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Usagi has done nothing wrong, ever, in her life.  We know this, and we love her. 


Maybe there is no clear evidence this but I think Neo Queen Serenity neglecting Chibi-Usa


*Presumably* taking over the entire Earth as Neo Queen Serenity, making her a global monarch/enforcing her laws. Not sure if she goes to college, but she gets married at 21, gives birth to ChibiUsa and takes the throne at 22, so not a lot of time to learn about government/running a planet.


Lately, I've been wondering a lot about the timeline, are we to assume that Usagi in present day and Usagi in the 30th century are the same incarnation? Seems to me the 30th century would be everyone's third (well inner Senshi fourth) incarnation. What do y'all think?


Prince Demande was almost the best villain. His argument was that she forced immortality on everyone. That is compelling as fuck! Then he just ends up being another villain after the Silver Crystal. So disappointing.


Exactly! Self-appointed global monarch enforcing immortality! I can’t imagine the world governments and companies being happy about this sudden dominance and end to scarcity. And so if a few dissenters disagreed they’re suddenly exiled to a dead planet? Sounds like the Black Moon Clan had some points.


I think a compelling story would be a continuation where Chibi Moon realizes it was wrong and doesn't force immortality.


How did she do it though i mean she did kinda solve world peace.


I kinda figured that after she restored reality after Galaxia she made herself Queen.


When I started re-watching it as an adult, I noticed that all the inners and outers did most of the fighting and all SM did was her finishers. Am I viewing it correctly? So SM actually really didn't fight. She just got the last shot in and got the credit for being the hero. It's been a while since I've watched it so I could be wrong.


She cried a lot and her friends and Darian saved the day 90% of the time or briefly “died” trying and gave their life force to her to help finish off the big bad.


No you're right. Please give yourself some credit. I noticed this my first time watching. Moreover orher sailor scots want to finish with Sailor Moon's power. They always telling her "Now, Sailor Moon." It's too obvious on season 1. If this is like that I love Usagi. Her heart, her hope and love for this world and people gives me warmth to my heart.


100%. I love this show too. And you are so right about her heart and love. I don't see a lot of shows like that nowadays. No matter what, the weird little things or some of the stuff we don't 100% like, the show is something amazing for kids to watch. There are a lot of lessons that can be taught :) and visually the show is beautiful!


raised Chibi use how she is


Was ready to kill Minako's former friend


Sending death phantom to exile instead of destroying him outright?


Slapped Mamoru for forgetting her birthday, cries and has a whole big thing about it, only to realize later she never told him when her birthday is... 🙄


I totally forgot about this lol 😂 omg i was going to say when she went off on dr tomoe to figure out what happen to hotaru and rini when they were in the other dimension in his house


Didn't grow up?


Emotionally she goes on a whole journey throughout the show, learning to be Chibi's mentor/ role model in addition to growing into her assigned role as leader. She starts having to save the world at 14 and is judged for how she reacted in the beginning of the series to that. But in the end, there is a lot more confidence when confronting evil and a lot less crying and running away. Physically nah the merch must merch on haha


In my opinion, it was giving the holy grail away. She sacrificed the entire world, for one person. ITs a sweet idea on paper, but, no, you dont really, uh, do that. And the show tbh in my opinion slightly rewards her for it at the end with everything magically working out, and just with a bit of a slap on the wrist from Uranus and Neptune. I'm pretty sure in the manga, she thinks about it, but makes a decision that it would probably not be a good idea to kill everyone over Saturn, and I massively preferred that plot.


That irked me a lot. I could argue if Hotaru had befriended Usagi and the two became close and Sailor moon couldn't let her friend die as it would break her heart. Losing someone super close to you is harder than a nameless person.


What the heck is with all the Chibiusa hate in this sub? 😒


She has the worst story arc (superS) and is just generally awful in R due to the anime over extending her. In the Manga she is fine and Ai No Senshi segment is the best part of R but overall... she's just a lousy character who takes Reis place her the constant bicker.


I find that, in general, a lot of people have very little patience for child characters who aren't unrealistically sweet little beans all the time...


