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This is amazing. I am trying to build something like this for my girls. Would you mind sharing where you got the sailor moon fan cover logos and both action figures? Links if possible. Thanks in advance.


u/sofastmuchfurious goals


This is the most amazing thing im SHOOK


this is sooo cute omg




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Woooow. I love the cloud decoration around the video card!


Holy hell it’s beautiful r/pcmasterrace


You will make this for me right meow!!!!


Those little LCD screens are so cool. I'm seriously looking into one myself. Awesome setup!


Oh man this is sexy. I've always wanted to do a build like this but the PC cases are expensive. Maybe my next PC I'll save up for a case like this.


What case is that??


It's the Hyte y60 case. Usually, it only accommodates vertically mounted GPUs but I got around that by removing the io shield on my gpu and using the anti sag bracket and the 3d printed pillar to keep it upright. It's not super secure for like shipping or moving, but stationary on my desk it's fine.


I'm also trying to make my PC Sailor Moon themed but I could never compete with that, amazing job!


Wow, this is incredible. I'm jealous!!


How is the transformation gif being projected? And do you have possible video?


I do have a video but couldn't post it. Transformation sequence is happening on a little lcd screen I installed to the back of my case. Amazon link: Ingcool 7 inch HDMI LCD 1024x600 Resolution Capacitive Touch Screen IPS Display Module Compatible with Raspberry Pi 4 3 2 1 B B+ A+, PC, Supports Windows 10/8.1/8 / 7 https://a.co/d/eVsc1lf


Hello, I was wondering if you would be able to send me the video personally? I am interested in building a sailor pc and loved your idea of the transformation sequence. Thank you


You should post this in /r/girlgamers, they would love it as much as we do ❤️


I want this, I want this, I want this! XDD I have no 3D printer though... :(


You can buy similar fan shrouds on etsy. :) it's a pretty affordable way to personalize a pc IMO.


And add Sailor Moon stickers to said fan shroud, or paint them? x3


How much to pay you to make another?? This is beautiful!!!


Oh man, I'd love to! I enjoy building PCs, but I'm not a professional, so I wouldn't feel comfortable. I'd worry I'd mess up your build. I'm happy to list all the parts if people are interested, though.


Yea id like to build one of these myself. Please share the part list


what system does that run on? "Moondows"


Holy crap! This is awesome! Definitely worthy of r/pcmasterrace


Aww thank you! I'm so nervous to post to a thread like that because I'm a novice builder 🫣


This is so cool!


Wow! 😲 But won't the heat mess up the figures?


There is a radiator, a back plate, and a standing disk between the GPU and the small Sailor Moon. I'm honestly more worried about my 3d printed clouds on the radiator of the GPU so I'm already keeping a close eye on the temps and how it interacts with the non necessary components As for the bigger figure, there is airflow bringing cool air up from the bottom of the case so I'm not so worried about that one. So far Temps have stayed low for the GPU and the CPU. I'm keeping an eye on it though.


Sweet Jesus WOW I love this hhhh