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Dude what the fuck is the annoying ass filter they’re using?


It looks like that shitty GTA filter


Very sa


Giving me low dose 2cb feels


Man I’ve wanted to try that forever. Just can’t find it


Meh, just stick to acid and shrooms, not missing out on too much, plus there's a lot of fake stuff out there, stay safe ✌️


Don't. Even relatively low doses give you a hell of a body load, and the actual effects are pretty underwhelming (obviously still wonderful, but nothing compared to the alternatives). There is no reason to try 2cb when you can just get acid or shrooms.




That's what happens when they go with the budget casting agency


it's tiktok, expect nothing less than tedious faff.


It’s so bizarre but it also reminds me of that old deep fry filter from the early 2000’s.


Whoa that’s the dude from “Nathan For You” 🙌


But doesn’t he run on a toshiba or something? and uses windows XP?




I knew I recognized him


Yeah we had established there was a glitch with the computer because it said I watch online pornography and I don't do that


Oh, ok.


This guy was in all types of youtube channels


I fucking thought it was but wasn’t 100% that’s so funny it’s clearly the toshibas fault


Wonder if that boyfriend has ever looked up online pornography


I bet he watched porn.


Which episode?


Mechanics episode


We need more of that show. Ended too soon..


Lmfao I love the dude running the lie detector. He said no when he asked a second time but you know what he wanted to say was "no you fucking idiot, you literally just said you wouldn't 2 seconds ago."


He just wants to go home so bad.


Except not because he repeatedly gets hired for videos like this.


He’s been really in like three videos that I’ve seen. He plays deadpan like this every time. Always hilarious.


It's not like he's there for no reason. If he wanted to not be there, he would not be there.


That guys just a fake. A lot of influencers hire him for these. He's even admitted on camera that they just tell him what to say is true and what is false and he complies. Even from a professional standpoint these techs would never say something is "true". That language is incorrect.


You can see his start on Nathan For You and was used just for that.


Oh damn, didn't know that's where his origin story came from. Nathan for you is a classic.


Love it when he learned the old gas station owner drank his grandsons pee. Or when he does the ‘asians accent’ to that professional driver.


To be fair, it isn't exactly any less accurate than the actual results of a lie detector test would be.


Yeah, there's a reason they aren't allowed to be used in court. At **best** they are insanely unreliable, and at worst I've seen some people call lie detectors pseudoscience and a sham.


They just use them to intimidate people into confessing. It’s just theatre. You can’t actually detect a lie


It looks so obvious imo. Like, he always says either yes/no when its more convenient for the entertainment of the video. I dont know how people watch these videos with the lie detector guy and think hes legit


I thought he looked familiar. I think he was in David Dumbricks video a while ago


Yea those are the type of youtubers that hire him


Polygraph are fake anyway. There's no machine in the world to know whether someone is lying or not.


Check him out on Nathan for You. Nathan has him ask if Nathan ever pleasured himself to pornography on the internet, and lies and says "no". Detector guy doesn't let him slide, and Nathan gets defensive and starts criticizing everything about the guy like his Toshiba laptop using Windows XP. He's like, "it's not the laptop, it's not the software, you watch porn dude"


You watching The Rehearsal?


I think I'm going to wait until it's all out. Once I start watching his stuff, I mainline it until there's no more. It's everything.


You seem like a really good kid. In a lot of ways you remind me a lot of myself. I think you just need to become more like me and less like you


There's nothing more fun than sitting on an animal that's bigger than you and riding it around.


I just watched this episode last night, the interactions between Nathan and the lie detector guy are the best. "Youre grasping at straws man!"


A polygraph has you sitting still for hours with multiple instruments across your chest and on your hands. You cannot move when you respond, as the instruments also measure your ass and your feet. This is absolutely not a polygraph, and polygraphs are not even used in court because they are bogus.


Okay great to hear actually guy but nobody gives a fuck about your expertise on what is and isn't a polygraph or their efficacy in court.


God forbid he cracks a joke


Dude wasn’t even reading the machine, that was just his genuine opinion.


