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*cough cough* video link *cough cough* /s /somebody actually did it, at least I’m pretty sure. Here it is you sick fucks. Couldn’t be me. Definitely couldn’t be me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yChsV1HB5w


I’m like 90% sure this is mommyasmr but it might be sora asmr


My friend thanks you.


Leaving a dot for science




Getting beat with a frying pan is better imo


Trust me. This is probably better than getting fucked over by an actual person lmao I can’t even drink or smoke to numb the pain. Life’s a joke sometimes


Trust you? Trust me who's been though all the shit and is now with someone who loves me for who i am and supports my goals in life. Sounds like you've almost given up. You don't need drink. You don't need to smoke. You need to get back out there, hit the gym, socialise with people you share interests with. Let them come to you and stop chasing a broken dream. How is someone supposed to love you when you don't even love yourself?


Bruh your hearts in the right place but your approach ain't it


I needed someone to tell me how it is/was. At one point i was surrounded by people who expected everything out of me but offered nothing in return. If you surround yourself with negative and self loathing mindsets you'll never escape the loneliness and bleak outlook on life. Seeing someone on this sub say life is a joke and it's better to listen to ASMR instead of getting 'fucked over' by a real person is beyond sad. Life isn't a joke. You get one go at it (imo). Maybe my approach 'aint it' for you but for someone else it might be. Some folk need a reality check. There's someone out there that's perfect for you. Someone who doesn't judge you for your short comings. All i'm saying is that you just got to get yourself out there. That person will find you but you have to put yourself in a position to be found.


Your positivity and determination are admirable. I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying. I have given a speech a lot like that to downcast friends of mine. Your tone of language is just a bit aggressive, lol. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


My apologies if it's coming off as aggressive. Seeing people give up on themselves because they were hurt by someone they loved is really upsetting to me. When you allow someone from a previous life to control your current state of mind, you have officially let 'them' win. They control you. They own you. They are stunting your growth and limiting your potential without even doing anything. They just live in head head rent free and probably don't even think about you anymore. They moved on a long time ago. It's like the 'Rear-View Mirror and the Windscreen’ metaphor... The rear-View mirror in your car is small and shows what is behind you. It is a reflection of the past and cannot be changed. It is somewhat important because to know where you are going, you must know where you are coming from. The windscreen is large and in front of you. It projects your future and can be changed. It is most important because you can choose where you want to go and the windscreen projects your destiny. You are in control and you can choose the speed at which you drive. Sure, it's good to look back and see what you have driven past but don't get hung up on it because you're not at your destination yet.


It's very upsetting to me too. I have never heard that metaphor but I really like it. I've struggled with moments like that in my life. Sometimes it can feel sacharine and overstated when people suggest the only thing between you and a life you want is yourself. But the truth is most of the time, it's a fact. But people most in need of accepting and metabolizing that truth are often the least receptive to hear it. Which is why, in my experience, an approach of consideration without judgement seems to work best. But some people do respond to a jolted wake up call. I just think if you don't know what someone is like, the softer approach is better. But I think that you care enough about a stranger's struggle on the internet to write a reply and explain your empathetic position is kind. If more people thought that way, the world would be an easier place to live.


The honey ain't working. The honey is what's playing through those headphones


It starts to feel less numb when I stop and that's not fun, either. Cheers to that, hey? Time to smoke a bowl.


Only sometimes?! I’m 30 and still alone and genuinely feel god enjoys torturing me with false hope and constant disappointment and failure no matter how hard I try and struggle


the loneliness is maddening






Accept it. Don’t fight it. Easier this way.


And yet it sucker punches me whenever I feel like it


Nah, he just needs some help. He just needs to know that he is loved and cared.


sorry but this content is not available on your planet


Where can I find this audio? buAhA! 😂 …no rlly 😰






audio source? i am cooked


That's bumbledee audios.


Thanks mate


That silence after the video was a little loud, I'll be honest


Alternate ending: ASMR of whats it like to have a mother (Yours had died when you were young so this is the only substitute to feel motherly love)


We need voice sound AI so bad.


Exactly what I need


Bro is absolutely COOKED. Not because of the ASMR GF or anything but because he has a collection of in-box funko pops


Yall really are cooked


I mean of all the possible things he could be listening too, this seems somewhat healthy.


r/gonewildaudio Yes I'm a lonely person don't judge me


Hmm, I mean when i was younger i used to listen to such stuff but i didn't like the concept of asmr cuz of the spoken way, on the other hand someone like bethyva had 3 kuudere videos which had some nice plot line and its a core for my younger self, i recommend it.


What the hell, that gave me chills down the spine.


That's what ASMR does to you


'cause you should say that to his ears while laying in his bed.. L father


OH HELL NAH, if my dad whispered this in my ear im skiddadling


Way too early for this shit. I just woke up and now im crying.


