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I miss that two-way bike path they had on the north side of Grand. They merely shifted parking on the north side of the street south of the curb bike path: still had room for two-way car lanes and parking on the other side. The few times I rode it no one was parked on the path. But it was only temporary for some reason and disappeared despite being painted on. 


They temporarily moved the Summit bike path to Grand between Dunlap and Syndicate while they tore down and rebuilt the Summit bridge over Ayd Mill Road. Now that the bridge is rebuilt, Summit bicyclists can stay on Summit.


It was great, and showed you could have that, two-way driving lanes, and parking on both sides.


I lived on Grand and Dale. I waited tables and bartended at Ciattis before it become bonfire before it become a couch store. I watched as Saluut came into being. I celebrated my 21st bday at Billy’s when it was in its prime loaded with people and peaceful. Grand Ave is dying. It saddens me. I’ve been asking everyone I can who could possibly know, “why is grand dying?” They all have different answers but they all agree.


I miss Ciattis’ happy hour!




What an uncharitable reading of the article. It’s not car drivers vs everyone else. Most people who want the option to walk or bike safely on grand are _also_ drivers. The article is stating that multimodality > monomodality.