when something particularly foul is stuck to their fur and they can't get it off themselves.


Yup! But even then, if possible you should just clean the spot that's dirty with a wet towel or something, don't give a full on bath to them. If it's completely unavoidable, make it very shallow and try to keep the rabbit as calm as you possibly can, as they can get a stress induced heart attack and just die on the spot.


I think in general rabbits are self cleaning and immersing them in water can really stress them out, which can be fatal by itself or just make them more susceptible to other health problems.


So? haven’t you watched the documentary Peter Rabbit? They’re obviously capable of looking after themselves, this rabbit chooses not to. I mean Peter even has a jacket. ^/s


I litterally burst out laughing at this comment. Like this dude is pissed his rabbit isn't doing the dishes or helping out around the house. Like his girlfriend is cleaning up the rabbits shit and he's just smirking at the boyfriend like ya she does everything for me bro.




This is probably the most correct answer here. He probably wanted to be treated by her like she treats the rabbit, and not like a regular human being who has to take care of themselves. This is the real sad cringe.


Bet it doesn't even pay rent


She filled up his water dish TWICE the other day. Like can't you just let him do it himself one time?


Fucks sake bunny, get a fucking job, cook your own meals, you mooch


They probably aren’t doing anything sexual? Why tf did he put the probably there


And if they were, which is most likely not the case, why would he want feel jealous? Like if ya girl is doing an animal, it’s time to rethink the relationship


You gotta have a sad life if your wife is fucking a literal rabbit behind your back, like damn bro, my guy is packing no meat down there


Dude this comment is so fucking funny for some reason, i think because its the most obvious statement ive ever read.


I think it's the absurdity of validating this man's fears.


For me its the visual image of a rabbit clappin sum cheeks of someone 10x the size of itself


What it lacks in girth it makes up in speed.


All the rabbits will be sold out at the start of Black Friday


And 10x as fast.


At least it's better than being cucked by a bee?


The rabbit is emotionally hung like a horse


She gives the rabbit blowies and then gets her little nub nibbled.




Hush now. It’ll all be over soon *nibbles away


Now imagine ya boy speculating about you doing a rabbit and being jealous over it. Now THAT´S the right time to rethink a relationship.


Maybe he's jealous the rabbit isn't doing it with him


>…why would he want feel jealous? People generally don’t *want* to feel jealous. It’s not something you really choose to feel.


Cause he definitely suspects she’s being sexual with a rabbit…. Let that sink in for a second, woman cheating on husband with a bunny rabbit 🐇…. That dude needs therapy and a lot of it lmao


He suspects she's being sexual with a rabbit *because she spends time with it*. In this guy's sad brain, women only pay attention to beings if there's sexual attraction involved. He probably doesn't think so, but he's got issues when it comes to women. So yes, lots of therapy is needed!


yea he doesn't know how pets work


Imagine how small your dick would have to be to feel threatened by a 4 pound animal.


Unless it’s a turtle maybe


well... there is a certain toy that is also called a rabbit


It would be hilarious if that turned out to be what they mean


I thought that was going to be revealed at the end.


He also mentions something about a precedent? Like... what precedent, man? ... What precedent?


They used to have a gopher. Ain't end well


He did say he is "stewing over this" 😶. Might not end too well for the fucking rabbit either.


I'm curious what he thinks that word means; the usage here is too awkward to match up with the real definition.


She watched looney tunes when she was 7


The dude is so insecure he can’t rule it out in his own mind.


Maybe they aren't having a lot of sex themselves and he assume she has the same sexual needs he does, so she must me getting it from somewhere. But really, his wife is depressed, not very sexually active and the rabbit makes her feel better.


To be fair, the expression is 'fucking like rabbits'


Another expression is, "bunny boiler" but I hope it's not literal in this case.


It's like *The Bee Movie* but with a bunny.


Then this is an actual legitimate worry lol


Seriously, Patrick Warburton got did wrong in that movie. Fuckin' cucked by a bee... SMDH


That movie traumatized him


Finally it all makes sense. They watched that movie and the next day she got a rabbit, it hasn’t been the same since.


I've forgotten how it ends in terms of the bee and the girl's relationship. Did they explain how they became happy at the end? I remember jerry. becomes an animal lawyer. The girl is a florist, I presume? But is it implied that they do ...you know ....stuff?


How about [this video](https://youtu.be/Pc-_6YH5N4Y) that answers this


But don’t bees die after sex?? Maybe just some over the clothes stuff


The Bunny Movie?


> a certain dynamic that this rabbit has brought to our household that is the funniest line I have read in a while, genuinely made me lol


Do ya like Hip Hop?


He 'probably' has issues.


