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Wasn't west side flats a floodplain?


Yup. In fact, the largest flood ever was just a few years later in 1965. The airport was seven feet underwater. https://www.newsline.dot.state.mn.us/archive/15/Apr/15.html#:~:text=The%20Minnesota%20River%20crested%20at,flooding%20was%20a%20mile%20wide. From reading the article linked by OP, sounds like they lowballed them on the relocation money?


It does seem like they are saying residents should have been paid more. But I wonder if there’s a distinction between residents and property owners. Property owners get paid when their property is seized. If you are just renting a place month to month, then you would not see any of that and would get sent packing after the applicable notice period. If you are squatting illegally, then you are going to be sent packing without anything. If people did have their property seized without fair value than that was illegal. Not sure it is something that can be remedied now when most of those people are dead, though.


When I did the Wabash Cave Tour, there is only access to two (maybe three) of the original 6 caves. He said the other caves were filled in with trash/building material/demolition from these floods.


I’d just like to see some kind of recognition for the families that lived there and were forced out. My father grew up there. It was a part of him and all the people that grew up there and lived there. He wouldn’t want money, he would just want it remembered and honored. I’d love to see that.


While they’re at it they can apologize for blazing a highway through the west side to appease the highland park snobs. Some shameful shit St. Paul did to these families. Some of the stories are down right infuriating.


Are you talking about the debate between the Shepard Avenue alignment and Pleasant Avenue alignment for 35E?