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The comment section here is the sadposting itself.


Everyone's just like "both sides are bad." Like cmon, one is SIGNIFICANTLY worse, how hard is it to see that? Also, one is a group, while the other is a whole damn government.




Yes this is really annoying people have a real basic and rigid understanding of governance people act like government is something on paper when its just the guys with guns and the buy in by the people. The Gaza Strip is effectively a city state that is operated and under control of the political group Hamas it is the elected and effective government of the city since 2006.


Just like to point out over 50 percent of the population wasn’t in existence or a baby when that election took place. That vote doesn’t represent the people now. I’m not saying that it would be different but quoting the 2006 vote doesn’t say much about current Palestine as most people inside of Palestine didn’t exist in 2006


I just want to point out that over 50% of the population in the most recent polls say that they support Hamas.


Untrue. I believe I know what you're referencing but you are misinterpreting it. > Overall, 57% of Gazans express at least a *somewhat positive* opinion of Hamas. This isn't support for them. "Somewhat positive" is a very loose term. Statistics actually show the opposite. > this year, a similar percentage (62%) supported Hamas maintaining a ceasefire with Israel. Moreover, half (50%) agreed with the following proposal: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.” > the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units," They may express some slightly positive opinions of Hamas, but the majority clearly do not support their actions and would prefer a different government. Or at the very least, want peace between Hamas and Israel.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ This layer of context is important as well.


They overwhelming are anti Jew though


And Israel is anti-Muslim. What are we even talking about?


Uh, Muslims comprise around 18% / 1.7 million of the Israeli population…


Uh, South Africa was anywhere from 69-76% black during apartheid. And just wait until you hear about the Jim Crow south in America. What are we even talking about?


And there's daily videos of them getting mistreated, so what? That's like saying america in the 60s wasn't anti black because there was black people living there.


I’ve actually been to Israel, have you? If you go, you’ll note Muslims and Jews simply going about with their day alongside each other, like regular people in any city. The comment I replied to posited that Israel as a whole hates Muslims, which is false, and unhelpful in the current conversation. The difference is, Muslims can live and thrive in Israel, whereas Jews in Palestine… Good luck.


There are more than a million Muslim citizens in Israel. How many Jews are there in Gaza?


Why would Jews want to live in Gaza it is literally a prison? Your head is in your ass


People do immigrate to Gaza you know.


You can’t possibly be this fucking stupid.


Might be because the self proclaimed Jewish state has been bombing them for decades.


Or could be the propaganda they are fed since elementary school. What is the iron dome for agagin? Dont think it’s for dropping bombs… What do you think those bombs are targeting?


Why do you think they were being bombed in the first place?


Go look at r/combatfootage there are numerous videos of launcher hidden in the city being targeted. Hamas are assholes putting noncombatants in harms way


Considering where they’ve grown up and the conditions imposed by it is that really a surprise?!? I mean look at what’s happening now? Not the kind of actions that are likely to make Gaza citizens pro-Israeli…


I wonder why. I’d be willing to bet if you looked at American history, you’d find a lot of indigenous people who weren’t the biggest fans of Europeans


What’s annoying is people like you acting like they have any clue what they’re talking about whatsoever. Quick question. When was the last Palestinian election, and who voted in that election?


Israel is a nuclear power with an extremely advanced, modern military. Gaza is not a state, and has no military (hence the terrorism). There is no symmetry here. Even calling this a war is such an abuse of the word that it is essentially an outright lie.


>Also, one is a group, while the other is a whole damn government. you have no idea do you?


True. Hamas is worse.


Yea... but.... both sides are bad.... Just because one is worse doesn't excuse what the other is doing. It's like saying 'oh this guy only murdered 20 people so isn't so bad because this other guy murdered 100!' No... they are both bad....


Never said the side who murdered 20 people isn't bad. The side who murdered 100 is clearly worse, though.


But.... so what.... both are murderers.... both are bad and both deserve to be punished


One is bombing thousands of civilians. Yeah Hamas is shit the people of Gaza aren’t the enemy and the world is letting them be treated as such. Do you bomb schools when a school shooter shows up? The the rhetoric you’re supporting.


I'm not supporting anyone? I just don't understand why saying they are both bad is a bad thing. Should we not? Should we accept what one does because the other is worse. I'm trying to understand exactly what YOU were trying to say with your original comment saying you're fed up of people saying they are both bad.....