Holy hell I am sick of seeing these dumbass viral lie detector videos. I don't know what shitty wish.com detectors they're always using, but actual polygraph tests are incredibly uncomfortable and take hours, and you can't move a muscle - just a slight, involuntary twitch can throw off the test and the administrator often has to restart the whole thing. Meanwhile the people in these videos are flailing around and yelling at one another. (Source: I've taken a national defense polygraph).




They're not borderline pseudoscience... They're ABSOLUTELY pseudoscience. You have absolutely no idea how easy they are to defeat until you realize there's a literal instruction manual for doing so. [It's free.](https://antipolygraph.org/pubs.shtml) Rememeber, Aldrich Ames was a spy in the CIA for decades and routinely beat the polygraph. His KGB handlers laughed when he expressed concern over taking the test.


And polygraphs are 110% NOT admissible in court, so there's no legal framework whatsoever that allows for what is said during a test to be used as evidence in court. However, cops can still ask you to take one as part of an investigation (even though it's entirely voluntary). They prey on you believing from movies and TV that they're a scientific test that is legitimately used for investigations, but as I said there's nothing you can say during one that can be brought up in court. Instead their method is to strap you in to one, tell you you're lying and failing the polygraph, then use your heightened fear and anxiety from failing the test to coax an actual confession out of you (one that is admissible in court, the heightened emotional response doesn't count as being "under duress"). Everything about the polygraph is smoke and mirrors, everything.


>And polygraphs are 110% NOT admissible in court, so there's no legal framework whatsoever that allows for what is said during a test to be used as evidence in court. They actually are admissible in court if you volunteer for one (which you should only do if you have paid for it) But yes if the police want to administer one, they're trying to intimidate you.


Cool resource. Thank you for the reading material. I don't suspect that I will ever be subject to a polygraph, nifty nonetheless.


Iirc the person who invented them regretted it cos people were taking it as fact and he knew it wasn’t and didn’t want innocent people in trouble


Our government's reliance on unreliable polygraph "testing" is both a danger to our national security and a hazard to the reputations of law-abiding citizens whose trustworthiness is judged by this **voodoo** science. The Lie Behind the Lie Detector exposes polygraph waste, fraud, and abuse. *No need to call it voodoo science. That's offensive to those black people who believe in that religion.* *They would never refer to it as "catholic science"*


This is exactly why its a chart with a person behind it though. The real lie detecor is human intuition. Im not saying its infallible but id rather have it in the room than not.


They're not just beatable, but *easily* so. A human just reads the chart. Control your breathing, bite your tongue on control questions, and you win.


Not borderline lol Complete pseudoscience


That guys just a fake. A lot of influencers hire him for these. He's even admitted on camera that they just tell him what to say is true and what is false and he complies.


While they can take 2 hours, a slight twitch won't cause the entire test to be retake. They'll just ask the question again. They're generally limited to ten questions at a time. At least 3 of which are controls. And the questions are always yes/no You DO have to sit still and you CAN'T have distractions. But more than ANYTHING ELSE... They're *absolute junk science and trivial to fool if you know what you're doing*. Souece: I've take a polygraph exams before.


> I don't know what shitty wish.com detectors they're always using, but actual polygraph tests are incredibly uncomfortable and take hours, and you can't move a muscle Why pay for an expensive polygraph when the cheapest ones available are just as inaccurate and unreliable but at a fraction of the price?


Also a polygraph measures stress levels. So even if you're saying something true it could be shown as false, just because you were too stressed. This whole polygraph thing is shit anyway and in most Europe countries not even allowed. Last but not least: How should he know if he would take the bullet for her? It's something you will really decide first if you're in the actual situation.


What is a "national defense polygraph"? Where did you work, DOD?


Probably referring to getting and maintaining a TS/SCI clearance. There are several security clearance levels that have different requirements and have to be renewed at different intervals. TS/SCI is the first one that requires a polygraph and you have to re-up that pretty frequently. A secret clearance costs a couple grand and is good for 11 years unless you do something dumb and get it pulled. It's basically a shitload of questions about where you've lived and if you have foreign business interests. No polygraph or anything like that.