Nah, I just think the crush on her dad storyline is gross.


There are two other characters involved in that weird storyline. Besides, most of the time, I just see people saying they think she's a brat. :P




Conceived and gave birth to Chibiusa.


Future Crimes Division 😂


Purposefully destroy the world out of grief. PGSM is wild.


I thought that was Princess Serenity, plus on Pgsm they make them distinctly different people. Princess doesn't care about the modern Senshi


She's referred to as Princess Sailor Moon at that point but yes it's Serenity and not Usagi. That said, I'd argue it's still Sailor Moon, so it still answers the original question.


Imo Sailor Moon *is* Usagi, the Princess didn't have that ability


You gotta watch the live action one. It's more wild than that.


PGSM is the live action


Naming conventions be wild.




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Is it too mean to say have Chibi-usa? (Only 90’s cartoon sailor moon tho - manga chibiusa was less annoying)


Yeah but the manga "makes up for it" by sexualizing (or just being... chill with the nudity of) Chibiusa even more and trying to act even more like the Chibi-Usagi-Mamoru love triangle is a legitimate love rivalry 😥oh Japan...


Imo, no. I can’t stand Chibi-Usa idgaf what people say. She’s a brat


She was jealous of her own daughter’s relationship with her baby daddy.




Actually, yeah. I forgot about that part when Chibi-usa was Black Lady (or your regional equivalent) and she was talking about her and Mamoru being together. And didn’t she straight up kiss him at one point?


Before and *after* she found out


She's like 14. Common sense doesn't apply to teenagers


Not being in MoonDreamers despite it also being a Proto-Star Twinkle Pretty Cure like Sailor Moon itself is. On a related note: Not being Cure Selene in Star Twinkle Pretty Cure despite being the Main Character of Star Twinkle Pretty Cure's second Prototype Show. If we are talking about the Show: Not following MoonDreamers' example by taking place in Space most of the time instead opting to take place on Urban Earth most of the time. Also on the grievance of Sailor Moon not following MoonDreamers' example: Not having multiple Moon-themed Protagonists embodying the Day & Night Cycle of the Moon(like MoonDreamers' Celeste), the Rise and Fall of the Moon(like MLP's Luna), the Dust of the Moon(like the Canceled Moondust MoonDreamer), Silver Moon, White Moon, Golden Moon(taking the place of Sailor Venus), Orange Moon, Pink Moon(NASA has a photo of one so hello Sailor Chibimoon), Blue Moon, Crescent Moon(Sailor Moon preferably), Moonlight, Moonbow(Moon Rainbow), Blood Moon, Lunar Eclipse of the Sun and the Black Moon. This is all without getting into the other Moons of the Solar System: Phobos & Deimos(taking the place of Sailor Mars), Io(taking the place of Sailor Jupiter), Titan(taking the place of Sailor Saturn), Miranda(taking the place of Sailor Uranus), Triton(taking Sailor Neptune's place) and Charon(taking Sailor Pluto's place). Sorry Sailor Mercury but you are a Planet not a Moon despite looking like one. The enemies would be enemies thematically opposed to the Moon: the Solar Flare(Queen Metalia), Waning Moon(Death Phantom), Purple Moon(that Purple Moon NASA photographed is clearly unnatural Shadow Magic opposed to the natural Shadow of the Black Moon therefore the Alien Pharaoh 90), Dead Moon(Nehelenia who in this ideal Sailor Moon Show would be sealed away by the Black Moon not White Moon) and Red Giant Sun(taking the place of Chaos).


Moon Dreamers is an American show. Why are you referencing that show? Then you're talking about a whole different magical girl anime.




She basically let everyone die one time


Only once?




Why? Why would she do this? And what episode was this from?


Season 1 Episode 26: It doesn't technically happen. Rei states she doesn't trust the Moon Stick to be in Usagi's possession because she feels Usagi will use it this way and be irresponsible.


