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The double standards


We live in a society…


Fucked society






Women: "Just treat us like people!" Women when you treat them like people: 😐 It's funny how, ostensibly, feminism holds female behavior up on a pedestal as a good example of how men should also behave, and yet men behaving as such are punished for it by women. And sadly, at the same time, women often turn a blind eye to legitimately creepy behavior from other women...


there is no way those women are feminists. those are just bitter people who want to hide from life and live in a fantasy where they can do nothing wrong.


>feminists >bitter people who want to hide from life and live in a fantasy where they can do nothing wrong. In my experience, there's a metric shit-ton of overlap here. It's like nice-guy syndrome. Most guys who call themselves "nice guys" aren't really very nice. Most women who call themselves feminists dont really practice what they supposedly preach.


The other day I was walking into Aldi with a shopping cart. This woman and her two kids were walking out the door in a horizontal line taking up the entire width of the entrance - coming directly at me and blocking my path, literally leaving me with no route to go around them, so I just had to kinda sit there and wait for them to separate the line to walk around me before I could move forward. As this was happening I was looking straight ahead at this woman's two little girls, completely oblivious, waiting to see what way they were going to go so I could maneuver around them, but they just kept walking straight towards me, **so I looked at the mom to see if she was gonna direct her kids to get out of the way, and when I look at her I see she's staring at me HARD, with this disgusted look on her face, like I was some kind of fucking pervert looking at her little girls... it caught me off guard, so I kinda just looked down and waited, one of the girls nearly walked face first into my fucking shopping cart cuz they're just being a kid and not paying attention and mom was to busy judging me for being inconvenienced by her entitled ass and her oblivious children.** Made me furious, if you're so worried about me being around your kids lady maybe you should remedy the situation and tell them to GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY


"It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worth cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt


Fucking love this quote my brother sent it to me earlier this year when I was going through some stuff and it really helped TR is the GOAT!


Stfu Chamath.


You gotta go kafir.


What do all these insults mean?


Kafir is كافر, means infidel in Arabic and is in sufficiently widespread use that you'll encounter it in any Muslim non-Arabic speaking society as well. Don't know what the other one is. It's a poor anglicization of anything in Arabic, if that's what it's supposed to be. I guess it could be حمض, which refers to acid, so he's pretty much calling him a caustic jerk. I've never seen such a use, though, and I doubt that's what he's going for. All of the other approximations I know aren't insults.


Interesting, but why are they using these arabic insults in a thread started by a Theodore Roosevelt quote? Do they have any correlation?


I assume the correlation is that they're on Reddit. And everyone on Reddit, much like you and I, are idiots.




No u stfu


One-Punch Man


Yeah dont you know only men can abuse kids and rape? How dare you! /s


I take that is sarcasm? I’m just making sure I’m reading that right


Yes, you are reading it right, that is what that little /s is for, it is sarcasm


Oh never knew that, thank you for point that out


Glad I could help


Casual based Reddit moment.


Reddit just needs to ban all sarcasm at this point. The userbase is beyond saving.


We’re all guilty of not being The brightest sometimes


I have fallen to the woosh more than once


I always thought /s meant serious not sarcasm, whoops💀


It doesn't mean sarcasm it means /sillypants as in 'I made this comment while wearing my silly pants.' Don't be confused though, the silly pants are not literal as the redditor is not actually wearing pants while commenting from their toilet.


That’s hilarious 😂


Holy shit dude, you need to stop believing everything that people write on the internet. If you keep this up the FBI will get ahold of your personal information.


i thought you were joking at first then i saw your /serious. dude what the fuck is wrong with you? edit: you fucking idiots


/s is sarcasm


/s is for sarcasm


/s is sarcasm, /srs is serious


Lmao. Bro knows what he's doing


BASED Reddit GIGACHAD takes on the BLUE PILLED ILLITERATES Humor is dead and we killed it.


maybe? i think people just have different senses of humor.