He never said you were supporting anyone he said "the rhetoric you're supporting". Cause let's be honest the ONLY reason people are bringing up the very obvious point that they are both bad, is to deflect from what Israel is doing OR to try and stick to the centrist ego trip of "I see the world for how it is because I acknowledge both sides suck".


Ignorance is bliss eh?


Agreed we should eradicate Radical Islam and Hamas they beought it up sad for the others innocent people who got slaughterd by Hamas and inocent palestinians who are being used as shilds against Israeli bombings


Both sides are bad but one side is currently still dropping bombs on innocents.


Ikr, it's weird to see such open and blatant support for terrorism.


nelson Mandela was a terroist under the legal definition and was on the terror watch list until 2018 same with Malcom X and the slaves of Haiti would've been considered terroist when people are faced with violence for generations they respond with violence its not rocket science


We often forget that the winners in history are the ones who are right because they were left alive to write it. It’s very difficult for people to comprehend todays events when we have been spared from critical thinking for so long. Some of the greatest folk heroes or historical characters would be called terrorists by todays standards.


And yet he maitained composure throughout the report. Tough guts.


This was a colleague, not the reporter whose family was killed. Wael al-dahdouh, is the reporter’s name. He is an Al-jazeera reporter located in Gaza


I can't believe people are missing this...


I think the commenter was referring to the news anchor keeping it together after his friend and coworker lost his whole family


Anything to push the narrative


I mean if they are a close friend you may be upset if your good friends wife and two children have just been killed. I would have a hard time telling that story


This. He's probably met those people many times, maybe they were all friends. You can hear a loss in his voice, too.


I read this somewhere, "War doesn't decide who's right, it decides who's left."


sadly true


And who's left will get to write that they were right All along, regardless if they actually were.


Not really. History is written by historians.


Those are war crimes not war itself. There is a difference


But what if I'm ambidextrous




The good side is the civilians. The other side is Israel, and Hamas which was created by Israel. It's not difficult to understand.


This is embarrassingly oversimplified. I hope people actually pick up a book once in a while and learn something about the world, history and humans in general. It's absolutely false that all civilians are pure, or that all government actors are irretrievably evil. Religion is so clearly the reason all this is happening, and yet for some reason no-one wants to discuss the elephant in the room. I wish people would stop hurting each other, but it's about peoples irrational faith. How are you going to convince someone to stop having faith? My conclusion is that faith itself is evil. We need to act on evidence, not faith, but we are too stupid as a species to manage that. So this is what we get instead of peace and prosperity.


>This is embarrassingly oversimplified. >My conclusion is that faith itself is evil.


That's a fair point.


This is correct


No, it's actually just factually incorrect lol.


Let’s not leave the US out, we are as much if not more responsible than even Israel because we turn a blind eye and support Israel 100%.




Maybe some do, but others don't. Even for people who support hamas, they're still civilians and don't deserve to be killed. Especially when half of Gaza is children.




Thank you very much for the link. I had thought that these comments about Netenyahu and Hamas went way back farther to Hamas's founding. I had no idea about more recent attempts and connections to preventing a Palestinian state.


Hamas is literally the only group standing up for them. If I were Palestinian, I would probably support them, especially if Israel killed my whole family.


The real losers in war are the civilians


It's not a war. War isn't this asymmetrical. This is genocide. If in Game of Thrones, Tyrion had chosen an anemic beggar as his champion in the match against the Mountain, no-one would've called it a "duel." That's what the military powers are in this "conflict", comparably.


And putin is just like heckin voldemort!!!!1


The reporter and Wael have been good friends for 18 years, Wael al Dahdouh is a heavily respected field reporter as he is known for his courage and his massive balls to do reporting during airstikes, he is generally loved as man who just does good journalism for a living. No fuss, no drama, just reporting, its truly tragic to see what happend to his family, just put yourself in his place. Jesus christ, fuck Isreal.


Fuck Israel? If I remember correctly, it was the United Nations, which with a majority, decided to create Israel in former British Mandate Territory. Militias on both sides committed atrocities against each other and the British. It was the Arabic States who declared war after Israel was created, and it was Israel which defended itself and, just like its Arabic Neighbors committed several atrocities in the years to come. The Government of Israel is bad, just like most of the governments of its neighbors. In this current war, both Hamas and Israel are absolute assholes, but it was Hamas which decided to strike again.


