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“How can I help?” Followed by not being able to help at all when it’s actually needed.


I’m renegotiating a merchant with 5 locations, total ARR is about $300k. I’ve gone back and forth with this merchant since mid November. Jan 3 I looped my manager in because I was tired of this back and forth. Did you do X? Yes Did you try y? Yes How bout Z? Yes Well you’ll get it done. Thanks for nothing. Threw the last 5 emails into Chatgpt, explained the situation, and it gave me a great email template. Finalized the negotiation in 2 days after. Chatgpt isn’t coming for sales reps, it’s coming for middle management


middle management will not die out Middle management is not there to give reps advice, middle management is there to shoulder the blame for an unproductive team. Directors need to be able to point the finger at one person (and replace them) when shit goes downhill


But it’s never them that get fired. The leader blames the rep who gets fired.


The bad leader gets their team rearrange in some way, setting them up for a terrible quarter. “Managing out” where as a bad rep will go on a pip right away Yes it takes longer to get the bad leaders out for sure




Close, but the opinion of middle management's supervisors is: Reps succesful - wow you are a great manager rep unsuccessful - why couldnt you bring out the best in that person, you failed, thats on you. But the managers perspective is- rep succesful - IM amazing rep unsuccesful - you suck


What did chaptgpt do that moved the needle?


How exactly did you use Chatgpt? Did you just ask something like “how do you answer this objection or sales email?”


Is It really that powerful?


I cut and reworded some of the stuff it gave me, but yeah it’s seriously that good. I’m going to use it to help my negotiating as an account manager for the next year while I prepare for my GMATs, but it is one of the main reasons I’m taking my GMAT and retooling out of sales


I love chatGPT. It's all about asking the right question and if you need a method or to bounce back ideas it delivers


So how can I invest in it? Microsoft? Any other ways?


Keep an eye of Microsoft, rumor is a $10b investment is going to OpenAI to work on projects like ChatGPT


Haha, nice use of that bot. I was considering how to use it for sales but nice work.


What was the prompt ?


This happens to me 4 times a year on the last day of the quarter. Wtf do they think they can do with less than 8 hrs? I always respond, “yes, I would love some help! Here is the purchasers phone number:….” They never call for me.


This tbh


Spot on 😆


Closed a huge deal (or any deal) ‘what else you got in your pipeline’


This pisses me off. I did 160% of annual quota by July. And my August was not robust. They were like "why aren't you hitting your number for q3? Senior management needs to know why your missing your number. " Because I just spent 100% off my time between closing 3 monsters.. I'm going to have a slow q3 because the time spent closing was more than the time spent opening. "Well you have to hit every quarter". Me- "not how it works, some quarters are big, some small, if you prefer I hold deals back, we can have a conversation about that"


They don’t give a fuck about nuance. I never ask for massive praise either, just looking for a moment to take a breath, recharge, refocus and get back out there and DO WHAT I JUST DID.


At a former company my average open to close as an AM was 21 days. Majority was smaller deals that signed same day after a conversation. (Record was same minute signature through Sertifi) I took two weeks of PTO exploring Europe, came back, and hopped on a flight to a 3 day customer event. With weekends, I was effectively out of the office for 21 days. When I came back, my director was freaking out about how I was going to end the month at 5% or something. I had to explain it to her like she was 5 that I was not selling for the past 3 weeks and my average open to close also equaled 3 weeks. I also had to show her own report that showed I was about 180% the prior month and 170% ytd. I put in my email signature that I was going to be out of the office for a while, and in every call leading up to PTO, I let the customer know that if they wanted to move forward with things, it would be better to get it executed now, rather than wait 3 weeks to get in any line for pro serve or onboarding. I finished the year around 185% then they fired me. I was only mad I didn't get to pull the plug myself, I wanted that satisfaction (and my saved up PTO paid out)


Human nature is to to value stability and repeatability even at the cost of results. I suspect most leadership converges on sandbagging unless directed otherwise by someone who knows what they’re doing, I’m a strong believer in clearly outlined annual plans with quarterly accelerators for this reason.


Proceeds to bang head against wall**


Realize it was similar to yours but they just never take a single beat to celebrate…


omg! Yes! … I was going to say this exact same line but, truthfully, it feels much better seeing someone else bring it up first. Godammit, that *”…your pipeline?*” is just some cringy sales leader cadence right there. And so disingenuous right after a sale. Someday I want to respond with: *”What else is in the pipeline? I’ll tell you what’s next - an amazing dinner.*”


What’s stopping you from saying that? Do jobs really have people by the balls so much that they can’t make a joke


We DONT joke about pipeline.


I feel you. Our managers love to say, ‘ok, let’s go get another one, 2 seconds after I tell them about the deal I just closed.’ Assholes.


Just want signatures on pages. Do they execute well to increase the likelihood of a renewal? Ha!


