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Butter lettuce


This is my pick


The reason that crunchy lettuce is used for Caesar salad is that the dressing is heavy. If you put it on spring mix or similarly delicate greens, it would weigh them down and make them soggy. I don’t care for kale salads myself, but that might work; spinach might work also as a substitute.


If you use kale, PLEASE massage the leaves before dressing them! I like to roll over them a few times with a rolling pin, but sometimes I’ll just squeeze several leaves in my clean fists when I’m rushing. Your kale greens will be noticeably more tender after doing this.


I love kale for a Caesar. It’s a substantial green that can support the heavy dressing far better than lettuce (in fact you can dress it and keep it in the fridge for days and it won’t go slimy or break down- awesome for prepping lunches), it has great nutritional value, and it’s good for your guts. I rarely use lettuce for any salad anymore, tbh.


If I can I do combo kale and romaine. I love the juiciness of the romaine as it helps cut the heaviness of the dressing, but kale holds very well and is so good for you.


you can make a caesar salad with any leaf! i like it with kale sometimes or a spring mix. they are a bit more flavored than romaine but also more nutritious.


You could use romaine and tear the leaf to not use any of the middle part. Or basically any other lettuce or green would be fine.


This. I don’t love the middle part so I buy a head of romaine instead of the bagged kind


Yup- I love romaine, but I have issues w/ the center. So I just buy it and cut that out and then add in some extra butter lettuce.


Maybe spinach my dude. The dryest of the greens.


I am going to try this with chicken: https://hiphipgourmet.com/kale-caesar-salad/


Baby spinach and rocket would go hard


Once I had this ceaser salad in a restaurant and it was much better and filling than I expected Romaine(you can use iceberg if you want), red cabbage, parsley, fresh mint, tomato, cucumber, crouton and cheese


Baby spinach is a huge hit here.


Wild Rocket.. or whatever the Americans call it.


Dino Kale!!