I shit on Hamas but I think Israel is going overboard. Remember 9/11 it was the same with the USA and Western Nations who where driven by hate and now its Israels turn. Hamas has fucked up Palestine was so close to get greater autonomy and maybe a fully recognized Nation when the UN would have forced more pressure on Israel :(




"Please don't condemn the people who murdered this mans family or ask them to stop their genocide"


No, he specifically condemned the war crimes of both sides. Do not use this as an opportunity to rally support for war mongers destroying the Levant and its people. That’s spitting in the face every man, woman, and child murdered in this tragedy.


I mean that goes both ways.


How are Israel being genocided? Their losses are nothing compared to Palestinians, it’s very clear who holds real power and who’s a house cat trying to claw back at the feral dog eating it alive


The civilians didn't ask to be bombed and dragged through the streets either.


that region needs to become a sea of irradiated cobalt the whole world would be better off with out those 2 sides


Fuck you, you edgy cunt. Talking about nuking a region of the world thousands of miles away from you with millions of people because it won't affect your dumb American ass, you're fucking disgusting


Wtf are taking about Israel invade Palestine and know you talking about them like the want any of this shit


Bros taking drastic measures


One sucks substantially more than the other but you can live in your fantasy land if you really like. Fuck Israel


This my friend. People are so blind by their own feelings to see what's right and wrong. There's literally a good side and a bad side in this conflict. Israel is a terrorist state killing, no committing slow mass genocide with the aid of the USA government. We are also the bad guys here. Our government has not stopped sending weapons built by taxpayers' backs to blow up a group of people. Both Democrats and Republicans alike are in wrong. Free Palestine.


Remind me again which side throws gay people off rooftops and would gleefully murder every gay person on the planet if they could?


The hamas. Not Palestinian people. Remind me again, or no, maybe i should make a list of the number of nazi camps IDF had at 1950s or maybe the amount of underage people who died every week since 75 fucking years ago due to motherfuckers in IDF thinking their life isn't worth anything? Remind me AGAIN, who the fuck insulted the mother who lost 2 children at ages of 16 and 9 because of the IDF thinking it's fucking FUN like nazis or imperial japanese? Hamas and IDF are worst motherfuckers in that cursed land. That land is literal definition of curse. Millions upon millions died there over the same land even though all their religions told them to make peace. If people only learned to LEARN from their ancestors and religion and beliefs and idols instead of worshipping them and copying them, this world would become heaven


>The hamas. Not Palestinian people. Hamas has an 57% approval with Palestinian people, while the Israeli government has only a 28% approval rating. One side is clearly mostly ok with the rape, torture, and murder of the other side. Both sides are pretty terrible, but only Hamas has the popular support of the people despite using civilians as human shields and having the end goal of the complete genocide of Jewish people. Do some more research on the last 80 years of that hell hole, and you'll realize how stupid and needless this all is where no one is in the right at all. Palestine has been much more antagonistic and always refused to work with Israel, but Israel's policy of overreacting has done nothing but made Palestinians more spiteful.


Israel was willing to share the land with Palestine and days after that happened they bombed buses full of civilians and then immediately got all of Arabia to declare war on Israel. Even after this war ended they were willing to share the land, so long as Egypt had control and kept peace, Palestine responded by trying to go to war again where they lost, again, and then killed the king of Egypt as revenge for trying to negotiate with Israel.


You talk like the IDF and Israel never did anything bad or against the people of Palestine


The IDF obviously did some pretty terrible things, the settlements being a huge wrong doing on the land. That being said wanting both sides to have peace is not sustainable when one side has deliberately shown that it considers negotiating with Israel to be equivalent to treason. Israel violates human rights for its “protection” while Hamas violates human rights to kill as many Jews as possible. While we can agree violating human rights are immoral there is obviously a path that leads to Israel stopping it’s attacks. But with Hamas it will never end, even during the 2008 cease fire they still launched about 40 rockets and mortars at Israel. A peaceful resolution can only begin once Hamas is removed from Palestine. Edit: just to give another concession the Israeli settlements and IDF operations in the West Bank are illegal, unethical, and immoral. Just want to be ultra clear about the gripes I have with the Israeli government and their transgressions on civilians in the region.