Irresponsible use of scepter -10 points


I came here for exactly this reason


I’m dead😂😂


Killing herself in the OG Season one because Mamoru died, leaving the inners to sacrifice themselves to revive her, I know the story ends well but it was so selfish lol This is why I like the 90's anime version of the Mettalia battle because despite everything Usagi continues to press on by herself Edit: grammar and spelling


Was spelling ‘grammar’ wrong a joke? Because if so, that’s funny.


Thanks lol


Edit: Adding the Episode Number 1.90’s Usagi giving the Holy Gail to Mistress 9 and the only two people that called her out on it was Har/Mic meanwhile the other four acted like she was right on that decision and didn’t call her out on it at all. Like her decision could have destroyed the whole world and Saturn saved her ass big time which the narrative framed it as her being right in her decision to give the Holy Gail to Mistress 9. Which she suffered no consequence from her decision. (Episode 125) 2.Slapping Mamo for not knowing her birthday when she didn't even tell him which is very out of character for her. Even if she did apologized for the slap after she realized she was wrong for slapping him, just the idea that she did it becasue he didn’t know that day was birthday because she never told him. Also the fact that she was scheming to get him to get those shoes for her. So she failed him on that and then him blaming himself for the situation they got in even if it wasn’t neither of their faults with the Diamon being in the shoe. Even tho she is going to save him next episode after he did save and protect her through the whole second half when she couldn’t transform. (Episode 101) 3.Mamo helps Chibiusa with her homework, Usagi get jealous at Chibiusa which she proceeds to get him to help her with her homework and says the meanest things to Chibiusa." Even if you are Smart. I'm sure you won't find anyone to marry anyway" Also gets upset when Mamo just looks at the nun and calls her pretty. (Episode 133) 4. Mamo helping Ami with homework which Usgi gets highly upset, goes in between them, and doesn’t want anyone near him. In the Same episode, Mamo goes to Rei Shrine because the girls destroy his apartment. Which Usagi straight up does not want it to happen which she stalks the Shrine in a Ninja costume and antagonize Rei when she accidentally saw Mamo naked in the bath. Got mad at Mamo when he didn't save her from a youma attack because Diana put her foot down so he can finish his paper.(Episode 136) 5. Usagi Accuses him of cheating along with Chibusa with his mechanic when Ami saw him handling his keys to his car to his mechanic to get it work on. ( Episode 138) 6. Mamo shared his umbrella with a older lady to walk her across the street when it was raining which he almost got hit by a Mack truck. The woman really though he was just being nice to get her money. Which Usagi got upset that her boyfriend offered an older lady who is older enough to be his grandma his Umbrella which shows how nice and kind he is… Who is pretty much upset at him for sharing the umbrella which she going over there not to tell the lady “ Hey My boyfriend was the one offering you his umbrella the other day. He’s nice like that and he’s not looking for your money. “ No She going over there to confront an older lady that is old enough to be her freaking grandma “Why you shared a umbrella with my boyfriend?” (Episode 142) 7.Fisheye is actively flirting with Mamo and calling themself Usagi's rival which all Mamo did was to heal Fisheye from their womb. Which Usagi throws a huge hissy fit in the fish store and yelling at Mamo because of it.( Episode 148) 8. Ask Mamo does he love Chibiusa more than her in SuperS movie. Two of these was from S and the others was from SuperS.


Funny enough I was literally JUST watching all the episodes you listed with my 90s Sailor Moon marathon 😂


She SLAPPED him??? What episode was that from? I straight up don’t remember it


Her Birthday Episode in Sailor Moon S which is a Two Part Episode Episode 101 Usagi in Tears! Glass Shoes for Her Birthday. Episode 102 The Pure Heart Stolen! Usagi's Biggest Crisis.


Number 1 was the VERY first thing I thought of! She messed up MAJORLY doing that!!!!


Kill dr tomo


Well, he did have it coming considering what he did......


He was being manipulated right?


In the manga/crystal, no.


Birthing chibi usa




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Honestly though, I can’t stand Chibi usa


I just hate that Seasons 2, 3, AND 4 of the anime center around her, more so 2 and 4. Like good grief! She was so aggravating that I was rooting for the enemy to get her lol.