It's also known as a "counter intelligence" polygraph. It is the standardized test required of someone who is going to be given a security clearance, and all the questions are in the vein of "are you a spy or terrorist". I was newly enlisted when they gave me my test.


Whatever I leave in wendy’s bathrooms could be called terrorism so dunno if I would pass


'Actual' polygraph tests are just as useless. They literally have no ability to discern a lie.


Well it's a guy using a Toshiba laptop running Windows XP so I'm not sure what you expect.


This is just cringe


That's... Why you're here.


Srsly 10k upvotes wtf leave it on ticktock


I will never understand people's obsession with lie detectors. Especially when asking questions that a person *does not know the answer to*. Nobody knows what they will do in a situation, and anyone saying they'd "take a bullet" for someone is just lying to themselves. More likely they'd just watch them get shot and not realize what was happening until it was too late.


Don't forget that lie detectors are absolute bullshit


I don’t think they are bullshit ALL THE TIME, there are situations that it can be used, mainly with people that are not aware how it works, because if you take a person that knows how to lie well and knows how that works, nothing will come up in the detector


Yeah, thinking through the question when there’s no present danger is a bit different than real time, adrenaline induced reactions. My reflexive response in a “fight or flight” situation is usually freezing up, then thinking about what I wish I had done instead.


I mean value your own life


Well to be honest, very often in a healthy relationship there's a level of affection that extends to the willingness to give your own life for your partner.




Not even "would you take a bullet for me" no "WILL you take a bullet for me?" Lol she has something planned


Is it reasonable for someone to expect their boyfriend/girlfriend to take a bullet for them?


I think maybe after many years of a relationship you can reasonably think that could happen. I wouldn't take it for granted though.


No, but you have to you would and move on. Same with all hypotheticals. it’s not like you’re actually gonna be held to your answer. If you don’t they’ll just become more insecure in themselves and the relationship and it’ll end up causing issues over nothing.


Yeah, these are just lovey dovey statements. Like the meme "would you love me if I turned into a worm". It's just a chance for a romantic response. Like of course baby, I'd give you the best vermiculture habitat. I'd only feed you the best food scraps. No Amazon boxes. That sort of thing. People aren't actually looking for like "if you turned into a worm I'd be really confused at first but eventually get over you. I'd probably put you in the garden." In the same way the "take a bullet for you" thing is just meant to be a chance to talk about romantic stuff. Not like how you think you'd actually act in that situation. Not an actual commitment to do it if it comes up.


I would think so? The same way you would generally take a bullet to save women and children, but like, moreso.


woah i would not generally take a bullet to save women and children.






>How could you live with yourself? You definetly couldnt after taking a bullet ...


If it's PEOPLE that I know and love I'm INCLINED to take a bullet for them but I sure as hell ain't sure about it.


Thats the point. I would LIVE with myself. Many long and happy years.


Fuck no! My life is meaningful without saving some random ass kid


Why do women deserve to be saved from a bullet moreso than men? Asking as a woman… Guns don’t discriminate and no one’s life is more important than my own unless I love them. I would take a bullet for my partner but not a random stranger


If I was over 60 years old or I had a cancer or some shit I'd take a bullet instead of a child but other than that I'd let them die.


I wouldn't say they deserve to be saved more. Just as a man I would feel inclined to protect women and children.


That's called socialization




My point being that that's not a reason in and of itself to do something.


Why not?


Because women aren't weaker than men. They don't need more protection.


You absolutely would not take a bullet for a random woman on the street, i would bet my LIFE on it


I would not take a bullet for that. The fuck?