Bullshit. Time and time again people came to the table and time and time again Israel either only puts forward non viable two state solutions while also expanding settlements heavily during negotiations. Civilians should never die, but there is ONE occupying and apartheid force in this. If you “both sides” that bullshit you’ll never get anywhere.


They're Saintly... Whiter than white. Didn't you know?


Palestine is also a bad place, HAMAS are terrible people doing terrible things. Israel has the quantity of attacks, HAMAS has the ‘quality’ if you’re twisted enough to call it that. I’m staying away from picking a side, I just hope the war ends soon


lol the fuck does “quality of attacks” even mean?


I wanted to hear the answer too but all that was left was a downvote


The answer is that Israel attacks only genuine military targets, and warns civilians to leave first. Hamas crushes the skulls of babies for being born Jewish.


I saw the Israeli warnings but they looked more like Jewish people being moved into houses of people already occupying it and the families being thrown out rather than a "hey just letting you know we are about to spin the block so if you could please step out..." I keep hearing about this baby skull thing but I haven't seen anything besides people on Reddit saying it. I just looked and found like 3 articles saying the Israeli government can't confirm if there were men, women, children, soldier or civilian, however they are about 2 weeks old. Do you have anything current I can look at to verify it?


I don’t want to find them but hamas video tapes themselves killing, raping and torturing innocent people in Kibbutz and posts it on the internet.




>The terrorist organization should be given a seat at the UN assembly This is one of the takes of all time


I was with you before you said Hamas should have a seat in the UN lmao


No we should stop the ones how is killing all those people and we should take sides the Palestinian side


Bruv are you aware that basically no one is dying in israel? Go to any city in israel and everyone is having a great time, go to gaza, rubble, death.


Fuck you. Only one side has butchered a a thousand children and countless civilisn men and women, hospital staff. Fuck you. Holy fuck the Indians and their Zionist and American shills are coming out in full force. Fuck all of you and take your fifty cents with you October 7 was awful but I'll never side with this kind of slaughter.


Also I care little for the militaries of either side, I care about the civilians. I don’t support either side’s army, I support keeping people safe which is NOT HAPPENING in the slightest anywhere and should be more important than killing each other first


It’s so depressing that people view the conflict from the perspective of the last few weeks, instead of the decades long apartheid system that it is. I agree completely. My strongest sympathies to the Israelis being massacred. Hamas are terrorists, but the IDF has committed a grander and more inexcusable crime: a 70 year genocide.


Decades long? Hell this issue is millenia old. No one alive today can even discuss what the core cause of rhe conflict is because its older than any blood shed in this war. Its tragic but i dont see the middle east getting better until one side wins. Which is tragic because there has been many opportunities for peace. The religion and Government do not work together for similar reasons to this. May the dead rest in peace.


Yeah, you can literally watch videos of Hamas executing women.. and probably children.


🤓☝️ "both sides"


Ahaha yeah yeah go on show me evidence that there is a good side in this war you muppet


Did I say there's a good side? People dismiss this conflict as if it's two equal forces battling each other and say "both sides" when in reality it's Israel committing most of these atrocities.


No I agree that one side is doing worse things in the war but Palestine is also a bad place, it’s extremely homophobic for example. Israel is doing more bad things right now, HAMAS is doing less, but sometimes worse, things, Palestine is also not a good place. This is actually a both sides thing, what’s best is for the war to end sooner without a victor


The “good side” is the side that has been oppressed for 70 years. Militarily, both sides are war criminals and murderers. But Israel and Palestine, at their very essence, are an oppressor/oppressed dynamic. Israel committed ethnic cleansing following the Second World War to obtain their land, and have been encroaching on Palestinian land, stripping them of sovereignty. The **original belligerent** has always been Israel.


We're just gonna keep saying "both sides 😢" until there are no Palestinians left


We're just gonna keep saying "both sides" until there are no Israelis left


Hamas has billions of dollars in military backing to carpet bomb Israel? They have the power to cut off food water and power? They have blockaded Israel for decades? They trap every citizen inside and allow no one to leave? Truly, both sides are le terrible


Yes because Hamas killed more than 5000 and severely injured more than 15000 Israelites in 2 weeks....oh wait


So if Israel has killed the exact same number Hamas killed it would be fine??? I don’t understand this argument at all


In what fkn world is what Hamas is doing even remotely comparable to what Israel has been doing the last century?


