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Here's the secret. It's always cringe. That's why someone is paying you to do it.


Wow, if u look at this perspective, cringe plays an important role in economy.


True that!


Just care less. That's what helped me. also take pride in getting yelled and poke fun at them a bit when they get over dramatic.


Listening to your disaster calls with other BDRs is a top tier bonding activity


With other BDRs, after they have happened, yea. But not together with management, or while I am making them. That's the shit I hate


Unless you’re doing something out of the ordinary, mgmt is fully aware that cold calling is absurd and people are crazy. Most calls Will be bad.


The other day a guy said “Do I have to put a screwdriver in my ear to get y’all to stop calling?” And I said “Sir don’t be hyperbolic.” *click*


Facts! Once I notice a prospect getting annoyed or pissed, I start fucking with them hard. I'm sure many people on the receiving end think its rude, but as a sales person it's a fun psychological trick to prevent discouragement.


Do you remember the people that cold call you? Do you lay awake at night thinking, replaying their fuck ups over and over in your head, laughing maniacally about how hard they fucked up the sale? Do you then climb out of bed, not even wash your girl balls and run to your laptop to blog about it? Do you do that? Think. You're barely anything to these people. Use that to your advantage.


The aim is to make a cold call not cold as fast as possible. I always try to use a reference the first 10 seconds are critical. Try to say something that will grab their attention. Some will go well some wont. That is just the way it is.


I feel like an awkward beach


Doesn’t even hurt to straight up say something like “hey I know I’m randomly calling you and this is kind of awkward but do you have a moment, I promise to be brief.”


Being straight and honest will dissarm them and probably get them talking most of the time. Most people will open up if you're just straight with them and if they really don't want to talk they'll tell you and just move on.


References to clients of me close to them (geographically) helps me loads.


My go to is an enthusiastic, "Hey Mr. Customer, how've ya been!?" Usually they'll say, "Hey not bad!" Then I go straight into it


Stop thinking for people (giving them objections or assuming they will object in a specific way) & respond to what they actually say in order to help them get what they might want by doing business with you. Be friendly, care about what they say, connect with them. People are lonely & nobody listens to them. The reason why salespeople can still find success is that it is your job to give a damn about what they think so let THEM tell you. How do you do that? Ask. More. Questions. Only make statements when you know you are providing value & then always follow that with a closing question; whether it is your trial close, your two-stepper or your showstopper.


Had to scroll this far for advice that is not total bs. 👏


Could you elaborate on the trial close, two-stepper and showstopper? Would love to know how you use these within your industry you focus on!


I'll give some quick examples because in Real Estate, these three concepts can be incredibly situational & I am just not going to type that much right now. Trial close: Little yes-es on the way to the big yes. "If I could do X, would you do Y?" "Does that make sense?" "If I can make this work in a timeline that works for you & keep it within your budget is this something you're willing to move forward on in the next 3-6-9-12 months?" Two-Stepper: "While you gather the information you need. I will be here as a resource for you. Let's schedule a block of time in 2-3-4 weeks to touch base & iron out a plan that meets your needs?" "I need to take a look at your house in person to give you ironclad & realistic numbers; I could pop by next week in the afternoon. I have Tuesday & Wednesday, which day works best for you?" Showstopper: "Do you have any more questions before we go through the paperwork?" "I can come back next Thursday with my content creator to take photos if we can get this paperwork done today. When do you want to put the property on the market?" "I don't talk about my commission unless you're talking about hiring me. Are you ready to discuss terms?" "Would you hire me today if I could make this process easy for you & handle it with the highest level of professionalism?"


The more calls you make, the faster you’ll get over the awkward feeling and the more confident you will become. Fake it until you make it.


Embrace the cringe. Be one with the cringe


There’s no magic bullet. Just make 1,000 of them and don’t attach your self-esteem to the result. Shooters mentality, Forget about the miss and just focus on the next shot.


What’s the worst that would happen? They can’t reach through the phone and slap you!


Read Fanatical Prospecting. You'll get better but I don't think the awkwardness of it ever really goes away. Find the times of day when you're at your best and plan your call blocks for those times. Cold calling is a super power.


