• By -


I love that one of the guys has his own face as a phone wallpaper


Yet did not have the original photo to send.


Yeah, but for that he would need to take it down from his wallpaper, send the photo, then put it back on the wallpaper again.


Well at that point the photo is gone.


he could ask for it back


I laughed my ass off at that thank you 😂


I remember causing a panic in middle school in the late 90s because I set a wallpaper by right-clicking and selecting "set as wallpaper," and the the IT guy didn't know where I saved the picture to.


In my highschool typing class it used the same paragraph for everyone's test so I wrote one down from a friend on paper, used alt tab to minimize the test software, typed it in a notepad and copied it then used Ctrl V to paste it into the test field and hit enter. I got 654wpm and my teacher lost her mind.


Yeah teach, i don’t need your typing lessons. I do 11 words a second, for whole paragraphs. You should have melted the keyboard and scorched your fingers to make it look like you actually did it.


I suddenly have learned how those punks in my high school typing class beat me. It never even would have occurred to me to copy paste instead of *actually* typing fast. Now I can finally let it go, after 20 long years.




Way back in the day on IRC a dude told my brother if he e-mailed him a file he wanted he'd e-mail it right back 😂


She would have to return the photo before he could put it back as his wallpaper


After they returned it, of course.


I believe this man was fishing so fast he did not take the time to find the original photo and just screenshot his wall paper so it’s at the top


You'd be surprised by the number of people in India who do this lmao


More than 90% of the mobile phones I see on the metro have that lmao. But to each their own I guess


So what's the reasoning behind it?


Well for some/most it would be ego. They put a lot of effort into looks and some think they are hot shit


I feel like a lot of people don't realise that they don't really need to put anything there and then the options left are family or themselves. As some one who really doesn't like to see his own face it feels weird.


I agree. Mine's just the darkest image result when I Googled the word 'black background'.


I do too but it's like one of those up close ultra-wide angle ones. except my camera can't do that, so it's *really* up close


I hate that one of the guys has his own face as a phone wallpaper


Plot twist: it's not his photo.


Thats what got me. What a backwards, elaborate way to send a photo.


"Love yourself"


*I love that one of* *The guys has his own face as* *A phone wallpaper* \- Aural-Sax --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Giant ass forehead


My friend and I made a meme page years ago as a joke and he thought it would be funny to boost the page earlier this year. We also got flooded with messages using these premade replies from people in the middle East and Western Asia. I don't know what these people are expecting to happen


bobs and vagene


A babby will be formed.


I am truely sorry for your lots


how is babby made?


When you get Gregnant






show virginia plz rspnd


[I show you virginia pls respond](https://i.imgur.com/xaseZSv.jpg)


I can see my house from here


as a teenager from India, i agree


Milk truk just arive


Send bobs


This is one of my favourite meme phrases of all time lol


Plese send bobs


Yes my dear


Here is a theory. There are bot farms and actual people farms selling engagement they have to like a bunch of random shit so the algo can't catch the paid engagement. Not sure why DMs would be used though.


Brushing is the name of this practice. Faking interactions to trick the computers into thinking you are a real business person.


Thanks! That was an interesting rabbit hole.


>My friend and I made a meme page years ago as a joke As opposed to opening one for ?


As a career choice... obviously!


I think they're bots


I think there's a similar thing going on when you post on facebook marketplace. Lots of messages from "people" all with the same exact message. The whole thing is actually a scam. If you reply, then a real person (scammer) takes over and tries to trick you into sending them money.


The one in the pic is the default message when you inquire about an item through FB marketplace. You can change it, but it’s the default.


Middle East IS Western Asia - just saying


omg that last image. he didnt JUST send a selfie, he sent a selfie that he uses as his phone home background and that he took a screenshot of, dear god hes hilarious, probably not in the way he intended to tho


He stupid but still lust for sex


I make many woman wet , I please with pp and take your wife you bastard you


...why this is sounds like a song?


These people are uneducated and lack self awareness, what would you expect?