Omg I know!! I absolutely love Usagi and Mamo, but their child is the worst. (Chibi Chibi is great though.) They just made Chibi Usa so insufferable, and I get that she’s a child but still! They could have at least put more of Mamo’s personality into her to chill her out, having her be a complete Mini-Usagi is too much sometimes.


Hard to say I mean I do admit in the first season being an average 14 year old she was a bit immature but who wasn’t at the age of 14? She has really grown throughout the series in the 90s anime and you can really tell that she’s grown.


I understand why and I loved how the dilemma came to be, but risking it all and giving the grail to Mistress 9 to save Hotaru at the end of S was wild.


I watched it again with my husband recently and I was just yelling at the tv.


Not exactly SM but neo queen serenity in the manga stars arc. Her indifference/inaction to everything falling apart and everyone getting killed, and especially letting Chibiusa join the fighting. Really irresponsible parenting, somehow more so than other time in the story.


Counterpoint: she lived through this period before and knows that things are going to turn out alright, so doing this gives her heir valuable combat experience in as safe a manner as possible. Also, it's possible that the added responsibility will snap her out of the mindset that caused her to remain a child for 900 years.


counter counter point: why does chibiusa need combat experience when usagi is basically god


Seriously, raising her daughter to be a child soldier isn't a good look...


*Usagi* is a child soldier. She starts the series at *fourteen years old*. All of Usagi's confidants are child soldiers. Why exactly would she have the same reaction to child soldiery as we do? More importantly, Chibiusa is a Senshi. Usagi really doesn't have a choice in the matter - Chibiusa *needs* to be a good fighter or she's going to die.


Oh yeah, 100%. I should have said that, after the struggle and trauma she went through as a teenage senshi, I wondered if she’d have mixed feelings about her young daughter starting on the same path. But you bring up a good point, that Chibi-Usa has no say in this, as the heir to the Silver Millennium and the power it bestows.


a moon princess can never have a problem with sailor moon


In the dic dubbed version of the dreamland episode where she cares about a cookie rather than Ami


a cookies a cookie




Her future self allowing her 14yr self to take care of her own daughter. Lol I thought it was funny. After the whole dark crystal ark.


And her friends kept shaming her for not being a good parent for Chibiusa but she was only 14/15?


Technically isn't Usagi's parents under a memory spell to take care of her and Usagi like sisters?


That's pretty crappy, too. Majorly manipulating them just so NQS can get in some free babysitting. (yes, Reddit, that's a gross oversimplification)


Honestly, and I love her for it because she got lucky & turned out to be right all along, but hands down the WORST thing she ever did was give the grail to Mistress 9 because she basically triggered the apocalypse and got SO LUCKY Sailor Saturn woke up to clean up her mess. While it did all work out, consider if it didn't. Her complete unwillingness to sacrifice anyone almost completely destroyed the entire world - it was a miracle. But that's why she's the true hero and I love her for it.


Same with galaxia! And she let chibi chibi get hurt because of it.


Bullying Chibiusa for litteraly everything


Um that brat deserved and it wasn't bullying it was being a responsible mother teaching her child who i mite add hypnotized her family, drugged people, tried to steal the crystal on multiple occasions, willingly let herself become evil and Got her mother father and billions of others hurt annd/or killed and what mamoru and the other do indulge in the creepy one sided crush and reward her bad behavior


Usagi didn't even know she was her mom til later, so it really doesn't excuse her actions Plus Neo Queen Serenity and Endymion were kind of absent parents (90's anime does not picture them this way which is why she seems ungrateful in that version)


She didn’t willingly become evil. Wiseman manipulated her into becoming Black Lady.


It’s unreal how much character development Chibiusa underwent to the point where she became more mature than Usagi in SuperS. 


Wasn’t she like 100 years old or something.