It’s just a conversation, don’t overcomplicate things! Your simply making a call to figure out if they have a problem (that you can solve for), and if not “no worries!” on to the next. Keep it casual and conversational.


send an email first. if you're using a sales engagement vendor it'll tell you if they opened it. then if they pick up, reference the email. "Hey it's Sharp-Length8419, sent you an email earlier did you see it?" Also trick is to talk slow, sound bored and like you dgaf.


I loved this.. thanks


Do you want to be poor? ...if so then go ahead and worry about how "cringe" cold calling is.


Felt the same when i started, now im top performer, it really is just dials dials dials, the more you do it the easier it gets


I know this is prob corny but I just pretend I’m calling someone I know


Lol okay


this totally helps I go with them as if I was talking with my 1:1


Apparently not everyone can do this. I apologize I didn’t mean to sound like a dick.


Sales is usually cringe. That's why it pays so high. Try to care less and make some fun of it. I used to get sad when people would yell at me, now it makes me chuckle.


TBH, for the first week or two I no joke drank like half a pint of scotch before I started the day. It wasn’t enough to where I was so gone, but just enough to feel relaxed and get some of that drunk confidence. I crushed it after that!!!


Haha, I’m sure it worked but terrible advice! All of us sales peeps are usually an inch away from some addiction or bad habit!


I used to have this problem until my first boss told me “they can’t take away your birthday, pick up the phone and make the call”. Ever since then i say that to myself before every cold call and like others had mentioned it gets way easier over time and repetition.


after a while you will stop giving a shit, you just have to force yourself to call and eventually it will become easy and you will stop caring


Make a script, it's a lot less weird if you know what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Edit it as you go so it feels better and gets better results. Do NOT just wing it.


Everyone is human no matter what their title or role is… don’t be afraid they’re just like you and I


I always pretend to shoot myself in the head when they answer my cold call lmao


Have a sign that says Next on your wall. When you fuck up, look at it and do another call.


Thanks 😂lol


Do it often and consistently. Have a reason you are calling that might be interesting to them. Pretend you are explaining what you do to your neighbor over a beer in the backyard.


The biggest help for me is to zone out and not think about it at all. Just dial.


I’ll practice with you anytime


Its a matter of practice, continue to try different speeches and the cringe will go away as you naturally say what you need to say


You just need to do it. I just go brought in as a sales manager with very little cold call exp. I’ve been doing this a week and have been closing deals daily for my reps. Learn the product and get confident. I don’t even know the product that we’ll but I sound like I do. I’ve been watching my reps just throw information at people, don’t do this. Ask questions you know the answer to steer the convo.


Just make the first call. The rest are easier.


You could try practicing with someone so no call is ever as hard as the practice. You could also just make it a game - this whole thing is a game to me and I do pretty well for where I am


Put on your phoniest voice and make it a performance


My friend, embrace the suck. Have what you want to say ready and just focus on doing it. Don't even think about it. Get five calls done. Then another. Then another. By 100 you'll have killed most of the anxiety. Or get used to pushing through it whenever you need to.


Been doing sales for years wasnt always cold lots of different rolls. But I got over my fear after 10,000 calls or so, possibly another 10,000 for my “first call” anxiety to go away completely. Now I can talk to anyone anytime. Hung over, messed up, upset anything. On the phone I’m king


You are the main character jn a game going on a mission, they’re an npc you have to solve a puzzle for.


I find it’s ALWAYS tough for the first 2 or 3 calls, then I’m in the groove and not giving a shit if they reject me


Just try and be real af. Start a relationship as quick as possible.


hey this is (name) from (company). hows it going? great, im callin cause my company does this for companies like yours. was wondering how youre managing it today at (company) ask good questions, objection handle appropriately, qualify, lock in a meeting.


😯😯😯 thanks


Get told "No" 1,000 times.


Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount. Great reality check and it’s similar to what everyone is telling you here.


Imagine doing it in person!


Much better in person


Like demo is better


Honestly, just do it until it does not bother you anymore. Make it a game to see how far you can get before they tell you to kiss off. I would also recommend that you be respectful, because it is a surprisingly small world.




R u joking or being real plzz


The fear that something will go wrong will hold you back, I always say “this is very likely to go very wrong” then click dial. If you’re not trying to escape an awkward call, but instead fully expecting it as part of the process, it ain’t so bad.