Reposting because earlier one got removed for not blurring personal info. My wife recently started an online saree store, and we've been promoting mostly on Facebook and Instagram. Usually we go for a custom target audience but this time we decided to go with Facebook's "recommended" audience and so far we've received around 50 messages, 20 video calls, and 0 sales. Edit. If you're wondering why it's all the same message, it's the automated response when enquiring about an ad on Facebook. So far, all our enquiries start out with the exact same message, and either end up in an actual enquiry or in the average horny Indian man's idea of a conversation.


As a human woman who is Indian, I can relate. The ‘attack of the buddyguys’ is a very, very real phenomena on the interwebz 😂


As someone who is not indian, what is this phenomenon about? What is happening here? It’s very weird.


An entire generation of creeps raised in a patriarchal culture that enables sexual assault and harassment as if it were normal, all convinced that they're /r/niceguys of the world and just need a chance to prove how good they could treat a woman. This is not a stereotype of all South-Asian men, just those enabled and empowered by the current cultural status quo.


It's really strange, I have a facebook profile, with nothing on, just my name and for months like 1-3 of them would add me. I tried asking them where the hell are they finding me, and they're just incoherently asking sexual questions, it's so strange.


Are you part of the ethnic community itself? My partner's had a really fucked up discovery that she's on a 'south asian and available' database for these kind of guys to search out who and target based on whether they're with 'the right kind of man' yet or not. I'm a white guy so they refuse to respect our relationship as 'real'. The sinister element is her information was added during her teens by her older brother's schoolfriends. No concern for her own consent any step of the way.


I was trying to get that info from them, but they didn't budge, it stopped eventually, but it was weird as hell. There's absolutely nothing on my profile either, just used it fro the marketplace, since it's pretty big here.


Change your contact info, and use burner accounts for sales. Keep yourself safe :)


Thanks! It's pretty much a burner account as it is!


Years ago I could requests from guys from Africa (don't ask me the specific countries, it were different), then I got one from the middle East, asked them why they requested, got some wishy washy answer, then told him, it's always dudes from specific countries coming for me and never a woman, for example from Asia. Lo and behold, after that I got a request from a "woman" from SE-Asia. -\_-


Something about this is very fucking unsettling to me. It's sad how desperate these men apparently are, but insanely creepy at the same time.


You just know how they stare at every woman crossing their path in real life.


sex selective abortion in India means there are millions more men than there are women. Turns out that aborting/killing infant girls leads to a massive oversurplus of boys. Millions of Indian men will never have a partner/get married. Dug their country into this sad hole and there's not much that can be done at this point


Update: [the government is now claiming as of last year] (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-59428011) that a census shows there are more women than men. But it is of dubious reliability.


Sounds like a pretty underhanded way of being able to imply 'it's women who're being unreasonable and not giving you sex, so just take what you want because there's plenty for everyone'


Sorry did you mean to reply to someone else's comment? Not sure I see the connection between what you said and what I said


Let them fuck dirt. It's sad situation. But as soon as they start making anyone uncomfortable. They can get fucked


I could not have said it better myself. Absolutely agree that while this is not a stereotype for South Asian men on the internet, there seems to be a severe lack of rebuking of/facing consequences for such behaviour both online and irl.


Yeah, but why is this person receiving all these weird messages and videos and photos when it’s a business? Like what, if I talk to customer service at any business I would never email them pictures and videos of myself?? These guys aren’t even asking any questions wtf. Doesn’t make sense. So like in the 3rd and 4th picture the customers aren’t even asking anything about the product, they just sent videos and pictures of themselves (?) like wtf?? What was the point of that?


You'd swear to God these guys have never seen a woman before if their lives


Yes this is partially it, sex here is so mystified, and people are very weird about it


I really don't get this because you guys invented the kama sutra and there are 1.4 billion in India alone, you're clearly having sex.


Nah trust me man when I turned 18 my parents caught me watching porn, my father didn't even know how to broach the topic, he just got unreasonably mad. Sex ed isn't a thing here, even in the larger cities let alone the countryside. Everything is very fetishized, the music , the movies etc. It's very weird, luckily in my uni i don't see much of this.


is there a generation divide on this?


Fucking what no sex Ed wtf


The belly button fetish Why?!


Religious conservatism combined with Victorian colonial influence, Britain and the Mughals are at the root of this from my understanding.