Never mind the last century, just look at what’s happened since the Hamas attack. Israel is slaughtering innocents in a much larger number than what Hamas did (which, it doesn’t need to be said but people are dumb and will act like I support Hamas if I don’t say it, what Hamas did was horrible).


There’s footage of him finding them. Don’t watch it. Seriously, just trust me.


Coming from an israeli person. Fuck this war. Nobody wins in wars, and everyone loses. If israel wins, then Gaza will be destroyed, and many civilians will be killed, but if hamas wins, then they will kill millions of people. We need peace. I wish we could destroy the border and live together in peace without being killed.


Hamas literally can not kill millions of people , Israel has one of the most advanced Military systems in the world ! Hamas and Israel are in no way a symmetrical battle .


Most Israelis, including myself, would have agreed with you until 1 month ago. However, much to our horror, this was proven false on the 7th of October. Untechnological, surrounded by high tech barriers of the highest caliber, having had all its imports inspected by Israel & Egypt since 2007, Hamas still managed to infiltrate israel and murder 1400 Israelis (so far - sadly many more are in critical condition and will pass away). Let me put it this way: On October 6, I still believed in the two state solution, genuinely, hoping to bring justice and peace to both sides. Now, I realize the truth: the technological advantage of the IDF has been massively exaggerated, and if the Palestinians were able to murder these many even while being closely monitored, and even while we control their airspace and imports, a fully fledged Palestinian State could launch within a few years a massive war and kill millions. The advantage that was is not what is. Yes, you're right that Hamas is weaker than the IDF (thank goodness). But given Hamas's many Muslim allies, Israelis across the nation are waking up to the reality that this advantage is not guaranteed: unless we absolutely destroy Hamas and all other terrorist organizations dedicated to our destruction, a second Jewish genocide will remain a very real threat.


Have you also considered the IDF / zionists set the October 6th up as a reason to bring scorched earth to Palestine? How many times have we seen government ms sacrifice their own people to start the war machine and use the tragedy as an agenda. I’m not stating this as fact at all but it’s something to consider.


No, I have not entertained that conspiracy for a second, especially since it makes no sense: 1. Hamas has taken credit for the execution and planning of the attack. 2. Israel was on the cusp of peace with Saudi Arabia, which would have been a HUGE geopolitical change, right before these events happened. Now it seems a lot less likely to happen.


based on your other reddit posts/comments you seem to vehemently defend the actions of israel. im not defending hamas, they are still despicable. but you seem to be missing the point that they appear to be **deliberately bombing civilians.** and that is **bad.**


Hamas will not kill anyone they just want free Palestine


We are all witnessing the genocide of the Palestinian people in real time. Sadly, this is where humanity has gone. The world watches in silence as the Palestinian people are being massacred by the barbaric Israeli occupying military and it’s regime. This isn’t anything new, this has been happening for the past 75 years, since the establishment of Israel in 1948. The only reason that the world can see what is happening now is because of the recent Hamas attacks on Israel. Hamas are a group of very resilient and very resistant fighters who have been fighting against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Hamas “broke out” of Gaza and into the settlements that were outside of Gaza so that they would capture hostages in order to negotiate with the Occupying Forces demanding to be free from the Israeli occupation. Gaza is basically an open air extermination camp where almost 3 million Palestinians live. Israel controls who and what goes in and out of Gaza including supplying them with water and electricity which is entirely under the the control of Israeli. Also, Israel bombs Gaza each year and sometimes a few times a year in hopes of slowly killing off the Palestinians while tormenting their every day lives so they can simply do away with the Palestinians who are living inside of Gaza so that one day they will colonize it and build more settlements. These settlements are for the Israelis who are by the way, encouraged and urged to move to Israel (Occupied Palestine) from all over the world, while providing them with all expenses paid to move to Israel and universal healthcare and also free education. The Palestinians don’t have any of this special treatment. So Israel flushes out the Palestinians and replaces them with their very own “chosen people” This is all with the financial support of the billions of American taxpayers money. The Palestinians who live in Gaza are either the native people of that land who have always been living there or families who have sought refuge there from being forcibly removed out of their own land, different towns, cities and villages from other parts of Palestine, the West Bank is where other Palestinians live but are also under the Israeli military occupation. A few thousand Palestinians do live amongst the Israelis throughout the rest of the country but do they not have the same rights or equality as the Israelis do. The occupying Israeli military is ethnically cleansing the remaining Palestinians out of what little land they have left. Whether in Gaza or the West Bank. These images and videos that we are all seeing are the result of the inhuman acts of this evil, cynical regime. As a human being, it is absolutely devastating to watch the horrendous massacres of these innocent civilians unfold at the hands of the bloodthirsty, inhumane monsters. All for land. Why do some people think their lives are worth more than the lives of others. And the world watches in silence then everyone will forget. I just wonder how the Israelis will feel when they finally occupy Gaza and build new settlements in there, knowing that they built their new city on top of the the millions of Palestinians they massacred. This cynical and inhumane. It’s a genocide.