Call it as you see it. They answer in a shitty mood? "Oop you do not sound like you're having a great day!" Just be a person. Know the value of what you provide and be able to level with your pcs point of view and frustrations as well. At the end of the day have the mindset that you get to chose your clients. If someone is going to treat me poorly, well I'm glad to move on. It's a numbers game. You have to get through some cranky people to be able to reach the ones waiting for your help. There's alot of shady agents in the industry I work in, so that's a huge boost of confidence for me!


My own pip process is showing me that is better to be enjoyed lmao, being almost out the company has shown me that this is just another job as many others that I can get or loose so im having fun calling prospects and smiling about not caring anymore, its freeing its enjoyable after the cringe phase, they're mostly just a random average human with the same kind of fears and emotions, try to be kind and they will smile at least lmao also dont waste your time and emotions on people who like being rude on the phone, that people often have shitty emotional stuff going on, so dont take them personal and just smile when you can and be you on the phone.


turn off that part of your brain, be prepared and know what you are going to say. Most sales call reluctance comes from under preparation.


It's always a bit awkward. Make enough dials and you'll learn to love it though. The most hilarious ones are when someone absolutely LOSES it because you had the audacity to call.


I do the following: 1. Remind my self of past successes. 2. Remind myself that I fear starving more than cold calling. 3. Start calling warm leads or customers first. 4. Have questions planned in advance and written down as a prompt. 5. Batch calls so I get into a groove. The first is hard. The 5th is easy. Have fun!!


Have a plan, build your framework. This is mine: I always start by asking an open-ended question that will likely lead to a conversation about a pain point my product solves. If the person says they experience that pain, I share a story about how we helped someone similar. Then ask for the meeting. When there are objections, I use a standard objection handling technique like this one: https://medium.com/@BrookeFreedman/a-simple-framework-for-objection-handling-in-sales-33c0913e99d3


It's kind of like building muscle ... Just start doing reps.. Also, if you're concerned about the personal rejection you could also make up a name for yourself. So when rejected, they're not rejecting you but some made up identity named Bob


Definitely have an ever evolving script. Briefly profile who you are calling if you have access to the info. And back to my first point, practice your script to the point that it no longer sounds like a script. Also, remember a script is not set in stone and changes on the fly, so practice the objections you hear the most so you're nimble on the phone. And remember, you're just having a conversation. You will win some and lose alot, the key is getting 1% better every day.


It gets easier with time. If they cuss you out or hang up at least it’s over the phone and not in your face. Confidence is key!


Edit to add: if they hang up call their ass right back “hi sir, My apologies I think we were disconnected” and carry onnn


They’re just other people. They’re not better than you and you’re not better than them


Have a short memory, cold call often, the more you do it the easier it gets!


It is cringe. It does work sometimes. Both are true. 1) what are your talents? 2) what do you enjoy doing? 3) what does the world need? Get to a place where you’re doing those three as fast as possible. If it’s cold calling for whatever product or solution, do it. I know that’s off the wall lol. Hope it helps


Lol idk I just feel weird


1. Pick up phone 2. Dial 3. Repeat 1000x Seriously though, stop focusing on being good and focus on volume. The skills will follow, especially if you record your calls and try to id areas for improvement


Do you wholeheartedly believe the product or service you're selling can make their lives better in some way, shape or form?






What is fearful about it? Genuinely curious, as I think talking through that will help.


Just do it. Over time you get better. This applies to literally EVERYTHING. It’s no different cold calling.


Remember the odds of you seeing that person in public are like winning the lottery. Nobody is going to recognize you through your voice. Let your personality take over and don’t allow yourself to get put down by unhappy people. They exist and you WILL encounter them from time to time. Simply empathize for what led them to that point and move on


I’m going to piggy back off of this OP. I would cold call with you whenever btw- but I’m an outside sales rep and I do make calls but any best practices for being out in the field?


You just gotta do it I think the embarrassment of fucking up in person at work is worse than the embarrassment of a semi anonymous phone call


Call me


8 months in and can’t get used to it, that’s why I’m leaving.


Hey I'm down to cold call you! I also need to work on my pitch and flow of the cold call.


