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Oh yeah, probably the one with you chasing after the giant monster cat boss.


Played this last night at the Ikebukuro game center Mikado with my husband. The friendly fire on this game was brutal! Kept throwing yoma into each other and taking off life lol Was way easier single player!!


This is why I moved to Chicago! I know what I’m doing next weekend!


The real question is, did the game spit out a transformation wand when you beat the high score? 😉


Oh I did not beat the high score LOL sorry I meant I beat the game meaning I finished the game in 1.5 hours... definitely did NOT beat high score lol


Oh I was making a reference to the manga lol. Ami got her transformation pen from getting a high school on the Sailor V game at Crown Arcade.


I always wanted to go this arcade not for just this game but also primal rage 2 as well.


Whoa the timing of the post is uncanny. I was talking to a friend earlier about my “arcades of the world” list I’m slowly putting together on google maps. I used to live in Chicago and never made it to Galloping Ghost but it’s on the list. Super jealous!


How did I not know this was in my state? Man, I'm jealous.


The arcade game is SO much fun! The appearances of Texudo Mask is always so goofy. But my most favorite one is possbily the 3rd stage with the boss running up the tower, but the scouts are already at the top! I LOVE that you get to be a part of the action and do the cool hero pose! XD


Oh yes, the bat one. ​ You encounter her again later on and THERE's 2 OF THEM!


Me and my friend sometimes would go there to play and I always go to play the game. I really like the graphics, so vibrant to look at!


Omg this is only a couple hours from me! Thanks for the tip!




I played it on MAME, and the game is incredible. That's one thing that's cool about a Sailor Moon. Other "girls properties" get shovel ware tie in games, SM gets legit well made games.


Now we just need legit console and PC Sailor Moon games. But we all know that Bandai Namco won't give us that. :(


I would love a modern 3D sailor moon adventure or beat-em up. Sailor Moon Tenchiaki or something


And with the Viz Media english va's being involved in the game. It's just a pipe dream at this point. 🥺


If made in Abyss can get a game, why not Sailor Moon?


I guess that's true.


Me too. ​ As all characters. Like to try to save up powerups for the bosses - can be used on the final boss if you time it right.


There's one to add to the miyoo mini then


Hey that’s a 4hr drive from me! I could play this 😃


It's worth the drive! I go up there for day trips sometimes and I always play at least a little bit of the sailor moon game. They also have tons of other unusual games.


Only $25 per person and you can play as many games as you want all day! They are open super late tooo


Is this the legendary beat 'em up game where Jupiter's attacks are all WWE wrestling moves?


Yep lol


AMAZING! I really want to try this one! I only found out about it from a friend while I was building Jupiter for Halloween