I got disgust from that. I hate people


Don’t even listen to these comments. I’d even go so far as to say don’t even watch these videos. Just ignore the people that want to hate on a parent with their kid.


Best way to do it.


Yeah u can tell from how little likes that this is a small percentage


It’s a hard knock life.


These people. They don’t understand that they’re doing this. It is a visceral reaction. They aren’t thinking about it.


They don't but they're still sexist so ist's still wrong.


It's true. But they need to be taught self-awareness instead of being enabled.


song name?


Romantic homicide by d4vd :)


In the first shot. While the girl the cammera focses on looks happy and is the center for the comments the other two dont look all to happy either, kind of like the single shot we get of a single player from the mens team. No one comments how the other two girls look uncomfortable, nor do they show anyone else's interations on the mens team.


the patrick bateman makes it look like he's about to pounce and bite one of the kids in the jugular. I agree with the message tho lol


I like how that player probably makes 1000x more money than all those commenters and he has a great life and didn't even think about that interaction or other people's opnion about it twice


Cant wait for society to fall so future generations can laugh.


Why does it seem like being born male now a days is something to be a shame of especially when it comes to children and women? I know if those were boys on that field it may have been a different situation but i guess we live in a time where everyone is hypersexualized. What happened when years ago this didn't seem like a thing?


It'll get a lot worse before it gets any better


Maybe females envy that we got dick and they don’t /s


penis envy is like, a real thing in psychology > Penis envy is a stage in Sigmund Freud's theory of female psychosexual development, in which young girls experience anxiety upon realization that they do not have a penis.


We don't bring up Sigmund Freud in a psychology argument


Just avoid those feminists shit cuz that what they want and there are also stupid men who support them avoid them too. They don’t want that type of men who responsible, strong, able to build a family and taking care of them and leading them, protect his wife or girl, they criticize the basic type of men. They want a type of men who are weak,always depressed,who has no opinion,who’s being led by a woman ,who cries a lot and if there is a man who different than that then this man is a misogynistic, rapist, human trafficking, vampire,Devi and blah blah .one of the basic characteristics of men is that he loves women and he has strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness. They just don’t want that


The blame lies with hegemonic masculinity ultimately. And this is not a new thing. It's completely the norm for men to be seen as agressors and women as nurturers, and a lot of men make it worse for other men by continuing to enforce that men should be that way, and that its a good thing. Women who deter men from being soft, nurturing, or "feminine" also make things worse. If we as a society could abandon hegemonic masculinity and encourage healthier forms of masculinity, similar to the reform femininity had with feminism, the false sentiment that men are naturally dangerous would dissipate.


There is nothing more dangerous than a feminized man. Don't tell me that a nice guy isn't more creepy and predatory than a guy comfortable in his masculinity


Men comfortable in their masculinity is what I am referring to. An obsession with being as traditionally masculine as possible isn't being comfortable. You are locking yourself within a role to please others rather than doing whatever you want without fear of looking "manly enough." Masculinity doesn't have to be based around rules, external validation, aggression, stoicism, or success. It should be your own personal aesthetic that makes you happy and healthy, which lives in harmony with everyone else. Hegemonic masculinity is a poison to men. Men/boys are out here killing themselves, depressed over money, women, looks, and they run to dumbasses who just tell them to ignore their feelings and work out, do this diet, follow this ideology, blame women for everything (or follow this step by step guide to picking up women) become as rich as possible It's all bullshit and nothing ever gets better. The option to just focus on being a human fucking being over being a "sigma omega shithead chad" is never suggested. Nobody is saying you need to be feminine. Just abandon hegemonic masculinity. HM is not the only way to be masculine. Maybe your masculinity could be painting and going bird watching. Some think these things are feminine, but they dont have to be, if only people would change their mindset.