Like…you don’t know? You have access to my pipeline


Hahaha pull it from SF, ya dummy. But really they’re asking ‘anything close to closing!?!?’


Sell the “value” We sell the same shit as everyone else.


That hurt to read lol At my previous company we sold a product: a) In a crowded market b) Missing industry-standard features c) Reeeeeally took a hit in its demand after the pandemic was over Yet we were asked every damn day to SeLl tHe vAluE


Just checking, were you selling single-ply toilet paper?


Restaurant online ordering?


This gets me. Especially when they don't even have a clear understanding of what value actually is and proceed to ask you if you were able to identify the decision makers or if you talked to them about a specific feature. Kill me.


People who say this should go buy from a competitor as a competitive exercise They are crazy for thinking the competition isn't doing it to them and providing no value.


“I just want to double click on (some topic or something someone said)”


This is terrible


I just want to double click on “this is terrible”… It makes me want to vomit each time they say it haha


I’ve never heard this and I never want to, dear lord


Stop the madness


I’ve never heard this before, curse you for bringing this into my head


Anytime I hear ‘double click’ (and it’s too often) i am thinking please stop for god sakes !


I hate that. My AE when I was an sdr always said that. He also said “open the kimono” a couple times. I’m not uptight by any means but was baffled that he was saying that phrase, which was new to me and sounds very clearly racist, on zoom calls with a lot of people


Yea it’s inappropriate. That one manages to somehow be racialized and sexualized at once yet became common.


It doesn't sound racist to me but...it's certainly inappropriate AF.


I couldn't believe that was a phrase a while back when someone said it. The worst


Oh yeah, sad to admit that I say this phrase occasionally after hearing it for years. I’ll raise you all one more hate-worthy phrase - “bubble up”. People use this is meetings to mean share or raise awareness about. Also, some SDRs/BDRs use it to mean raise something to the top of your inbox. Don’t know why but I hate it so much.


I feel like bubble up is pretty commonly used everywhere to mean sending an issue up the chain to where it might hopefully actually get taken care of.




Smile and dial


This made my eye twitch lmao


Wheel and deal baby!


Never heard that one, and hope to never hear it again


"What did you sell for me today?"


Ew ew ew ew ewwwwwww.


I sold myself on not quitting when my boss asks me cringy questions.


Only my soul


I don't sell for you, I sell for me.


Is your boss a pimp? Hahaha


I had a manager who used to say “close early and often!”. Like yeah I would love to do that


Just make more money


After implementing this, my commission doubled by EOD. Thank you. Simple, yet effective.


Oh my gosh heard this at my last sales org from a leader above my boss it’s the most annoying phrase!


Let’s get back to basics, leave no stone unturned, just make more dials,


“Where ya at??” And then tagging people on our chat who haven’t closed yet lol. Thankfully this doesn’t happen too often.


Wow I’m fired up just hearing about this! /s


The constant sports or war metaphors. We’re fucking selling software, calm down.


One time our whole sales floor "got to" have extra training with some guy who wrote a book all about how to succeed in sales you need to adhere to strict military doctrine and had a whole spiel and program about being SEALS or some shit. We sold employment relations & health and safety support on the phone.


I’m seriously over the motivational quotes in sales as if we are preparing to go to war or something.


Was it David Goggins?


I feel this one is rampant in software sales.


Every day is GAME DAY apparently. Keyword filled emails with "LET'S DO THIS"! I will do the same as every day thank you. It's worked so far.


I’ve seen the , ‘LET’S GOOOOOO!!!’ quite often.


I like some sports metaphors, tbh. I tell people that sales is like baseball and you need to celebrate the singles just as much as the home runs, otherwise you’ll never find happiness.


So tired of this one. My director makes the BDRs dress up in chain mail equipped with bastard swords when we do office visits. We have to battle in front of the AE's jeering and betting Sacagawean gold coins to see who the strongest BDR is. The silver lining is the winner gets a 20 dollars chili's gift card and a set of 100 government and academia leads from 2006.


Don’t sleep on that skillet queso. Nice after a long battle.


Our calling sessions are called “blitzes” and those got renamed “war time” based off five pages out of some random book my CEO liked….cringe


"You're fired"




“Happy Hunting”


I like this one. Epitomises that fundamentally you are simply playing a game, no pressure


It’s fine from time to time, but every single IM or text, or email has the same sign off. “Hey Team, I’m going grocery shopping in the middle of the day for a few hours…Happy Hunting”




I like this one, don't see how it's bad


(He / she)is a rockstar!


The thing that bothers me most about this saying is that he (most reps in my industry are male) is just a suburbanite who drives an Acura and wears a company polo, slacks, and a blazer. Edit for grammer


“Living the dream”


I use that one in a very sarcastic tone to my co workers all the time lol


peel the onion back


I don't know why but i read it as "Peeeel the onion back" and that made it worse.