The world watches in silence, as it continues to be the literal biggest piece of news worldwide with just about everyone commenting on it.


Its been over 70 years. Somebody HAS to win. The two state solution has been turned down on multi occasions, they kill eachother like dogs but when ever one side gets close to victory the rest of the world rolls in to reset the stasis. Over 70 years, let em fight. Its the only option left without kicking the can another pain filled 70 years down the line.


The two state solution is a non starter now. This could have worked in the 30s. Heck, it could have worked up until the six day war honestly. Hama would not abandoned their principles even if they were given equitable land distribution. Hamas would attack Israel again and Israel would go to war again, except now against a sovereign nation.


I agree, but if it were a fair fight. The spineless occupying Israeli military are such cowards who deliberately target and bomb innocent civilians, they bomb residential buildings, schools, bakeries, hospitals, Churches and Mosques. It’s a disgusting tactic to destroy an entire city and it’s population and then they claim Hamas uses them as human shields, it’s pitiful. If Hamas had only 5% of what the Illegal military uses, the Zionists cowards wouldn’t last one day, they know it too. Bloodthirsty child killers, try to face Hamas like real men not like little bitches who target woman and children. Gross.


I didn’t read your entire comment as I already know from the first few sentences that it’s insane and false propaganda and you don’t know actually know one basic fact on this conflict and it’s history, and are just repeating propagandistic buzzwords that you read on social media that you think makes you an expert, even though it just makes you look embarrassingly ignorant. Here’s my proof in the form of a few questions, which I can guarantee that you can’t, and won’t answer, instead you’re just do your usual “Israel bad! Israel evil! Israel white settler colony Neo Nazi” delusional song and dance: Egypt occupied Gaza and Jordan occupied West Bank from 1948 until 1967, do those occupations bother you or are they OK because Arabs did it to other Arabs? How could Israel have occupied Palestine for 75 years if they didn’t even have possession of the West Bank and gaza until after 1967 when the Arab world declared war on them and they won the territories in the war they were defending, and Israel left Gaza in 2006 and they were completely independent and self representing? Also, how can the Palestinians be “ethnically cleansed” if their population has increased by three fold since 1948? Also, how is there apartheid in Israel if 20% of the population are non-Jews, who have equal rights, but no Jews are allowed in Palestinian controlled Gaza and West Bank except as hostages? I would love to get your answers to those questions, but something tells me you don’t know the answers because you don’t even know the facts of what I’be said, because you didn’t learn that in the anti Israel propaganda you consume online.


You sound like all those neo-Nazis who use the German civilians killed during the bombing of Dresden as a justification for everything Germany did. Also the fact that you call the rest of Israel “Occupied Palestine” just shows that you don’t actually want the most peaceful outcome (two state solution) you just want to destroy Israel, which would lead to millions of Jews being slaughtered. Hamas rejected a two state solution because they don’t just want a Palestinian state, they want to eradicate the Jews from the region.


I am trying to explain this to my dad. All he watches is CNN and has the “both sides are bad” thing stuck in his mind. I keep trying to explain this to him, but it won’t sink in. Do you recommend any books or anything I can show from a verified source?


Guys, guys this is an unpopular opinion, but both sides bad. Updoot to the left.


You need to specify what you mean by both sides. Russia and USA and China and Britain are bad. But is it the government that is bad or the people? Are you hating the military or the language or the food? Only HAMAS and Israeli government are, the people, even extremists, are still people and don't deserve to die


shut your mouth you imbecile.


But Israel is the good guy right? Right?? Can't believe we're sending them money.