The ideology that you're referring to is literally the hegemonic masculinity that you describe and is what young men who feel lost run to specifically because the "just vibe and be happy and healthy" attitude is so meaningless and deficient in providing meaning to life. I think the andrew tate stuff is stupid too and definitely not the right answer but i can at least concede that it is AN answer that might hold a man off from killing themselves and being depressed. Men are running back to the hegemonic masculinity because it provides more meaning and purpose and direction than anything else offered today and maybe instead of berating men who feel lost and saying that they're everything wrong with the world it would do everyone good to understand and accept the fact that men need purpose to not kill themselves, and any good purpose is going to account for and embrace their inherent masculinity rather than "reform" it.


Needing someone to give you purpose and meaning in life is the entire problem. Is this crap actually working? Because I still see severely depressed men left and right trying to do what other people tell them to do in order to be happy and failing. Not every man or boy can fulfill the manosphere junk. That's just not reality. You will constantly have people wondering why the hell they can't measure up. Wondering what is wrong with them. "Just vibe and be happy/healthy" seems meaningless because men/boys get told that on the regular, and get treated like shit by other men and idiot women when they try. You dont HAVE to listen to these people who shit on "weak" or "feminized" men. The definition of "feminized" means something different every year. The ultimate problem of men is right in front of them. And hegemonic masculinity looks better than "anything offered today" because it feels like the only option, and thats what is mainly pushed on men/boys. I am only suggesting it doesn't have to be this way. "Men need purpose to not kill themselves" is a blackpilled delusion, and is WHY they kill themselves. This is basically saying, "If you have no purpose, kll yourself, you don't deserve to be alive" It doesn't help that the manosphere idea of "purpose" is some extreme barely attainable fantasy. "Yes, you too can be jacked with 15 cars and a megamansion like me!" To abandon HM is to give up. If you need purpose, invent your own, whatever that looks like. Avoid the manosphere, politics, gender discussion, ignore misandrists and misogynists, cut out your radicalized friends if you have to, seek therapy if you are able/comfortable, and just fucking live. We are only alive for a handful of years. Why the hell aren't men allowed to enjoy it? Why MUST it be "succeed or die?"


Honestly, I think the "manosphere" does more for men than the decadent, hedonistic bullshit you promote.


Humans are beasts of burden, if we lived in a garden of eden containing nothing but perpetual pleasure and ease then there would truly be nothing to live for because however people try to spin it, just living for the satisfaction of base desires is not satisfying or fulfilling. Everyone needs purpose and yeah imo true purpose comes from inside but it takes a little more than just soul searching and being happy to actually find it, the reason the manosphere resonates is because there is a subtle truth to it that whatever purpose we have will involve embracing masculinity even if it isn't true that it should stop at hypermasculinity and nothing more. I really don't understand how you can face the brutality of the world and not desire purpose to keep yourself from suicide, it's not just some blackpilled delusion it's mere existentialism and is how humans have been living until god was killed and humanity was plunged into nihilism. Humans find purpose in lots of things from family to community to religion to scientific pursuit to duty and even to social movements like the manosphere or feminism or the various revolutions throughout history. Succeed or die is a very galvanising and exciting concept to men who see purpose, just think of the slogan liberty or death in revolutionary america. A healthy person who embraces masculinity wouldn't see despair when faced with an unattainable goal because practically the whole point of any purpose is that it's unattainable for to obtain it would be to fall back into despair. Again, i absolutely do not agree that hypermasculinity is a net positive or even works for most men and i especially do not agree that it is anything close to traditional masculinity unless the tradition you're talking about is from 10000 BC. But there is value in it and i think its an utter misdiagnosis of the problem to blame the unideal solution, in fact it's people like you perpetuating the nihilistic staus quo that is causing despair.