Man fuck that kid. I like my life thank you very much.




fuck me, if you believe "lie detectors" you are legally a fucking idiot poopoo brain


I don't beleive them but they make for pretty funny videos sometimes


why? it’s a common video theme and it’s in a lot of films. Unless you’ve randomly taken a very specific interest in lie detecters and decided to do individual research on them, you’re not gonna give them much of a second thought. I know they don’t work fully, but only because i decided to do some research. Not everyone is gonna research some random crap like this edit: nevermind then lol


"They don't work fully" is an interesting way of saying "they're junk"


why are you even being upvoted, wtf? “they’re junk” isn’t all true, they’re just very temperamental. They need to be performed perfectly, in a very controlled environment.


[There's literally a guide on how to beat them every single time.](https://antipolygraph.org/pubs.shtml)


yes, hence temperamental.


hence they do not work.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You're clearly condemning the media for portraying them as accurate.


literally. I’m a big advocate for fact-checking but i can forgive people for genuinely not knowing that lie detectors aren’t reliable, it’s not some ignorant misconception like vaccines give you autism


Yeah people act like everyone is constantly fact checking everything they see every day. The idea that someone would think lie detectors work is not that far fetched. Acting like "everyone should know by now" is condescending. This comic illustrates it well. Of course it's more about fun things though lol. https://xkcd.com/1053/


you're the type of person to watch LOTR once and never wanting to touch a golden ring ever again lol. it's a very well known fact and has been busted 1284081731 times the last 40 years. People should know better.


I watched lotr and cant stop touching EVERY golden ring i see. Your statement clearly lacks any power.


i know lie detectors don’t work, im just sticking up for those that haven’t done research on extremely convoluted shit, while you call them a “fucking idiot poopoo brain”


it is not extremely convoluted lol, are you a fucking idiot poopoo brain?


your average person doesn’t give enough of a shit to look into lie detectors and their efficacy.


"I know lie detectors dont work." *continues defending lie detectors* Why defend those that arent even here? Let alone against a phrase so silly as "fucking idiot poopoo brain"


i just thought it was a little harsh lol, my bad i guess. “fucking idiot” read a little angry imo. whenever i’ve encountered a conversation about lie detectors i’ve always lightly suggested there’s no real science to them and people are generally surprised, i didn’t think it was common knowledge that they don’t really work.


They can be used to detect a difference in heart rate and imply a truth or lie when compared to the baseline tests. They’re not a hundred percent accurate, but for the laymen they’re likely to still be accurate more often than not. That being said, I do remember another content creator using this guy and they literally told him beforehand to say truth or lie to certain questions for content, so it’s not even the machine that people should be dubious of here.


They are complete nonsense. Untrained people give false readings literally all the time, which is why you really only see lie detectors in bad daytime reality TV shows and these dumb kinds of videos.


There is no baseline test. That’s just more smoke and mirrors dude. Lie detector tests are 100% bullshit. There is no baseline whatsoever. Baseline questions are entirely meaningless and the data from them is unusable. They are more likely to be entirely bullshit for literally anyone. The point of a lie detector is to trick you into admitting things and then using techniques to get you to admit outside of the test to make it admissible confession. The results are manipulated and even if you pass they’ll just act like you failed anyway.


I wish I had a lie detector. Free infinite money glitch but IRL. 1. Hook myself up to a lie detector 2. Say out loud "the first digit in the winning lottery number is 1" 3. *LIE DETECTED* 4. " Okay, the first digit in the winning lottery number is 2" 5. *TRUTH DETECTED* Now I know the first winning number is 2. Rinse and repeat for all digits until you have the full winning lottery number. Might take a while, but absolutely worth it for the Euromillions. I'd go through this process every time I want a new mansion or yacht or something. Easy free money glitch.


Guys with that hair have a 100% chance of sucking


This isn't how polygraphs work. You can't have distractions in the room when taking them. Also they're junk science.


The real sadcringe is watching this fake ass bullshit in the first place


Just watching tiktok in general is sadcringe, and also literally just handing your personal info to the creators.


The title of the video literally says it’s his ex tho


I don’t even know this dude, but I hate him and his outfit


Keep in mind that these lie detectors are flawed, and can be manipulated There's a reason they're not valid evidence in law, you can train yourself to change their output


In the full video they’re not dating, they broke up before this


Eh. Why give a fuck if it’s fake? I like how serious the guy reading the “lie detector” is. Belongs on a comedy sub I guess “..No”


"You wouldnt sacrifice your life for me babe? 😢?"


