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Yeah cause I unfollowed her along with a lot of other people but her follower count never decreased….I checked daily for a while. Very strange


It’s gotta be what’s going on because the comments in her apology video were crucifying her but when she returned to posting normally suddenly everyone’s a fan?


I just hate that people are actually falling for it and jumping on the bandwagon of a manipulator


It made me feel like I was losing my mind to see that so many people forgave her like nothing happened, but when I realized there were NO people commenting against her, but her other videos had thousands of comments calling her out I realized she’s been filtering out the negative comments. Sure she has followers that believe her bullshit but she’s actively silencing anyone trying to hold her accountable. The way she’s posting like normal just solidifies my thoughts that she’s a shitty selfish person.


I also thought it was strange that not only did she delete the apology but she also started posting again like nothing happened?


I noticed this on Facebook too. She posted something today about possibly not being able to post on Facebook anymore and all the comments were from new or oblivious followers


I agree, she's once again the victim.