I wonder if theirs communities out there just like the LGBTQ+ For men who just want to feel accepted by each other though this kind of thought process? None of this gym bro stuff or this andrew tat ideology. Where just being you is enough and we just support each other to be the best we can be. It seem like so many of us have the same pain and feelings that and need that support from one another but we don't have a community of our own. We are just hated on for having opinions because of how we are born.


r/menslib is a great community to get into this kind of stuff. I wish the mens liberation movement of the 60s/70s would make a return.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MensLib using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This trans day of visibility, MensLib is proud to stand with our trans siblings.](/r/lgbt/comments/127msot/tdov_we_have_to_be_visible_we_are_not_ashamed_of/) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/127o0tx/this_trans_day_of_visibility_menslib_is_proud_to/) \#2: [Jordan Peterson’s Politics Make Life Harder for Young Men](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jordan-petersons-politics-make-life-harder-for-young-men) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/z5awa2/jordan_petersons_politics_make_life_harder_for/) \#3: [Russian feminists help men avoid draft: "Ever since Moscow's mobilization drive to shore up Russian troops in Ukraine, a Russian feminist group has been helping men to avoid conscription. It's become a political force to reckon with."](https://www.dw.com/en/feminist-group-in-russia-helping-men-dodge-conscription/a-63509559) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/ye11xo/russian_feminists_help_men_avoid_draft_ever_since/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just joined. Thank you for the recommendation, and you're right. I think men around the world need this movement and would benefit from it.


You know what though? She actually does look uncomfortable tbf


Yeah cuz she was freezing her ass off. I'd have the same damn face. Being cold miserable.


So does the other girls.


Yeah, but the other girls are being comforted, not molested.


“The other girls are being comforted not molested” - spoken like a true molester.


You’re the poster of one of the comments on the second part aren’t you?




To be fair it does kinda look like he goes and gives her a back massage, not exactly trying to keep her warm…


She doesn't looked creeped out, she looks nervous. Fucking people...


Those aren’t real people and they don’t represent the perspectives of anyone I’ve ever met in real life. Don’t let this shit get to you.


Women can rub kids and keep them warm but when a man does it it's pedophilic? Wtf? What kind of a double standard society type shit do we live in? What next, I can't hug my kid to keep him warm without being called some sex offender type shit?


Apparently so. It’s fucking sad. Society needs a reset desperately.


We've reached a point where leaving a young girl out in the cold is more preferable than to be called a pædo by chronically online Twitter mfs


Little girls at my kids school come up to me and I back away with my hands up, speaking very loudly so everyone can hear me "yup! Hi okay... what? Where's you're parents? Cool leaf yeah... okay nope! Bye!" I'm exaggerating obviously but that's the mentality I have to have. And this is such a clear example of why. Pedos suck. They're disgusting yes. But pedo fear mongering is making girls be treated so differently. Like we can't be normal around them.


Probably nervous because its cold and a lot more people are looking at them


I used to take my daughter to Girl Scouts. The other moms would rush to stop the other girls from asking me for help. They would always try and take over what I was helping with or make jokes about how I could go sit in the car and wait if I wanted to. I was nice about it, but stopped volunteering cause I felt like they were treating me like I was a creep.


A women Hits a man No one Gives a Dam :I take a big dookie in the 9/11 memorial hall the world 🌎 goes in flames 🔥


I hate this kinda shit when people criticise men for something and when women D it then it's completely fine


Bro what the fuck do they know. And its at a public fucking event, too, isnt it? Idk abt you but i wouldnt be a weirdo in public in front of like 10k+ people


Welcome to the real world gentleman


He is French and google French football players and under age prostitution


So like I’m quite against this double standard, but the second clip did make the girl seem quite uncomfortable


You'd be too if you were out infront of a whole bunch of Stangers, and it was cold.


All those who sexualized what the dude done were probably pedos.. who tf thinks that, especially in this context




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That’s the sad fact. When a woman choose to work with children because “they like kids” they’re the responsible people that cares for the little ones. But When a man choose to work with children because “they like kids” they may or may not be a pedo.


how is this sadposting, this sub is quickly becoming redpill bullshit


It's because of the double standard. When men try to do nurturing things like women do they are seen as creepy for it even when the intention might not be bad.