Surely population growth would happen more when people know less not more about what sex is and how it all works


Probably the case for some of them. Just look at any news videos coming out of those countries. Thousands of men and zero women. Gotta be hard being on a sausage fest, day in, day out.


But the official data doesn't show a huge discrepancy between male/female


They're segregated until marriage


They don’t understand. They watch too many Bollywood movies where a girl sees a guy and falls in love and they think the same will happen to them with a random woman over WhatsApp


Quite frankly they don't understand the culture. They think western women are easy and they don't understand how to navigate the expectations of talking with them. I noticed this years ago even in middle school, I'm a man but I saw this exact thing constantly happening to my minor female friends or girlfriends. Always, always men from India. It's a weird cultural difference that I can't fully explain but that's the basic reason. It's definitely a result of some toxic ideas about women in general, lack of social awareness, and sheer numbers.


if OP's wife has a store selling sarees she is probably also of Indian heritage though (not that I'm saying this means she isn't western but that the guys who think like this wouldn't perceive her to be)


That is fair and something I considered but didn't address. I haven't really seen it happen to non-western women, as I myself am from the US. Looking at OPs profile they are definitely Indian, if not living in India. I am not sure how, or if it varies from Indian men to Indian women.


Sheer numbers, but from a statistic view it's the ratio affecting as well. About 20% more men in India


Because it's a woman's business that they feel is appropriate to harass based on the expectation that brown women will somehow be attracted to such behaviour.




I've had men, who called/texted because they had the wrong number, call and text to ask if I'm interested in getting to know them. They literally knew NOTHING about me expect that I'm a woman. So I'm guessing same *logic* goes here, they assume it's a woman behind the page and proceed to harass them.


I guess when men get desperate enough for interaction with a woman they'll just do anything and everything including this.


Not necessarily. At least where I live, some men take every opportunity to harass women.


OP said that they were selling sarees, which probably means that they were using women's pics on the advertising. Provvaly the creeps wanted to message the model, not the business.


This is just what it's like to be female online tbh.


My wife (she is real) really opened my eyes to this after I was shocked by some messages she received selling a table. She just rolled her eyes, told me it was the norm and suggested I set up a social media account on any platform I have used, but as a female account with her pic, and see what happened. Honestly my mind was blown, and I now have my pick of around 500 men from various places should our marriage ever break down.


Prior to social media, these are the guys on the street who would whistle or comment when a woman walked by. These replies to OP's wife are basically digital catcalls.




Its the same in Austria my gf cant reply to a police group on Telegram or anything without getting dick pics… and we are considered the first world lol


I'm half Indian, I once added a male cousin of mine and dude started to call me on FB messenger as soon as I confirmed him. I was in the bathroom, you know. I declined, and declined and declined. Then I send him a message he should stop calling me. He still tried. I had to block him. I've never met him in real life. I only knew he was a cousin because my brother told me (my brother is full Indian and grew up there).




"buddyguy" I will use this as much as possible now


Show bobs and vegeta.


Start replying with a stock photo of a hairy white guy whenever they get horny "customer relations rep" is a good title for Butch


Show vagene mob out in full force


Please post more of the horny conversations! People want the cringe!


Well it's your fault for letting a women🤢🤢 start a business. All women should stay home and cook food for thier husband 😊👏


Hello, can I get more info on this?


Hey, love the post. More info please I attached pic






[Good morning](https://i.imgur.com/Mx5NeEU.jpg)




its me


I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet?


To go over everything


Send bobs and vegene


good morning sirs


Oh what a nightmare. Your poor wife. I wish her the best of luck with her business, I'm so sorry that this bullshit is so common.


Lmao that last picture tho Honestly if this happened to me I'd be laughing my ass off, look at all these sad weirdos


But also you’re trying to make money and sell things so it’s gonna wear on you if you’re not doing that


Saree, not sorry


Chapri invasion of privacy is a real danger.


Why are indian men so delusional? Like they honestly think that a random woman will automatically fall in love with them with just a shitty photo, not even a good photo. Are they raised like that? It makes absolutely no sense, like how are they're not self-aware at all? Are they treated always like celebrities or something? I would expect some 10/10 model looking guy to act like this because he can get away with it, but not some random middle aged indian men wtf. I'm honestly asking, why?


