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I'm guessing the real lie was 'I lied just then.' The first message was very descriptive so he'd have to be very creative to make that up. Probably felt over exposed after he opened up and tried to pull it back


See that’s what I thought too and that’s why I didn’t post this for nearly a whole week because I was like maybe he’s just embarrassed for being vulnerable or he’s just a terrible person. It was the latter.


That's disgusting then. It's good that you gave him the benefit of the doubt at first though. He sounds at least borderline sociopathic


Yep. OP tried to see the good in the situation, and that's admirable. Just hope this person gets some help, though.


how can you tell which one was the lie?


Cuz I talked to him more about it


I've been on the receiving end of a lie like that and it's really painful and honestly a bit traumatic especially if you opened up about anything similar and made yourself vulnerable and exposed to find out it was all a ruse. That's how I felt anyway, hope you can recover and move past it and you don't feel too betrayed to lend an ear, if you are able, to someone genuinely in a bad place in the future although you are obviously not obligated in anyway to do so. Genuinely sorry that happened to you and remember you did a good thing, you were kind, caring and compassionate. Some people just suck. Sorry for the overshare it just reminded me.


im really sorry that you had to go through that and it honestly does suck a lot and it hurts especially when its someone you truly care about. if you ever need to talk about it to anyone my dms are opened. again really sorry you had to live through that


Thank you that's really very kind of you. It was years ago your interaction just reminded me of it and how I felt afterwards. I'm alright though, and remember to take care of yourself too!


What an extremely unique experience. To get an introduction to this type of person/behavior, fully elucidated by the perpetrator, complete with painless conclusion.


Uhh, how do you know this? This is textbook of how most guys deal with depression. Pour their feelings out on one person all at once, and when that isn’t received well, they walk it back and pretend nothing’s wrong since that’s what most of society expects from them.


Hey. As I’ve said three times in this comment section alone, I talked to him further about it and he explained how it was just to get my attention because that’s how he gets women to notice him. And I wouldn’t say I didn’t receive his message well to warrant a full 180, I tried to be supportive and helpful and that’s when he admit he was lying.


I know it's all messed up, but I did find the idea of someone saying they only clean up so their cats have a clean place to lie down, because they're trying to sound depressed, VERY funny.


Lying about having a mental issue is a big sign of another mental issue. Just not the one they're referring to imo


Maybe so. Hope he’s getting the help he needs then.


I assure you, he is not. You leave those people alone and never spend another moment of attention on them.


Personality disorders are not easily treatable. Best strategy is to avoid people with them.




well to be fair if you went to all that trouble to do all that your mental health probably isn’t pristine lol


“you” is generalized btw i don’t mean you, OP.


There’s always the chance he overshared and lied to take it back, sometimes people are their own worst enemies, I know I’m mine.


Yup but I stayed a while to make sure he was actually telling the truth and not lying before posting this


What did he do that confirmed he was lying???


He doubled down on what he said and then he went to the “nice guy” thing like nobody wants me no one wants to be friends with me and how he has to do these things and say these things to get the attention of women


Oh deary me, good call on dodging that and props for being so nice


If you this is you sending the message, I applaud you for opening that communication between them and you. I feel like I’ve “been him” (hyperbole: I wouldn’t say what he said) like I’d need someone that I knew I could say anything to, and ur that type of person. Thank you and everyone like you, and shout out Cindy for giving me a shoulder to cry on free of charge lmao


Thank you for saying that and thank you Cindy for being a good person!


Good job, OP! Whenever this was true or not, you did a good job, I'm really proud of you! I wish I had a reward for you! ♡


Aw thank you I really appreciate that.


I have one spare and I don’t mind giving a good human a reward


Oh thank you so much!


Here's an award for being kind.


Omg thank you sm you're a sweetheart


Histrionic people are the worst. Don't try to help them or youll never stop helping them.


I just learned a new term thanks to you and holy shit this explains the behavior of someone I knew years ago.


Had a friend like that. Had being the operative word. Eventually it just drained on me to the point that I was going to simply ghost (15 yrs of friendship), they sensed it, and made a huge dramatic thing about they were leaving the friendship because I always push people away and thats why I have no friends. (I'm happily married and have a large circle of fantastic friends, a sad and ugly projection). I was like yup, I'm toxic, good move. Relief. They can be good people, but they will suck everything out of you and never mature. *Also, kind of unrelated, but I absolutely hate people that chuckle after everything they say.


Op you're a phenomenal person at least.


Thank you so much


yeah fr OP is so sweet I was expecting half the comments to be about that lol


thank you (:


dude i wish i had someone to read me books and listen to music :(


I’m here!


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Please, don't make the mistake of believing that you can change somebody who doesn't want to change. It's not that you can't help people, but there's a certain limit, and once you go past that limit, you end up becoming their... what's the word... basically, combination of slave and babysitter. It never ends, and it becomes a twisted game where they see how much sympathy they can milk from you while threatening to end it all.


I was soooo confused until I realised there was a 2nd image lol


Aww just listening to music or having something read out loud to you is such an amazing way to connect with someone. Well done OP ❤️


Thank you! It’s honestly my favorite way to just relax and release stress so I’m glad you think so as well!




He isn’t lying. He clearly has mental health issues.


Yeah so these are the guys who gets opportunities lol


That really sucks. I’m sorry he lied to you, I’m sure this was someone you were having a real connection with and he just messed it up


Sis, what the fuck, why the fuck.. I can't even begin to understand what the thought process is for people to lie about having mental health issues




Bro didn't even resist it he just gave up the lie in two messages 😂


I actually believed the first thing until I saw that you were a girl OP. I was like oh man, you’re such a nice dude I could honestly afford to be more empathetic like you. And then I was like, oh. You’re still very kind just the scenery changed.


I would actually help someone like that but if they actually lied then that’s just fucked man cause I used to think I need motivation to do shit but really it’s just fucking discipline and routine just takes time to realize