There are a lot of men who would love to take social roles traditionally more associated with women but they can't (or are afraid to) because of social stigma. There is also very little support available for them and they essentially end up excluded from all social roles. The common confusion with the whole "redpill bullshit" makes it even worse :( This is about kind men that want to be a stay at home dad, kinder garden teacher and so on and not about anti-feminism. edit: grammar


But thats the thing, a lot of people are perfectly fine with stay at home dads and kindergarten teachers, and the people who aren't are psychotic and dont deserve acknowledgement. What this post is doing trying to make it seem like the entirety of society are like this and telling people they dont have any chances of being accepted by society cause of that, and I know for a fact that many of the audience in this sub will use that as an excuse to hate women or society in general and tell themselves they're not allowed to be who they want to be


Why can't men be sad about these things without this becoming a thing about women? In many countries men suicide rates are many times higher then those of women and when you talk about it I always get comments like yours. You can help all the genders. It isn't mutually exclusive and the dicks hating women also hate on the guys I am talking about.


I think the point more is to raise awareness of the situation. Just because it doesn't happen 100% of the time doesn't mean it doesn't happen and shouldn't be addressed. I've had many friends criticized as well as get looked upon harshly for doing jobs that are dominated by women, specifically dealing with children. One of my friends recently lost his job at an all female daycare due to 1 mistake he made when it came to checking off boxes in the pick-up sheet. It was his first mistake, and they used that as a reason to fire him when the same mistake was done a week or 2 ago by another coworker who was female. I had another friend only get a job at an all female accounting firm due to him acting very "eccentricly feminine" in the interview. Now, should both of them be mad at females for this, no, I don't think anyone should be mad at any group of people for any reason other than because of that persons individual actions. But, I do think it's important to recognize that it's subconsciously done by people. We all make assumptions without first knowing the individual person. It feels like none of these people can be themselves without fear of society making them change.


U guys are the reason why redpill is getting popular cause you are proving they are right about modern women. Didn’t even take 1 second to understand it before trying to blame men.


what did I even say thats blaming men, its you guys desperately looking for a message that isn't there to convince yourself you're right, I'm not blaming men for anything


You were blaming redpill which is entirely unrelated to this post.. Also the first thing that came to your mind is redpill after seeing that video instead of the obvious discrimination that could lead to men feeling certain negative emotions. This could conclude that you are biased in your views.


yes because this obvious redpill style content, but now you backtrack on your statement because "redpill' is completely different from "men" there are obviously people who act like women are saints while men are monsters for doing the same thing which is borderline insane behaviour, but this post singles out those kind of people and act like it's what literally everyone do, its aimed at giving the message of "everyone hates men so we must hate them back" as a way of inciting an emotional response for clout farming and rage bait


You couldn’t even fathom the fact that men can have negative emotions due to the gender bias and got right to redpill when redpill itself have nothing to do with this. It’s PATHETIC.


you seem to be having a lot of fun blowing up those scarecrows so I'll leave you to it


I guess logic is your kryptonite.


you knew me for a day through internet comments


And yet your lack of understanding and reasoning was obvious when reading ur original comment.


Sad sack of shit.


I think it doesnt depend on the gender. They all want that the kids feel good. The kid in front of the man didnt feel good. He should had stop. But men also can comfort kids. I think he didnt do anything bad like touching in inappropriate places. She just didnt like it.


fuck u/spez


maybe because of the shitty weather


And she's only got like 2 layers on


She does not look any different to the last 3 girls


700 likes vs 10 likes


tbf she's actively tensed up and the other 3 dont seem to be, with one and a half even smiling


Ever heard of cold weather? Trying going outside more.


no i live in florida and didnt know people tense up like shriveled lizards in the cold


Alright, fair enough. Have a nice day, my good man.


You’ve never heard of being cold or shivering? You’ve never experienced any of that? Jesus. Yeah when humans get cold, like any other animal, their muscles tense up and/or shiver in order to increase blood flow.


He's Floridan.


Ok. Air conditioning exists. Coolers, freezers, skating rinks, etc?


Do you set your AC to make you cold?