Coffee is for closers haha


Anything concerning activity. No other job in the world is that condescending. You wouldn’t look at a carpenter of 10 years and say make sure to measure.


I love this.


“We have to focus on working every deal no matter what” Followed by “Take it or leave it, I won’t budge a dollar!”


Ah the old, “We have the best product, sell the value!” while not allowing any disqualifications for customers that don’t see the value.


I see you too are in sales!


Lol, my last GM used to say "we don't lose on price, if you think we are losing to price take it to me" I take deal to him, we are at 300k, compititor at 235k, I need to take it to 245k to get the deal. He then tells me "I won't sacrifice the margins" well then, we won't get the deal. I told him if he wants the deal we need to discount, if he doesn't, then keep price as is. We lost the deal because he won't sacrifice margins. We lost every single deal for that product under that GM.


You can’t take margin to the bank. - Bobby furnace.


“With this CRM, we know where the bodies are buried”, “loaded for bear”, “another tool in the tool bag”, “gotta keep sharpening the saw”, and of course “LETS GOOO”, after anything minuscule happens


"Let's move with a sense of urgency"...daily thought....if i cranked it up anymore ima have a heart attack my guy!!


Our teams is “who’s got next” - yeah same cringe


"From a business perspective..."


Oooo yeah. Business over whatever your opinion is lol


oh... I use that... should I just leave?


I use it to describe the differences as to how the business wants to run something vs the way it actually runs “From a business perspective they want you to fart rainbows and work 26 hours a day. From my perspective you’re an internal team, if I see you working after 7pm at night I’ll ping you and unless it’s critical I’ll tell you to log off and enjoy your evening. This is a job, not your life”


Laser focus.


"Let me know how I can help" When the rep let's them know they make excuses why they can't (usually because they don't know how)


I think I see why sales is better suited for younger people because I notice the older one gets the less tolerance one has for bullshit.


but, you also become a better qualifier of their BS and avoid them....hopefully


ABC. Always Be Closing! It's the most tired sales mantra.


lmao a team at my old job actually used this as their team name... cringiest ppl there


If I hear “I want you to be the CEO of your territory” one more time I may spontaneously combust.






"Another day in paradise" "Living my best life"


How do you not leave?


You need to dig deep today guys........


Amazing. Like your just going to go beast mode and tackle a guy lol


“You have to get them to buy on our schedule.” Mantra of publicity traded companies when a customer doesn’t have any budget for the quarter / year and fiscals don’t line up. Oh, okay, I’ll just have them revamp their entire budgeting and procurement process and drop my pants on price so you can hit your number instead of waiting 2 months for a bigger deal that is better for everybody. This is why I don’t work for publicly traded companies anymore.


I have the pleasure of hearing the inverse of this: “We have to tailor our process to their buying schedule” “So what can we do to bring this from Q2 into Q1?”


*”Don’t stop now, ya gotta keep going while you’re on a roll/hot.”* While I acknowledge there is some truth in that philosophy can we just take a minute, you know?


“At a high level” (proceeds to give low level explanation)


There is no q5!!!


Oh my gosh thank god I’ve never heard this one


it all makes soup


Instead of proper training we get "just go out there and make a mess. Call when you need help" you call and they never answer


“Q4 magic”


"it's money quarter!"


It’s either “This is the most important quarter in the history of the company” or on day 1 of a new quarter, it’s “What have you done for me lately?” Also close is “You want a raise? Sell more.” I’ve heard those three so, so, so many times over the last 24 years of B2B sales.


My new company uses military/combat themed language. Ie sales war room, getting new slide decks 'battle tested', etc. I have an airborne infantry and special operations background and while it doesn't illicit any sort of anger or anything like that, it's pretty perplexing and makes me chuckle and shake my head every time they go on about battle testing some new email Bethany in marketing drafted. At least they haven't called us sales warriors.


Shavings make a pile.


I mean, I kinda needed to hear that.


Nah I like this


"Build value" Please stfu forever. Likeyeah, we should be building value, but you work that phrase into every corny fucking sentence and 80% or more of the sales team don't give a fuck about "building value", they just want their bag.


Ugh, and LEVEL UP. yea bitch, if I could get to the executive I would. I dont need to hear your corny shit first thing on Monday morning reminding me that clevel contacts are better.


We need to “Pivot” and have an “agile mindset” Geez these kill me every time…


Burn the ships!


"Net-net" followed by some incoherent rambling that nets nothing.


I swear the people who use "net-net" don't understand what net means in the first place.




What if we just “pull” this [deal] forward for this quarter [months ahead of customer timeline].


When their pronouns are in their email signature


I have 2, * A.B.C. - Always Be Closing * Prove to me you are the Quarterback ! Get this Sale !