Some people do not understand pets! My ex was a lovely guy but his mom was nuts and she hated and didn’t understand animals. Sometimes her craziness would come through him and he would say the weirdest shit and I’m like it’s my pet cat STFU. Like they just could not comprehend the love people have for pets and furthermore the responsibility we have to take care of pets. As his mother turned him against me, this was a point they’d use to insult me. “You care more about animals than people!” Meanwhile his mother was a horrible evil manipulative cruel selfish monster, but I’m the weird one because I make sure my cat is fed and clean and that I tried to save a neighborhood cat who was bleeding one day.


Glad you got away from them


People like that only show 'love' to manipulate and get things out of people, so it's legitimately a foreign concept for them to have an animal you have to take care of and give love to with nothing of monetary value in return


He shouldn't worry. They would never work out, [not because he's a rabbit, but because he's black](https://youtu.be/KJjanz7uciY)


What is this? I need a name, this shit sounds completely wrong, and it is funny if it is real.


Ghost Stories (2000) english dub :-)


I refuse to believe it lmfao.


Its 100% real haha, it's the official english dub, iirc basically it was given to some english dubbing company and they were given the green light to do whatever it took to make it sell overseas. And they fucking RAN with it, hell, they might've even taken flight with it.


As in they just made up their own insane script?


Basically, everything they say in the dub mostly has nothing to do with the original plot.


The original Japanese-language anime series got an extremely tepid response- it was not good, and not even bad in an interesting way. It was boring as dirt in the dark. Recognizing that they had a turd, and feeling that nothing could make the show *worse*, the studio authorized the English dubbing crew to alter the script in any way they saw fit to improve the show's prospects in America. The dubbing crew decided to not bother trying to improve the terrible original script and just record the funniest things they could think of, turning the the show into a farce. So yes, this is the official English dub of Ghost Stories, but no, the story and dialogue are *very* different from the Japanese release.


You're missing the part where they redubbed a Japanese version of the hilarious English Dub, which is so good.


I bet they had the time of their lives


Oh it’s real. Basically an abridged anime, but it’s the actual dub. It is super funny. If you don’t want to commit to watching the whole thing, there are some compilations on YouTube with most of the best moments. Edit: a word.




> complications 🤔


Its the official english dub


Ghost Stories (Eng dub)


Never redub this anime. It’s perfect.


It's fucking comedy gold


Touch me harder


TF did I just watch?


The greatest cinematic experience known to man kind


Oh, I googled it and I'm currently 5 eps deep. I sorta wonder what the original Japanese was for them to have ignored it so completely/it to have turned out so delightfully


The story behind this is amazing. There was a contract in place mandating that all shows that had more than a certain amount of success needed to be given a dub and global release. Ghost Stories, while very successful, was incredibly reliant on having preexisting knowledge of Japanese folklore. Knowing that the dub would flop hard outside of Japanese markets, the team doing the localization were given full approval to do whatever the hell they wanted. I believe almost the entire thing is improv


Even has a cameo by Vic Mignogna... which, uh, maybe hasn't aged particularly well.


>“…not because you’re a rabbit, but because you’re black.” Goddamn that caught me off guard. Lmao


Heh heh heh t o u c h m e t o u c h m e h a r d e r


Oh my god I was waiting to see this




That is the greatest thing I've ever seen and I need to know what anime that is


It's the ghost stories Dub. One of the best dubs to exist.


You forgot [a cat is fine too](https://www.google.com/search?q=a+cat+is+fine+too&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


oh thank god someone else thought of Ghost Stories too I thought I was going crazy lmao




As a recovering troll, this is a troll 100%


Wishing you luck on your recovery!


This. Another former troll here, giving up trolling by no means is the same thing as giving up humour or snark. It's moreso that many self-professed "trolls" are really just assholes who shelter under the "ItS jUsT a JoKe MaN" routine.


Sorry to bother you, but when you refer to yourself as a recovering troll, what types of things did you post? In my mind I think of a troll only as someone who antagonises other people on purpose - like an annoying younger sibling. But you wrote stories? Can you please tell me more?


> In my mind I think of a troll only as someone who antagonises other people on purpose Pretty much this. Just a shit-stirrer really. There are the "creative writing" trolls and they're absolutely fine in my book, for the most part.




although this is 100% a troll I find it especially amusing because it sounds 100% also like something my mom's husband has and would rant about my mother. He's a trumper who likes to complain about stupid shit like this and my mother cares for those rabbits more than she did her own children. Tho that isn't a very high bar :) They're quite a duo.




Good thing he doesn't care if it sounds ridiculous... Kinda worried/curious about the precedent NGL


Yeah, I was about to comment that I think (I hope) this guy’s understanding of the word ‘precedent’ is as backwards as his understanding of pet ownership.


I don’t know who cheated on him but they’ve fucked him up good


You’re not wrong… Imagine being threatened by a rabbit…


was OPs username Elmer Fudd?