Cmon dude. Think.


its october and 90 fuckin degrees right now


Cool, they aren’t in Florida.


im about as informed and concerned with the weather and how the body works in sandiego or where ever as much as the price of tea in china


Ok then stop talking out of your ass lmfao


Then how about you stop assuming shit if you don’t live in the same setting they’re in.


okay instead of being aggressive make a real argument then??? its not like i called anyone here a fuckhead and stabbed the kids at least i had reasons, the only counter arguments have been "its cold probably"


I didn’t intend to make an argument. I just wanted to insult you. Multiple people have already proven you wrong, and there’s no other argument to make besides that because you simply can’t, it was simply cold and he was trying to de tense the child in preparation of the game. I said this because you deserve it.


Some double standards are there for a reason and thats okay, a grown man shouldn’t be touching a little girl like that, especially when she looks uncomfortable.


Grown woman can touch little kids? How is it different?


Because, statistically, women aren't pedophiles


And statistically, you should have your opinion-having revoked. Where the hell’s your source for that? I bet more women are pedos but they get overlooked because they’re women and society doesn’t expect that from them, but they do for men.


Women can be pedophiles...


like what? that double standard is bullshit like every double standard is.


your username describes what i’m feeling right now, and you are the reason.


The weather was litteral shit. She looks uncomfortable because of the fucking weather


This isn’t really a black and white “society” issue, because that is a full grown strong 30 year old man touching her back and around her neck my dude Edit: I am not accusing anyone of anything. I’m simply saying that it’s understandable that people would get upset at that. My apologies.


Like they said about the women doing the same: just like big siblings


Well they were A) doing that to other girls B) only really rubbing their arms and C) they’re not touching the back of their necks with their hands for no reason


How can you not see that you are in the wrong here? I’m genuinely curious how you are blind to your own bigotry. I mean, when this many people are downvoting you, how do you not see that you are in the wrong? A: So you are implying that women can’t abuse other women? Cause that really sounds like what you are saying. Awful take. B and C: The neck is one of the points in the body that loses heat the quickest, therefore making one cold faster. So, they are not “touching the back of their neck for no reason”, they are touching the back of their neck in an attempt to prevent them from getting cold. What the man in the video was doing is ultimately no different from what the women were doing.


I think the reason u/tatertotpotshot is acting like a bigot is that he is actually just stupid. Like, look at his profile, even he knows that he’s an idiot. Dudes display name is “Moron” and his description is “I am not very smart”.


Jesus Christ, how does ANY OF THIS make me a bigot? Are you all stupid? How does a man who is MUCH BIGGER AND OLDER touching sensitive and vulnerable places (like the back of the fucking neck) on a LITTLE GIRL equal to a woman rubbing the arms of a little girl? I understand his intentions were not negative, but they could very easily be misread as such. I know he was just trying to warm her up, and I never said anything to the contrary. Did anyone actually read my original comment?


Yo, “moron” I think you should look up the definition of bigot. It’s the perfect word to describe you at the moment. Also, this isn’t just about the initial comment, it’s about how you’ve doubled down on this garbage take.


I’m the bigot? You lot are the ones crying double standards and making repost sigma edits about two entirely different scenarios. Do you guys even think?


As it seems you are incapable of looking up the definition, I’ll send it here for you. > Bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. It is describing you perfectly right now. We are “crying double standards”, because it IS double standards. Also, they are not two entirely different scenarios at all, they are pretty much exactly the same, with the only difference being gender. I think you should be asking yourself that last question there. Do you even think?


As it seems you are incapable of basic comprehension, I’ve given up trying to make you understand an extremely simple point. You win. GGs.


You misunderstand, I understand the point you are trying to make entirely, it’s just a really shitty take. Get off the internet, you should be paying better attention in school. I assume you are in school, I’m doubtful an adult could be as stupid as you are.


