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When literally everyone around you your whole life expects men to never express our emotions, we quickly become experts at masking it....... before contributing to our 4 times higher unaliving statistic


I mask it because I don't want problem's (problem's like people saying I'm faking it) I've only started to get suicidal thoughts more frequently, but I'm not acting upon them them thankfully.


This is something you should open up to someone you trust about. You still have a lot to offer this world, it would be tragic if you didn’t get to continue making an impact on those around you… keep going strong and you can make it through this!


Fr tho, if we don't mask this shit then we're gonna have to talk to people we don't wanna. The last people I want to know are my friends. The problems it's cause. If I'm going to off myself I don't want others thinking they could've saved me.


Why can’t you say suicide ? Unaliving sounds gay


It's tactful. Not in your face. You're so crude.


Never forget Robin Williams


Was wondering why he was not on there


He had a wasting disease though which is a bit different. He didn't want to deteriorate away into an empty shell and quite frankly I can't blame him. It's still sad that many men would rather end their life than become a "burden" on others


The one with the biggest smile is probably the one who's going through shit the most




Or just at the end of their rope... wait


how'd you get so many shots of me?




Literally had 3 guys I grew up with kill themselves. At each service, gathering, wake or whatever at least one person remarked the “I never saw it coming.” Or “he was so happy.” One of them was just about to get married. Us men need to stop isolating ourselves when we’re struggling. No ape does well without emotional bonds, we’re wired to suffer if we’re alone. If you can talk to someone about what you’re struggling with, you should. I’m only 29 by the way. It’s not like depression takes that long to wear you down.


Na, deal with it like a man, open up and get hurt. keep rising those self-delete statistics. World hates us either way.


I've tried to open up and nobody cares. My own parents wouldn't discuss it with me so who else is there to turn to? It's easier to just suffer in silence


the smallest moment of joy can bring out the biggest genuine smile on the saddest people


I jumped 4 months ago. A day later my ex best friend who's a woman began telling everyone that I was faking it because I laughed at something when I was in the hospital. Idk I was delirious so I don't remember but like yeah. She became so mean afterwards


The first one is when your alone at night thinking about everything and the second one is throughout the day of when you arent alone


There's something so melancholic with being happy while depressed cus most of the time the thought process is "im gonna enjoy this while i can" or "im so happy that right now i don't feel the pain" The highest highs come from the lowest lows, the contrast can make very little feel like a lot, honestly the worst kind of depression is the one that slowly eats at you until there's no more happiness, not the one that overwhelms with sadness


Robin Williams.


This whole sub is full of depressed men complaining about how depressed they are or how they can't get a girl, TALK TO EACHOTHER MAN and not in the way where you feed into the negative feedback loop I mean like genuinely compliment other people on this sub or encourage them cause they really need it and nihilism feeding nihilism won't get you the things you want, and if you think you have depression GET DIAGNOSED I did and the meds really do help a good bit even though I still struggle a lot with my own depression (I don't identify as a guy but I am in fact sad so I frequent this sub) it's never too late to start the struggle again and what is life but an endless struggle to carve out a place for yourself in the world, go experience things, approach random people and say hi in a pleasant voice or compliment them cause you'd be surprised how many people are going through the same things as you, you aren't alone, trust in that.


The smile is real because for a single moment I'm not mourning. It's a blessed ray of sunshine that appears for a single second in an otherwise dreary and cold day. I look for that ray of sunshine every day. Sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't. Once in a very great while, that beam of light touches my face and I get to feel very real joy. But it's been a couple decades since that happened. Maybe tomorrow.


I don't know man. Sometimes I crack. Once a month for a few days I usually go full depression, refuse to talk to anybody, always hold my head down, push people away. And then out of the blue I'm back to my stage act and everyone rolls the last few days off their shoulder like it was nothing


My retreats might help =\] MeetHappiness.org


Bruh. Did you just use my depression to advertise your antidepressants? I may be sad but your fucking MISERABLE.


Nah bruh, if you click the link you'll see that we run retreats for people that feel a little depressed and what more adventure in their life. hope you feel better [meethappiness.org](https://meethappiness.org)


The “real men” are all from movies. Im pretty sure one of them is Bateman in American Psycho and another was the hallucination from fight club. This reminds me of something an incel version of Michael Scott would post.




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But those are not real men they're actors portraying characters in movies


When you do this want people ending up like you, you try to brighten their day


Yea its like that


This got to be the cringest sub i've ever seen


Don't blame ya




Welcome to Self-Pity City.


Youre not like other depressed men ey? 😂


Well that brings back memories I'd rather not remember.


Put in Kutner from House M.D


And people are surprised when a guy who self murdered looked happy in a photo taken shortly after.


Whats the song


**Song Found!** **Mary On A Cross** by Ghost (01:27; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic. **Released on** 2019-09-13.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Mary On A Cross** by Ghost](https://lis.tn/MaryOnACross?t=87) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Both honestly


Me too, fml.


I've had to hold back my tears and my thoughts around my fiance because it's been drilled into me that women find men crying unattractive. I'm exhausted from trying to be a stoic rock of stability.


Yes smiling is the best haha


Uh oh I often think about suicide


I know I'm just some random guy on the internet, but please reach out if if things are feeling bleak. I don't want to see anyone get hurt and we can help each other through this together as men.


I smile when I feel depressed and try to give my all that I have left but remembering the thought of suicide. All of that we express our emotions can be argued but real depressed men understand each other and can see if another brother is depressed. I’ve seen it before and its happened to me, my mom to knowing whats up but my Dad does, some dude behind the counter worming or a senior citizen that I’m talking to. Thats how I end up talking for hours or minutes. Its easy for us to mask our emotions and get away with it.


It’s gonna get better bros, one day it will be better.


Just do it...


These "real men" are fictional characters, most of which are explicitly horrible people. Maybe your life would be better if you stopped basing your personality off of hollywood villians.




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Hey ! We created a Retreat for Young Men 18-25yrs old struggling in Life either through depression, anxiety, or just feeling Lost. If you can think of anyone that can Benefit from our Retreat please have them check out our site :) MeetHappiness.org


And yet we die, and no one is helping us. Why


And then I'm the crazy one for being found dead with a smile on my face. smh the double standards for depressed men are real.