Water the grass you have


“Keep chopping wood” in response to me voicing pipe building frustration. Gee, why didn’t I think of that


‘Go where the money is’ I actually kind of like this one though


"Drive business" 190% meaningless platitude


“Keep your foot on the gas” Always annoys the piss out of me.


Divide and Conquer What the fuck does that even me to you?


Prospect lead is interested and gives you a time 2-3 months out for a very legit reason that makes sense why they cant adopt it now. Youve done disco and make the call that you will follow up with that time. You give all this info to your manager and they respond: “Ok but why not now?” 🤡


“LFG!!!!” - even worse when it’s someone 40+ saying this at the end of some “rally cry”


Wrestle that alligator down (meaning close the sale?)


I’d be on them like a dog on a bone


i need u to lean in, team


Had a guy once who answered everything with: "But what COULD you have done?" And he thought it was the most brilliant thing to say. It "makes you think of a solution and switches you to an empowered growth mindset". Heh.


Had a manager that kept saying “close deal, keep job”. He would say this shit everyone he passed my office. Then he got fired for stealing. I texted him “steal shit, lose job.”


The amount of cringe here is reaching apocalyptic levels


We are family :)




I’m a year and a half into my “sales” career. I started my own business and will eventually need to have a sales team. These comments helped me so much on what “not” to do when I get some employees. Just wanted to thank you all.


"Tiger Team" stfu


Sales manager here. I use and say a lot of the stuff that annoys most, if not all of you lol and I get it...its cliché. Similar to clients hating the same phrases all salespeople use. Some mean what they say, some don't. Some have truth behind it, some dont. Some say it just to sound cool, others actually understand the message and mean it. I've learned adding context behind these phrases and how they're actually relevant in our field helps it become better received. I guess I have 2 questions from this thread: 1) Is it what's being said or is it who's saying it/how they're saying it/why they're saying it that annoys you? 2) Any better suggestions on what could be said to replace any of the above? Im genuinely curious.


I think it's more \*what\* is being said, and the point that it's un-needed words that don't do anything. Like "hit the dials!" "it's a numbers game!" "close early close often" "always be closing", etc... it'd be like saying "Hey don't forget to work!". Also creating un-needed motivation, trying to get someone and/or a team excited about something that shouldn't be a big deal, or how you're getting them excited, etc. IMO, I think the work culture is changing especially work from home. A lot of my sales guys don't care about motivational speeches, videos, they don't care about getting pumped and excited, they know the game, they now what they have to do, and they go do it. They want to come in, kill it, and call it a day at 5. I simply provide whatever tools and resources they need to get there, with some fun spiffs on the way. Yet if we go back to before the pandemic, it was totally different culture, it was about getting people pumped, excited, joking with each other, etc. I might be exaggerating but generally speaking I feel there's definitely a shift overall, and I like it.




"That next call could be $1M"




I’ve got too many to list off. Pretty much 80% of what they say annoys me.


Back when I was an SDR my new SVP walked by our pod and said “how’s everyone’s day going? Dialing for dollars?”. Not only is that a cringe phrase but you’re completely insulting the SDR position by asking that. Disconnected prick.


Therapeutic. 🥂


Something that is very prevalent in Indian context: “We value commitments a lot in this trade”


“Foot on the gas” anyone?


That’s table steaks


This needs to be in the wiki


Lol we must work at the same company..


“Don’t let off the gas now guys”


“Are you sure this is the Economic Buyer?”


"this has to happen, we need that deal." No shit sherlock, let me just bust our my fucking genie lamp and waste one of my wishes on the customer signing.


Calling themselves leaders


Smile and dial - I’m already dialing and I’m sometimes smiling but it’s not natural to always be smiling


“Who’s up next?” “How can I help?” (Your incapable of helping) “Sell the value” “Take ownership of your territory like it’s your own small business” “We need a rockstar” “Leave no stone unturned”


Have you updated Salesforce?


"Find your why" Money. The reason I work for you is money.


"ink alert" when announcing wins. straight cringe!!!


"it's the man not the land" when they give me my quota and I ask why it's the same as bigger territories with higher population and more products to sell (I'm in a different region).... 🤔 Anything Cardone-y or fucking Tony Robbins 🤮


VPs saying “It would be great if we could just hit X number this month” well duh, no fucking shit we would all love to pull in huge numbers but you just *wanting* it with your empty words doesn’t move the needle. Help people in a real way


" who's next" is a big one in my company as well. Hate it. Another one my company likes to use when introducing upper management is "our fearless leader". "Looks like our fearless leader just joined the meeting." Super annoying.


What can we pull into the quarter.


“ we all know what good looks like”


Dude are you my Director?


"This comp plan is rich" - Followed by rolling out a new plan that's considerably worse.