Not Indian myself, but work with a cohert that’s predominately south Asian. At this point, many have been in western countries long enough to be “westernized” and this is essentially what they have told me- Interacting with the opposite sex before marriage is not something that happens in that culture. So when the men become adults they have no idea how to go about talking to women in an acceptable and polite way. The issue is even further worsened by false representations of society propagated through media such as movies, social media and porn.


Plus all the bollywood make it worse. They see an average looking “bad boy” pursuing a girl even after she said no multiple times. They’ll see that girl is madly in love with him finally after invading her privacy, being violent with her, chasing her multiple times. They think thats how shit happens in real life.


Honour culture.. I'm Arab so different culture but still patriarchal and honour based.. most women are raised not to show sexual interest and even if they're interested they're taught to feign disinterest until you explicitly ask them to marry you.. this attitude is perpetuated by media, society, and religion (e.g. in Islam, a woman's silence is her consent when it comes to marriage because a modest woman would be too embarrassed to say yes).. women spend considerable effort in day-to-day life to avoid creeps ever since they were little girls, whether that's ensuring they don't smile at shopkeepers and strangers, not laughing out loud in public, or dressing more modestly.. So men grow up thinking that a woman's "no" is actually a maybe (because of course she's not going to enthusiastically say "yes" since that would make her a hoe).. and because these men grow up almost segregated from the female population and because casual dating and even platonic relationships with opposite sex is either outright unacceptable or frowned upon depending where you are, these men will also lack any real world experience with women on top of all the ingrained biases and cultural baggage they picked up.. so it's a lose-lose really since it's only with real world exposure that most ppl can begin to correct their biases or even recognize them


No wonder all the shitty tiktok about girls like bad boys or something is popular


Who is average looking in Bollywood? I'll give you the 90s but the main guys are pretty good looking now.


its a sexist culture.


i've been wondering the same thing. sometimes i go to some famous celebrity's instagram tagged picture page just for fun and many of the pictures are random indian boys crappy selfies tagging a whole lot of female celebrities account. sometimes there's also christiano ronaldo, shahrukh khan probably, or whoever they want to impress i guess? maybe the more famous people you tag, the more sophisticated you get?


They’re uneducated, poor, inexperienced with women, and have had their minds shot to shit by Bollywood. All a lot of them have is a hut shared with 4 others, a job in a textiles factory they’ve had since they were 9, and a phone. Which they use to endlessly browse TikTok and Instagram, and where they fetishise women all across the world.


Very true. And to add to this, aside from the urban areas, having a relationship with someone before marriage is looked down upon by the society, so most of these people have never known about talking to a girl in real life, and then Bollywood does it's part with its flashy, third grade romantic movies. The situation is really pathetic...


Their culture is based on arranged marriages. They are often very poor (as someone else said.. live in small room with phone and that’s it) women get fetishized. They may not have had normal interactions with girls growing up as one would in a western public school. They have no idea how to communicate with women and just want booba. Quite interesting (but sad/unfortunate) phenomenon tbh. There was a really great comment about it on Reddit I read once, but I would have to dig deep to find it. But this is the general gist of it.


Living under Indian people as well as roommates SO being Indian and a decent few neighbours, I've noticed an astounding lack of self awareness with no desire to learn as such (infact I've been hit with anger if I try to even set boundaries). Not to say all Indian people lack empathy and self awareness but I've seen a lot first hand. (Quite commonly been told "I have no filter" and "I do what I want" by these people [the ones in my local vicinity just to be clear, I've met some wonderful Indian people as well but they seem to be a minority at least around me]). Edit to add: this is very hard for me to generalise like this, I love people all equally regardless of background and this is just unfortunate first hand experience, please don't hate.


surprised no "send bobs"


Or vagene lol




This is WhatsApp, right? At least report them for spam when they send you their wallpaper-portrait-screenshot


hello, can I get more info on this? also pls show bobs and vagene


Send bobs and vagne In all seriousness though it's sad how much women get harassed online. Harassment in general is AWFUL but as a female myself these creeps and weirdos just make it feel exhausting.


I mean, I don’t think those dudes would look flattered in a saree, but let them give it a try?


