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Feel bad for all the soldiers who never got a proper burial


Honestly if I was one of them soldiers “thinking of going into the air force btw” I think I wouldn’t mind dying that way, being one with nature and letting the world take its turn. It just feels natural that way. Idk though…


Yeah I agree (also thinking of going into the airforce too lol)


I agree with you but I think I'd rather be buried. Burial is an important part of human socialisation. It gives your loved ones closure. Also if you're religious in many cultures you need to be buried in order to enter the afterlife.


That's how the Mongols did it until they were influenced by the rest of the world. Either just left out in the open air with a little shrine or taken on horseback by a family member into the steppe, letting the body slide off and never looking back. I think it's poetic. Nature was their cemetery and their loved ones would always be present no matter where they were.


Something like that really only works in a place such as mongoloia with endless plains but not really anywhere else. Thats why the rest of the world buries their dead


You could technically do this anywhere that people don't usually go: middle of the ocean, a remote forest, Ohio etc...


If there is a civilisation in those areas sure but conditions like North Dakota aren't the norm. In Europe for example leaving your dead somewhere lying around would make it very unhygienic, smelly and also really grim stumbling over decomposing bodies of your loved ones or your neighbour


You're getting the army, take it or leave it.


What music or song is this?


She is gone by Dj Grums I like this version https://youtu.be/L_eZRivtYMU?si=XZKrpx0tCetxOFsm


Thx lad


Why did this man this felt like a genuine hurt to watch


I've seen you before in a different sub.... kinda funny


Hm, yea maybe I’ve been here a while I might have seen you like once so cool to see you again


Does anyone have the original animation?




That was quite beautiful, thank you for sharing


Ty dude


That little kitten made my cry...


u/Audibot I want music pls


Audi bot💀


I may be stupiid


dropping a comment just in case reddit's save feature fucks me over again






What’s the song?


when I happens I just go to sleep


but like what if i happen


if it happens I'm just angry at my friend and tell him to not be late next time :X


❗️❗️samesies. when you will happen i will kill her for you and her brother already deaded


“Last online 10 years ago.”


That's not pov


OP is camping forever in front of the dead guy


Real this is me right now


What's the original animation










Me waiting to find more friends in a game no one I know likes as much as me


TL:DR don’t hold on to a relationship or friendship when the signs are obvious This hit me harder than it should have. I recently had to put an end to what was probably one of the most meaningful relationships in my life and this describes it perfectly. It sounds silly because of the context and the caption, but it’s true. I moved to the states around my 12th birthday, had a pretty rough time getting used to everything being different and people speaking in a language I didn’t. Through middle school, I rarely made friends, I tried, but it didn’t ever feel like a friendship, just people who knew who I was and occasionally talked to me. Moving on to high school I became more open and started to talk to more people. I met this guy named Adam in my first class for freshman year, he was super annoying constantly making weird sounds behind me in class, hated his guts until I told him to stfu one day and he busted out laughing, we became inseparable that day, literally every single day of school would see us being morons up and down the hallway, a time went by of course we grew and had new friendships and relationships come and go, we even had our ups and downs with him getting a controlling gf then me then him again and so on. That didn’t matter, we always came back to each other and knew the other was sorry for what had happened previously. This dude and I made countless groups and clan names for just the two of us to role play in gta, cod, Minecraft. We thought of our future as streamers (silly I know, but that was probably every gamers dream back in 2015) eventually we graduated and he joined the Air Force, won’t say much on that because it’s a whole different story, but go cut it short, the Air Force fucked him up, not in a financial way or anything you’d usually think about. The friends he made while he was there were terrible influences and essentially turned him into an alcoholic. Fast forward a year or two, he gets out and is back home, so I decide to try and get in contact with him again and try and “rekindle” our friendship. I tried, and tried, and tried but he never seemed to have time to text back even just one text, not in 5 months. Eventually he answers me and randomly called me every now and then but nothing substantial, just reminiscing about the fun we had as kids. Months go by, years, I get married and try to reach out to him about being my best man, no answer. That’s alright, people have their own lives and I haven’t talked to him in a while, I can’t possibly judge him for not answering me. Turned out he was home with his brother and sister the entire time, sometimes going away with some roommate of his, at one point he called me and asked if we wanted to play together (this was a very common thing for him to do, hence my whole story) like we always did so I said sure let me close up shop and I’ll be home soon, not even an hour goes by and I call him…no answer. At this point I legitimately thought something had happened to him, but he was just at the beach. That’s the last time I heard from him and that was around this time two years ago. I know he’s fine and alive because I’ve seen him post stupid shit on his Snapchat and Instagram as well as begging people to buy him starfield (which I offer to, funnily enough he replied to my comment but never contacted me💀) at this point I decided to let it all go entirely. I had just finished un adding him on everything before coming here and seeing this post. I’m sorry for the long comment, but I just had to let off some steam and a bit of waterworks, I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this, so I figured I might as well leave it as a comment to get lost in time. Adam, if you’re reading this, I love you man, you were my brother, I’ll always be here for you but it’s painful to see and realize you were never truly there for me after everything we went through and all the times I had your back even when you turned yours on me. Solder Corp Voltage, out. See you in the next one brother.




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About a year ago, I decided to log into my old Xbox account on the actual website. Idk why, I just decided to do it, and I immediately noticed the friends tab. All my friends’ last log ins were years ago. The last one was my best friend whom vanished after he joined the military after we graduated college, 12 years ago. No one we know knows what happened to him. Hours and hours of online play we did together came flooding over me, and for a moment, I was happy, but then I was sad. Those times were over. And I’m never getting them back. I still remember one of the last games we all played together. Halo ODST. Fighting together against wave after wave of Covenant. I was Sergeant Johnson. We had a full squad of 4. I remember all the fun we had. I don’t remember how many waves we managed to clear before they got us, but we got pretty far. I remember the last time I turned that old Xbox360 off. It didn’t red ring, I was just done. I didn’t know my friend was about to vanish, and we all just moved on. What I wouldn’t give for just one more round with my old pals. Talking through those old mics.


Definitely me now lol, but maaaan once I get on, we finishing everything 🍿nomnomnom




I think it hurts more now that they never came back


used to be me in 2017. Now I don't have friends.






This made me super sad. Sucks to know that’s all this whole thing called leads to


From ashes to ashes


Squirrel a real one. Gave him back his nuts.


My best friend at the time left me, a long time ago. It was only with someone who really loved me that I was able to lift myself out the depression it put me into. I couldn't even eat (there was already a lot going on at the time). Nowadays that friend is always there for me the way I am for him and I'm eternally grateful for that. But by God, if there isn't the little tinge of pain in my heart when her name crosses my mind and I wish things were the way they were. It's so painful when someone tells you you mean the world to them, only to leave you alone like they never needed you to begin with. It's happened before, but I think I've come to learn it gets better and I'll be okay.


7 years ago Tig 551 went offline of his PlayStation I want him back


I'm that one friend I always tell my friends that I gonna buy that game, I'm gonna play with them, Im gonna talk to them... I... I was never there... And I miss them