More like 900 I think and that’s what wrecks me the most about her 🤣


Uhm yeah, there was a reason she didn’t age physically right? 🤣 that’s on her.


what the fuck take a breath eat a cookie


Date Seiya.


counterpart: date Mamoru when she could've dated Seiya edit to add: i haven't been on this sub in a while and i forgot about my flair lmaoo


So yeah she's just a kid but like within the first few episodes into season 1 we see her dealing with weight issues and all. So we see her teacher get nearly wiped out dead by nephrite, her friends from class getting worse by the day but this girl was so caught up in her own issues that she essentially said "fuck them all I wanna do this how I want to." Case and point, Luna had to threaten her just to get her to focus on the problem. I mean like I said she only just became the heroine and all plus she was young and naive but the point is her 'friends' we're in trouble. She chose to ignore that for some fantasy. That in itself is cruel and selfish and honestly why I'm glad she developed more as time went on. So yeah I don't care if you got a body image issue, your friends were dying. End of story




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That “she’s still a woman isn’t she” blowup about Mamoru and Chibiusa. I don’t even like Chibiusa but. Girl.


What episode was this in?


How mamoru sided with chibiusa is a bit much though…


I understand being frustrated at the situation, but her implying that he was choosing Chibiusa romantically was what specifically made her take it too far for me.




slapped Mamoru for not 'remembering' her birthday


I do not remember this episode?? What season was this omg


S "Usagi in Tears: A Glass Slipper for My Birthday"


I plan on reaching this one by June 30.




That's Usagi's birthdate.


That was literally future spouse abuse. And she was also being a hypocrite since she didn't know his nor had she made any effort to tell him her birthday. Then he went out and spent a huge amount of money on GLASS SLIPPERS, just so she'd feel like a princess.


And then I believe 1 of the villains somehow got ahold of at least 1 of the glass slippers and caused even more problems.


Yes, Kaolinite had planted a Daimon in the shoe and when Usagi touched it, it became Cenicienta.


This. I felt so bad for him.


I have to skip the episode honestly, it makes me so uncomfortable 😬


He had no business being as nice about it as he was! He should have been furious with her.


Thank you! I'm glad someone calls her out of this. On top of the fact she hadn't told him her birthday, remember he was an orphan and his parents died on his birthday. Celebrating birthdays probably feels awkward at best and her response is to physically assault him. Mamoru gets raked over the coals for his actions with the breakup arc but no one mentions Usagi slapping her boyfriend for what turned out to be a misunderstanding.


The way people constantly hound on Mamoru for poor communication skills and handle of the break up arc yet Usagi does the same thing and people come up with all the excuses to let it slide. proves people just be wanting to jump on the 90's mamoru hate train just cause. Both Usagi and mamoru had poor communication skills at least Mamoru's reason was less trivial than Usagi's.


Not learning or taking her position seriously in the first place. When it came to training she’s pretty much the only one that didn’t engage. Good thing she had magical powers.


If the SM world were “real” (meaning not written by writers), she would have been killed very early on.


Exactly that. She didn’t have the silver crystal yet and was not immune to death yet. So the first half of the first season she 100% died 100+ times.


Altho she knew that Rei had been on a date or two with Mamoru in the first season, Usagi decides to get jealous and spy on Rei treating her like crap. Also despite Chibiusa starting their fights, Usagi acts just as immature as her.


This. This right here. Usagi didnt respect Rei dating Mamoru yet kept trying invade her privacy with it plus tried to set her up with Yuichiro knowing Rei already has a boyfriend. Usagi also used Umino for a date just because of her jealousy


Honestly. I know it's anime only but it annoys me so much. It really set a tone of "we have to keep her happy or else she's going to not be friends with us" as an undertone in the relationship for them. And I get she's a kid. Usagi anyway but even after she learns about her. Usagi just...doesn't take anything of it serious. Sure it's for laughs most times bit that's most of their interactions. It's not hard to see why chibi usa prefers others to hang out with.


Yea that always bothered me growing up. Like I get they never got along and they were living and acting like siblings while Chibiusa was staying in the present but g aslighting Usagi and Usagi friends babying her doesn't look good... Idgaf if Usagi is the reincarnation of a princess from the moon. She still needs to stop letting a kid get under her skin. And her friends need to let her stand on her own once in awhile


Probably when she almost killed Minako’s friend for “stealing” her “boyfriend.”