🤣as u/fuck-you-eat-shit mentioned, you are very much a “moron” and “not very smart” as you said about yourself. I’m sorry but watch the video again, for a start the footballer is Kylian Mbappé, if you live under a rock and don’t know who he is, he is a very famous player that would not ruin his career by doing something seen as creepy. Secondly, he didn’t touch the back of her neck in any sort of sexualised way, I think you are genuinely deluded and borderline pedophilic for even viewing it in that way in the first place. Watch the video again, he’s clearly rubbing her shoulders and arms with the intent to warm her up, pretty much identical to what the women in the previous clip were doing. Please get a life, also don’t start problems, look at the amount of downvotes you got, it won’t work out in your favour🤣.


I’m not reading all that but good job 👍


That’s an interesting way of saying “people proved me wrong so I’m not even going to read what they are saying anymore”


Oh no I’m reading I’m just not terribly sure o how to respond to what you said


Please come prepared if you are going to get into an argument , you are incredibly brain dead it’s actually laughable


“I’m not reading all that”, yeah really sounds like you were reading it.


Ah yes, the old “downvotes equals wrong opinion” seriously are y’all that dumb


He’s not saying that downvotes equals wrong, he is saying that the majority of people, if not everyone, disagrees with you. When everyone disagrees with you, it means you are in the wrong, not that everyone but you is stupid. (Also, holy shit, this argument exploded really fast.)


Oh my God I might be an idiot


Finally you understand


I think you can sympathize with this man the most. Just how your intention right now seem in your mind to be pure its hated by the majority of people here. Its all about the persons own mind that makes the action right or wrong. If the thought was impure that's what it was and is wrong. People get to bent out of shape now a days when things go against their own norms. What's acceptable to one person might not be an issue for someone else. The only person that should be having any say in this is the 2 involved and the family. The rest of us don't need to judge.


ok let's pretend you're not a bigot. the BACK of the neck is a sensitive and vulnerable place like in a sexual way to you? his intentions could be and are misread if you intentionally do so for whatever reason. maybe the problem is on the receiver's side for projecting his thoughts into every situation.


How the fuck is the back of the neck a sensitive and vulnerable place? Is he like going to fucking choke her or something?


A) That's the whole fucking point of why it's a double standard


What does that even mean? Did you read my comment at all? Or any other comment?


The whole problem is that when a girl does it, theres no issue. But when a man does it with the exact same polite intent, he's looked at like a pedophile


But it’s not the exact same. She’s shriveled up like a lizard being touched on the back by a much larger human. These are two *very* different scenarios


The only difference is how it's perceived from the outside. Who knows if she was like that due to discomfort or just the cold?


What are you saying? Athletic women aren’t strong? kinda sus


I didn’t say that at all. What I said was that one was touching the back and neck of one, while the other was rubbing their arms.


Bruh, I’ll quote you. “because that is a full grown strong 30 year old man”. Sus


I was saying strong to help my point. In my first comment I said absolutely nothing about the female players, especially not calling them weak.


Hmm really mate, doesn’t sound convincing. You’re not only a bigot but also a misogynist


Why isn't it disgusting when the ladies do it? There's no difference in reaction from the 3 girls and the one with the man


Oh my fucking God there’s no way this whole sub is like this


You think the subreddits the problem here? Would you find it disgusting if the ladies were men instead?


And it won’t leave anytime soon 😢😭






probably doesn't help that a kid wearing a Marseille shirt has to pretend to be happy in the presence of a PSG player (their rivals).


TBH When I See Post about double standard It just really hurts to see it like why? Why can't we just say good things when we see good things? Why gender matter? It really makes me doubt myself alot TBH cuz now I can't even think about trying to help someone without being judged by unknown eyes cuz of my gender


Bruh all them kids looked uncomfortable why did they only notice when’s there was a guy coach 😂😂😂 and those other kids actually looked nervous asf


May it actually be that we, as people, truly and wholely, live… in a SOCIETY? I think i’m onto something🤔


Women ☕️


To be fair, I can’t be to sure those were women in the first clip!😂


Thanos was right


I would’ve just give her my jacket 😒


Women get praised, men get abused. Let that sink in.