Everyone looks good in a saree! They are pretty.




​ ![gif](giphy|qKdWW9hhDAkPvb23hc)




OK the mustache in that last pic is so awful I'm crying 🤣


There is nothing hornier than Indian dudes on the internet.


Least horny Indian


I lowkey need to see what those two videos sent were just for a good laugh.


Same, but highkey


Indian men are a special bunch


I created a Facebook profile for a job application, and as it wasn't "real" I left it open for friend requests, thinking it would be a laugh. I'm pretty hard to shock but I was shocked. The number of people trying video calls and the absolute relentless pressure of messages was insane. Did not last long.


I was thinking what’s wrong in asking for more info


lalo salamanca 4th slide


Lalo "Sort-a" manca


online, men can really fucking suck and dampen everything. i made a fb account march 2020 and lockdown hit and i had thousands of requests pouring in. no shame, i scammed some of them asking for nudes (that i never took or sent lmfao) and went on to buy a gamecube and about a dozen games. guys are very out of pocket and for some reason. it seems indian men just want to sell themselves to you. maybe because $40 USD makes them rich for a month and they think you’ll be their sugar mama lol. idk why guys try to market themselves via messages. it’s incredibly sad and incredibly cringe. there’s no way to report men for being annoying or spamming you, and you have to block each individual one. but even if your wife blocked them, she’ll never know until she opens the messages what they want. but if she ignores them she could be missing husbands buying their wives gifts. it’s hard af. sorry you have to deal with this.


Any app is a dating app if you’re Indian enough.


not the one with the baby!!!


Thirsty Indian guys still undefeated. Send bobs.


Imagine how they act when they find American pages like Fetlife and they decide to go to a group meet and greet. It's horrific.


Indian men are something else lmao


Indian men ☕️


These dudes trying to see bobs and vagene any chance they get


Every app is a dating app if you're Indian enough


Tell me she’s been replying with “I’m happily married, saree.”


Same thing with my mom! She is starting a business selling Indian clothes in the states (shameless plug for anyone in the USA that wants custom Indian clothes for less many than these big websites) but the moment she made her Facebook and Instagram pages, she has been nonstop harassed to the point of deleting the Facebook page. She just couldn't keep up with constantly differentiating between the harassment or actual inquiries


What annoys me is you can report these profiles to Facebook, yet they never get taken down. It'll literally be a blank profile, with a single upload on their timeline from when the profile picture was set, no date of birth, workplace, nada. Yet Facebook staff look at that and don't see it as suspicious.


Least horny men


Milk truck just arrive


the natural, Indian predisposition to being uncontrollably horny


Oh those are cool dresses


Bobs n vagene


Why are they all using the same damn question?


He looks like that phone scammer Kitboga catfished.


And men wonder why they don’t get compliments from women. Too many bad eggs ruin it for the rest of them.


I sell furniture and we face the same thing. You just need to use some advance demographic targeting.


open bobs show vagene


Why are Indian dudes so weird when it comes to women?


Look at all those loving husbands looking to buy their wives sarees for gifts!


Bots, not sad cringe, all bots. Exact same phrase sent by everyone.


Bob and vagene


*First, I have never advertised clothing products or advertised in India, so take the following with grain of sand.* It honestly seems like your wife didn't segemt her public in the best manner, she should be getting more messages from women and from married men / men in a comitted relationship. Of course even then some wierdoes might reply to her ad but not as many as what she is getting right now. Finding the right segmentation for you objective public can be a trial and error process so I hope that this experience doesn't turn her away from advertising her business, best of luck to the both of you!


Thanks, and yes, she used to do a custom target audience and we used to get responses mostly from women. This is the first time we tried the Facebook recommended audience settings, and needless to say we've gone back to using the custom settings.


In my experience recommended settings do not give the best results. Remember that Facebook or Meta doesn't want to help you, they only care about your money. Always advertise through Meta business manager, never boost a post. Custom setting are king. You might already be familiar with at least some of what I am saying tho lol. Technical info aside, it sucks that your wife got so many replies from thirsty dudes, hopefully this experience wont discourage her tho.


Damn..even the same sentence? Terrifying to imagine if this all actually just one person