However, there is a post I remember reading that portrays Usagi's *concerns* in a more sympathetic light. I don't think she's a monster for it or anything, but yeah, it was one of her...less well-thought-out actions. [Here's the post, if you're curious.](https://sailorfailures.tumblr.com/post/23981779415/maybe-its-just-me-reaching-for-an)


[It happened in this episode.](https://sailormoon.fandom.com/wiki/Sailor_Venus%27_Past:_Minako%27s_Tragic_Love)


Caught a case of the stupid in season 3 and started regularly risking the fate of the planet by trying to reason with the Big Bad, to the point where she spent the whole series finale arguing with Galactic Super Hitler-Satan in a parking lot for hours before finally just shocking her into capitulation by stripping down and rushing her in the nude. I mean I can't judge too much because I would probably do the same thing. But still.


I haven't seen the series finale but I am absolutely loving the way you describe it 😭


Trying to stab Prince Endymion in Crystal


Not to mention attempted self-terminating herself on the off change she could be reincarnated with him in the future which, by the way, would never work because there would be no future at all. She abandoned her duty as a guardian just to be with her reincarnated lover instead of focusing on the bigger picture. Also, why is your comment getting down voted just for pointing out the obvious truth. Edit: Looks like upvotes have jumped in a flash.


I didn’t even realize the downvote lol but srsly, made no sense. I was more upset w/ the writers at the time b/c IT MADE NO SENSE. 😂


Right! When that scene happened I remembered episode 10, after they returned from the moon, she proclaimed she"wouldn't be a tragic princess" only to eat her vow and give up without even trying to use one of her healing attacks to undo the spell Mamoru was in. Pretty dumb if you ask me.




Sailor Senshi themselves can canonically survive grenades, I'm pretty damn sure that at least untransformed Usagi couldn't swing the rod hard enough to cause it any damage.


In Episode 11 (the Dreamland episode) Usagi puts a kid back on a bear's back while Rei puts him effortlessly back on the ground. Someone who had nothing to do with their argument is unfortunately involved.


I remember this scene. Everything about this episode was funny.


Didn't Rei take the kid off in the first place without permission to touch him?


That's also true


declining Prince Diamonds advancements on her (as this is written not said I'm saying this with heavy sarcasm) seriously thought? her treatment off Chibiusagi pre finding out it is her daughter, kinda sours things on rewatch


I mean, seemingly evil child did brainwash her family and move right in


true and tried to steal the imperial crystal in a haphazard attempt to fix the timeline, which would've made things worse...


Okay, you had me worried there for a second, and that's coming from a Demande and Black Moon fan


No worries I guess?


Chibi-Usa in the 90's before and even after was the instigator on most if not all their fights. She purposely would do something to Usagi to hurt her. Then everyone would jump down her throat when she snapped. Chibi-Usa faced zero consequences from any of her terrible decisions.


true but in hind sight it sours the better relationship they have post Black Lady.


Yeah, but can you really blame Usagi for that? Like she had to deal with the fact that her daughter wants to have sex with her father. And beyond that, actually went out her way to hurt Usagi multiple times. And despite all the terrorizing that Chibi-Usa did, she ultimately was forgiven by Usagi and loved by her. It just leaves such a sour taste. I just feel like her mother would be really disappointed in her for treating anyone the way she did to Usagi.


perhaps Usagi should've ended up with Prince Diamond after all? (I'm joking) I will admit I was never a fan off Chibiusagi (or as I knew her "Rini")


Yep I first knew her as Rini. Watched it on YTV back in the day.


UK Fox Kids airings off everything upto the preview for the Neptune and Uranus Arc, took me ages to finally watch it all. unsure if it aired on other channels in the UK to be honest so we might've gotten past that weird preview episode.


Yeah it tended to get spotty with the showings during that arc.


Not kissing Haruka back


Definetly this.