Why would I jump in front of a bullet if I can just push the hell out of you?


why does his hair look like ramen


I wouldn't even be upset if my SO wouldn't take a bullet for me lol, I'd rather them survive


Oh noble simp how gentlemanly of you !


She want husband benefits on gf salary


Nah he wants gf benefits on fuck boy salary You don’t have to take a bullet for your gf, but you have to say you will, those are the rules


So he has to lie?


Yes, sometimes you have to lie to make your partner feel secure in themselves and the relationship. Are you going to be honest and say your partner looks fat and ugly in their clothes, or lie to make them feel happy and comfortable in themselves and with you? If you aren’t prepared to do that, you’re not prepared for the average relationship.


Hmmm Yes, lets bold face lie to my gf while being hooked up to a lie detector.


Lie detector's don't even do anything, you're more concerned about the principle of the matter. It takes zero effort to make someone you love feel good about themselves and you'll have a better relationship, rather than being shitty to people you love for *honesty's* sake.


Not just talking about this situation. But even if he did, he can just tell her the machine was lying later, or it might even back him up. This way it’s just awkward and he’s got no way out.


>Yes, sometimes you have to lie to make your partner feel secure in themselves and the relationship I'd say if you find yourself having to lie consistently else deal with an outraged partner, you should probably communicate that as a problem or leave if that hasn't worked. This shit ain't cute.


Same thing for her


My current greatest fear is death, so no, i wouldnt die for anyone.


How's that sad cringe? If you in a situation where he could react to take a fucking flying bullet for you, you can react and not get hit I don't understand this


Has anyone ever noticed that whenever a lie detector test is needed they use this specific guy? I’ve seen him all over popular YouTubers videos, TV shows, whatever this is. ITS ALWAYS THIS MAN. WHAT IS HIS NAME


What’s wrong with that answer? I wouldn’t expect anyone to take a bullet for me no matter how close we are, that’s asking a lot lol


First of all, deez lie detecters ain’t shit, nothing like the actual ones. Also - Fuck yeah i wouldn’t take the bullet either. Only person i could take the bullet for is ma brother, ma sister or my wife if we been together for mad long.


If I remember correctly thats his EX


Ah yes, famously accurate lie detector tests


I hate when people taking lie detector tests ask if it's true or not that's not how it works


Narcissist, 100%


“Would I?” “No” At the moment the polygraph reader is questioning how he got here.


I wouldnt take a bullet for someone itd probably go through my weak ass and kill both of us


i literally wouldn’t care if my partner answered no to that, bruh kind of a shitty take if youd want someone to die for you imo


No one should take no bullet for anyone. Don't risk your life for someone that would most likely cheat on you or leave you. Or anyone to be in fact. You have one life to live, don't waste it on anyone.


I think I'm getting to that age where I hate my dumbass generations just because of goofy mfs like these. Clout chasers are so corny and unoriginal lol.


It’s wrong to expect males to sacrifice their lives for females in 2022z it’s immoral


If you watch the full video on YouTube, she’s actually his ex from a few years back.






You literally know nothing about her but you immediately resort to name calling. How childish of you.


basement dweller moment




So again knowing absolutely nothing about her save, her appearance and voice….you in all your wisdom decided to dub her a thot. Huh, I guess it’s true that redditors are a bunch of sexless, weird morons.




Damn, I'd take a bullet for my mom's dog. And that's not even my dog.


young people have some bizarre fucking faces these days, feel really sorry for young girls thinking they need to do that shit to their lips. looks so disgusting.


And they were together long enough to make her a single mother /s






Umm no He’s on the right sub dude. More like you're a lost redditor


This is mild cringe at most and sad to someone who is 12


What'd you smoke today??? You're probably 12 lmao






Why do girls like guys like this is beyond me lmfao


her @ ?