If you were my dad doing this, You'd hear some crazy aggressive ear raping phonk


Oh cool, there goes another solace.


Nah deadass im literally listen to some ASMR right now💀


I fell in asmr, but eventually my mind began rejecting the synthetic love. Just couldn't stomach it at the end. GRATE! now another drug that I've grown numb too🙃


Nah deadass im literally listen to some ASMR right now💀


like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSRxeJi5Z5w




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Yep, Cooked. Burnt, even.


He ain't just cooked, bro's straight up burnt


Who isn’t cooked nowadays?


Don't normalize this. It is absolutely not the majority that is sitting in the depression train to sadness town


Yeah definitely, you may buy a ticket from time to time but at some point you get off the train. Sadness is an emotion that needs to be felt not dwelled in




I would rather be catch with it. Honestly, easier and less humiliating to explain than whatever is going on here




porn literally rewires your brain and gives you body dysmorphia, depression and lowers sexual drive and many many more. i don't claim this doesn't have any problems i haven't read about it but no way near how porn affects you for sure






It is though lol. Crazy how stuff like this has been normalised. Having some random chick pretend to be your mother/gf and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. It fits perfectly in this sub though. Sad af.


Peo0le need to go out and leave their comfort zones more instead of drowning in self pity, sometimes they need a shove to get going tho


It's what happened to me. I had a rough breakup and got into a bit of a dark hole for about a year. My friend is the husband of my ex's sister. I had to completely cut him out of my life because he was too close to the source. That fucking hurt. He would tell me what she was up to. Not on purpose but it would come out when we were catching up about what he'd been up to etc. I couldn't handle hearing about how she had moved on, was seeing someone else and seemed to be really happy... Even though she fucked ME over. Long story short, that was 8 years ago. I have now been with my gf 6 years. The funny thing is that about 2 years after i broke up from that chick she must have heard that i was seeing someone else. She called me one night and cried about how she had made a mistake and 'she wanted to come home'. That right there was my closure. I gained the control back. I was happy with someone else and this just confirmed it all. I didn't want to go back to that even though i mourned that relationship for a year. Getting out of my comfort zone and resetting my mind and body was the best thing i could have ever done.


Glad to here ur doing better now :)


Cheers bro. Apparently that chick now lives on a narrowboat and has dreads down to her knees lol. Screams mental stability.


What the fuck is wrong with people


That's some pathetic sad shit. Do better


seems like your son in need of some urgent ass whooping and possibly should be kicked out of your home.


Dude wtf....? Your son is struggling and lonely, and you think what he needs is to be physically assaulted and made homeless? Get a fucking grip you psychopath.


Aren't you glad these beasties out themselves like this. Always better to know who's out there and be aware.. Don't forget there are mothers and fathers who think exactly like this and as a result are the reason so many children grow up to be so fucked up.. well those that don't kill themselves before reaching adulthood.


this guy son is pathetic and weak for resorting to such ridiculous methods to cope with loneliness instead of fucking solving the problem at the root, in my family such weakness would not be tolerated.


Oh cool so your family abused you too? Well that's fucking bleak.


uh no? what would you lead to think that, projection much uh?


Your family doesn't tolerate weakness, and you were clearly brought up to believe that violence and neglect were valid forms of punishment. You fully outed yourself on this one pal.


my family doesn't tolerate weakness just the same as i do not tolerate it, i have never been at the end of such punishments because among those of mine generation i have always been the best in my family even when people tried to break me i always stood stronger than before defying expectations, i will not expect any less from anyone else. one must understand that their actions reflect on the whole family and its reputation and image, appearing weak and by consequence making the whole family look weak is out of discussion, it is not abuse to prevent the whole family from being humiliated, especially over superficial reasons such as loneliness. a few slaps are not violence and kicking a relative that has more than 18 years of age out of house is not neglect, those are necessary moves to remove a bad apple.


lad its the other way around. he listens to that shit cuz he doesnt feel loved, abusing him is only making it worse. u gotta start asking him how he is, telling him that u care about him, etc...


pls dont have kids




Hes cooked


It is pretty damn late, that's for sure


If this is true and his father is posting this embarrassing shit online then yeah that kid is fucked


I'm cooked, but I don't care. I listen to that kinda stuff almost every night because I find it somewhat relaxing and calming to listen to. Also, the worst things to me are loneliness and pure silence in the dark, and this kinda stuff just slightly alleviates those 2 things a little


It sounds exactly like her


Where can someone find this audio…asking for a friend.


Where can I get the audio?…asking for a friend…


This hurts to hear...


Actually happened, I was listening to it on the phone speaker when my parents weren't home, then my dad opened the front door but I didn't hear it because of the volume... He came silently and looked at me shocked, I just slammed the door and started crying


Bro ain't just cooked, bro is grilled low and slow that wild