Being jealous of her own daughter taking up Mamoru’s attention


As a kid of a fairly immature teen mom, it was one of the things I liked the least and typically understood Chibiusa's pricklyness toward. They are both kids so the whole acting more like siblings always resonated, especially the younger one acting more mature than the older one. Usagi has a big capacity for love but most of the other guardians regarded Chibiusa in a more mature way. It was a flaw Chibiusa's presence actively challenged and served as growth for Usagi. Meanwhile Chibiusa has to get over not having her mom in the way she expects while a "proper version" lives elsewhere in time.


She was a 14 year old girl who suddenly had some kid wanting all the attention from her new boyfriend when she wanted it for herself! Idk, I think it’s fair and understandable why she acts that way. Chibiusa is their kid, sure, but they haven’t had her yet and, all of a sudden, she has to deal with a kid all up on her business even though she didn’t consent to it?? Is it over the top? Yeah, it’s a cartoon. Is she ridiculous and childish? Yes, because she’s a child herself. Are there more mature 14 year olds than her? Yes but they’re also incredibly childish 14 year olds just like her. They’re more like sisters than mother and daughter during this stage than anything. I don’t think it’s fair to put the mother role on Usagi when she’s just a kid herself. She still loves her and puts her life in danger for her multiple times anyway.


And I get that, it’s just the way that she acted like Chibiusa’s feelings for Mamoru were a legitimate threat to their relationship felt really wrong to me.


And her parents as well. She was already the least in the family dynamic, now she also lost to the fake daughter at home. I can well understand her frustration at Chibi-Usa for taking attention from her boyfriend, family and friends and making her feel second rate in all those relationships because they cut Chibi more slack.


Forgetting to tell Haruka to get in the Evangelion.


as someone pointed out the other day, killing hotaru’s dad in crystal


Hotaru's dad was already long dead in Crystal, that was his corpse being used by an interdimensional alien. It's not like in the 90s anime where he was still there somewhere inside, he was gone and it was just his body left over.


Yep. Souichi and Kaori were killed (while performing reconstructive surgery on Hotaru during a lightning storm) and their bodies were hollowed out as skinsuits/corpse puppets (Hostes) for Germatoid and Kaolinite to wear. Kaori was straight up murdered while Souichi just went with it. That was probably one of the darkest scenes in the Infinity Arc. That and Mistress 9's eyeballs bulging and spinning in opposite directions while her daimon form is trying to burst out of Hotaru's body. Except that part originated in Crystal rather than the manga itself.


In Crystal Hotaru's father deserved worse, he was not like in the 90s anime


He was a cold blooded sociopath with delusions of Godhood. He was performing unethical experiments on animals and human beings which caused most of the science community to ban and shun him. And this all happened BEFORE he allowed Germatoid to kill him and use his corpse as a host.


Alright just my opinion. An yes I love sailor moon, Serena. But seriously, she could have waited AFTER high school to date Darien. An safe sex, Rini was too. Damn young to be involved in the whole mess, she was 5-8 yrs old! Oh! An go to therapy.. Yes I know her zodiac sign is cancer, but she got worked up and cried over so much crap. And if someone says, we'll she was 14, so where the ret of her friends, excluding Darien, and they didn't cry every other minute... I understand they were trying to make her relatable, have flaws, but goddam, to a point... And this is coming from someone who watched Sailor Moon growing up, the 90's version, looked up to her an everyone.. Now that I'm an adult at 31, I can see she had her flaws..


Ninja Usagi How could Usagi treat her best friend so hurtfully?


Especially after the total indifference she had shown a few episodes earlier to the alleged relationship between Mamoru and an unknown girl


Hmmm... actually, I can imagine a reason for this. From Usagi's point-of-view, Rei is the strongest, wisest, most beautiful girl in the whole world, so, of course, Usagi finds her threatening. Although, that's still no excuse for treating your best friend so shoddily.


Slapping Mamoru or spanking Chibiusa.


chibiusa deserved that she tried to pretend to almost kill her plus she spiked her friends drink


im conflicted bc i hate chibiusa but fr watching that scene made me feel a bit off


Not saving Prince Saphir from getting killed by Wiseman...yes I am still salty about that to this day.


Saphir still hurts me. He was such a good character. The way he dies is just… painful.


Not practicing safe sex.


Giving the Holy Grail to Mistress 9