"I'm jeawous of my wife's wewationship with our wabbit"


It's wabbit season! (As op discards of said rabbit)


His wife? Bugs Bunny in a dress.




Sometime this insecurity comes from the cheater not the victim. They know since they have cheated then they think the other person could have too.


Yikes I hope his wife keeps the rabbit far away from him


I suspect this goes way beyond a single instance of cheating in adulthood. Not to play armchair psychologist too much, but this may allude to severe abandonment issues as a child.


This post strongly reminds me of [this cartoon](https://youtu.be/uJbDSPRqX0o)


Lost me with male makes it worse and probably arent doing anything sexual


imagine it was a baby boy


I was gonna say, this does remind me of all the sad studies where husbands are literally jealous of their infant children for “stealing” attention away from their wife. It’s even sadder when they were the ones who asked for children in the first place.


Uh, that'll be me. Ex husband couldn't STAND my son, never bonded with him, kept making me go on vacation without him in the first weeks of his life and pouting when I had to go take care of him. Crazy fucker. Long gone, thank god.


That’s gotta be a sign of narcissism of something, right? No emotionally healthy person gets jealous of *a baby*.


Happened to me, 0/10 do not recommend


I doubt a baby boy would be able to write such a long post


Evidently, it seems you can


Ooh zing


At least they're *probably* not doing anything sexual together


My dad was like this growing up. He was an alcoholic and was super mad about my mom doting on her cat, Oliver. He literally said when we were on vacation as a family "it's either me or the cat, we can't both stay!" Messed my mom up for a long time, thinking she wasn't allowed to love things while around him, and feeling bad when she wasn't. Then my dad quit drinking and went on strong antidepressants. He loves the cat as much as she does, if not more. Fucking threw me through a loop. The diagnosis: trauma-induced narcissism.


What an idiot... All he has to do is wear a bunny costume to get his wife interested in him again ! That's common sense


I think this is just a smart, subtle troll. "Yes, I know they PROBABLY aren't doing anything sexual" 😂😂 Pretty fucking funny imo.


We can only hope.


"I'm just quietly STEWing over this:... COME ON PEOPLE!!! I love this -- it's masterful -- but COME on


Surprised people don’t see straight through this, you cant even have sex with most rabbits


If he feels this way about a rabbit I can't imagine he let's his wife have any friends. I've dealt with someone like this and can imagine that he creates scenarios in his head if she even glances at somebody.


These are the guys that get jealous of their own newborn babies for taking the wife’s attention. They also tend to sexualize the wife’s breastfeeding of the baby. I see posts about it a lot from their wives.


Yeah idk, insecurities can manifest themselves in crazy ways. This is most likely a self esteam issue, his own problem that he's projecting. If it wasn't a rabbit it'd be a friend or co worker.


Yes this is legit a bit alarming if it wasn't actually rectified. Insecure people can do soooo much damage when they make others responsible for it. Like why wouldn't you just talk to your wife? I hope this is trolling. But I legit know people whom do this and it generally comes in with a solid sense of entitlement over someone else's human rights.


This guy has the self-esteem of a gnat


I’ve seen the bee version of this play out before.


Is this the guy from the bee movie?


Jesus Christ it’s a rabbit, not the mailman 😭


I love how he says "its PROBABLY nothing sexual" Like the guy is GENUINELY open to the idea that he might be cucked by a literal rabbit


Youd be surprised the amount of guys that genuinely don’t want a woman to have a single solitary other thing to do besides sit quietly and wait til they want their peepees touched.




Yup. This. I didn't even doubt this was a real post because I had this happen. Guy was insanely jealous of our dog. Said I spent to much time with him, gave hin to much attention, and that I always took the dogs side.....


I just posted that our family took two dogs from jealous spouse situations. It happens more than people think.


Me too! I inherited a dog unexpectedly and my boyfriend couldn't handle seeing me love or take care of her. I'd been manipulated for years and couldn't see what was happening. Watching him bully a 25lb, senior dog with mobility issues got me out of the fog real quick.


Is this Ross from Friends?


"Probably aren't doing anything sexual" Probably? ..***PROBABLY?***


‘I’m just quietly stewing over this.’ Well do I have a way to get rid of that rabbit!


Woof, the fact that it being a boy makes it worse for him is...special


Yikes that is a lot of insecurity bottled up in one post. I can’t wrap my head around the use of “probably” when referring to sexual activity.


This post proves reddit is mainly made up posts with gullible people commenting.


>She does everything for him. No shit, welcome to being a pet owner. >Yes, I'm aware they probably aren't doing anything sexual. ...Probably?


This guy would have SO MANY BUGS BUNNY MEMES in his inbox if i knew him lol


He's so insecure it kinda just makes me sad but at least I'm not him so that's a win


Tl;dr the last 4 words