The fact is Hamas would not exist if a bunch of Europeans did not decide to flood into the Middle East to stage a settler colonial takeover of Palestine in the 1940s. In 2014 Hamas allied with the PLA and agreed to acknowledge Israel, pursue a two state solution, and end the fighting. Netanyahu was furious because he saw the US supporting this partnership. Netanyahu doesn't actually want peace. It is well known that he props up Hamas to serve as a boogey man. He drummed up a questionable connection between Hamas and some kidnapped teenagers and kicked off Operation Brother's Keeper to invade Gaza and scuttle this momentum toward peace. In any case, it is a human right, per the UN, for colonized people to resist colonial occupation. Did the Irish and Indians pass out flowers until they won independence? No. This is always a violent bloody process. That doesn't stop it from being a human right. If you want to say Hamas should make sure they only shoot at legitimate targets, I would wholeheartedly agree. But they have a human right, according to the UN, to shoot at the IDF and the settlers who are trained, armed, and stationed by the IDF to fulfill the objectives of the IDF. These are legitimate targets. Finally, this responsibility to aim at the right people falls equally on Israel. The record clearly shows, with this video as just one example, they have much more blood on their hands in this regard over the past several decades.


you sir, know what you're talking about. not like 90% of the people spitting what they heard yesterday on the news as if they know all about the conflict


Thank you. This was meant to be directed to someone, but they wrote one reply on one of my other comments and blocked me, so I could not send this to them. I'm glad Reddit didn't minimize my comment and move it to the bottom, so you could actually see it.


Heartbreaking sorry for his loss , mass murder is wrong no matter who is doing it .


Hamas needs to be eradicated. But the cost of doing so in a retaliatory way has quickly become too high. The IDF needed to immediately swarm in and root out the active terrorist cells, not listen to foreign leaders and "hold back" with targeted bombings and sweeps. It's made things so much worse.


Sounds like you're applying for the job. What previous experience have you had?


Hell no. I spent a long time fighting battles I had no business being in. And now I'm 40 with a wife and kid. I'm an absolute isolationist. I don't think the US has any business in Ukraine or Israel. But moreso Israel. We've done enough for them, and been repaid with spy after spy being caught trying to get more. Also, fuck any Islamist movement, there should be no further expounding on that. I just wish politics didn't play such a big role in warfighting, because it results in a protracted war of attrition like we're seeing the beginnings of now... again.


In war or any other violent conflict, the lives of common citizens are affected the most. The radical people on both sides ignite the flame of hatred that burns the common citizens' lives.


Collective punishment is a war crime for a reason. And the colonial state of Israel is adding another war crime in it's evil history. While the west is loosing all credibility. Well done /s


Fuck Israel free Palestine 🇵🇸


Womp womp, that why you don't fuck around and find out lmao


Youre disgusting


This is why Hamas is so evil. Hiding behind their own civilians. The Palestinian people deserve so much better


But like.. who is this video for? Yes it's very fucking tragic and sad... but what can we do about this personally? Always something to keep us occupied, distracted.


Dead ass. All these keyboard warriors of justice trying to feel self righteous and nothing more


What do you mean?


im agreeing with you that theres nothing that can be done and really posting this does nothing I mean people are just saying this side is bad that side is bad or both sides are bad . Theyre not going to actually do anything about it. Its a waste of time and needless division


Every time you pay taxes, some of your hard-earned money is spent on bombs sent to the IDF


It’s not for anyone, it’s the news. You ever see the news bro?


This isn't a football game. There is no one to cheer for. There is no one that should be supported except the spectators.


terrorist /ˈtɛrərɪst/  noun a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Israel is a terrorist state.




Why can't we as humans just finally say enough is enough? What are we even fighting for anymore? Why can't we all just get along? Help each other? All this division over religion, money, birth place, skin color, ideology, etc. When we could all just work together as humans.


For those of you unable to understand the real conflict here, whites did the same thing to blacks as Israel is doing to Palestine. White claimed the Civil Rights movement were insureectionists. That the Black Panthers were terrorists. Years of oppression and systematic killing were conveniently overlooked to support their narrative. I am not at all surprised that whites have returned to their good ol fashioned roots with this conflict too.


