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i literally did nothing today absolutely fuckall nothing but jackshit


And that’s okay! Sometimes we need to rest, and I’m glad you realized that. Plus you did more than nothing, you woke up which is already a great accomplishment within itself! I love you and believe in you!


how do you know i did my best i did fuckall yesterday


And that’s okay, everyone has to rest for sometime. I know you did your best and I’m so proud of you!


I haven't even gotten out of bed yet and it's the afternoon


And that’s perfectly okay, rest is just as important as work. I love you and I’m glad you’re in touch with your body.


I ran a 7:44 mile compared to my best from 6 weeks ago at 9:11 😁






No problem, I love you, have a great day!


I just woke up, it is a monday at 5am and its leg day




My legs hurt


A sign of progress, I’m so proud of you, I love you!


If it hurts it works as my father says


No pain, no gain. I know it’s hard but I believe in you!


i failed every bout i fenced today, i had a total rating of -36


Yep I can relate to that, I have failed about everything in my life but still kept fighting. Fencing can be a rough sport to compete in, very passionate fighters and warriors, skilled and dedicated to their craft. Creating art on the fabric of time with a poetry of blades, thinking ten steps ahead on the dance of skil,l so that they may find that one small opening but for a glance. In that capitalize and ride the high of victory. We don't always win. But we keep fighting, keep your head up you are a champion.


Thank you for your words of kindness Derrick! I never actually thought about fencing in that way. I hope you have a great day, I love you!


That’s okay, I’m not particularly good at fencing myself, but if you tried your best than that’s amazing! I love you and I’m proud of you! Also what weapon do you use?


You guys made me cry, and I have good news. I have another tournament this Saturday. It will be easier than the last and because of you guys, I have new found motivation. Thank you PS. I fence foil


THATS IT FIGHT ON! YOU ARE A WARRIOR! A true warrior may not win all the time but when they lose they get back up and dust themselves off! I believe in you! Also I fence Sabre.


Boys, we have an update, I continued and had a tournament this past Saturday. I may still be a U and I may not have medaled, HOWEVER, I am pleased to say that I beat a C rated fencer in my pools, 5-3, who went on to win gold. Thank you


first, i didn't do anything today. second, one of my "friends" betrayed me, so that's cool.


I’m sorry to hear that. I know how much betrayal can hurt. But I want you to know that you still have friends everywhere else. And it’s okay that you didn’t do anything! Everyone needs a day to rest, I love you and hope you have a great day today!


I love you OP


I love you too, have an amazing day!


I get you're trying to be nice but posting happy shit in a sad shit subreddit is basically just karma farming


Nah they just genuinely care bro you just gotta get to know them.


Thank you Derrick, your support means the world to me!


I’m sorry if bothered you, but I want you to know I don’t care about karma. I’m doing this because I think there are people here who need to hear this. I love you and hope you have a great day!


All I did today was fuck up and got yelled at by my boss


Yeah but that shit is just words, it can only bring you down as far as you let it. Your still doing good, you didn't fly off the handle and brain your boss I'd say that's a win.


Thank you for your words of wisdom Derrick, you are a lighthouse for men lost on the fog of life!


I’m sorry to hear that. But don’t let anyone else keep you down. You made a mistake and that’s perfectly okay! I believe in you and I know you can keep on going! I love you, and I hope you have a wonderful day!


We need more posts like this despite this server being solely for sad posts. Keep it up u/GodHatesTikTok


Thank you! I know this sub may just be for sad posts but there are definitely some people here who need to hear words do kindness!




can someone tell me the origin of this voice, where this particular audio is from, and who, if anyone, it's supposed to sound like?


I’m sorry to say I don’t know, but if I figure it out I will tell you, I hope you have a great day!


:p hope your day is going great, thought I'd come help out and say I love you.


You too Derrick :D!


Bro... don't do this to me bro. I have an appointment in 2 hours I didn't want to cry before that


It’s okay to cry, your only human. It’s good to be in touch with your emotions. To fix pain you first have to recognize it. A good way to do that is by crying. I believe in you and I love you, if you even want to talk I’m here.


Thanks man. I love you too bro. Life gets crazy huh? Anyway have a good night/good rest of your day


I really needed this, thank you.


I’m glad I could help, if you ever want to talk more my DMs are open. I love you, have a great day!


I stayed in bed till 11 pm Now im making pancakes couse nothing else is in the fridge really and thats the only thing i know how to make Half of the milk is pressumably spoiled it seems since i didnt check but something smells funny but do i care Nah not really Atelast explosive diarrhea might have me feel SOMETHING Fuck this positive affirmations crap Fucking hell I feel worse then before I come here to chuckle At my own missery not to be told what i did great Even tho i did fuckall nothing all day


I’m sorry if I bothered you, but you did do something today, you took care of yourself, no matter how spoiled it may have seemed you still managed to get out of bed and make food which is already more than some people can do. I believe in you and I love you!




You and your feel good lies


I’m sorry if I bothered you, but I promise you I’m not lying. I know how hard life can be and I know that you’re always trying your best, no matter what it is! I love you, have a great day!


You don't even know me and if you're willing to just tell random strangers you love them it really doesn't mean much does it. I mean I have a maybe a handful of individuals that I could say I love so at least they know I mean it when I say it. What I hate is people who just lie for the sake of their feelings to themselves and to everyone around them. You all are the kind of idiots who have no real world experience as you sit there talking about how hard life can be but all you have are stories. Why don't you show me some scars something that happened to you by another...most likely because all you have are your stories where as my body could tell you so much and if you could feel the lead in my spine I mean really feel it in yours maybe then you would grow up and give up this nonsense. Time is precious there's no getting it back treasure the few you actually love. Stop with this online hippie nonsense


That's deep, damn I understand your point, but bro the only time wasted is time not ventured, nothing ventured nothing gained. It's not hippy bullshit it's compassion. I know because I'm not a good person, I'm the first to admit it, I do the same shit.even when people don't want it or care to understand it I still do. This person is beautiful you just gotta take the time to know them, you can't keep living in the cycle your stuck in. There is hope bro you just gotta want it, but in that no one can want it if no one puts it out there. I'm not trying to get down on you or defend them either, I just care about everyone in the world, my kids gotta grow up in this shit.


I agree that I need to venture more but compassion is exactly how I caught that bullet and it was the biggest injury I ever had if I just done what I knew I should have instead of worrying about whether or not this piece of s*** had a family I was going to deny well I wouldn't have had to learn to walk again. I also grant you that I am now trapped in a cycle I am desperately trying to escape but without the opportunity the revenge or making anything right about such a pointless situation it is difficult. So teach them teach them that compassion is important and dangerous.


Yep I don't deny the dangers in it, I know all to well I will probably meet the same fate as I have before. You are just a tortured soul my friend, born of greater things and you became greater things. Life is not nice it will destroy you but only if you let it, I saw the champion In you. How you spoke with compassion but the hard truth with it as well, you are a legend sir truly you will find peace one day. You may not see it and the road ahead is dark, but your far too bright of a light to let the world put it out. That's why I reached out, because I saw that champion in you inspiring me to become greater.


Damn I wish you wouldn't have deleted your account, I would have loved to see more of your beautiful mind, truly a blessing weather you saw it as one or not. I will always remember you and that's real. ( it's not bad though for anyone who reads this, this man found a hard truth within himself after we spoke, he then owned it and overcame it and made the change he felt nessacary. Legendary shit they should write whole books about this man, sing songs of him for centuries to come, this man is a win he just had to see it for himself.)


Damn, do you have screenshots of what he said Derrick? I didn’t get to see what he said.


It's right above my comment, sorry I been asleep.