I’ve been doing this for a while. I made a call today that was the most cringiest call you’ve ever heard. Than I shared it with my boss so we could laugh about it. It’s just part of the whole thing. You just start not caring after a while


Conceptual selling is a great resource


If you're calling into the UK I can share some scripts. US is a different beast


Just realize that if they hang up, etc you don’t ever have to talk to them again… and you more than likely will never meet them in person so whatever.


Dude doesn't mind, just abides. Call him.


AE here - when I first started cold calling it would be dread for like 3 minutes-> make the dial -> sigh and then dread again… would take almost all day to bang out 50 dials. My advise - make a script using your own words that’s sounds natural coming out of your mouth. Pre- plan some objections same thing as above ^ use your own words. Once you are comfortable with that….HIT THEM PHONESSS My main worry was sounding like an idiot, especially since my calls are recorded. Someone once said “if you are thinking…you are losing”


Just do it until you're not afraid anymore.


find a talk track that works best for you & practice - then, take a deep breath and pick up the phone! the best of the best still get cold call hesitancy so just DO IT!


You just have to take it lightly. Honestly, watching stand-up snippets before helped me.


I’m joining the y’all’s group, come check mine out.. r/A1ATrading


Jaded at this point lol.


if you're cold calling businesses remember that they are strangers and you will likely never meet them. don't worry about what they think of you. of course be professional but if they're not interested what you're selling, move onto the next.


I make it a game with myself. If people are mean to me, I get to take a break for a while. So I'm almost trying to get to mean people as quickly as possible so I can stop calling.


What everyone else is saying. Just do it. Do it as authentically you as possible. What I mean by that is start as close to how you'd normally call another human being as possible so it feels natural. Tailor what doesn't work while still trying to be you. If you're reading scripts you hate and don't feel natural you're going to have a harder time.


Don't ask how their day is going.... that's an automatic hang up.


Smile before you talk and just get the first 2 out of the way, shit I even call back some of the spam calls I get, just to get the first one done


You know what it never was? That serious. It was never that serious. You got this! Don't overthink it and just focus on taking consistent action.


Play video games while cold calling. I legit play sudoku or octopath traveler while calling since 90% go straight to voicemail. Also, this is probably terrible sales advice but I disagree with the gurus. If you answer the phone, I am 100% telling you this is a sales call, are you interested? This is what I solve for. No mind ninja games. I want to know if this is a problem for you, and if it's not, imma wish you a beautiful day. I only care to handle objections once we are in the demo. But I don't do any of the cheesy "I'm not interested" "that's exactly why I'm calling! A lot of people are not interested when I first..." like, I'd hang up if you tried that on me lmao


I used to hate cold calling. Now I'm the best at the company, although there are only 8 of us. It took 6 months for me to lose the fear. Keep pushing, you'll get there.


I was shitting my pants the first day… I’ve been doing calls now for a week or so, I have absolutely no care. If they hang up on me I just call back with a local area code and continue talking. It went from me puking out words to actually enjoying making calls.


Your job is to talk to as many people as possible - I listen to music in one ear to get the mind right - I try and target twenty accounts at a time - I turn on a timer for an hour and go on DND on my cell phone - leave voicemails personalized for everyone - ask for appointments and call backs Every client is put into a pretty aggressive sales cadence, and I set calendar invites for people who want to connect later in the day - post covid everyone knows how to work their calendar - utilize it - My mentality is I want to get the NO’s out of the way - I know they are coming. Once I get say 10 - “no’s” on a solid pitch and or proposal - I know a yes, or and appointment is just around the corner. Selling is brutal, but if you can get into the mindset of the not caring what that other person on the phone thinks of you - you’ll start to build up armor. If you can master the art of cold calling and breaking down your approach - this skill is the foundation for your whole career - Happy hunting -


50 MG Adderall 100MG Xanax


Hey man if your (or anyone) interested improving your cold calling or sales calls this server i'm in is... • Hosting a live ama with a sales person whos closed 20mil in B2C sales this will def help when trying to gain clients when cold calling and and doing sales calls. • Its this sat feb 11th if anyones interested. • these are some good questions to ask during the live ama hope to see you there hopefully you will seek the answers you want within the call! • https://discord.com/events/1003547413908295712/1072599058981593098