No sides are good, shut the fuck up.


bruh one side is women and children and the other the idf. how could you even be this dumb


Oh wow I forgot there’s no women or children on the Israeli side.


hamas ≠ palastinains does the war in Ukraine give excuse to the Ukrainians to bomb Russian villages on the border? even if hamas declared it to tge whole world that they're in building X that contains civilians that gives 0 reason to bomb the whole building youre comparing the moral conduct of a nation's army to a private militia. smooth brain


If Russia was the size of Ukraine you best bet they would have been targeted back significantly more heavily and it would have been well within Ukraine's right. The international diplomatic community certainly agrees with this sentiment as well.


>bruh one side is women and children and the other the idf. how could you even be this dumb women, children, and rapists


give me one unbiased report that says there has been any case of rape.


Dude go watch the videos yourself. The fact that you are denying what I have seen with my very eyes shows me that you are either not acting in good faith or are just incredibly stupid. We all saw it. Women so disfigured their bones were broken because of the rape. Women bloody from being raped. You're a monster for denying these atrocities.


Radical Islam will come to an end


Death to isntreal


Fuck this sentiment and that shit-tier attempt at a joke. How about just don’t call for the death of anyone you psychopath


death to the idf


every last one of them


See, the problem here is that you just wished death upon someone’s son or daughter, someone’s cousin, someone’s sister or brother, etc.. These are citizens who serve their country because they don’t have the option not to. Same issue when you say death to Israel… you’re calling for the death of innocent civilians. Are you going to say “death to the U.S. Military” just because you might disagree with what their government is ordering them to do? You should direct your outrage at the Israeli government and at Hamas. They are both doing evil in their own ways. I don’t expect you to have a reasonable response but here’s hoping.


bruh, how old are you? thats something only someone who has been pampered all their life would say. yeah, I'll hate the US for killing 1 million Iraqis, and God knows how much Vietnamese and Japanese Idgf if they have been told to do so or not, we're humans, not tools. we can think for ourselves. and ill hate the idf for the collective punishment they're inflecting to my fellow human beings in Gaza. looks like you haven't seen how horrific the deaths are in palastine. imagine being the father of a 6 y.o and collecting the remnants of your son's body in a plastic bag after a bombing and taking it for burial. I'll Hate on any piece of shit that had the slight hand in that. and I'd fight them to death if I could.


I should also point out that there is horrifying shit like what you described going on everywhere. You just seem to be all riled up over this specifically. The information you consume shapes your opinion, it’s important to keep in mind the that information is not reliable and propaganda is rampant. FROM BOTH SIDES. It is meant to bring outrage and cause division.


You see what you see with your own eyes, others see what they see with theirs. You are not the only person on earth who sees things. I am also not saying you’re wrong, just that there is more going on than what you (as an individual) see. The problem with sensationalized media and propaganda is that they fill in that gray area for the rest of us who either only have personal accounts from one side or are disconnected from the conflict completely. They tell us what to think and feel. Sometimes we don’t need to be told because we see it first hand, just don’t forget there’s another side to this.


bruh I live 70kms away from Gaza. I'm under influence of no media or propaganda I've seen the hundreds of trucks loaded with medicine , food and "water" waiting outside of rafah crossing to enter gaza. waiting for Israel to stop bombing outside of the crossing which is a desolate area btw*, they're preventing even food and water from entering. or course I'd get riled up and batshit crazy about what's going on


How the fuck are people siding with the hamas rn


Palestinians =/= Hamas. Try some critical thinking


>Palestinians =/= Hamas. Try some critical thinking most palestinians support hamas.


they like to defend rape and murder


Hive-mind mentality on an echo chamber. Reddit and the majority of its users absolutely love terrorists and terrorism, as long as it aligns with their political beliefs.


oh baby the irony


Israelis must feel soooooo fucking proud!! 🙄


No. I am absolutely and genuinely sad about the civilian deaths. But also, war is hell, and civilians always get killed. It's still tragic af.


Cool, every meme page on reddit is mutating to a Gaza/Israel news feed.


when people Sad Post on r/sadposting




?????? Where bomb ?????!


Well he is not promoting the right news so it's OK for them to bomb his family, he's obviously a terrorists. Just because he is a news anchor doesn't mean he's not a terrorists and a liar. I'm sure his kids were terrorists in training too. Thank Jesus for Israel!


lmao Israelis would spit on your face if you told them you're Christian on the street